Rice Angry With Hall Voters, Too
February 20th, 2017
Vents frustration.
Boy oh boy, Joe feels bad for the Custodian of Canton, JoeBucsFan.com columnist Ira Kaufman. He and his colleagues of Pro Football Hall of Fame voters are taking a beating.
All because baby Terrell Owens still is acting like a spoiled child. Still. And of course, the stat geeks and self-anointed guardians of the game are in an uproar.
Pardon Joe for not shedding a tear for petulant Owens. When Don Maynard retired from the NFL, he held the NFL record for career receiving yards and waited nine years to get in.
(No, you can’t point a finger at eye-RAH! for that or Marv Levy. eye-RAH! wasn’t yet “in the room,” but you are welcome to heckle him for Father Dungy.)
It seems former Bucs great Simeon Rice is also bitter at the Hall of Fame selectors. He took to Twitter over the weekend to slap some folks around.
@simeon_rice: All I here is win championships because of Legacy well I have had a legacy took at team to Super Bowl was All Pro Rookie Year still No HOF
Rice has a helluva legitimate beef. He has yet to make become a Hall finalist (final-15) to get his case presented (by eye-RAH!) and debated. Rice finished with 122 sacks, far more than a pair of defensive ends already in the Hall of Fame, Charles Haley (100.5) and Howie Long (84).
The Bucs had a potent defense, almost suffocating before Rice showed up in Tampa Bay. When Rice arrived, that Bucs defense became legendary. He was an absolute terror coming off the right edge. To this day, Joe thinks Rice should have been Super Bowl MVP.
If you ask Joe, Rice being snubbed is a greater outrage than Owens missing out. How dare the voters adhere to their guidelines and God forbid actions (Owens’ ugly pattern of Pearl Harboring teams, quarterbacks and coaches) have consequences?
Let Owens go do sit-ups and pump weights with oily Drew Rosenhaus in somebody’s driveway. Rice being unable to get his case heard by eye-RAH! “in the room” is the real tragedy.
February 20th, 2017 at 6:30 am
Agree about Rice deserving the recognition from the HOF. I always loved reading his remarks whenever he was interviewed. Definitely a different cat.
February 20th, 2017 at 6:52 am
Pablo thinks….
…. the’s No Rice and Beans about this!
Si-Meon Rice shud have a bus in Canto, Ohio.
No dou bout it!!!!
We like Rice in my country.
February 20th, 2017 at 6:55 am
One of my favorite Bucs of all time!
February 20th, 2017 at 6:56 am
The Bucs need to get Rice into their Ring of Honor pronto. If he isn’t in the ROH, how can we expect him to get any HOF love?
February 20th, 2017 at 7:27 am
Where’s the podcast?
February 20th, 2017 at 7:27 am
Better than Strahan.
February 20th, 2017 at 7:31 am
Simeon Rice should be in the Hall of Fame. He was game changer. I even went and saw his movie. Just because without him there is no Super Bowl trophy in Tampa.
February 20th, 2017 at 7:35 am
As well Rice should be upset. If Jason Taylor is a 1st ballot guy, then Rice should have at least been a second or 3rd ballot.
February 20th, 2017 at 7:37 am
And TO should have been a 1st ballot guy. Number 8 all time for career receptions. Number 2 all time career receiving yards. And the most impressive stat? Number 5 all time for career touchdowns.
Throw in the fact that he played in a certain game in 2005, the super bowl. Where he played with a broken leg, and still looked like the best player on the field. He played 62 of 72 offensive snaps for the eagles and caught 9 balls for 122 yards! With a broken leg!
February 20th, 2017 at 7:38 am
TO should be in there, regardless if he rubbed some people the wrong way.
LT was a crackhead, one incarcerated several times. And he got in no problem.
February 20th, 2017 at 8:00 am
Owens should never be in hall of fame- his disrespect for the game was far more publicized, then his talent.
Its a shame he wasnt given better guidance, somewhere along the line. Being an absolute jerk has its price
Rice was an absolute fearsome QB stalker! His speed around the edge was unique! And his quick hand sweep was such a turnover machine- that Rice would impact a QBs play from the 1st snap.
If I were to pick my All time NFL team, Simeon Rice and Charles Haley would be my designated Pass rushers at DE.
Meybe not all around DE- but absolutely pass rusher- and that belongs in the hall
Wish we had a young Simeon Rice around here now. His play was worth the price of admission
February 20th, 2017 at 8:01 am
I think Ive beaten this drum before. Absolutey should have been MVP. Two sacks , sack on the two point conversation, in the backfield shutting down Garner, chased Gannon out of the pocket towards Slires, forcing DJacks first int. Does anyone even remember Strahan in the Super Bowl? And Jason Taylor, how did he elevate the Dolphins D, they never even had a number one D with him, much less even sniff a Super Bowl.
