Chucky And The Colts
January 22nd, 2017
“Why the f@*$ would I want to work 18 hours a day, 300 days a year and live in Indiana when I can keep conning BSPN by living in Florida and working 60 days a year? Jiminy Christmas!”
Roughly a week ago it was learned the greatest coach in Bucs history, Chucky, turned down the advances of shady Indianapolis owner Jim Irsay to lead the Colts.
Well, yesterday, Irsay fired maligned Colts general manager Ryan Grigson. This tells Joe that Chucky was likely offered full control of the Colts, since their GM was run off just days after Chucky spoke publicly of the job offer.
Joe is going to guess Irsay didn’t just wake up yesterday and have an epiphany while eating his corn flakes, especially when the NFL draft process was already in overdrive with the East-West Shrine Game practices and Senior Bowl scouting kickoff this week.
At any rate, Gary Gramling of isn’t much of Chucky fan. He raked Irsay over the coals for even thinking of hiring Chucky.
Every offseason, I feel like the owner who most shows you his ass is whomever chases Jon Gruden. So, take it away, Jim Irsay…
I don’t want to say Gruden can’t coach, but let’s do our best Matlock impression and examine this more closely: Gruden hasn’t coached a game since the George W. administration (Jeff Garcia was his quarterback!). After winning the Super Bowl in which the Raiders forgot the opposing coach knew all their plays, Gruden went six games under .500 in the regular season and failed to win a playoff game over six seasons. He was an offensive coach who had kinda meh offenses—some might say middling at best, you might argue good considering the mediocre talent, but no one is looking back on those teams and having their face melted by the power of Ernest Graham.
He’s been out of the game. At this point, Gruden is “guy on TV.” That’s not a qualification for running an organization. If you wanted what Gruden brings from a football standpoint, you should have just hired Sean McVay. He took another job, but surely he’d have been willing to listen if you gave him a chance to work with Andrew Luck.
Joe has stated this many times and it is virtually concrete now that Chucky turned down a chance to coach one of the NFL’s best quarterbacks in his prime: Chucky is not coaching again.
Just about any coach would run through a brick wall for a chance to coach a team led by Andrew Luck.
However columnist eye-RAH! Kaufman isn’t convinced. He’s confident Chucky will return to the sidelines in a couple of years, a topic on the recent Ira Kaufman Podcast.
January 22nd, 2017 at 7:29 am
Chucky has already won his Super Bowl and has a great gig right now. Never say never, but … Chucky would have everything to lose and very little to gain by coaching the Colts. Seriously doubt he’d even entertain the thought.
January 22nd, 2017 at 7:38 am
Gruden won the SB by knowing the opposition (Raiders) like the back of his hand. He never gambled with the Bucs O like he did with the Raiders. Not impressed with him then, and could care less now. DK is building the O like Gruden should have done. More impressed with his brother Jay as a coach as his record as the Bengals’ OC and now the Washington HC speaks for itself!
January 22nd, 2017 at 7:43 am
Two things:
1.) Gruden has not coached since 2008; that has been almost a decade. In that period of time the NFL has changed. Offenses have changed. Gruden would not be able to adapt to today’s NFL.
2.) Case in point: His entire tenure in Tampa revolved around, well, a revolving door of quarterbacks that he either ran into the ground or misused.
Conclusion: Gruden was ALWAYS an overrated coach. Jay Gruden is a far better coach and far more down to Earth.
January 22nd, 2017 at 7:44 am
@ orlbucfan:
He cut his teeth sharp with the Storm and Predators.
That said, still incredibly sad that after 25 years the Preds are no more. However, somehow the AFL is going to play in 2017 with only five teams. Good luck.
January 22nd, 2017 at 7:45 am
If Gruden ever coaches again it sure won’t be for someone like Irsay – a drunk, nasty, hypocritical SOB crook.
January 22nd, 2017 at 7:54 am
No one ever mentions the fact that the Raiders defensive players knew Gruden playbook just as well as, if not better than the Bucs defenders…smh…
Chucky has a sweet gig now…Commentators have that best job in the world…they get to critique athletes that are doing things physically that they could only dream of…If you’re a commentator that makes millions of dollars a year why the heck would you leave that job to coach in the NFL where the job security is non-existent…makes no sense…I always thought Gruden was slightly overrated as a coach but I have to admit, I love his commentary…
January 22nd, 2017 at 8:02 am
Artemis Rand Says:
January 22nd, 2017 at 7:44 am
@ orlbucfan:
He cut his teeth sharp with the Storm and Predators.
That said, still incredibly sad that after 25 years the Preds are no more. However, somehow the AFL is going to play in 2017 with only five teams. Good luck.
