Koetter: “I Wouldn’t Have Expected That In A Million Years”
December 6th, 2016
Dirk Koetter knows football, Xs and Os and managing players and coaches, but Koetter isn’t as seasoned when it comes to fan culture.
Remember what Koetter said about his sports bar experience during the bye week? The man couldn’t handle it.
So off go the Bucs to San Diego last Sunday, and Koetter shared last night on the Buccaneers Radio Network that he was mesmerized by all the Bucs fans in the stands.
Koetter talked about a fully packed section of Bucs faithful, and many more Tampa Bay fans, with loads wearing old school gear and making significant noise.
“We gotta get Jameis Winston/Mike Evans updated jerseys out there,” Koetter said. “There were some of those, too, but I wouldn’t have expected that in a million years to have that many. And they were loud. You could hear the “‘defense’ chant for our defense.”
Joe’s not surprised. Why? Because the Bucs are winning.
Just look around the Tampa Bay area yesterday. A lot more Bucs gear was adorned at the grocery stores. Buying someone Bucs tickets for Christmas was no longer considered a gag gift. Joe’s kid even shared a story of six fifth-grade boys who entered a classroom chanting, “Bucs! Bucs! Bucs!” before the bell rang to start the day.
Joe’s even got texts from Bucs cheerleaders asking if Joe wanted to hot tub with a few celebratory cocktails!
(That last one didn’t actually happen, but you get the idea.)
Winning changes everything.
Some of those Bucs fans Koetter saw in San Diego wouldn’t have been there if the Bucs were 4-7. Some would have been there but without wearing their gear and investing in great seats. Others, with a bad record, would not have been heard throughout the game.
Joe has heard estimates of the Bucs-fan turnout in San Diego ranging from 5,000 to 10,000 fans. Joe witnessed it personally, and whatever the number, it was impressive.
December 6th, 2016 at 11:41 am
Yep, we know. Bucs fans are front-runner bandwagon jumpers. Not really shocking news. Yes the turnout in SD was impressive however.
December 6th, 2016 at 11:42 am
It’s not too surprising when you consider that the game 20years ago in San Diego is always talked about as the turning point in the franchise’s rise, won a Super Bowl in San Diego, John Lynch is from San Diego and V-Jax came here by way of San Diego.
A lot of connections to the Bucs there.
Throw in some winning football and the Chargers threats to leave and the Bucs are a natural fit for a lot of folks around there .
December 6th, 2016 at 11:47 am
Exactly. If people would pack the stadium when theyre losing it could actually lead to more wins. I like to think the 35,000 of us back in the day screaming on Defense is what led to their one home win a year. Bandwagon or not tho keep it up bucs.
December 6th, 2016 at 11:51 am
I love this winning streak, and it looks like the fans are finally waking up to hope in the Bucs again (can’t blame people who stay away from the Den of Despair for these last few years)
But I have not fully bought in yet. If the Bucs can finally beat the Aints in Tampa, which they haven’t done since 2011, I will believe. My Bucs have a habit of choking away big games, and they don’t get bigger than a division game at home in December, I don’t care about the Saints record.
Bucs D needs to harass Brees all day and force those turnovers, then I will know they are for real.
December 6th, 2016 at 11:55 am
December 6th, 2016 at 11:59 am
Oh yeah see you EVERY 🏡 🎮 section 147 row D …GO BUCS
December 6th, 2016 at 11:59 am
Man the Total access with Dirk is pretty cool, but the last one with Kwon was soooooo boring. Kwon was like ” Yeah, thats live” We ballin…. blah blah. Then TJ started talking about how in Alaska its dark all day and night in the winter. TJ went on and on about it. I was thinking are you serious TJ? Thanks for the 8th Grade science lesson. Kwon said “Oh I didnt know that” ….. Dude really, you went to a state Univ and you dont know what most 12yr olds know. Good thing the dude is an awesome linebacker though hehe.
December 6th, 2016 at 12:09 pm
December 6th, 2016 at 12:15 pm
the pirate ship should sink if the bucs lose!!!! that way we can yell “Protect the SHIP!!!” at the end of games!!!!!
December 6th, 2016 at 12:17 pm
No joe we would of still been…Even with a 4-7 record… Us west coast bucs Dont get to see many games live… anytime BUCS come I will be there…. GO BUCS!
