Jameis: “The Man Of Your Household”
February 20th, 2017
Jameis speaks out
Your quarterback, America’s Quarterback, is driving from Tampa to Disney World for intense training these days — and he’s arriving two hours early and has turned a high-profile doubter into a believer.
Jameis Winston sought the services of renowned trainer Tom Shaw, the former Patriots strength and conditioning coach who is prepping NFL Draft prospects at Wide World of Sports.
Shaw was candid with Disney’s internal media and told them he was unimpressed by Jameis when they met years ago.
“When I first met Jameis I wasn’t real impressed,” Shaw said. “And I told him that he has made himself into a professional. He’s a pro. He’s going above and beyond to be the best he can be, and I think that’s a big key for Jameis because he’s learning. He’s seeking out knowledge from guys that have actually been there.”
Shaw went on to say that two years ago Jameis wasn’t the guy who would be teaching and counseling the NFL hopefuls he’s sharing the field with now.
“Jameis got here at seven in the morning and we don’t start practice till 9,” Shaw said. “And that’s when you know a kid is serious. He’s driving from Tampa to Orlando to work out at Wide World of Sports. So when he is getting up that early in the morning to be here two hours early, he’s hungry. And when you’re hungry, that’s when you’re going to get better.”
Jameis was asked to explain why Shaw wasn’t impressed with him when they first met. Jameis answered indirectly, per a video on the Orlando Sentinel website, but his response was telling.
“It’s a choice to do the right thing,” Jameis said. “It’s a choice to basically put your family on your back and make sure you’re doing anything and everything to keep them happy. Not really trying to prove anything to anyone, but recognizing you are the man of your household and you have to do whatever it takes to keep them happy and do the right thing.”
Joe will assume Jameis was referencing his Buccaneers family as well as his personal one.
Regardless, it doesn’t matter. If Jameis can maintain his drive and unwavering focus, the Bucs should reap the rewards in a big way.
February 20th, 2017 at 1:54 pm
Never heard any of this about Josh Freeman
February 20th, 2017 at 2:21 pm
Coach Shaw used to be one of my coaches. He is the best speed coach in the America and a really great guy too!
February 20th, 2017 at 2:27 pm
It sounds more like Coach Shaw listened too much to the press during Winston’s college days. His leadership skills were on display for anyone to see who followed his college career. Even as a redshirt frosh James was a leader. Look to EJ Manuel’s quotes on his leadership skills early on.
Winston didn’t change, it just seems some folks are starting to see that his media portrayal was a bunch of horse sh#t.
February 20th, 2017 at 2:31 pm
Dirty Laundry sells best bucfamous.
February 20th, 2017 at 3:15 pm
Nice post… The media hatchet job that was done on Winston was just another example of the Pathetic job by the media. Journalism is extinct in America
February 20th, 2017 at 3:44 pm
Is it just me or is it disturbing to read that Jameis is physically driving himself from Tampa to Orlando every morning? Um … the kid should have a driver at worst and should be living in Orlando in the offseason at best … car accidents happen … a lot.
February 20th, 2017 at 3:54 pm
Lol u can’t expect the guy to live in a bubble.
February 20th, 2017 at 5:07 pm
I don’t think I want my Franchise driving back and forth day after day on I-4.
February 20th, 2017 at 5:08 pm
Next CBA the players will be bubble wrapped prior to leaving facility each day. The Wussiffication of America on full display with that comment. Everyone stay indoors and hide its dangerous out there. S d Florida
February 20th, 2017 at 5:11 pm
I’m not sure what is worse the people who move to Florida and cry about it being hot or the ones that want players coddled 24×7
February 20th, 2017 at 5:19 pm
Lol. Winston doesnt need a driver unless he is intoxicated.
Uber from disney to clearwater is around $100. Im sure he could afford it, but why? It doesn’t matter if he is a passenger or a driver, he could get in a car accident all the same.
Im sure he has family and friends in tampa that he likes to come home to. He has a grwat work ethic, but he isnt a machine. He needs to unwind and hang out with his friends and family too.
