Lovie Mafia Hiding In Shame
January 4th, 2017
He and his apologists exposed.
Ah, all the national pundits and those indirect salesmen fronting for former Bucs coach Lovie Smith are harder to find these days than a public payphone.
Remember last year about this time, and even before, when people screamed and hollered that Lovie needed time to build a winner? They never mentioned, however, part of that reason was Lovie thoroughly wrecked the roster when he took power of the Bucs in January 2014.
It was a two-year reign of terror.
Lovie needed time? Ha! Talk about making excuses for his horrid player personnel decisions and stubborn if not lazy coaching and misguided notions. That was nonsense then and now.
Winning coach Dirk Koetter proved it. So, too, did defensive coordinator Mike Smith.
Lovie won a grand total of eight games in his two-year stain of Tampa Bay. In his first year, Koetter won nine and was on the cusp of the playoffs.
The Bucs defense, initially under Mike Smith, struggled terribly until midseason when Koetter told his staff that if they continued to do the same thing, then why expect different results? So Smith changed up the defense and — boom! — the Bucs became a winner.
Lovie making changes midseason in the way he was coaching? BUHAHAHAHA! He was the Capt. Edward Smith of the NFL. And, boy, would Lovie get all bunched up whenever anyone dared question his methods. The nerve that the peasants speak! Let them eat cake!
The defense led the NFL this season in third down conversion percentage at 34 percent. Last year under Lovie? The Bucs were No. 30 at 46 percent.
There are other defensive stats Joe could cite, but it is clear in one season, new coaches made a marked difference on defense.
Also, for those who forget, half the new coaches hired just prior to the 2014 season got their teams to the playoffs within two years. The class of coaches that year was Jay Gruden, Bill O’Brien, Jim Caldwell, Ken Whisenhunt, Mike Zimmer, Mike Pettine and Lovie.
Hell, even Pettine, who coached in a far tougher division than the NFC South, won more games than Lovie!
O’Brien didn’t even have a quarterback and his No. 1 overall pick that year, Jadeveon Clowney, had “bust” written all over him until this season, yet O’Brien guided the Texas to the playoffs his second year. The much-maligned Caldwell got the Lions into the playoffs his first season.
Yes, there was ample evidence that the bellyaching about Lovie needing more time was horse manure. Koetter cemented that this season.
Only those who cannot coach use time as a factor to cover for their ineptitude.
For all of those frauds who ripped Team Glazer for running Lovie, where are you now? An apology is in order.
Joe maintains Lovie was the worst hire the Bucs franchise has made since the late Malcolm Glazer purchased the squad. Team Glazer recognized its mistake and wasted little time correcting it.
January 4th, 2017 at 6:22 am
Wow! Really?
There is nothing else in the current regime to write about?
Is all about the future….Simple as that!
January 4th, 2017 at 6:30 am
Apology for what? I was with the Lovie needed to go crew, but don’t need to hear a freakin’ apology from those on the Lovie train. It’s their right to their opinion, it’s simple as that. DK got the Bucs ballin’, Lovie got a job (these guys get paid big bucks, but they are people too), it’s all good
January 4th, 2017 at 6:35 am
“They never mentioned, however, part of that reason was Lovie thoroughly wrecked the roster when he took power of the Bucs in January 2014.”
Wow. And here I thought Jason Licht was the one in charge of player acquisitions and retentions.
Ask yourself this: would we have the cap room we have now if the roster had not been “wrecked”?
Seriously. We had one of the most expensive offensive lines and a cornerback who got $16 million per year.
And that offensive line was sporadic as heck. Good one year, horrible the next.
January 4th, 2017 at 6:36 am
Raheem was a bad hire too…..
January 4th, 2017 at 6:37 am
And, by the way…Koetter didn’t do all this in a year. He’s been here two years, and has the benefit of good drafts both years. Not to mention certain players were already here.
January 4th, 2017 at 6:40 am
I agree with Miko. Raheem was a horrible hire.