I hear and agree with you about the Preds and the AFL. My hubby produced the opening shows back in the AFL Glory Days. That’s how I met both Jay and Sherry Gruden. Jay was already HIGHLY RESPECTED as a wunderkind player for the Storm. His player/coaching record persuaded the Bengals to hire him. They are both real good people, and Jay is NOT the egomaniac his brother is. Back to the Bucs. 🙂
January 22nd, 2017 at 8:13 am
“…you might argue good considering the mediocre talent…”
this tells me he doesn’t know much about Chucky. Chucky picked the talent, and he was very bad at it. BUT, they guy could coach, no question.
January 22nd, 2017 at 8:47 am
@ orlbucfan:
I have met both Jon and Jay; Jay is a tall guy, about 6’2. Really approachable and down to Earth. Easy going. Jon is the opposite. Little fella, maybe 5’5″, tops.
I met Jon at a Preds game years ago. After a tough loss to the Storm I told him we would get them back in the rematch in Tampa. Jon proceeded to slap me on the butt and told me to keep my head up. Grabbed a big chunk of backside too. Wasn’t expecting it and to be frank, I thought it was kind of creepy, lol…
January 22nd, 2017 at 8:55 am
Ever been to Indianapolis?
Chucky has been hugely successful on and off the field, and doesn’t have to deal with you morons who ran him out of town. Or, some other cities morons.
I love the “he only won cause he knew the raiders” as if getting to the super bowl through Philly was like buying a loaf of bread at Publix.
January 22nd, 2017 at 9:37 am
This is neither here nor there but did you guys hear about Chris Christie going on the radio in NYC and calling Eagles fans a bunch of despicable bums and lousy people ?
Wow. He said he hates that town and their fans. Well, I guess he won’t be running for national office any time soon, lol…
January 22nd, 2017 at 10:02 am
Artemis takes this lead for most random, off topic, and uninteresting post for 2017. Good luck Art! I think you have a good shot at winning the award even though it is just January.
January 22nd, 2017 at 10:04 am
Well said Eric. Also the o line gelled in second half of the season, Pittman got better as the year went on, Brad Johnson played the best he ever had and our D did that to a lot of good teams!! Rob Johnson even won a couple of games. So thanks Chucky!!!
January 22nd, 2017 at 10:04 am
Artemis….he’s not running for office because he’s too busy running from prison after “bridgegate”.
One factor we haven’t discussed about Chucky is baby brother Jay. Chucky is very intimately involved in what’s going on in today’s NFL and what it’s like to be a coach in 2017. If Chucky sees Jay having a ton of fun he may reconsider. If he sees Jay getting hounded by the media and putting up with prima donna jocks he may realize his current gig is golden. Just sayin’.
I largely agree with Joe. Chucky has made it no secret that he never got to work with a franchise QB and he always dreamt about it. If he didn’t take the chance to coach one of the best in the league he’s probably done.
BTW as far as Indianapolis being a bad place to live…a link from the New York Times from 2014. You guys should celebrate if your St. Pete people…St. Pete was selected by the Times as one of the top 52 places in the WORLD to visit.
Capetown South Africa was first but if you scroll you’ll find us at 49th…and Indianapolis is 34th. Read it if you want to find out why the Times likes Indy and US!!!
January 22nd, 2017 at 10:10 am
hey, I could care less about his politics. I don’t even know (or care to know) what his politics are or what party he belongs to but I just got a kick out of someone who is a public figure talking like that.
Everyone is so down the middle with bulletin board type stuff that we no longer hear that type of talk.
Remember when Buddy Ryan used to do that all of the time ?
Yeah, it was big mouth talk but I kind of miss it…
January 22nd, 2017 at 10:13 am
My greater point begin this:
When was the last time a player trashed an opposing city and it’s fans ?
John Rocker ? Geez. That wasn’t even funny either.
Maybe Rex Ryan ? He did it in such a “diplomatic” way though. I miss the old Raiders-Steelers, Buddy Ryan, “I hate them and their town”, Bryan Cox, etc.. type of bluster.
The NFL is too straight laced in that regard…
January 22nd, 2017 at 10:59 am
Not a Gruden fan, hear him rarely as he moved to the upper level of pay for sports talking heads. He could hold out for part ownership of the Dolts. Right place at the right time, nothing more. I’ve driven through Indy, man that’s depressing.
January 22nd, 2017 at 11:43 am
Greatest coach in Tampa Bay history!
January 22nd, 2017 at 11:44 am
Am i the only dude that thinks gruden was garbage for the bucs? He totally dismantled that team and drafted horribly…..dungy we was a force for a decade….we wuld have wom a super bowl under him…..gruden dismantled the bucs…..he was terrible at drafting,…..i think he sucks…to be honest
January 22nd, 2017 at 11:47 am
Artemis Rand…I concur.
