Mike Smith A Hot Commodity
December 23rd, 2016
Coveted candidate.
Since the Bucs defense had done just about a complete 180 since the Thursday night debacle against Atlanta, Mike Smith’s name has popped up here, there, everywhere as a head coaching name to watch.
Earlier this week, Smith, with two chances to shoot down those rumors, instead dodged questions about his (head) coaching future.
Per heavy metal head-banging Jason La Canfora of CBS Sports, expect Smith’s name to pop up several times over the coming weeks when more openings are revealed.
His winning percentage in Atlanta was exceptional. He can coach. It’s hard to argue against that. And the way he has led the Buccaneers defense this season, getting them out of the shadows of the collapsed former regime of Lovie Smith and getting better each week, has been truly special. Some believe he could be part of a Jacksonville package if Coughlin came in as a football czar and not the head coach, and either way, he will get opportunities to interview.
Joe hopes Smith sticks around one more season, but Joe fully understands if Smith wants to be a head coach again, then it will be difficult to stop him.
Joe just has a hunch that a new Bucs defensive coordinator would be hired from within if Smith leaves in a few weeks.
Black Monday, the height of the firing season for NFL coaches, is Jan. 2, a week from Monday.
December 23rd, 2016 at 7:42 am
I would wait another season, better opportunities will be out there on the future than the Rams or Jags………
December 23rd, 2016 at 7:43 am
The writing is on the wall……
We all knew as Bucs fans that mike smith would only be here for 1 season. …..
We all knew he was one helluva coach before he came to TB……
So Joe…….stop with “what ifs”……. mike smith will be gone at the end of the season.
INFACT…….I BET……that our GM is currently seeking out a new DC but keeping it quiet.
December 23rd, 2016 at 8:02 am
And next coach up.
December 23rd, 2016 at 8:31 am
Love Mike Smith as our coordinator but his scheme against Dallas leaves a lot to be desired. Played off the corners all game despite taking taking no shots downfield. Dinked and dunked for the shortest 286 passing yards ever. I want a coordinator just once who understands your d line gets more pressure when you buy time by pressing the corners. Especially when you’re playing dallas’ line. I mean cmon how hard was it to notice
December 23rd, 2016 at 8:44 am
Now more than ever we need to see Jameis step it up. Those of us that has seen the glory days here in Tampa know how quickly it all can disappear.
Remember the collapse of December 2007 when the exit of Kiffin was evident. Hopefully we don’t repeat history. The Messiah must save the season. Who knows how our defense will look next year if Smith is not here.
Jameis without tantrums = The Messiah.
Go Bucs!!!
December 23rd, 2016 at 8:57 am
What do you guys and gals think about Rex Ryan coming to town in a DC capacity. I’m torn on it. I doubt he’ll get another look as an HC, but he was a really good DC. Plus, being in that role means that his opportunities to talk to the media will be few, thankfully.
December 23rd, 2016 at 9:02 am
My hunch is it’s Jay Hayes, and this was the lure that bright him from the Benegals. Spend a year learning the defence from Smitty, then when he gets a head coaching offer the job is yours.
December 23rd, 2016 at 9:09 am
I think you guys are inflating Mike Smith’s chances of becoming a HC this year. This has truly become a QB driven league and I believe defensive minded HCs are tending downward. I do believe smith will get another chance someday but his odds are slim it will happen this year. Might not be enough openings.
December 23rd, 2016 at 9:12 am
Has it been lost in the discussion that one of the biggest problems facing Jacksonville is fixing Blake Bortles? Smith is a defensive guy. Ryan did well under his watch, but that was Koetter’s doing.
I’m looking for Kyle Shanehan to get the Jacksonville job. After the job he did crafting an offense to suit RGIII’s obviously questionable skill set and getting the Atlanta offense to the place it’s at, I think he’s going to get a real look.
December 23rd, 2016 at 9:17 am
I honestly don’t think Mike Smith is going anywhere, at least this year.
December 23rd, 2016 at 9:45 am
I really would like the hiring of Gus Bradley as D.C. Bring him back to his old buccaneer background.
December 23rd, 2016 at 10:10 am
@Memphis – Not a bad call. I think he was handed a pretty raw deal in Jax and would probably have a style that would sit well with this group.
