ESPN: Blame Jameis
December 25th, 2016
Four-letter points finger.
If one is to believe stats and patterns, there is but one player to pin the loss to the Saints on.
And the BSPN crowd believes it is America’s Quarterback, Pro Bowler Jameis Winston.
The stats wing of BSPN ran the numbers and is of the mind that Jameis’ interceptions the past two games killed the hopes of the Bucs to suit up in the playoffs.
For the second straight week, QB Jameis Winston threw multiple interceptions on passes thrown more than 10 yards downfield. Winston had one such game prior to this stretch.
Joe isn’t willing to go there.
Yes, Jameis’ picks hurt the Bucs badly the past two weeks, especially last night. But when the Bucs needed a stop in the second half, the defense wasn’t up to the task.
Take the run for a first down by Mark Ingram on the final possession of the game. Ingram was met just behind the line of scrimmage by Lavonte David in the hole. A tackle there would have forced a Saints punt, but Ingram broke what seemed like five tackles to wrestle his way for a 10-yard gain and a victory-clinching first down.
Hard to pin that on Jameis.
But, yes, Jameis, for the second week in a row, could not raise his game to playoff-level football.
December 25th, 2016 at 7:48 am
Of course Joe (and Dirk Koetter) isn’t willing to go there. This loss, somehow, someway has to be the fault of Doug Martin.
December 25th, 2016 at 7:54 am
Well I dont put all of the blame on him, he needs help with better protection and another WR. But he has done some things that make me smh. Hopefully he learns from his mistakes (especially the bone headed decisions) and improves. But we also have to get him some help.
December 25th, 2016 at 7:58 am
Again when you don’t have many weapons on offense and you are playing behind he will have to force some throws to try and make a play. He did make some but also missed. Hopefully added weapons in the off season will make all the difference. Go Bucs!
December 25th, 2016 at 8:05 am
He has missed wide receivers all season he is very inaccurate
December 25th, 2016 at 8:05 am
BSPN and others, especially reporters named “Tom,” always like to pretend there is a single person to “blame.” This was a team effort. I used to investigate flight mishaps (crashes) and the eternal finding is it never a single thing that causes disaster, but a chain of them that have to happen, and just one thing intervening can prevent the overall disaster. This loss started with loss of a key run stuffer due to injury. Then came a muffed KR that was so bad I still shake my head. Followed by a poor decision by a second year QB that resulted in 7 points. Then there was continued lack of stopping the 1st down runs that constantly had NO in 2nd and 3 and 2nd and 3. Then came another INT, and finally the single play where Ingram got the first down. But if any of the above had been snuffed from happening, or even just corrected, it could be a different outcome. Yup, could have been a safe landing. Instead, it’s a smoldering, greasy, burnt mess. Wins and losses are a team effort. This loss had many hands in it.
December 25th, 2016 at 8:06 am
Another WR isn’t gonna make #3 accurate. Look at the throw to a wide open Humphries on the last drive.
22 Turnovers in 15 games is a recipe for disaster. Off-season priority #1 is fixing the qb
Finally a media outlet that is holding him accountable
December 25th, 2016 at 8:12 am
I agree with ESPN 100percent if the defence doesn’t win us the game we loose period! WHEN’S THE last time Winston put this team on his back and won us a game?
December 25th, 2016 at 8:14 am
Our run defense cost us the game. We desperately missed Will Gholston.
Jameis certainly didn’t help. Neither did Huff.
I noticed again last night that Jameis had trouble finding open receivers. We need speed at that position. I also actually miss Demar Dotson.
I am encouraged about the future. We just simply didn’t have enough talent to compete down the stretch.