Yes, he went 10-6 one year…but memories seem short around here. The Bucs had one of the easiest schedules in the NFL that year. No one took them seriously because of that. The following year, the term “paper champions” began. Because on paper they looked better than they really were.
January 4th, 2017 at 6:43 am
Please shut up with this stupid crap! Give it a rest you nagging wife! Lovie Smith is dead stinkin and buried in Tampa and those who still want him are non factors. The moronicness of you keep bringing this stupudity up is beyond ridiculous. You ever make a mistake somebody should hound you people into your grave!
January 4th, 2017 at 6:59 am
Actually, Caldwell’s 3rd season with the Lions.
January 4th, 2017 at 7:11 am
Completely agree with your assessment, Joe. Lovie is garbage. Look at the regression at Illinois, too. I also agree that the media owes Dirk an apology. Remember folks,Lovie was the one that played dirty here. He smeared Dirk and the Glazers. Ask any Bears fan about Lovie and they’ll tell you how he ruined the Bears. Lovie’s stubbornness and pride is why he will never be a good coach. Was he ever really a good coach? Nope…..and the Father Dungy coaching tree is a JOKE!
January 4th, 2017 at 7:12 am
Dang Joe!
I guess you decided to pull out your big Muth-fing stick smack lovie around this morning, eh?????
January 4th, 2017 at 7:35 am
Funny, Joe was telling readers to stop calling for Lovie’s head just before his firing. I also recall remarks of from Joe saying it would impede Winston if he was fired after his rookie season. I’m sure you can find it in the archives.
First, Joe didn’t tell people to stop calling for Lovie’s head, though Joe was not calling for it. Second, the only things Joe praised Lovie for was the very important management and development of Jameis, and for hiring Koetter and Licht. Joe maintained losing Koetter would be the only impediment to Jameis. Third, your comment has nothing to do with this piece on the Lovie mafia.–Joe
January 4th, 2017 at 7:37 am
J o E is moderating my comments, afraid of criticism much?
January 4th, 2017 at 7:38 am
Lovie will never be a head coach in the NFL again.
January 4th, 2017 at 7:48 am
I think he was the worst Buc coach since Leeman Bennett and I am not sure who was worse!
January 4th, 2017 at 7:49 am
What this has to do with the Lovie mafia is that you roast them heavily, but you were never a vocal critic for his firing in the first place. Just saying. Odd that “Stop Calling for Lovie’s Head” is the title of one of your posts.
Joe blasts Lovie in that post you reference. Joe’s commentary then has nothing to do with what happened after Lovie’s firing from those who think he got robbed.–Joe
January 4th, 2017 at 8:01 am
Well, I LOVE the article Joe, and completely agree. The national media’s reaction was ridiculous ant really seemed to be about some sort of PC agenda rather than reality.
January 4th, 2017 at 8:08 am
I was all for the Lovie firing but am a bit disappointed Koetter was almost as conservative as Loser Lovie I was hoping for a more aggressive coach but instead we got a coach just as conservative with a good defensive coordinator.
I’m with the Joes Lovie was the worst Glazer hire. But if the Joes want apologies they might need to go first with their wanting Manziel over Carr, calling Vic Beasley a bust and countless other awful player evaluations.
January 4th, 2017 at 8:17 am
Again, I’m just informing your readers of where you stood beforehand, you said Lovie should not be fired. You said he needed more time yourself. Easy to beat your chest now, huh
January 4th, 2017 at 8:22 am
I’m not disagreeing with you, J 0e. I agree his firing was sensationalized and absurd.
January 4th, 2017 at 9:06 am
Gotta love the, prove Joes wrong on their own site, crowd. NOT!!
January 4th, 2017 at 9:11 am
All of this Koetter is to conservative garbage is getting old. So you wanted him to open it up and throw to who exactly. Whenever we threw on 1st down everyone was covered and it lead to 2nd and 10. I mean watch the games before making these ridiculous statements. Again if your going to say “open it up” you better have the weapons to open it up to. So in that last game Jameis was going throw it to Evans, Hump and ……………….? Simms, oh wait, Jackson, oh wait, Brate, oh wait, Shorts, oh wait, Murphy, oh wait. Luke Stocker, Brandon Meyers, Freddie Martino yeah you’re right we should have just opened it up and attacked all day with those guys they are unstoppable.