Still, hoping to keep Smith, but if he goes then I wouldn’t be opposed to Bradley or Hayes
December 23rd, 2016 at 10:22 am
REX RYAN!?!??!
……I can’t believe you even went there
December 23rd, 2016 at 10:29 am
I mean, he was only the architect behind two of the more dominant defenses in the league (Ravens/Jets). I’m not sure why it would be that far fetched.
Granted, he may be a 3-4 guy, which wouldn’t work here, but I’m not sure why the mere mention of his name would illicit that sort of reaction.
December 23rd, 2016 at 10:53 am
Patrick in VA Says:
“he was handed a pretty raw deal in Jax”.
WTF?? Bradley was given almost 4 full years to orchestrate a turnaround. He had 14 wins and 48 losses as Jaguars HC. That was like the ultimate in patience for the Jax owners to give him this 4th year. What was this “raw deal” you speak of???
December 23rd, 2016 at 10:59 am
The raw deal was having to build around Blake Bortles and Blaine Gabbert. The defense was put together has a pretty solid talent base. The offense can’t get off the ground because the QB is a liability. Last year, Bortles had his best year, which was ok at best, and everyone thought this would be the year that Jax would be the sleeper team because this is when they would come on strong. Bortles took a nose dive and the team went in the tank. Granted, as the HC, that falls on his doorstep, so he’s not absolved of blame. But if all he’s responsible for is the defense, I wouldn’t have any problem with handing that over to him.
December 23rd, 2016 at 11:05 am
Well obviously the Bucs need to fire Koetter to keep Mike Smith. Isn’t that how this works?
December 23rd, 2016 at 11:18 am
35 TD, 18 INT last year. It exactly bad or even average.
Not sure what happened to him this year. Did they change the offensive scheme or lose weapons?
December 23rd, 2016 at 11:18 am
*not exactly bad
December 23rd, 2016 at 11:25 am
I hate this talk. I really do. We’re still playing for something and the talk is about Smith’s departure. I know based on his HC in Atlanta that he’s a good prospect but, I just can’t help but think that his resume with the Bucs is incomplete at best. We’re raining props on a guy who’s defense woke up midway through the season and who “improved” the WORST defense in the league. I’m not sure how much he really “accomplished”!
December 23rd, 2016 at 12:28 pm
I think mike going to stay he brags about kwon being one of the best LB he ever coached to me that says a lot pay him the kitchen sink JL
December 23rd, 2016 at 12:46 pm
@ The bucfan 88
The days of DCs that stick with one team have long since passed……..
Besides, MIke Smith has been a very successful head coach in this league with the falcons……..
……no way mike smith stays here
December 23rd, 2016 at 12:50 pm
Jacksonville would be a very good situation for Smith to step into from a base talent standpoint – but he won’t have his reliable offensive counter-part in Koetter to run the offense anymore and can’t take any of our asst coaches without permission which would not likely be granted.
But I’d say that Jax will be looking for a HC with an offensive mind and background as will the majority of teams with HC openings this year. That to me is the biggest reason that talk of Mike Smith’s immanent departure seems pre-mature.
If Jax doesn’t come calling, then Smith’s best bet may be to stick around and be part of the big things that are sure to be happening with the Bucs over the next couple years. “see this through” to whatever degree with Koetter and be considered a primary architect in the turnaround of the Buccaneer franchise’s fortunes.
Smith’s stock will only continue to rise as the Bucs find success. He needs to hold out for the right situation where he can have a good chance at succeeding quickly – which is somewhat of a requirement in today’s NFL for HCs. The last thing a coach in Smith’s position should do is accept a HC job offered by a team like Cleveland (for instance) just because he DID receive a HC offer. NFL HC’s rarely get a 3rd opportunity without a SB on their resume and I’m sure coach Smith is aware of that.
An offer of more $ by the Glazers as additional incentive to stay as DC for another year or 2 certainly couldn’t hurt our chances of keeping him around awhile longer….
December 24th, 2016 at 6:20 am
I have a huge issue with coaches being hired away after one year. They should be required to complete at least two years.
The rule currently works against establishing continuity on a team. Anyone who doesn’t think the defense won’t be set back if he leaves is fooling yourself. No one under him has had enough time yet.
December 24th, 2016 at 6:23 am
If Smith is willing leave this year, he was the wrong hire. Period.
At least with Monte, we knew he was loyal to the team most of the time he was here.