December 25th, 2016 at 8:20 am
Proof is in the pudding , furthers my point
December 25th, 2016 at 8:26 am
Hahaha these guys describing Jameis as a wildly inaccurate QB, while simultaneously ignoring the fact that he is almost always under duress, is laughable. Dirks offense is not a quick throw type of offense. It requires time to set up routes and explosive passing plays, with short screens and dumps sprinkled in. It requires a very specific type of QB to execute that, and Jameis is the prototypical QB for his scheme. The fact that it requires time to set up the routes(5/7 step drops) means the offensive line HAS to be able to pass protect….HAS to. We have seen spurts of good protection, but for the most part, a very Swiss cheese line up front. Couple that with a single threat at WR for the secondary to key in on, and a single tight end for the Linebacking Corps to cover across the middle, means that teams can send more on pressures each play, and STILL have multiple dropping in coverage. The QB gets paid the most (not the rookie contract), gets the most credit, and gets the most blame, so it’s understandable that people would put blame on him, but to dismiss his undeniable talent his lethality when given support, is asinine. I’m very excited to watch this young man play for the next decade and a half or so, and am contemplating shutting down twitter and all of these blog sites so I don’t have to hear this nonsense. Merry Christmas fellas, and Go Bucs!!!
December 25th, 2016 at 8:28 am
everyyone seen the game yesterday? Did you see saints recievers vs bucs recievers and how the saints recievers are always open and the bucs arent
everyone here has eyes, right?
Cooks, Thomas Sneed can create SEPARATION unlike the bucs recievers. Cooks, and thomas TOYED with your beloved VH3 like taking candy from a baby again , again, and again. move these guys to the slot and have LVD and our safeties cover them. LOL, embarrassment!
these recievers are playmakers. playcallers put them in open space to create mismatches. this is high probability, high completion percentage quick pass routes
we do not have that. 2nd worst YAC team in the nfl
why couldnt our recievers do that? are they playing adifferent game or with different rules? Why is brees always throwing to huge open rac recievers while Jameis is always threading into tight coverage? is this the reason of his high completion percentage and low ints
We all seen the game. we do have eyes, right?
Give jameis 1 wr who can separate….just 1 and he will be the #1 QB in the nfl.
we all do have have eyes, right?
December 25th, 2016 at 8:38 am
He’s missing a lot of plays…definitely on him past 2 weeks
December 25th, 2016 at 8:40 am
The defense wasn’t up for the task? Winston has been horrible the last two games, you can talk about Martin based stats but not blame the Quarterback for bad play? Every body goes through growing pains and need our franchise quarterback but he sucked the last two games maybe longer the defense has been the reason for the wins not Winston
December 25th, 2016 at 8:43 am
those to blame: Jameis, Licht and the D
Don’t get me wrong, I love Jameis and Licht, but if Licht would have NOT been cute with that move up in the last draft and picked a good WR, or signed a WR FA, or… Jameis would not have to be so wreakless with the ball.
Jameis needs to realize his INTs kill the Bucs. He seems to get that, but then forgets it.
The D? Well, lets just say the good news is that we likely have Mike Smith coming back for one more year…
Still, these are normal growing pains for a young team. Can’t wait to see the growth for next year.
December 25th, 2016 at 8:44 am
Right on Kobe–I saw the game–no doubt you are right–exactly what is going is that Jameis constantly evading the rush and trying to thread the needle with his passes–ridiculous that anyone is seriously blaming him for the entire losses. Drew Brees perfect, best qb in the league threw 3 int a couple weeks ago, didn’t russ wilson throw 5 in a game not too long ago. WE NEED RECIEVERS WITH SPEED THAT CAN GET OPEN AND TACKLES THAT ARE CAPABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
December 25th, 2016 at 8:46 am
Jameis is not inaccurate BUT after last night I am starting to lose faith in his decision making as it seems weekly he takes a bad sack or throws it up for grabs. I am his biggest supporter but his decision making MUST IMPROVE.
December 25th, 2016 at 8:51 am
It pains me to say this – Tampabay’s Philip Rivers!
I want to be wrong, I really do, but I’m just not feeling it.
December 25th, 2016 at 8:53 am
Stop blaming this Quarterback,and put the blame where it belong. This G.M. is the blame for not getting the talent needed,to support this young Quarterback. Tell the coach to shorten the routes that the receivers or running. How about screens,middle dump and get a running back and make him the starting back, and quit playing a coach bully with your players.