December 6th, 2016 at 12:24 pm
I want to hear more about Joe’s San Diego sports bar experience where a guy passed out and the owner went WWE on him. Did I miss the story on here? If not please tell the whole thing Joes.
December 6th, 2016 at 12:47 pm
I don’t know about that 4-7 and bucs fans not being there, Joes. You gotta understand, the bucs aren’t here on the west coast very often. 3 times this year but nowhere close in the next 2 years. I flew to Az and to San Fran and of course drove to SD to watch their games. I still would’ve done it if they were winless and i would still have my bucs jersey on and I think a lot of bucs fans would’ve done the same thing. Not trying to roast you on that statement but I think you’re off on that one. But for real tho, how great was Qualcomm on Sunday when the thousands of bucs fans were cheering? I’ve never been to a bucs home game (hopefully next year I’ll fly out to one) but I imagine it has to be louder than what I heard in SD and that gets me pumped up!!!
December 6th, 2016 at 12:49 pm
You’re welcome coach! We got those chants going from the beginning and did not stop! Home fans, this week it’s your turn! Go Bucs!
December 6th, 2016 at 12:49 pm
Glazers need to fix the uniform fiasco they saddled this team and its fans with.
That’s 1 reason why Koetter didn’t see many “updated” jerseys – because they look like Burger King work uniforms with digital clock numbers on them, are ugly as hell and few want to spend $100++ to buy such ugly looking jerseys.
As much as I would like to have a Winston jersey – I refuse to spend my $ on such a terribly designed/looking jersey.
Guarantee you many others feel the same way.
Fix the CLOWN uniform fiasco Glazers!!!!
December 6th, 2016 at 12:50 pm
agreed 951, I was showing up in my Bucs colors regardless of our record!
December 6th, 2016 at 12:51 pm
Spot on pickgrin. They’re just terrible looking. I haven’t been able to bring myself to buy one yet.
December 6th, 2016 at 1:01 pm
Mort, truthfully most of the NFL is bandwagon fans. the size of the “hardcore” base depends on size of city, team lifespan, and championship pedigree, but the bandwagon always vastly outnumbers the core. The “bandwagon” buc fans i know personally in this area do not root for another team when the bucs are down. They fall into 2 categories:
-They might be more interested in watching better matchups, or care more about their winning fantasy team than the last-place bucs. What they are not doing is buying Tom Brady jerseys or hitting up joeseahawksfan.com in their free time
-more often, they just care less about football when their team is garbage. they don’t move their lives around to attend or watch bucs games, NFL football is more peripheral to their sundays, and they are not tuning into Inside the NFL waiting for 45 seconds of bucs talk. I don’t blame these people one bit.
me, i’ve gone to almost every home game (which frankly made me feel swindled out of both time and money in the lovie smith era in particular) and at least 1 road game per year since that superbowl high, and especially post-gruden, but i’ve had to adopt a totally different emotional filter to prevent the bucs undeniable recent suckage from spilling over and affecting other stuff in my life.
Nonstop losing or frustrating regimes will cause even hardcore fans to reconsider their options. Have you heard the visiting fans taking over Cleveland’s stadium lately?
December 6th, 2016 at 1:29 pm
I was shocked hearing how loud that stadium rocked when dem boys made bug plays. Louder than the Chargerless fans. That’s how Ray Jay has to be this Sunday! No room for Aints fans. Don’t let Brees even think!
December 6th, 2016 at 1:34 pm
@Unbelievable: we did our jobs out here in SD, it’s now time to challenge the home fans to get out and be loud for our team. Show us up and show your pride! There’s no reason why ray j shouldn’t be rocking on Sunday. I’ll be watching and listening from my tv hoping that the fans show up in force.
December 6th, 2016 at 1:46 pm
I’ll be there for the last game of the season.
I’m going to be loud as hell like I always am, no matter the score, no matter the record. I don’t plan on having a voice when I get home like usual.
I encourage the rest of you to do the same. Especially if these games have meaning and they do!
