A Little Fantasy Football
January 25th, 2017
Could an All-Pro receiver be on the market?
Joe’s not big on fantasy football — that’s Todd Wright’s expertise — and Joe is not going to tread on his turf.
But in a bit of a twist, let’s do some fantasy football thinking for the Bucs.
Or is it more reality than we think?
There are murmurs in Pittsburgh that Antonio Brown, at worst the NFL’s No. 1B wide receiver, could be on the trading block.
The creator, curator and overall guru of Pro Football Talk, the great Mike Florio, thinks the Steelers are leaking items to the league’s house organ NFL Network in an effort to drum up trade talk for Brown.
On face value, Joe can see this happening, but the subject(s) of the leaks are not exactly putting Brown in a favorable light. If Pittsburgh is trying to gin up interest in an effort to ship out Brown, why the hell would the Steelers leak negative information on Brown, thus driving the price down or perhaps chasing off suitors? That doesn’t really add up.
So Joe turned to one of the most respected NFL reporters in the land, Ed Bouchette of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. The man has covered the Steelers for over three decades. He knows that team as well as he knows his family.
In a chat on his paper’s website, Bouchette typed he “would not dismiss” the chances of the Steelers shipping out Brown and believes Brown could be had for a first round draft pick.
Brown has one more year left on his contract.
Bouchette also noted Brown, who will turn 29 this summer, is not a cancer but is a diva. (Welcome to the world of NFL wide receivers.) He apparently also has a six-figure contract with Facebook.
You want #WeaponsForWinston? It doesn’t get any more dangerous than Brown. You pair up Antonio Brown, a true deep threat, with Mike Evans and go get a running back, and now you are cooking with gas.
To listen (and watch) Florio discuss the Steelers possibly shopping Brown, click below. Video courtesy of NBC Sports.
January 25th, 2017 at 5:07 am
Wouldnt mind giving up a 1st for him. Doubt it will happen tho
January 25th, 2017 at 5:34 am
Deja Vu … didn’t we give up a #1 pick to rent Darrelle Revis for 1 year? Plus pay him $16 mil just for honor? But hey, we did get 2 INTs & 1 sack in return to go with our 4-12 record that year so I guess it was worth it.
Bucs have a solid philosophy for building a long-term winner: Build through the draft then add FAs to fill interim holes. Giving up a 1st rnd pick and paying out mega-bucks to fill an ‘interim’ hole for potentially just 1 year goes counter to that IMHO.
January 25th, 2017 at 5:52 am
And on the topic of WR targets. Man, Cooper Kupp looked really good on the 1st day of Senior Bowl practice. Topped off with the interview he did, which was also very impressive, he could be a 2nd round target now. I thought he would be late day 2 early day 3 originally. Looks like a legit #2 receiver.
January 25th, 2017 at 5:55 am
Puff Puff pass!
January 25th, 2017 at 5:58 am
not the type of character i want to see on the team…..pass
January 25th, 2017 at 5:59 am
This would not be like Revis, this would be more like Keyshawn, the Bucs pick is low, so it would likely cost them more than a first, maybe a third next year also
January 25th, 2017 at 6:04 am
If all it would take is a 1 then do it. Won’t happen though.
January 25th, 2017 at 6:16 am
January 25th, 2017 at 6:32 am
So you would pay Evans 13-15 mil per AND Brown 13-15 mil per? AND give up a #1? Nope, not goona do it. This team needs complimentary pieces, just like Joe’s good friend The Commish said. Give me Kenny Stills, Kenny Britt, or if you are handing out big cash, T. Pryor and he will not cost you the draft pick either.
January 25th, 2017 at 6:38 am
Trade for a 1st rounder,go and get AP,pick up 2 WRs in the draft and boom!we have lift off!,” HOUSTON WE HAVE A PROBLEM!!!TAMPA BAY IS BALLIN!
January 25th, 2017 at 6:51 am
Unless he signs a new contract u can’t give up a 1st round for 1 season. He will just go elsewhere afterwards. I would love him to be in Tampa but can we afford to in 2 years to be paying 25+million a season for 2 wr albeit 2 of the best? Plus we gotta lock down winston the following season [3yrs from now]. That would likely be damn near 50 mil for 3 players on offense
January 25th, 2017 at 6:57 am
I don’t see this happening. We have a number 1 WR already who is younger. We are looking for number 2 and 3 WRs.