December 25th, 2016 at 8:56 am
in the 2 year career of jameis, 60% ints is from this old pass route. try to create separation push the defender and stop and allow the defender to close the separation the reciever gained initially. can work 1st and 2nd down, but on 3rd nd long the safety is getting to the first down marker waiting for the ball. there is enough tape of our clowns playcalling and byrd was waiting for the ball for the int
the modern day playcallcallers call slants, crossing patterns, double moves to create separation and exploit the pass coverage not help the defenders like our old bifocal clown
*When both jameis and Brees snapped the ball and looked up, did they see the same open receivers/holes downfield? …im not even mentioning the offensive line and the running game
December 25th, 2016 at 8:58 am
How many punts did the Saints have yesterday?
December 25th, 2016 at 9:08 am
Franchise QBs win these games. Winston has choked when we needed him most for two consecutive weeks
December 25th, 2016 at 9:12 am
Not many Waterboy!
I find it funny how certain players are somewhat exempt from criticisms by fans of this team. And for the record it is a TEAM game, and therefore a TEAM loss. Jameis has to become a better decision maker. PERIOD. He’s as much to fault as poor play-calling, bad protection, and suspect defense. Stop rallying to protect this guy when he makes mistakes. He made mistakes and it likely assisted in helping the Saints win. Get over it!!!
December 25th, 2016 at 9:20 am
I love the comment someone posted yesterday Jameis = the right handed Tebow lol
He is 22!! Lets have this discussion in 3 more years. I am sick and tired of this societies instance gratification! If you are a Bucs fan, a true Bucs fan, you should be looking at the big picture, not the 60mins that was yesterday.
Grow up!!!
December 25th, 2016 at 9:20 am
The Saints average against the Bucs is 18 points (rounding up). The Saints against everyone else averaged 30 points. Stop blaming the Defense…
December 25th, 2016 at 9:21 am
Jdr Says:
December 25th, 2016 at 8:05 am
He has missed wide receivers all season he is very inaccurate
AGREED! Until he becomes even moderately accurate, he’ll never be a great quarterback. The Rah Rah Family schtick we’ll carry you just so far. But he might be a bit more accurate with even mediocre protection. Our offense line has crapped the bed all season long. Why do you think Matt Ryan is suddenly an MVP candidate?
December 25th, 2016 at 9:24 am
Lot of things compounded to recent losses.Defense should not be put in
bad positions as much as they have been.Injuries have finally caught up to us.
But I believe one player that has to look in the mirror is Jameis.He needs to work on accuracy ,and deep ball completion percentage.The loss of Dotson may have some affect on his play.We need to fix the oline and try to get more weapons on offense.
December 25th, 2016 at 9:26 am
This so call fan base doesn’t deserve a talent like Jameis . Blame Jameis? That’s a joke! We wouldn’t have a chance for a winning season without him. If I was Jameis I would leave this town as soon as he becomes a free agent. Jameis didn’t muff another kickoff, he didn’t give up 500 yards either. U all will rue the day that Jameis isn’t here, dies Cleveland ring a bell ?
December 25th, 2016 at 9:28 am
Jameis is a franchise QB in the works. Stop acting like he’s a finished product
December 25th, 2016 at 9:52 am
Correct this was a team failure across the board. But at least we found our kicker!