“Maybe Rex Ryan ? He did it in such a “diplomatic” way though. I miss the old Raiders-Steelers, Buddy Ryan, “I hate them and their town”, Bryan Cox, etc.. type of bluster.”
I miss Warren Sapp.
January 22nd, 2017 at 11:54 am
Scott hunter …I could go on for days debating this with you and why you’re wrong. Hopefully someone with more time on their hands than I have today can do that for you. I have to dip right now, but I’d sooo love to break it all down for you. So I’ll keep it short.
Dungy would have never won a SB. Time was wasting by. No SB for Brooks, Sapp etc.. Nearly 1/2 of the roster was revamped in Gruden’s first season. The team traded away a lot to get him thus restricting what they could do in the draft. Lot’s of stuff went into play to win that first and ONLY SB. It was all worth it for me even the years afterwards….
Be back later.
January 22nd, 2017 at 12:25 pm
Buc1987 Says:
January 22nd, 2017 at 11:54 am
Dungy would have never won a SB. Time was wasting by. No SB for Brooks, Sapp etc.. Nearly 1/2 of the roster was revamped in Gruden’s first season. The team traded away a lot to get him thus restricting what they could do in the draft. Lot’s of stuff went into play to win that first and ONLY SB. It was all worth it for me even the years afterwards….
Be back later.
What does 1987 mean in your un? When you were born or when you became a Bucs fan? The Buccaneer Defense was so good by 2001 that all they needed was an O who could get close for a few field goals. Plus, no turnovers. Bucs were known for their defenses before Dungy. Go check out their history. All Gruden did was plug a few minor holes in the O like Brad Johnson. He never called the risk-taking West Coast offense that made him in Oakland. I never met him, but I find it interesting that he’s physically smaller than Jay. That’s why he never PLAYED football. His brother did.
January 22nd, 2017 at 1:20 pm
Gruden’s tenor was burdened with salary cap issues and then by the Glazers not spending any dough after they purchased their other “football” team.
January 22nd, 2017 at 1:48 pm
orlbucfan …1. 1987 was when I became a fan at 17.
2.There’s nothing historically good about anything in the Bucs past imo.
3. Over 50% of the roster was overturned when Gruden took over. FIFTY!
Pittman, JJ, and McCardell ring a bell? There’s much, much more.
All Gruden had to do…was plug a few holes like Brad Johnson??
How long have YOU been a fan? Dungy brought in Brad. I’m a BIG Dungy fan too, so you can’t go there.
If you fans don’t remember how much better the O was in his first season compared to ANY of Dungy’s, then that’s your problem. No Gruden, NO Super Bowl.
January 22nd, 2017 at 2:38 pm
Buc1987 Says:
January 22nd, 2017 at 1:48 pm
orlbucfan …
All Gruden had to do…was plug a few holes like Brad Johnson??
How long have YOU been a fan? Dungy brought in Brad. I’m a BIG Dungy fan too, so you can’t go there.
Go back to 1979. That’s when I found out that the NFL had a team around 75 miles WSW of my house. My beloved MIL turned me on to the Bucs in fall 1979. The games were something else cos of the defense led by Lee Roy Selmon (RIP/HOF). I saw a ton of home games. Saw them beat the Eagles and advance to the NFL conference finals which determined the SB teams that year. They lost to the LA Rams by 9 pts. All FGs. They were the youngest NFL franchise to advance to the finals–4 years old. Don’t think that record has been broken. Their brilliant defense plus ST did it. That’s my point.
January 22nd, 2017 at 4:48 pm
@ orlbucfan
I still wonder what would have happened if the Bucs had been able to pull that game out ?
Would Doug Williams had played in the SB or would Mike Rae get the start ?
To this day I refuse to watch that game on youtube…
January 22nd, 2017 at 5:58 pm
This dude acts like Gruden is chilling on his couch or at hooters all year long. If I’m not mistaken he breaks down film every morning at 4am on all the nfl teams and college recruits and their teams. Just a tv guy my arse.
January 23rd, 2017 at 7:43 am
Jon Gruden is the greatest coach ever. The man walks on water. I thought I would dead & buried before the Bucs ever won a Super Bowl. I am so happy that I got to see the Bucs achieve success is San Diego. I am now hopeful with Jameis that we can do again.
January 23rd, 2017 at 10:12 am
“After winning a Super Bowl against the Raiders who forgot the other teams coach knew all of their plays” omg too damn funny gotta love that. GO BUCS!!