Joe Thomas Talks Noah Spence
January 27th, 2017
Future Hall of Famer weighs in on the Bucs’ rookie DE
Remember when rookie DE Noah Spence told Joe about perennial Pro Bowl Browns left tackle Joe Thomas helping him during joint practices with Cleveland?
Today at Pro Bowl practice at Disney World, Joe got the other side of the story from Thomas.
It will make Bucs fans stand up, grin and salute general manager Jason Licht.
Joe asked Thomas what, if anything, he remembered about helping Spence.
“I do enjoy the joint practices because kind of one of my passions in the later stages of my career has been helping guys get better, giving them some of the knowledge that I’ve collected over the years,” Thomas said. “So I like being able to give guys pointers. And you could see Noah was a guy very eager to learn. He’s a guy that likes the game. And those are the guys that are fun to talk to and work with because you can give them a little tip and they’ll be able to make that correction or that change very quickly. You can just see that progress and improvement quickly. I think you can see how much better Noah was at the end of the year than at the beginning of the year. He’s a guy that’s got a really bright future out here.”
Joe followed up asking Thomas if he kept an eye on Spence during the 2016 season, and the manbeast offensive lineman said he did.
Pretty cool stuff there. Spence really made an impression.
(Unrelated interesting note, the humble Thomas told Joe, “I could easily be a defensive line coach right now,” and he hopes to become a private player development coach when he retires — not work for a team.)
Tonight, Bucs fans can dream about what Spence might be like if/when he gets healthy. Spence played nearly the entire season with a serious shoulder injury.
January 27th, 2017 at 5:04 pm
Joe as a thank you from Bucs fans buy Mr. Thomas a beer!!!
January 27th, 2017 at 5:26 pm
Can joe come to Tampa? I think I’d like that more than his accolades…
January 27th, 2017 at 7:08 pm
The guy above me has a BS screen name^^^, but I wholeheartedly agree with his comment.
January 27th, 2017 at 7:11 pm
Awesome stuff there Joe!! #sofreakinexcited
January 27th, 2017 at 7:12 pm
I’ve read comments by people saying they don’t know what SPAWN is yet??? I’ll tell you a Bad@$$ in the making. That’s what he is.
January 27th, 2017 at 7:38 pm
I know who Spawn is…….I bought his Jersey for a friend of mine a while back.
January 27th, 2017 at 7:48 pm
Spawn is going to be a legit star I wish he had a legit DT to play next too.
January 27th, 2017 at 8:24 pm
You need HELP dude!!! Seriously. Look in the freaking mirror man.
It’s one thing to point out a teams needs but you’ve become so sick that you now have ZERO credibility.
Spawn is going to be a legit star I wish he had a legit DT to play next too.
Only you or perhaps Dallas can turn a freaking positive post into a negative!!!
I’m serious…in a very heartfelt way….you are victimized by stinkin’ thinkin as Zig Ziglar might call it. If it was an article on GMC perhaps…but this is an incredibly positive piece and you can’t even enjoy the moment. You must be truly miserable to live in such a negative state of mind. I honestly feel for you.
January 27th, 2017 at 8:28 pm
Joe Thomas was on Mike and Mike this morning. What a CLASS ACT!!! I couldn’t help but think of Paul Gruber. But Gruber stayed with the Bucs when there wasn’t a lot of movement in the league.
Thomas could have left the Browns but actually wants to stay because he wants to be part of the team that finally brings respect back to Cleveland.
He is one of only five players in NFL HISTORY to make the ProBowl his first ten years in a row. He’s a lock for the HOF.
He and his wife have done tons of work with their foundation in Cleveland.
But wait….how can he be HOF?….he’s a freaking softie…a NICE guy..he can’t…he can’t be a good football player and a nice guy can he? He freaking helps players on OPPOSING teams. Man that’s almost as bad as helping someone up after a tackle. I thought you had to be a human piece of excrement like Warren Sapp before you could be a stud.
January 27th, 2017 at 8:37 pm
SPBF………..I would have thought you had already given up hope on trying to reason with that cat.
January 27th, 2017 at 9:04 pm
From another thread again I congratulate you on conquering your demons! Kudos man! I hear what you’re saying but for some reason…he’s from St. Pete lol…I like tmax.