December 25th, 2016 at 9:53 am
We are not losing games due to dropped passes. Our Hunan ATM (America’s turnover machine), continues to cripple his team when everything is on the line. Big game Jame “miss” clearly not ready to lead our Bucs to the playoffs yet. Yes, we have many holes to fill but our qb is extremely inaccurate and he keeps costing us dearly. Crappy way to spend Christmas Eve watching our Buxs choke away our playoff hopes
December 25th, 2016 at 9:57 am
It also doesn’t help that the O line is in dissaray and the defense needs more quality depth. Cameron Brate getting hurt didn’t help either. The saints were not worried about Brandon Myers and Josh Huff. This organization needs more successful drafts not 2nd round kickers either. Who are we to sacrifice a possible starting O line or D lineman by drafting a freaking kicker in round 2. I guess Jason thought he didn’t need depth. Jameis is still a senior in college and he has done very well in two years in the NFL. The future is bright provided the organization continues to bring young talent through the draft . Koetter did a nice job this year, so hopefully a long playoff run is coming soon
December 25th, 2016 at 9:57 am
that jameis has a putrid supporting cast
WATCH oakland very carefully
with great rac separating recievers in cooper and crabtree
great offensive line and competent running backs
Matt mcgloin will play very well and not be the reason oakland loses
Even with the possible MVP derek Carr out for the year, because of the great reciever and offensive line , the QB position will not be the reason why oakland loses. Mcgloin will have plenty of open recievers all over the field to score and score
December 25th, 2016 at 9:59 am
Maybe we need linebacker’s more than 210 lbs? Just a suggestion.
December 25th, 2016 at 10:13 am
Saw a different game yesterday. As bad as Winston played there was a lack of dominance on the line of scrimmage on both sides of the ball.
TheSaints offensive lines did exactly what the Cowboys did to the Bucs, they were clearly the winners of those battles. Brees had very manageable second downs as Ingram was running right through bad tackling by the Bucs.
On offense bad run blocking and later in the game Saints were getting to Winston with 3 and 4 man rushes.
Brees was not under pressure like when they played in Tampa a few weeks ago.
Winston was a huge part of the loss, he took a few sacks that were his fault for hold the ball too long. He was 60% bad Jameis, 40% good Jameis.
A shame that a Saints team playing for nothing (Falcon win elimated them) were playing with more intensity and better coached than the Buc team playing for their playoff lives.
December 25th, 2016 at 10:20 am
Wombat Says:
December 25th, 2016 at 9:20 am
I love the comment someone posted yesterday Jameis = the right handed Tebow lol
He is 22!! Lets have this discussion in 3 more years. I am sick and tired of this societies instance gratification! If you are a Bucs fan, a true Bucs fan, you should be looking at the big picture, not the 60mins that was yesterday.
Grow up!!!
If you were a true Bucs fan, you would know that we’ve been hearing things like “look at the big picture”, “wait til next year”, or “give them time to develop” for the past 10 years. 10 years is instant gratification? I don’t think so.
December 25th, 2016 at 10:25 am
while it’s not totally on him we can put some of the blame on him. Against the cowboys his missed Evans for what a the least was a 40 yard gain. Last night he missed humpries who was open. He’s gotta make those throws. Brees makes those throws. For people who are gonna say it’s not fair to compare Jameis to Brees. It’s absolutely fair. He’s an NFL QB. Who else should he be compared to? All in all I enjoyed the ride. It’s been a while since we’ve had meaningful December games.
December 25th, 2016 at 10:34 am
Jameis isn’t quite ready yet.
December 25th, 2016 at 10:45 am
Not directly the fault of Martin, but the fault of no running game, whether due to injury or lack of production. Winston has to do too much & that won’t work. O-line has been horrible as well.
December 25th, 2016 at 11:08 am
Desperate for receivers. Absolutely desperate. Misses on receivers in the draft outside of Evans have been crushing for this team.
Next draft, they need 2 receivers, 2 pass rushers, 2 O-linemen and another line player on either side of the ball.
December 25th, 2016 at 11:10 am
Just another typical December Bucs meltdown
December 25th, 2016 at 11:37 am
I said when he lost the Rose Bowl that he didn’t seem to respond well to pressure. Yesterday, he was proving it.
That said, ESPN is wrong. It wasn’t all on him, although I bet Jameis would say it was.
But it was a team loss. Winston’s turnovers cost us. Huffs fumble actually resulted in a score the next play. THAT cost us. The defense’s complete inability to stop the run cost us.
I said before the game that the Saints were headhunting. How many of our players we injured? Now I’m curious if NFL games for all the teams facing the Saints result in an increase of injuries. Have teams facing the Saints had more injuries this year than when they faced other teams?
If so, it would blow the lid off a second bounty gate. This became a concern for me when we played them the first time. It was onvious to me that they were trying to cause injuries.