January 4th, 2017 at 9:29 am
U kick Lovie but give bucs gm Mr. Licht a grade of b+….He has wasted draft picks, ,bust of free agents and bucs have the same holes as b4 last years draft. Yet Joe defends him. I wonder why???
January 4th, 2017 at 9:52 am
Lmao worst coach in decades and there are still simpletons out there trying to defend this clown
January 4th, 2017 at 9:53 am
Lets face the facts!!!! The Tampa 2 mafia was waiting for failure this year!!!! They did not want to hear about all the division leading teams that the Bucs played this year!!!! They are disappointed and sulking!!!! Where is bighogheinous anyhow!!!!
As one of the most vocal leaders for years for the Bucs improvement!!! I cannot tell you how proud I am for all the hard work and beatdowns of the sheep, lovie loyalist and dimwits on these comment pages!!!! Because everything I have asked for happened this year and look how they improved!!!!!
I will have to decline as my time is at a premium this year!!! The Buc Realist is in much demand in many area’s, so the show of ” being “REAL” with The Buc Realist” will not be possible, ( even though it was just an idea)!!!
Go Bucs!!!!!!!!!
And GO JOEBUCSFAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
January 4th, 2017 at 10:13 am
Whatever LOVIE did do got us to where we are today and whatever LOVIE did not do got us to where we are today, Joe you always mention those very few times when a coach takes over a team and in two years they are play-off bound, that is a rarity, once I saw VJACK was not going to play up to his usual high-standards, I knew we would not make the play-offs, Joe we were never on the cusps of anything remotely close to making the play-offs! But we did win 9 games and anything less than a play-off birth in 2017 would be unacceptable to me! But you keep feeding them mushroom food and I’ll keep shoveling the sh*t!!
January 4th, 2017 at 10:39 am
Lovie’s personel decisions were just brutal. He had two guys playing corner (Verner and Banks) Who apparently don’t fit his scheme. Then the next two (Jenkins and Jennings) turned out to be worse. Finally Moore and Jude played decent, but it’s no surprise we gave up 70% completion that year when you have a revolving door at cornerback. I don’t recall ever seeing anything quite as absurd, esp mid season.
And what did he say after the first Rams game. “I didn’t want to put up more points” What the f does that even mean? The Glazers must have been sitting there like “please no”.
Now Lovie wasn’t as bad as some on here portray. But lets just say going with Koetter was the right move. By far.
January 4th, 2017 at 10:40 am
Wow – a Big Hog sighting.
So Hog – now that Koetter has achieved your personally imposed (albeit math challenged) standard of “improvement” in his 1st year – why have we not seen even a word of acknowledgement or congratulations from you in this regard?
January 4th, 2017 at 10:45 am
BigHogHaynes …funny how NOBODY shares your view. I mean NOBODY’S on the same page with you.
We’re not even in the same book.
We just laugh at you now.
January 4th, 2017 at 10:47 am
Pickgrin…this is why.
“But we did win 9 games and anything less than a play-off birth in 2017 would be unacceptable to me!”
Is there a bigger ass in the Tampa area?
January 4th, 2017 at 10:48 am
Lovie of course would have had us in the playoffs this season…
Once he of his vast defensive knowledge figured out how to stop a slant…
Mike Smith did.
January 4th, 2017 at 11:22 am
Pickgrin: I have acknowledged in a post that Coach K did his thing in getting this team to 9 wins ad my posts were self explanatory: 9 wins would show improvement! Buc1987: lets be clear, i never said LOVIE would have us in the playoffs this year….but are we a playoff team today? And I don’t post for you or any other person to be on the same page as myself, I just write what I feel and move on! Is there a bigger ass in the Tampa Bay Area? I’m sure of it!
January 4th, 2017 at 11:48 am
I can’t figure why the Glazers hired him anyway. Clueless I suppose.
January 4th, 2017 at 12:11 pm
Yeah, I got a new one. BigLogStains!
