“Very Sore”
December 20th, 2016
Paying the price
Kwon Alexander paid the price for a new Buccaneers franchise record.
Last night on the Buccaneers Radio Network, host T.J. Rives joined Kwon to talk all things Cowboys and more. Rives revealed that since the Bucs has been keeping records (no clue what year that started), no player had ever combined for 21 tackles — until Sunday night.
Kwon recorded for 10 solo takedowns and 11 assists.
It was all news to Kwon on the show, who said he cares little about stats. But Kwon does feel the impact.
“Lotta hits. Lotta tackles. Very sore,” Kwon said.
What a stud effort by the 22-year-old beast in the belly of the Bucs’ defense, including the key forced fumble on tight end Jason Witten. Unfortunately, the Bucs couldn’t cash in.
Joe can’t toss out enough superlatives for what Kwon has turned in this season. Sophomore slump in a brand new defense? No chance.
December 20th, 2016 at 12:46 pm
Ordered two kwon jerseys this morning. New Bucs are Going to be Fun to Watch… Licht still has some house cleaning to do… there will be surprises and some butt hurt fans. No More Ice Cream
December 20th, 2016 at 12:53 pm
Go get another beastly defensive tackle to play next to mccoy. We need to add some more size and talent to the DT position. McDonald is good but gets hurt too often, and nothing special against the run. Akeem spence is a free agent and doesn’t offer anything special. Go sign a big name DT this year Poe crom the chiefs, he will help McCoy and the rest of the dlin as well ask keep blockers off this beast above.
December 20th, 2016 at 12:55 pm
Hope he uses one of those new expensive cryo devises the Buc’s purchased before the season. Just a few takeaways, Jameis definitely needs to maintain a more consistent temperament during the game. I thought the head butt was simply an accident when he reached down to help Martin up. Second we need to draft the best RT we can find, no free agent coin flip. Finally J. Rodgers is more important than Special teamers. I thought his presence Sunday night would have helped our anemic running game. Go Buc’s, win the last two and let the chips fall where they may.
December 20th, 2016 at 1:02 pm
Kwon is a ‘Wrecking Ball.”
December 20th, 2016 at 1:05 pm
So Joe, am I to assume that Gerald McCoy conversely, is fresh, because he had ZERO tackles in the game?
December 20th, 2016 at 1:30 pm
What Tmax and Francisco said. I use to stay nuetral in this debate after Sunday I have to take a side. This young man gave up his body for a team he loves and the so-called leader was a no show on a stage that big. I’ve had it wit watching games wondering when he’ll make his presence known I’m sick of the one week Fameis hype the team next week he has to hype the team. I’m tired seeing teeth and gums. I’m not mentioning his name because his game doesn’t warrant doing so.
December 20th, 2016 at 1:37 pm
Its one thing to do some thangs on draft night that make people feel like the cajones are huge. Its a whole nother thing when it comes to the biggest unwarranted contract on the football team. Belichess wouldve been traded this mofo,I hope the tutelage Licht recieved while under him rubbed the f@$! Off!
December 20th, 2016 at 2:10 pm
Well…. his stats are a little inflamed cuz the defense were on the field too long w no line help stopping the run. Zeke had over 150. If KA has the same stats w Zeke going under 100 I would be happy w this. But I’m not cuz now he sore with a game in 5 days.
December 20th, 2016 at 2:22 pm
Kwon is gradually turning into a stud MLB.
December 20th, 2016 at 5:03 pm
So biggest game of his career Kwon elevates his game and plays lights out. That is a god given ability that comes out in true competitors. You can’t learn it, you can’t teach it. It is just there. When your down, some additional level of concentration comes in and you kick it into another gear. I hate myself for saying this but we have not seen that out of Jameis yet. So far in his young career, in the biggest games he is an emotional liability. A keg of dynamite to his own team. Yeah he is young, but color me concerned!
December 20th, 2016 at 5:26 pm
Kwon will be DPOY within a couple seasons.