February 20th, 2017 at 5:20 pm
@NFLNut…Bro you ain’t the only one.Cam Newtons car accident came to mind!bit back to the article,its about dayum time we have a true professional leader guiding and sacrifing for this Bucs Life.but want he and Co just in Texas a few weeks ago training?anyways…Jameis’ hunger seems to never get satisfied.which is a great thing for this franchise!when was the last time you seen this much dedication to a team Joe?!
February 20th, 2017 at 5:21 pm
Well I wasn’t worried about him driving on I-4 until you 2 knuckleheads had to mention it and I DO believe in jinxes so thanks a lot for that in advance, if he does get into a car crash.
lol Tmax…PC is going in the trash these days. Same with the wussification of our country. Just stay tuned.
February 20th, 2017 at 5:22 pm
Tmax, those people are probably the same people. They will complain about the heat and then want to coddle players.
February 20th, 2017 at 5:37 pm
Tmax you are funny man.
February 20th, 2017 at 5:38 pm
Journalism is a dead joke today.I watch it these days only to get enraged and have a laugh..Well most all journalism I’ll admit I was not a big “joe” fan 6 years ago,boy how times are ah changing!:)
February 20th, 2017 at 5:39 pm
I stand by my comments as I’m talking about WORK and not pleasure.
I’m not saying the kid shouldn’t be allowed to drive his own car or go hang with fam & friends, but this article is about him putting in WORK in Orlando every day and just as he gets FLOWN to other cities on game day by his team, I feel his team should pay a driver to drive him to and from Orlando … that’s all I’m saying.
February 20th, 2017 at 5:46 pm
Speaking of the Tampa weather … I’ve never been there but I’ve been considering buying a winter home there and getting Bucs season tickets … how is the weather in November – March?
Anyone know what I can expect to pay for a 3/2 home with some PRIVACY and a pool but no fancy upgrades?
Also … are there any reasonable fully furnished rental homes available with PRIVACY and a pool that don’t cost an arm and a leg, as I’d like to spend one winter there before making a purchase.
February 20th, 2017 at 5:53 pm
February 20th, 2017 at 5:56 pm
NFLNut…to me lately it seems that we only have 2 seasons here in the TB area.
Hot and cold. Hot to me is anything higher than 90 degrees. Cold to me is low 40’s. Yes that’s cold to me. Not brrrr it’s too cold outside, but brrrr I’m not going swimming in that.
I’ve seen it though. Saw it yesterday as I was drinking a beer at a marina bar in Spring Hill. 3 women pulled up in a boat, bikini-clad, and hair soaking wet. This as the feels like temp to me by the water was in the low 40’s.
So if 40’s is sun and fun beach weather to you, then have at it. Personally I’d much rather live on the east coast and further south.
February 20th, 2017 at 5:58 pm
Speaking for Pablo
“Pablo is the hombre in Pablo’s hogares……Pablo & Pablo’s elongated arc have done everything possible to please Mrs. Pablos, that’s why Pablo has many, many, many childrens. Pablo is hopeful that the child tax credit remains”
February 20th, 2017 at 5:58 pm
UGH!!! Drives Joe nuts! Jenn Leigh of WFLA may be the worst culprit. Almost daily from May to November all she does is whine about it being too hot and how it is not cold and she grew up in Lakeland!
Jesus woman, move to friggin Ohio or shuddup!!!
February 20th, 2017 at 6:01 pm
I grew up on Cape Cod…and I wouldn’t go near the water if the temp outside was any lower than 70. So I have NO idea where these clowns come from that just come to Florida and jump in the water when it’s 42 degrees outside.
February 20th, 2017 at 6:02 pm
Winston could fly over to Orlando. But there is always that person who boards the plane saying I hope the plane don’t crash.
February 20th, 2017 at 6:04 pm
Probably people from Boston.
February 20th, 2017 at 6:11 pm
Joe…I’ve found that most of us do it every summer. No matter who it is. You’ll find yourself saying “it’s hot out there today”almost daily. From store to store and place to place that’s all you hear. “It’s hot out there today.” As if it’s some new revelation or something but we all do it.