January 4th, 2017 at 12:16 pm
I have acknowledged Coach K’s accomplishments in an earlier post. Buc1987 I don’t post so as to be on the same page as you or anybody else. Is there a bigger ass in the Tampa Bay Area? I’m sure there is!!
January 4th, 2017 at 12:27 pm
Mikadeemas: So disrespectful, but since it so early in the new year: Happy Holidays to you!
January 4th, 2017 at 12:36 pm
Raheem Morris was thrown into the HC position by the Glazers. He thought he would move up to Defensive Coordinator which he was ready for. Wrong! Glazers said HC or hit the road, jack. Isn’t he the one coaching the division winning Dixie Chicks’ receivers this season? Jay Gruden is working a minor miracle turning Washington around. Didn’t they just miss the playoffs, too? That franchise has been roadkill for years. Bet the Bengals wish they had Jay back as their OC. I don’t miss Lovie, but I’m sure glad he brought DK in! 🙂
January 4th, 2017 at 12:43 pm
Look, Lovie is gone but Lovie liked Jameis, Koetter preferred Mariota. Also hired Licht and Koetter. Yall blame him for failures with the roster but give credit to Licht for the good moves.
January 4th, 2017 at 1:44 pm
Why is Joe still talking about Lovie Smith??? smh
Dirk would be so disappointed in Joe still talking about yesteryander.
get over it
January 4th, 2017 at 1:45 pm
Buc Fan in NC Says:
“Koetter preferred Mariota”
Source link please.
What? It doesn’t exist and you made that up? Ok – That’s what I thought….
January 4th, 2017 at 1:46 pm
Everything is crystal clear in hindsight. I don’t have a problem with the “I told you so”, it’s the delivery. Lovie’s been gone, why poke the vocal(ish) minority?! Heck, why bring this up at all?! If we’re all fans here, it shouldn’t matter. The TEAM is better. The TALENT is better. The COACHING is better. Alas, our record is better!
Bury this please.
Go Bucs!!!
January 4th, 2017 at 2:02 pm
Lots of people root for losers around here.
But lovie is a great man of principle and a Christian. Pfsst please. All anyone gives a darn about in this league is wins.
January 4th, 2017 at 2:12 pm
The best thing about firing Lovie was getting Mike SMith as DC.
Dirk had a couple Lovie esque moments that cost us the Raiders and Rams game.
Mike Smith’s defense saved Dirk in the Chiefs, Seahawks, Panthers games.
We’ll find out more about Dirk when/if Mike Smith leaves. His offense struggled the last two months.
I say that as someone who wasn’t angry Dirk was the HC or that Lovie was fired. I just didn’t see Dirk as HC material yet. Atlanta has been better offensively now that he’s gone.
I’m still rooting for Dirk to be a great HC though. Just not going to declare that he’s the guy because our defense won us some games late.
January 4th, 2017 at 2:48 pm
Ok Hog, you’re right, my apologies. I should respect the Big Hog. Just don’t like your opinions. Happy New Year, man! And Go Bucs!!
January 4th, 2017 at 2:53 pm
J oE likes to stir things up. Period. It just cracks me up how he does it almost pretending he was one calling for his ouster before his firing. That’s just not true, no matter how he tries to defend it. The archives prove he never asked for Lovie’s head on platter.
January 4th, 2017 at 3:05 pm
With Lovie, all 11 players on defense were Sabby the Goat.
January 4th, 2017 at 5:02 pm
As I have stated a thousand times, The Glazers were dumb to give Lovie complete control of Football Operations. They were willing to do the same for Chip Kelly. They gave Schiano similar power, you make your bed, you lie in it.
January 4th, 2017 at 5:17 pm
Source link please.
What? It doesn’t exist and you made that up? Ok – That’s what I thought….
Lets not act like Dirk is a step up. Mike Smith made the difference. Our offense regressed badly.
January 4th, 2017 at 7:46 pm
Mikadeemas: No need for an apology, after that 9th win I knew I had to “man-up” GO BUCS!!