January 25th, 2017 at 6:58 am
Ok so I play fantasy football. He is the best receiver in the league hands down. HE isn’t l a head case like OBJ. Are you kidding me. All the posting In front of me are clueless. Look at his numbers He caught around 150 balls last year. He is the best. Better than Julio (injury guy) and better than Evans. We have a few years before Jameis gets big deal . What are we gonna take with first pick #19..this year….a receiver…well instead of guessing on guy in draft and needing time to develops…how bout getting the best to match with Evans and pay both. Unstoppable offense. I could be the running back with defenses trying to stop both receivers.
Never happening though, as this is smoke and mirrors. Steelers doing it to get him back in line. You don’t let the best receiver over the last few years go away cause he may be worried about stats. That is a lot of guys in league
January 25th, 2017 at 7:02 am
Who ARE these people who wouldn’t jump at the chance to get AB? Do you guys WATCH games??? Hell yes we should go get Antonio Brown if he can be gotten!
January 25th, 2017 at 7:15 am
I fully agree with you. AB is the best WR in the NFL. NO WAY we get anything close to his talent at #19 in the draft. And as he has one year left in his deal, I would extend his contract before giving up a 1st round pick, otherwise I am not sure I would trade for him on a one year deal. #WeaponsforWinston would become #MassiveWeaponsforWinston
Now, back to reality – no way the steelers let him go. I don’t buy it.
January 25th, 2017 at 7:17 am
All these saints out there that would pass on the opportunity to get arguably the best receiver in football because he is a #1 receiver and we already have one or due to “character” issues really need to stop and examine what it is that teams are supposed to be doing out there, win football games. Anyone remember when Gruden could find a way to put Bryant and Galloway on the field at the same time? Absurd then and absurd now.
“Complimentary pieces” = good football players. There are plenty available to upgrade just about every position and we have the money and draft resources to compete for talent.
Stop striving for mediocrity.
January 25th, 2017 at 7:18 am
^^^ “…when Gruden could *not* find a way…”
January 25th, 2017 at 7:30 am
Yeah right, the Steelers are going to let him go the day after Big Ben announced he was thinking about retiring. Not going to happen.
January 25th, 2017 at 8:03 am
Mcruzer if that’s true it would make even more sense since they’ll probably have to go into rebuilding mode so extra draft picks would help? Or do they have a capable QB waiting in the wings? Don’t know enough about the Steelers
January 25th, 2017 at 8:39 am
guys this isn’t going to happen, yes he is a great WR. It’s not going to happen because the Steelers will not likely let him go. It’s not going to happen because we have ME and other needs. Sure he would fill the need of a WR but there are others that fill that need. I don’t think the Bucs will go WR in the first round anyhow so it makes even less sense. If we had no other needs and we fell just short of the playoffs sure this move makes sense.
January 25th, 2017 at 8:44 am
Sounds like a bunch of BS to me.
Talk about your perfect compliment to Evans though… God, Winston would have a field day with those two receivers to throw to. Yea – that’s quite the “fantasy”.
January 25th, 2017 at 8:58 am
Dallas Buc you are right on with the bucs need to start winning but there is no way this is happening esp after big ben was whining basically about needing upgrades to his t
January 25th, 2017 at 9:23 am
Numbers wise yea he may be the best,but pay attention super Sunday and see of Belichess is able to contain Julio they way he was to bottle up Nino Brown. Then come back and comment about who’s best.
January 25th, 2017 at 9:28 am
My only worry is we’d have like 30-40 mill tied up in 2 WRs. Not sure we can make that work or not but if we can sure do it
January 25th, 2017 at 9:31 am
Dusthty- I do not think it will happen either for many reasons but if it is within idiot Licht’s control and he passes him up because we already have Evans or “character ” concerns I’ll be pist
January 25th, 2017 at 9:40 am
feel You Lord but I also feel what Dallas is saying from this standpoint. At some point we may need to add a blockbuster free agent to get over the top. I understand building thru the draft but I recall years ago the 49ers having trouble getting past the cowboys. They went an snag Dieon Sanders and won a Superbowl the next season. Lets not be so locked into this “nahh we’ll pass” mindset that we miss out on attaining a piece that could be the difference in winning a chip or coming up a little short in acquiring one.