December 25th, 2016 at 11:48 am
The offense didnt score enough points joe. And the INTs led to quick points for the saints putting the bucs in a hole early. No doubt in anyone’s mind that winston’s play was a contributing factor to the loss.
It is never any one person’s fault. The defense didnt get enough stops and the offense didnt score enough points. Football is the ultimate team sport. A QB cannot win a game by himself. Just like it is not a QBs fault his team lost a 1 score game. but if winston had played better we could have certainly won this game.
December 25th, 2016 at 11:50 am
Huff didn’t fumble. What game were you watching? Winston threw a pick, and the saints scored 2 or 3 plays later, iirc.
December 25th, 2016 at 11:56 am
Does any Bucs fan REALLY care what ESPN says about our QB or team? Sorry, but putting all the blame on the performance of ONE player is just plain dumb. Two INTs don’t help for sure, but the Bucs had a number of opportunities to win that game AFTER Jameis’ 2nd INT.
Saints had plenty to play for last night: PRIDE and getting back to a 8-8 season. Offensively the Saints are/were a better team at this point in the season. Defensively the Bucs are somewhat better, however, we still lack depth and losing Will Gholston hurt considerably. So please, stop blaming Jameis for the loss … we win & lose as a team. Once the Bucs get Jameis better weapons, better protection, and yes some better play-calling, every team in the league will wish they had a Jameis running their offense.
December 25th, 2016 at 12:05 pm
Huff fumbled a kick return fell on the ball and the result cost us. Had he actually caught the kick and gotten some yards, things would have turned out differently on that position.
What game were YOU watch????
December 25th, 2016 at 12:20 pm
Jameis need this, Jameis need that! STFU all of you Jameis nuttgrabbers. Jameis Winston is a erratic QB, no excuses. He has thrown 60 INTs during the past 4 seasons. He throwed 28 in 2 years at FSU, with a loaded team ( with 20 players drafted) so quit crying about he need this blah, blah, blah. He has thrown 32 INTS in 2 seasons in the NFL with a game to play. Quit making excuses for this Pathetic franchise and it pathetic players and coaches.
December 25th, 2016 at 12:36 pm
Detroit wins either game we are done, but they face the Cowboys and Packers, so it’s more likely they lose, although Dallas has nothing to play for and might rest some players, Washington faces the Giants, they lose, Tampa wins and we will be in the playoffs
December 25th, 2016 at 12:47 pm
Jameis does need to be better – but we need everyone to be better – from the GM to Coach to every player.
1) We just don’t have enough scary talent to succeed. (seems like the Packers, Steelers, Chargers, Saints have 4 to 5 wr every year)
2) I don’t feel like we really game plan – maybe this is due to #1 – but (and I know people hate when you compare things to the Pats) I can’t tell from game to game what the Pats are going to do on offense. 20 WR screens, Speed running game, power running game…quick throws – play action.
Saying that, Jameis needs to work on his mechanics – there is something wrong with his feet or release…but his ball comes out high way to often. He had a throw yesterday that was so wobbly the Saints thought it was tipped.
He’s 22 – I think he’ll be fine. We are going to have to over pay in free agency to get him some help…Salary cap goes up for everyone next year. fun to watch meaningful Bucs football in late December. Hopefully we can extend it into Jan next year.
Go Bucs!
December 25th, 2016 at 12:57 pm
Jameis has ALWAYS been erratic yet as never lost a game until he joined the Bucs. Take a moment and consider that.
I also find it curious that we expect a second year QB to carry a team when there’s 3 pro bowlers on the def side of the ball.
I also wonder why McCoy had 2 tackles and his backup had 4 tackles and a sack but that’s none of my business though.
The curse of the 100mil pro bowl GHOST. This team will NEVER WIN as long as McCoy is on the team.
December 25th, 2016 at 12:59 pm
I was typing as you hit send.
December 25th, 2016 at 1:01 pm
DB55, so why Dumb Dirk Koetter deactivate Doug Martin, but none of his other high paid So-Call superstars?