December 6th, 2016 at 1:49 pm
Diehard fans are the ones who have moved away from Tampa and STILL openly root for the Bucs despite the odd looks and jeers. I was there Sunday in full gear and it was terrific. I live on the West Coast and its the 4th game I’ve seen this year… 2 in Tampa, SD, and SF – and I thought the rowdiest sections of Bucs fans I saw were the ones at the SD and SF games. The players noticed in both instances and made salutes and gestures to their fans. Players feed off the energy… if the fans in Tampa would start to realize that and show up this week in full force – the Bucs just might have something this season. Here’s to hoping…
December 6th, 2016 at 1:50 pm
Pickgrin Says:
December 6th, 2016 at 12:49 pm
Glazers need to fix the uniform fiasco they saddled this team and its fans with.
That’s 1 reason why Koetter didn’t see many “updated” jerseys – because they look like Burger King work uniforms with digital clock numbers on them, are ugly as hell and few want to spend $100++ to buy such ugly looking jerseys.
As much as I would like to have a Winston jersey – I refuse to spend my $ on such a terribly designed/looking jersey.
Guarantee you many others feel the same way.
Fix the CLOWN uniform fiasco Glazers!!!!
FELLOW BUCS PUNTER, I WON’T JUST HIGH-5 YOU HERE, I’LL HIGH-10 YA!!!! The red unis look just like pajamas. NFL players in pjs???????Are you friggin’ kiddin’ me???????? And don’t get me started about those HIDEOUS player numbers!!! The designs were not broken to begin with so what the h##l happened????? Thank gawd, I have a load of t-shirts from back in the orange creamsicle days, plus the pewter and red (1990s to early 2000s). Gonna be real cute if we get into the playoffs either this year or next, and nobody buys that garbage!! YUCK!!!!
December 6th, 2016 at 1:53 pm
Born and raised in San Diego and a lifelong bucs fan. Also my first time posting a comment on here. I was one of those fans. As someone who has been to many charger games (free tickets), there have always been a lot of opposing team fans at almost every game. Given all the transplants and folks who just don’t mind spending a winter weekend in 70 degree weather, its always been that way. With all that being said, it was still shocking to see that many buccaneers fans. It was hands down the best in stadium experience I’ve ever had. Oh yeah, winning and being relevant in December definitely had a lot to do with actually wanting to go and see them play in person. Go bucs!!!
December 6th, 2016 at 2:20 pm
Exactly Tony.
Every time Will Gholston was coming off the field on defense he was running by the stands, jumping and pumping his arms up in the air getting hyped with the crowd. I noticed him multiple times, as well as several other Bucs players. They were feeling it.
Agreed 951- time for the home crowd at Ray Jay to rock even harder this sunday!
December 6th, 2016 at 2:40 pm
Helmets are OK but the uniforms stink. We should just revert to the previous uniforms and say they are retro. They are much better than what they are forced to wear now.
December 6th, 2016 at 2:45 pm
I love the new unis. I do prefer the older ones but I like our newer helmets ALOT better.
I can understand why some don’t, as I hated them at first, but the level of disgust you guys are going to is ridiculous. Are they really that bad?
As far as nobody buys that garbage… well I know lots of people that do and are proud to do so. All of them are real fans, though.
December 6th, 2016 at 2:46 pm
It was on purposes.
We had great luck at Qualcomm in the old schools so that’s why we wore them. BELIEVE ME we all have a lot of New Jersey’s and wore them in SF
I’ve been a fan for over 20 years and have over 10 jerseys and 35 hats new and old. The Buccaholics have traveled to every west coast game this year and made hella noise and supported our team thru thick and thin.
December 6th, 2016 at 3:06 pm
yes, currently the worst uniforms in the league. I personally barely notice the helmet\logo refresh, but those numbers are impossible to miss…in a very bad way. i can live with all other changes, just please undo that awful number font at the earliest permissible opportunity. i give nobody grief for sticking with the previous 2 generations of buc jersey…I’ve added some new ones to my collection but i mostly go with the old reebok-style red and the occasional creamsicle
i’m not a traditionalist or anything, i really like the Nike do-overs for Seattle and Minnesota and am rather indifferent to the more subtle changes they’ve made for other teams. they just botched it badly with my poor bucs
however, i’ve said from day 1, no matter how awful they look i will learn to love them if the bucs finally put winners in those uggo jerseys
December 6th, 2016 at 3:15 pm
I have learned to love the alarm clock numbers!!!!