February 20th, 2017 at 8:10 am
Simeopn Rice, The University of Hard Knocks.
February 20th, 2017 at 8:28 am
Anyone here miss those uniforms as much as I do?
February 20th, 2017 at 8:54 am
I miss those uniforms.
February 20th, 2017 at 9:09 am
When they decided to change the uni’s, they should have changed them to this:
February 20th, 2017 at 9:10 am
At least as far as the numbers anyway
February 20th, 2017 at 9:53 am
Hall lost all credibility when they enshrined a one dimensional bum with a career losing playoff record ahead of many more deserving and qualified coaches. Dungy being in the hall of fame is a disgrace and incredibly disrespectful to the coaches and players that actually earned it…
The nice guy BS is meaningless the hall is for the best of the best not feel good stories and choir boys.
February 20th, 2017 at 10:01 am
And the most impressive stat?
Being traded five times in his career…three times in the PRIME of his career.
Blake you do some excellent research…can you find me another HOFer traded five times in his career…more importantly three times in their prime? Why did that happen if TO was so great? If he was all that why did teams bail on him?
I agree with Joe on this one. Simeon deserves to be in far more than T.O.
February 20th, 2017 at 10:01 am
Sapp, Brooks, Rice, Lynch and Barber aren’t all going to get in from a d with one Super Bowl title.
85 Bears have 3 players from their d and the 2000 Ravens have 1 player so far.
Some players are HOFers and some are Franchise/Local legends Buc fans need to have some realistic expectations when it comes to how this d is viewed nationally
February 20th, 2017 at 10:10 am
@Stpete I would argue that even though he was traded all those times, by and large he had a tremendously positive transformative effect on the teams he was traded to. On the field that is…
February 20th, 2017 at 10:29 am
I love my some Rice but Jason Taylor’s stats are Far better
February 20th, 2017 at 11:09 am
Joe Namath Hall of Fame stats…….
February 20th, 2017 at 11:11 am
62-63-4 Record, 50.1% Comp Rate, 173 TDs, 220 INTs, 65.5 Passing Rate. These are Hall of Fame numbers for a QB.
February 20th, 2017 at 11:22 am
TO deserves to be in the hall , and his numbers prove it , he is only behind Jerry Rice and his stick ems.
The point about being disruptive is invalid as the hall has worse people in it , murders, drug abusers , teammate stabbers, Haley as mentioned above was no angel with his wang, etc etc etc.
Unfortunately, the hall seems to have become more of a popularity contest. I understand making him wait a year , as pay back, just as M Irvin , become he is worth and deserving. They are less accomplished people in it.
Everywhere, he went he produced. In the super bowl , he played with a broken leg and got 122 yards , almost pulled off carrying the team. No one can say he didn’t want it bad.
Even, Bill P , who wouldn’t mentioned his name , said he should in be, jerry jones came out and said he didn’t disrupt the cowboys locker room , and I could list a lot more as well .
Keeping your personal feeling aside , and purely looking at production , he deserves to be in. Isn’t that what the hall should be looking at ?
Btw , I think , S Rice should be in as well.
February 20th, 2017 at 11:31 am
Namath got in before Fran Tarkenton who, when he retired, held NFL record for touchdowns thrown and passing yards.
February 20th, 2017 at 11:38 am
February 20th, 2017 at 11:54 am
Peyton Manning got Tony Dungy into the Hall of Fame..85-27 record in 7 seasons with a Super Bowl win. The Bucs should have won at least one Super Bowl with Dungy. Without Peyton Manning Dungy wouldn’t be in the Hall of Fame.
February 20th, 2017 at 12:19 pm
Dungy being 100% 1 dimensional and his playoff failures year in and year out does not even put him the discussions for Hall of fame much less enshrinement. Tom Flores better playoff winning percentage, multiple super bowls and first minority to win a super bowl is just one example of the many coaches who accomplished more than dungy Hall and its voters have the credibility of a crackhead.
February 20th, 2017 at 12:32 pm
Sapp, Lynch and Brad Johnson all are very open they would not have won a Super Bowl without Chucky. In fact, Sapp and Lynch said it was time for Father Dungy to go (as heard on “America’s Game”).
Does that sound like a Hall of Fame coach to you? Have you ever heard anyone that played for Chuck Noll, Tom Landry, Vince Lombardi, Don Shula, Bill Parcells or Joe Gibbs say that?