December 25th, 2016 at 1:04 pm
Great question. My guess is the TB media would run him out of town like they did Schiano. As we ALL know we can diss every single player on this squad EXCEPT for Sir Smiles Alot
December 25th, 2016 at 1:12 pm
It’s ok when you go 3-13 in the 4th quarter and throw below 50 percent for the game with zero drops against the cowboys. Yeah everyone else’s fault not the quarterback. Then against the saints throwing into double coverage and not anywhere near the receiver to be able to make a play. Yeah it’s LD, McCoy, Martin, and Koetters fault.
December 25th, 2016 at 1:16 pm
Oh I forgot to blame the running back, D-line, safeties, cornerbacks, gm, Mike smith, practice squad, the owners, and any player who might play for the bucs in the near future.
December 25th, 2016 at 1:20 pm
Prior to Sept 2015 Jameis was 100w-0losses. I’m just saying.
December 25th, 2016 at 1:22 pm
Winston is just a right handed Tim Tebow. If the accuracy and poor decisions are not corrected, Winston can join Tebow on the Mets.
December 25th, 2016 at 1:26 pm
Let’s all remember that the last winning coach in TB was Raheem Morris and Ya STILL ran him out of town. Perennial losers saying a perennial winner sucks. Hmmmm.
It must be Jameis.
December 25th, 2016 at 1:33 pm
Jameis Winston – 23/35 – 2tds /2int – 277yards
Drew Brees – 23/34 – 1td/0int – 299yards
Those 22 yards are really the difference between a great QB and a inaccurate bum?
Can’t be the def giving up the booty as always?
December 25th, 2016 at 1:34 pm
This wasn’t JW’s finest effort but this loss is squarely on the defense. The offense did its job. Every time we would score a TD, the defense failed to keep the momentum.
December 25th, 2016 at 1:39 pm
Winston will get better with offensive line help, speedy receiver and running back.
December 25th, 2016 at 1:50 pm
Winston – growing pains…will continue to grow.
Mike Smith-diverted attention trying to figure out his morning route taking I-95 or backroads to EverBank Stadium next year(???).
December 25th, 2016 at 2:10 pm
Joseph mamma has it right
Maybe we need linebacker’s more than 210 lbs? Just a suggestion.
I watch the game a see the other teams RB’s always look bigger than our LB’s they all look this way. So why do we never ever get a BIG RB to pound the ball with? It works against us why not for us?
Now I am a fan of our center Mr. Hawley but he needs to get better soon or back up might be a better position for him. I do know he has a bum knee and is still manning up. Yet have we all not seen that when we try to run or pass there is instant pressure up the middle right by our center. In the game, a 3-1 we run it up the middle, who completely missed his block? Mr. Hawley our center missed his block and then got in a tizzy on the ground with the player he missed because that guy he made a tackle. Hey I am all for getting into the other guys grill and forcing your will. But not after you bricked and the guy you bricked made a play. This could have been a penelty flag on a positive gain. I do think our Oline is not where we need it to be. Players across the line T G C G T need to get better and the record shows they are better than last seasons group.
I love Mr. Winston’s passion for trying to make a play, but it is not always the best thing to do. Sometimes it is better to throw it away and live for another down. Mr. Winston got sacked because of not throwing the ball away, Mr. R. Cunningham you are not. With the spins and shuffling feet and the hits that follow. Good thing that you are a tough guy Mr. Winston, yet you are still just 22. Oh how I and most others long for those days. Get banged up and feel a little sore, yet every year and every hit takes its toll. Mr. Winston please learn to throw it away. INTs and sacks cause the opposition to have better field position and easier opportunities to score points. Had we have not given Mr. Brees a short field to start the second half we would have had a easier opportunity to win.
Go! Bucs!