At 69 I’m just totally aware of how powerful our minds are. I live by one mantra now….choose your thoughts carefully! If you can’t enjoy the positive moments it’s kind of sad…while I suspect he aggravates a lot of people here I actually feel sorry for him. Plus he’s actually a good poster when he places that GMC phobia behind him.
January 27th, 2017 at 9:31 pm
StPete…… tmax is a funny one. Hypocrite on his own words, but a funny guy. Always taking shots at players with no real chat. Can’t believe he didn’t bring up Glennon! Just get use to it.
January 27th, 2017 at 9:31 pm
Just imagine Spawn and the entire roster practicing in the long-promised indoor training facility! I’ll contend that the benfits will be fewer IVs, fewer and less severe soft-tissue injuries, and much better overall team stamina, especially late in the season. Tampa’s weather during training camp through the early part of the regular season has never been conducive to keeping the roster “juiced”, in Gruden-speak.
Hey Joe(s)? How about doing some (more) investigative reporting about this long-promised oasis? Great posts like this one about Spawn make me more convinced than ever that y’all are the right ones to champion this cause!
P.S. Jason Licht is only beginning to hit his stride.
January 27th, 2017 at 9:32 pm
For the record, on the occasion, I to have been accused of the same thing. But let me change your perception! Some are wired differently! Some see the road blocks and small cracks in the concrete that will in the future will impede progress or worse be disastrous!!! While pointing out an issue or problem can seem “negative” to some, it is just declaring a fact to others!!!!! its not “for” or “against” or positive or negative. It is the same as saying what the exact temperature outside is!!! Should some see that as a “positive” statement. Or is it a negative……or should we look for the “truth” in those statements!!!!!!!
Go Bucs!!!!!!!!!!
January 27th, 2017 at 10:01 pm
There is truth in both positive and negative. The Zen saying goes you’ll see where you place your attention. Focus on the positive and that’s what you’ll see…the negative same thing.
But consider all of life’s cliches…they exist for a reason…the little train didn’t get to the top of the hill saying I think I can’t I think I can’t…..have you ever heard anyone suggest…let’s build on the negative.
I’ve been here pointing out that I do not believe Doug Martin deserves another contract from the Bucs. 2 quality years out of 5 simply does not cut it. That could be construed as negative. But I spend far more time looking at positive changes for the Bucs with FA’s and draft picks than time I spend on which of our players we should run.
But here is a little syllogism for you. Your thoughts create your feelings…your feelings create your emotions…therefore to the degree you can control your thoughts you control your emotions. While should anybody want to feel angry and upset all the time?
I’ve taken it to the extreme. I haven’t watched a single newscast or read a newspaper other than sports since November 8th. Why should I choose thoughts that just make me angry? It’s the serenity prayer…the courage to change what you can and accept what you can’t and the wisdom to know the difference between the two. You really do get to choose your thoughts. I try to choose mine carefully since I don’t have that many left. 🙂
January 27th, 2017 at 10:07 pm
tmax enjoys being unreasonable and aggravating people SPBF. You haven’t figured that out yet? Dallas is the same way. They are basically trolls who have chosen the Bucs as their favorite NFL team (allegedly). Lucky us eh?
January 27th, 2017 at 10:19 pm
Points we taken my friend!!!! Just remember before the little train ” I think i can, I think I can” He correctly identified the mountain as a problem!!!!!!!! I was just saying the Joy, contentment, satisfaction can come from identifying problems and solving them!!! And the aggravation is when other cannot see the issue!!!!!!
Have I not been more pleasant since some big issues and problems where correct a year ago!!!!!!
FYI, baynew9 website has a news section where you can select “good news” and only shows the good stories in our beloved Tampa area!!!!!
January 27th, 2017 at 10:20 pm
points well taken”
January 27th, 2017 at 10:27 pm
I”mmmmmm BaaaaaacK! lol.
January 27th, 2017 at 11:13 pm
Well spawn is what team management hopes to achieve. That good or better.
January 27th, 2017 at 11:57 pm
IMO the powers that be are finding Just the right players. The ones with Heart! Spawn has it in spades! As well as Kwon, and VH3, and Marpet, ME, all brought together by Jameis! Teams like that make real noise. This season was just a teaser. IMHO
January 28th, 2017 at 12:13 am
SrPete…too funny. Nov 2007 was when I stopped reading the paper and watching the news too. It took about 3-4 months for me to skim through it in passing and you eventually pick it up again.