February 20th, 2017 at 12:39 pm
The legend of Dungy surpassed his actual accomplishments long, long ago.
Only the bucs would call six to seven mediocre seasons and 1 good season the glory years.
February 20th, 2017 at 12:43 pm
Coaches who won division titles with the Bucs:
Chucky 3
John McKay 2
Father Dungy 1
Dude wins one division title and there are still folks who think he can walk across the bay. He likely cost the Bucs two Super Bowls because he refused to upgrade the offense.
February 20th, 2017 at 12:49 pm
Let’s not forget Hardy Nickerson – who, IMO at least, also deserves to be inducted into Canton.
February 20th, 2017 at 12:59 pm
TO belongs in the hall of fame and no matter how much hate you have for him. The sport writers just want to feel important but they are making themselves look stupid for keeping TO out.
Fyi…..Dungy got in because of his impact he had on the door being opened to minority coaches, his influence on players and communities he was involved with. If TO’s off the field behavior is keeping him out despite his unbelievable stats, then dungy’s off the field character absolutely aided him. He belongs in the hall of fame.
February 20th, 2017 at 1:01 pm
And only the Bucs would call this year 9-7 a great season and raise ticket prices.
February 20th, 2017 at 1:03 pm
Rice should already be in the HOF. But like the Pro Bowl it has become a popularity contest.
February 20th, 2017 at 1:27 pm
Tom Flores and Art Shell did ten times more for minority coaches than dungy ever did. All that off field crap has no place in the voting. Hall of fame is for the best of the best not popular overrated hypocrites
February 20th, 2017 at 2:12 pm
Simeon will get in one day, He deserves to be there, just like # 20, and # 47!
February 20th, 2017 at 2:14 pm
For once I agree with you joe! Rice should’ve been in a long time ago. He rushed against the top O-lineman in his generation and still put up those numbers. Unlike a recent guy who got in. Rices swagger alone should put him in. Do you remember how pumped he got the crowd just by being himself on the field. But his numbers and the bucs numbers with him here were that of what HOF’ers and LEGENDS are made of
February 20th, 2017 at 6:35 pm
@ tmax
Tell me how many superbowls as a coach did shell win? Better yet, tell me who is part of shell and flores coaching tree? Better yet, how many organizations call them to get their advise? Tony belongs point blank. Sorry you fail to see his significance. The fact he only had one losing season with the lowly bucs is significant all on its own.
February 20th, 2017 at 7:10 pm
How Rice doesn’t even get his name mentioned is nonsense.
Here’s another fun one people don’t even think about, Warrick Dunn is a top 20 player all-time when it comes from yards from scrimmage – ahead of players like the overrated Bettis, yet Dunn’s name never comes up.
Dunn, 18th all-time in yards from scrimmage, 22nd all-time in rushing yards and 23rd all-time in all-purpose yards (including return yardage).
Now, do I think Dunn is a HOFer? Probably not – he was a great player but not really in that category of players like Barry Sanders and Emmitt Smith. But come on, Dunn isn’t in the category of Curtis Martin and Jerome Bettis? There I disagree, if the bar is that low, then Dunn should at least be mentioned.
February 20th, 2017 at 7:32 pm
@ rod
Martin had 10 straight years of over 1000 yrds rushing. Four or 5 of those seasons he had double digit tds. He had 3 or 4 where he had 8 or 9 tds. I love dunn as i am a fsu fan but he is not in Martin’s league. No way no how!!!
February 20th, 2017 at 7:59 pm
Tony Dungy didn’t get into the Hall of Fame , for his years as a Buc coach. It was his 7 seasons with the Colts that got him in.
February 20th, 2017 at 8:15 pm
No he didnt get inti the hall of fame as a bucs coach but my question is give me another buc coach that had only one losing season
February 20th, 2017 at 8:21 pm
Rice gets in before Lynch for certain and I’m all about Buc this and Buc that.
Lynch is a Buc for life as far as I’m concerned. I don’t care where he played after here.
Rice however wasn’t originally drafted by the Bucs and put in good seasons with Zona before coming to Tampa, without me looking up the stats.
He SHOULD be in before Lynch though. As an NFL fan. I say YES!
February 20th, 2017 at 9:51 pm
this is silly
this man still spout out falsehood about being fastest to 100 sacks.
sounds familiar.
February 20th, 2017 at 10:02 pm
@ 87
Lynch balled out and went to pro bowls and all pro after he left the bucs as well so…
February 21st, 2017 at 9:18 am
I always thought Sapp’s critique of Michael Strahan compared to Simeon Rice was fair. Rice had to compete against the other team’s best offensive linemen, not their worst.