December 25th, 2016 at 2:12 pm
U Jameis haters I guess haven’t been here since 1976. Jameis IS A FRANCHISE QB !! HE IS THE FUTURE. There are NO OTHER options. Right handed Tim Tebow? U r clueless. That is the most ridiculous comparison ever. Jameis is more similar to Big Ben in Pittsburg. Ben throws picks, nobody runs him out of town. It’s the organization . Pittsburg has a system in place, always strong offensive & Defensives lines. Strong running game. This organization has been bad for a decade. Jameis wasn’t the number one pick by accident, bad team and a bad organization. I feel sorry for Jameis. There are at least 26 teams that would live to have this kid as there QB . Sure he wishes he could have 2 throws back but come on, Jameis will probably have 15 wins in 2 yrs on a horrible team. That is pretty good if u ask me.
December 25th, 2016 at 2:28 pm
No one should be saying Jameis is a bust. But it’s obvious that he has alot to work on this offseason. Too many times this offense has stalled with turnover from bad decisions, missed throws and some wtf moments. If Jameis tightens up a bit, this team can compete next year. But if there isn’t improvement, it will just be the same old story. If by next Christmas we’re having this same discussion, it will not be good.
December 25th, 2016 at 2:31 pm
Speaking of tightening up. Has the def made 1 goal line stand this season?
December 25th, 2016 at 2:38 pm
How many turnovers did they get yesterday? FF, Ints, strips? Anything?
I recall some asking Jax to “please take mike smith”
When JW is making 817k per game come halla at me. In the meantime build an oline and a team around him or he’ll become Andrew Luck real quick.
December 25th, 2016 at 3:01 pm
The def carried us on the winning streak to say it was jw , well as joe would say go join BSPN
December 25th, 2016 at 3:23 pm
Jameis is inaccurate eh? Really?
Jameis’ rookie year completion percentage was 58.3% and it’s up to 61.1% this year, despite having to run for his life, rush throws and deal with a pretty average set of skill players outside of Mike Evans. Both rates are higher than Andrew Luck put up in his first two years with the Colts and I don’t remember the media ever crushing Luck for being inaccurate.
The kid also has a top 10 QBR playing on THIS current Bucs roster … that is amazing.
December 25th, 2016 at 3:37 pm
The Bucs becoming playoff talent wise with so many apparent areas needing upgrades seems a longer process than a one year fix. Bandwagon feels a bit lighter. Steady as she goes. Seesaw Bucs get better. Wait on it! I got an early ticket number like the shrunken head guy at the end of Beetle juice.
December 25th, 2016 at 4:01 pm
Winston =Freeman! He will be gone after his first contact
December 25th, 2016 at 4:16 pm
Can’t wait for Jameis to leave the bucs and head to a decent organization where his talent will shine. Then the current haters can go back to enjoying their teams place among the losers of the league.
December 25th, 2016 at 4:20 pm
6-10 VS 8-8 and blame these 2 year young recruits for all the losses previous to them, what is more immature and even more impractical!
It is their fault for improving and your fault for imposing your lofty geniuses as to where they need to be.
It amazes me how from the comfort of your mind you make all the accurate calls, all the accuate plays and all the accurate snaps.
How from the comfort of your mind you can heal faster, you can throw accurately you can kick from 50 plus
ALL from the comfort of your mind you are elite, you are franchise worthy, it wouldn’ t take you 2 years to be among the BEST!!!
December 25th, 2016 at 4:53 pm
Why are the cowboys smarter than us? Because they realize the importance of a good backup quarterback in case your starter gets injured or starts playing like crap. Duh. Can’t bench jameis to straighten him out cause Glenn on ain’t worth crap
December 25th, 2016 at 5:10 pm
Lakeland you loser, nobody is telling you to STFU so go fk yourself! Yes its obvious JW is erratic and inconsistent, but he also doesnt have much time or good receivers. So according to you we just ignore the porous O line and just draft Defense. Sounds like a loser’s plan, loser!
December 25th, 2016 at 5:45 pm
Don’t apologize for Winston’s interceptions, folks. they are a massive problem and historically – is an issue that almost no QB in history has ever gotten over if continued after year two. Peyton threw a ton of interceptions in year one as did many other great QBs – but the really great ones had steady improvement throughout their first 3-4 years before reaching elite levels.