It might take longer for you and the left though….
January 28th, 2017 at 7:11 am
Wow….guys still finding anyway they can to bash Mccoy even on article comments about someone else.
Those who want 93 gone should be stoned in a lions pit. Fools.
Although his pregame speeches need to stop.
January 28th, 2017 at 7:17 am
Say’s a lot about the impression that Spence left on Joe to actually follow him during the season…But then again he plays for the Browns
The sky is the limit for Spence can’t wait to see what he can accomplish without a bum shoulder
January 28th, 2017 at 8:39 am
spawns injured shoulder in hindsight will have been better off year 1 and year 3…a torn labrum takes a long time to recover from…and regain full mobility and especially the strength…you forget, doug martin had the same injury and his next year was a wash..the year after was his most recent big year…expect an average year from spence next year…and year 3 he will go hog wild…watch and see…
adam from ny
January 28th, 2017 at 8:44 am
Well, well, I got a word since I am not the hated one here! I take the position that all of McCoy’s coaching staffs here in Tampa Bay have failed to get this guy a dominant Defensive End to play with, now he is at the last 4 or 5 years of his career and he still doesn’t have s dominant DE playing next to him…….SPAWN IS NOT THERE YET,……DE should be our #1 Free Agent Signing to go along with BUILDING A WALL!…….but not in Mexico dumb ass!
January 28th, 2017 at 9:05 am
It’s not about left or right or R and D. It’s about President PT Barnum hosing the suckers and making America hate again.
If it had been Kasich or Jeb then I would have had the normal R versus D carping, I would have disagreed with some of their policies..they were both QUALIFIED and they are both…especially…Kasich decent human beings and not classless pathological liars with no couth.
January 28th, 2017 at 9:11 am
Yes and I give you props for that. You were against Lovie from the beginning. I probably blanched at that early on but at the end of the day after that opening game against Tennessee I realized you were right.
I do not consider you a Lovie “hater”….just someone who identified the problem a lot sooner than the rest of us. And as you recall early in that last season I gave you props and acknowledged you were right and I was wrong.
I think another difference is how we present ourselves. IF Doug Martin goes to another team and rushes for 1000 yards in just 13 games I’ll be happy for him.
I have no ill will, I’m not even that angry at the Molly. I can even concede to Eric and Bonzai and other who like him that for two years given the offense we had he was very good.
We don’t need or want that now…we feel the need…the need for speed. The major problem with our offense last year was a TOTAL lack of speed. Look at our stars…#3…love him…I believe a grossly underrated runner…but outside of the 10 yard line he’s not a threat to take it to the house. ME…great receiver but he does it all with his physicality and size…DB’s are always right next to him. Cameron Brate and Hump…smart dudes who can find a seam in the zone but neither of these guys is running by anybody either.
IMHO the ONLY MAJOR missing piece is some explosion. Doug Martin is the opposite of an explosive back. When healthy he runs hard, is short and can slip between linemen…great at cutting and finding a seam…but then it’s over..DB’s and even LB’s can run him down.
January 28th, 2017 at 9:50 am
I really enjoy what you have to say St Pete. Don’t try arguing with 87 and the far right. This guy is a classic in the mold of Hitler, except without the mustache and with orange skin. But I digress. This is football, although not a fan of McCoy’s, I don’t outright hate him like 55 and TMax. We need weapons, I think our defense is about there, maybe another piece or two. We need speed on offense. Look at Matt Ryan compared to Winston. Ryan’s career stagnated once Gonzalez retired. The Falcons drafted Freeman, signed Gabriel to go along with Julio. Now there the best in the league.
January 28th, 2017 at 9:51 am
January 28th, 2017 at 12:49 pm
Okay can the Bucs see if they can trade for this guy I really think he wants to be a buc great attitude I fell like he want to win and I know he saw Alex Mack go to the Falcons and see that we are not that far away
January 29th, 2017 at 7:53 am
Good morning Big Hog Haynes!
How bout that Coach Koetter! 9wins in 16 games, when Lovie could only muster 8 wins out of 32 games.
Happy new year, it’s a new era!