December 6th, 2016 at 3:21 pm
Eric says:
“As far as nobody buys that garbage… well I know lots of people that do and are proud to do so. All of them are real fans, though”
How many of these “real fans” you are referring to that love the new unis suffered through the Leeman Bennett, Ray Perkins, Richard Williamson and Sam Wyche eras? Did you Eric?
I have been a die hard Buccaneer fan the entire time through decades of futility with only about 8 or 9 “good” years when there was really something to be excited about out of 40. Does that qualify me as a “real fan”? – SMH
The Helmets are nice. The Uniforms SUCK!!!!!! The Glazers paid big $ to Nike to design this CRAP and didn’t even ask the fans for their opinion before forcing our players to wear these ridiculous outfits. Big Mistake and it needs to be rectified.
I will NEVER pay the ridiculous prices they charge for official NFL gear for such hideous looking Jerseys. I have spent thousands of dollars on Bucs gear over the years – but will not spend another penny in support of the Glazers terrible decision to force these ugly ass uniforms on our players and the fans.
Guarantee you there are MANY long time Bucs fans who feel the same way.
December 6th, 2016 at 3:36 pm
Not surprised. The sound of the game told you that the Bucs had substantial support. To hear that much cheering when the Bucs made plays was very noticeable.
December 6th, 2016 at 4:12 pm
Joe hopes to share more on an Ira podcast.
December 6th, 2016 at 4:19 pm
Btw I love the new logo and jerseys. Hands down my favorite of all 3!!
December 6th, 2016 at 4:38 pm
No, I am only 30 so I did not completely suffer through those years but my parents have and I’ve been a huge fan since birth really.
Although I do respect your opinion and I did agree initially that they were ugly, I support everything about them. EVERYTHING. I am biased cuz I have convinced myself that they are much better than I first perceived but don’t you think it’s kind of silly that you won’t rock the gear because of your personal opinions on fashion? It’s really not that serious.
A lot of people don’t like them but a lot of people do as well. It’s your choice to rock the old school but I will be wearing the new school along with many many other fans.
December 6th, 2016 at 5:04 pm
I agree, keep the helmet and go back to the 2000s jerseys. These alarm clock pajamas suck. And I currently own a ME13 jersey and a JW5 (I got it in #5 before we drafted him and he picked 3 lol)
December 6th, 2016 at 6:52 pm
Who gives a crap about the alarm clock numbers. The numbers are stupid and they could have had the same effect with normal looking numbers, but hey, this team is playing some darn good football. I would rock an ugly sweater if the Bucs logo is somewhere on it.
December 6th, 2016 at 9:54 pm
I lived in Tampa for 25+ years and naturally a lifelong Buc fan. Several years ago I moved out to sunny SD. I was stoked the Bucs were coming to town but didn’t buy ticket until the night before, wasn’t sure if I was going to be in town or not. I ended up sitting in the West endzone and was equally suprised with how many Buc fans were in the stands. I went by myself and ended up with several other bucs around me to chat with. With watching the Rays and the Bucs, I’m sure we’ve all become accustomed to other teams “invading” our stadiums it was quite nice to be able to do that at another stadium. As always, treat fans of opposing teams with respect and cheer for your team and everyone will have a great time regardless of the outcome. But…fill RayJay and create a loud and unbelievable atmosphere.
There were a lot of older UNIs, Barber, Alstott, K & B Johnson were a majority of the older ones I saw. I was rockin W. Dunn’s jersey myself. The Pewter UNIs will always be special to all of use for the emergence of our franchise after decades of futility and the Lombardi we brought home. As we win more with the new UNIs and they are associated with the positive results on the field, they too might be looked on better to the masses.
Speak quietly and carry a big stick, have always loved that line!
December 7th, 2016 at 8:40 am
I was there! I traveled all the way to San Diego from South Carolina! Amazing game! Although I really think the defensive line will be ok without gholston for a game, spence has become a better run stopper but if gholston sits, GMC has to be more involved, I know we have a rotation but when GMC was out there, we plugged up the middle. Humphries is a huge loss, he’s very valuable to the offense but I think josh huff will do fine in his place, I’m hoping huff will give us that speedy receiver we need. Lastly Joe, I talked about this with some of my friends, why not throw Charles sims at receiver for a week until Adam can get back out there, we have Rodgers and Martin, we could use sims as a receiver just for this week, I think it would be good since we have depth there now.