January 25th, 2017 at 9:40 am
I say this is a good thing for the Bucs hear me out guys fist let me say no to getting brown great wr he would cost to much but let’s get with my reason this is good we all want Corey Davis or mike Williams in Tampa so let’s say they put brown on the block &Esau the titans or Philadelphia trades to get him cause those two teams are the only threat that really need a wr our chances of get Corey Davis goes even higher
January 25th, 2017 at 9:43 am
@Joe…stop teasing me.
88…I say Davis falls to 19.
January 25th, 2017 at 9:56 am
Maybe 87 some mocks say Arizoa at 13. Which dose make since Fitz ain’t getting no younger.
January 25th, 2017 at 10:44 am
no way they can afford AB…not with the contracts of evans, Winston , marpet and kwon coming up….unless they unload verner, vjax and everyone’s favorite player, GMC….lol….
real talk, I think jameis has the brady effect meaning he can make average wr look like all pros….
be patient, build the oline to protect jameis and open holes…build the dline to stop the run up the middle and qb pressure around the edges and we’ll be fine….GO BUCS!!!!
January 25th, 2017 at 10:50 am
For everyone saying we shouldnt get him stfu n stop comparing him to revis he’s not that much of an asshole so with that said we should trade for him him and evans would b unstoppable jump back in first round late and draft the runner back out of texas or toledo
January 25th, 2017 at 11:33 am
Can’t argue he an ME would be sick.
January 25th, 2017 at 12:41 pm
Okay guys I’ll handle it from here… 1st GET BROWN by giving up Stocker, Russel and a third rd pick and some money. This keeps you with your #1 overall pick. 2nd get Mixon since he’ll probably fall to the 2nd rd, and he’s seems like the most Pro ready back in the draft which still saves you money and fills a huge need or you can pursue AP… 3rd get Hendrickson since we all know he’s a beast with a motor!!!! Are you listening…. LICHT, JOE and Operations.
January 25th, 2017 at 2:04 pm
Would hate to address the D-line through FA so we can change the order but we need a formula to either get AB,AP and Hendrickson or AB, Mixon and Hendrickson these three fills all needs except O line but that too can be addressed in the draft…
January 25th, 2017 at 2:21 pm
I know giving up 2 players and money seems steep but the return should be emense and Stocker hasn’t really produced and Shepard has only been like a situational player so not too much value has been lost here so as I stated before we need to focus on the formula not just for these players but for the true needs of the team!!!
January 25th, 2017 at 3:30 pm
Wow. I would give up 2 first round picks for the best receiver in football who is still very young in a heartbeat. Stop worrying about Evans money. The man is going to be paid very soon but if he has an issue with someone else getting paid then clearly he isnt focused on the right things anyways. Antonio is exactly what we are looking for to complement Mike. This is a no brainer. With that being said, I just dont see any chance the Steelers let him go.
January 26th, 2017 at 12:13 am
I’m not buying any of this B.S. Steelers are just making AB “toe the line” and flexing on him. The Steelers in no freaking way are going to let the best or second best receiver in the game go for a 1st rd pick especially if said pick were #19. This is a pipe dream. I’ll keep my focus on D Jax.
January 30th, 2017 at 5:56 pm
Keyshawn was worth two 1st rounders – which, considering his production and importance to the offense and the fact he turned into the Galloway trade was actually worth the money. I know the knee jerk reaction to the stat watchers would be to say Brown is better than Keyshawn was – which isn’t the case, they’re two completely different players, but Brown is EASILY worth a 1st rounder and probably a 2nd or 3rd at the very least. If the Bucs can get Brown for their 1st rounder, wow, you do that in a second. Evans can get a new deal – but that deal doesn’t start until 2 years from now I don’t believe, yeah Winston, Kwon, the OL picks, they’ll all need new deals – and if you do the math, the Bucs have no money issues anytime soon. Load up on paying WRs and go cheap at RB where you pick a 3rd rounder or something and run him into the ground until they hit FA – you can offset this.
Wow, seriously if Brown is available – trade for him – he’s the perfect fit with Evans as they’re completely different players and would instantly make the entire offense much better. Some 1st round rookie WR who you have no idea if they’ll be any good or not does not provide any of that. Brown should be solid for the next 5-6 years I’d guess and could have a Steve Smith like career as they’re the same types of players.
Man do it.