I like watching northerners try to come down here in the summer and cope. That’s usually a bitch-fest.
Mother-in-law showed up here in July from Seattle. That was a trip, all albino and all. Looked like a snowman with rosy red cheeks.
February 20th, 2017 at 6:12 pm
To me 70 degrees in Florida is cold. Long underwear cold.
February 20th, 2017 at 6:20 pm
Bucs1987 …. I hear ya! I have no interest in the beach and would prefer an indoor, glass enclosed pool with a heater so I can swim in the winter … comfortably.
February 20th, 2017 at 7:20 pm
Doing whatever he can to ensure a little Brady rubs off on him I see. The golden boy can’t hold the ceptor forever. Someone positioning themselves.
February 20th, 2017 at 7:28 pm
I have been blessed to live in Missouri, Florida, Hawaii (north shore of kauai), North Carolina, Arizona, Georgia. Hottest place I have lived is Arizona, second hottest is Georgia. Florida is 3rd. I lived in Fort Myers/Naples 80-94 after living in beautiful south Saint Petersburg 1975-80, to me the weather in the Tampa/St. Pete area of Florida is very nice, hot enough in the summer yet cold enough in the winter. I want to go back to the St. Petersburg of 75-80 and my youth. We all wish we could go back, Right? I do still miss Web City!
It makes me smile ear to ear hearing and seeing our QB get interviewed and reported on about his work ethic, his dedication to getting better at his profession. His personal resolve to get those around him to want to get better.
I have my fingers crossed that Coach Shaw can correct the high and out of the strike zone throws Mr. Winston has shown he has a tendency to throw at the most inopportune times. Costing himself and his teammates more opportunities to get them most important things. W’s!
I will cheer and jump up and down with whoever we send out there to lead our team in battle. My hopes are high that Mr. Winston will overcome these and all other obstacle in his path in the pursuit to being our “savior the Super Bowl winning QB”. He will have to share that title with Mr. Johnson until he surpasses Mr. Johnsons W’s in Super Bowls for the Bucs. Reports like this grows my excitement on Mr. Winston doing just what he sets out to do.
Go Bucs!
February 20th, 2017 at 8:04 pm
I grew up between St. Pete Bch and Lakeland. Lived there for 37 years. Since then I have lived all over the Country and now live in Montana at almost 7,000 feet. I must say I don’t miss the 95 degree days with 95% humidity but I do miss the year round good fishing. I love Snowmobiling and Skiing now vs Motocross and Surfing nowadays. Never thought I would like living on a Mountain but I wouldn’t trade it for anything now.
February 20th, 2017 at 8:15 pm
NOS…we about to unleash some hell.
February 20th, 2017 at 8:44 pm
People drive that every day! Who cares if he does?it’s a game that doesn’t change my life in any way shape or format! It’s entertainment sure it’s nice to win but win or lose they don’t pay my bills just saying
February 20th, 2017 at 8:47 pm
I’m sure Jameis has enough coordination and intelligence to not get in a wreck on the interstate before the sun comes up.
Athletes are people too. You can’t expect them to live in a bubble.
February 20th, 2017 at 9:47 pm
I heard dat 87.
February 20th, 2017 at 10:38 pm
Remember when Bucs fans (even comments on this site) wanted Mariota…
February 21st, 2017 at 5:05 am
John, unfortunately some still do. I had high expectations for him coming out, but somehow, he has exceeded them in every way. Really special young man.
February 21st, 2017 at 9:23 am
kudos to Jameis to not whine about negative perceptions and not touting his “turnaround” (in other people’s eyes) or good behavior like it’s something more than what his position demands. from day 1 the kid has understood that you can’t control what others say and think about you, all you can do is let your actions speak for themselves over years and years. So nice to have a QB who sees the big picture: team and legacy
February 21st, 2017 at 11:10 am
HEll, More Bucs need to be taking this drive instead of…whatever!