“I Think They Are A Hungry Football Team”

December 30th, 2016
Craving victory.

Craving victory.

So, the Bucs and Stinking Panthers wrap up the 2016 season at the Den of Depression Sunday (Bucs must win five home games in a season for Joe to drop that nickname. Sorry — it’s really not too much to ask). Yeah, Joe understands the Bucs have a thread of a prayer of making the playoffs (60,000-to-1 odds).

Still, the Bucs have motivation: finishing the season with a winning record. That would be only the second time this franchise has been able to pull off such a feat since Chucky was jettisoned. That’s close to Browns-like bad.

In their weekly video preview discussion, Jim Miller and Greg Robinson of RealFootballNetwork.com debate the Bucs’ chances to win thatĀ elusive ninth game in a season.

Robinson believes the Bucs have an appetite for a win while Miller does not like how the arrow is pointing down for both the offense and the defense of Tampa Bay. You can watch it all below.

10 Responses to ““I Think They Are A Hungry Football Team””

  1. Nole on Sat- Bucc on Sun Says:

    Offense and Defense they go hand and hand. We currently have an imbalance because I’m wondering who they h3ll is even dressing to play offense for us this week. Gawd I hope my guys finish the game healthy. That will be more than enough of a win for me.

  2. Nole on Sat- Bucc on Sun Says:

    I can’t recall ever seeing a team go into a game so under manned in my life. Y’all thirsty for a win, yea that would be nice. I’m concerned wit the safety of these players. Individuals that have wives and kids at home. That’s where my head at this week.

  3. Fred E. Buc Says:

    This team laid an egg for the last four games last year. Kwon got popped and they showed no heart. Now It is martin. We will find out Sunday if this team has heart or whether they have already backed up the old u-haul. Enough talk talk talk from jameis and gmac and kwon. Put it out their on the filed. 900 bucks a game means to me ending this like last year is unsat.

  4. Nole on Sat- Bucc on Sun Says:

    Woo-hoo 9 and 7. “Honey did you remember to book that cruise to the Bahamas”???

  5. VaBuc Says:

    @Joe earlier in the season you said that if we win the rest of our home mes you would drop the name smh

  6. NJBucsFan Says:

    Not only are we hungry….but we are young. Hmmm what’s a one word phrase that could describe us?

  7. Jim Says:

    Uh, NJBucsFan…I don’t think there are any “one word” phrases.

  8. Joe Says:


    Joe has written for couple of years that five home wins in a season and “Den of Depression” goes away. Only until then will Bucs become winners at home.

    That really isn’t an outrageous standard.

  9. Jimmy Says:

    Doug Martin is in Dirk Koetter’s doghouse???

    W.T.F. ????????

  10. Jf Says:

    Hungry teams don’t choke the last 3 games to go 8-8 so hopefully they win this one.