Yes – Jameis is only twenty two. That’s a huge PLUS. But I absolutely think the NFL world has done him a disservice by labeling him as a ridiculously smart QB who memorizes playbooks with ease. Winston’s interceptions a re a result of dumb, inexperienced decisions in which the defense has outsmarted him. Period. He very rarely makes super smart decisions. My hopes is he and the Bucs brass realize that and really get to work on him mastering his progressions and understanding when to take chances. It’s really simple – if he doesn’t turn the ball over twice yesterday -there’s a great chance the Bucs win. It’s really that simple.
December 25th, 2016 at 6:12 pm
Your right tony, throwing into double coverage on 3rd and 2 when you can just run is pretty stupid
December 25th, 2016 at 6:41 pm
I am forced to agree with Kobe in this case. Get a WR with speed and can separate and it helps Jamies, it helps the other receivers get open and it helps the running game.
December 25th, 2016 at 7:01 pm
So, watching steelers/ravens, Big Ben just threw 2nd interception, he has weapons–man does he have weapons. Yet even with his supporting cast he has thrown 2 int’s. He must suck even worse than young buc Jameis.
Maybe we should of gone with Mariota
December 25th, 2016 at 7:28 pm
Yeah watch him make up for those 2 int by throwing a game winning touchdown.
December 25th, 2016 at 7:41 pm
Just watched the Steelers defeat the Raven. Big Ben throw two interceptions. Dungy said the difference was that Big Ben was well protected in the during the last 79 seconds. A simple comparison and all the haters must run from daylight and hide in their caves. Bye bye!
December 25th, 2016 at 8:03 pm
Ok Winston Nutthuggers, Jameis Winston is a smart, bright, intelligent, young QB. He never make stupid decisions with the football, he rarely turns the ball over. He’s a very clutch QB under duress, he can read defenses very well for a young QB. If I had to pick a young QB to build a team around, it would be him. Is this the LIE that you DELUSIONAL Winston Lovers want to hear?
December 25th, 2016 at 8:19 pm
He can’t read defenses he doesn’t know what he’s looking at any can’t throw a spiral either stick up for him all you want! He’s not a franchise quarterback and he’s definitely not America’s quarterback ! He’s a black Vinny Testaverde.
December 25th, 2016 at 8:26 pm
The same DELUSIONAL fans that continue to cry about Winston need help. Are the ones that’s bragging about how great of a GM Jason Licht is. Which one is it, it can’t be both. A bad QB or a bad GM?
December 25th, 2016 at 8:51 pm
Listen mutt, Big Ben killed your argument.
December 25th, 2016 at 9:33 pm
The picks this game were bad decisions, not inaccurate throws. As he gets older, the bad decisions should decrease. He still has to work on accuracy, but that wasn’t the main problem yesterday. A better running game and protection will only help him in the future. The rest is on him. Just be patient. He’s not Peyton Manning, but he got over his INT issues, and he was still in college at 22, Winston has played 2 seasons in the league already. When Kurt Warner had the greatest show on turf, Rickey Prohl was the #4 WR, and he’s better than our #2, Humphries. He also had 2 #1s in Bruce and Holt and a deep threat in Hakim. Give Winston protection and weapons and we can be dangerous.
December 25th, 2016 at 9:36 pm
LakeLand, it’s not being a nutthugger, it’s understanding that a 22 yr old QB has plenty of time to improve.
December 25th, 2016 at 9:40 pm
I agree with most of the posters jw 3 cannot keep throwing the dumb picks. i am cringing now when he drops back. 3 and two with open field you run and slide. throwing across body . h
December 25th, 2016 at 9:51 pm
Winston Verde makes terrible terrible decisions, very inaccurate ,can’t throw spiral to save his life! If he’s so smart how come he can’t read a defense?
December 25th, 2016 at 11:50 pm
There is no bigger Winston fan here than me.
He makes a TON of plays. He is a gamer. A winner. But he throws too many picks.
December 26th, 2016 at 1:41 am
when his feet are set he throws great passes but with this o-line he does not get that chance
December 26th, 2016 at 1:49 am
I agree!