Buccaneers 16, Saints 11
December 11th, 2016
(Photo courtesy of Tampa Bay Buccaneers)
Bucs fans, you have an elite defense thatΒ is consistently turning stud quarterbacks into dog food.
Believe it!
This is no joke, the Bucs defense has allowed seven points total through the fourth quarters of the last five games.
That is freakin’ stunning.
The last time Tampa Bay was home, the defense choked out Russell Wilson and Warren Sapp went wild with ecstasy and likening the D to the glory days.
The defense is that good. Today, Vernon Hargreaves got his first career interception, and Brent Grimes was a beautiful display of teamwork. Gerald McCoy put on a heavy bull rush and Drew Brees rushed his pass a bit. Keith Tandy dove to tip the ball near the intended receiver, and Grimes’ hands were money. Tandy’s game-ending pick was textbook aggression.
Yeah, the Bucs offense was ugly against a garbage Saints defense. But who the hell cares? Great teams win these kinds of games.
Your Bucs aren’t great, but they sure are getting there fast.
Five in a row! The Bucs haven’t done that since 2002!
Stick with Joe all night for locker room coverage and much more.
December 11th, 2016 at 7:27 pm
Tampa bay!!!!!!!! Where all you jameis Winston haters at???
December 11th, 2016 at 7:28 pm
TANDY! Is that 2 weeks in a row?
December 11th, 2016 at 7:29 pm
How’s it feel guys?
I said…..How’s it feel?
December 11th, 2016 at 7:29 pm
December 11th, 2016 at 7:30 pm
Yeah, it was a win, but I’m really worried that the 29th-ranked defense did that to our offense. Jameis needs to learn to make a decision; way too much dancind and juking back there, and there were a couple of times when if he’d just decided to run, he’d have had yardage (and in one case maybe a touchdown).
December 11th, 2016 at 7:30 pm
I’ll glady take it!
Go Bucs!
December 11th, 2016 at 7:31 pm
I must’ve missed something. Why isn’t Farley dancing? He was dancing earlier. He and Cam used to dance a lot at Auburn.
December 11th, 2016 at 7:31 pm
GREAT win no doubt. I’m concerned about our O-Line though they didn’t play well at all.
December 11th, 2016 at 7:32 pm
So happy! Thanks defense for getting us to 8-5. Hopefully the offense will show up next week. Now gonna root for the Cowboys to beat the Giants. I think that would move us to the 5th seed.
December 11th, 2016 at 7:32 pm
Our name is scary. But he’ll the defense… fanfreakintastic
December 11th, 2016 at 7:33 pm
Offense* not name lol
December 11th, 2016 at 7:33 pm
Winston doesn’t play defense, Bucs fan #7423. Give credit where credit is due.
A very satisfying win. The Saints were playing to injure our guys. Very dirty. That’s why there were fights.
Guess what bucs fans???? No losing season this year!!!!!
December 11th, 2016 at 7:33 pm
Hargreaves and Anger were awesome today.
December 11th, 2016 at 7:34 pm
The Offensive Line continues to concern me. Winston was sacked twice, pressured often and as usual the holes were not there.
December 11th, 2016 at 7:34 pm
Yawn, rich. This is a Yuuuuuuuge(trump voice) rivalry/division win. Jameis learns from every single snap. He played safe and it served the bucs well. my question is how does luck have mvp talk?? πππππππππ
December 11th, 2016 at 7:34 pm
@Bonzai Winston threw no interceptions, you don’t have to throw touchdowns to win games
December 11th, 2016 at 7:35 pm
Oh say can you see? That the Bucs are for real.
December 11th, 2016 at 7:35 pm
You guys wondering why jameis didn’t ball out actually watch the receivers? They weren’t getting open. Remember how limited we are at receiver w hump concussed? I think we have a lot to show the saints when we see them again in 2 weeks that they didn’t see today. Go Bucs!
December 11th, 2016 at 7:35 pm
Who can close the game out
Two weeks in a row?
The Tandy Man can! The Tandy Man can!
December 11th, 2016 at 7:36 pm
Conte has lost his job.
December 11th, 2016 at 7:36 pm
Ugly win, but a win. Can’t complain.
December 11th, 2016 at 7:37 pm
How isn’t today’s win win #4 that ended with a pick?!
December 11th, 2016 at 7:37 pm
Bonzai said, “here!!!” Lol!! Still? Go have a good cry, sir. Itll be cathartic. Jameis is bad for a haters blood pressure
December 11th, 2016 at 7:37 pm
Great Win.. Those are the games the OLD bucs would find away to blow
December 11th, 2016 at 7:38 pm
@Joe … ‘Yeah, the Bucs offense was ugly against a garbage Saints defense. But who the hell cares?’ Hate to be a downer Joes, but I care. Our defense had to play lights out to compensate for 2 unbelievable ST mistakes and for an offense that can’t find any rhythm. I love winning as much as anyone, but the Bucs were incredibly lucky to come away with that win. We need to play more consistent football on BOTH sides of the ball if we’re gonna make the playoffs.
December 11th, 2016 at 7:38 pm
We need some receivers that can create separation. Too often JW gas to throw into coverage or dance until someone gets loose. Can’t win the big ones if that is all we have.
December 11th, 2016 at 7:39 pm
I don’t know about all of you, but I’m so ecstatic I can’t contain myself. I’m actually more ecstatic than I was in 2002. We’ve all been waiting since 2005 for this kind of excitement. Our offense can hang 30 and our defense is lights out. Every game is different and when the offense loses players they keep trying. The defense is just simply lights out. And this game ball needs to go to Mr. Tandy. Just wow. Two games in a row for this guy. No matter what happens in the off season, this organization better do anything they can to keep koetter together for a long time.
December 11th, 2016 at 7:40 pm
Exactly.. You have a very eagleesque receiving corps..lmao!! Not sure top/bottom eagles wrs arent better, which is insane.
December 11th, 2016 at 7:42 pm
A defense catered to stop the bucs, imo. Especially a bucs team down at wideout.
December 11th, 2016 at 7:44 pm
Watching the highlights. Missed face mask calls on the Saints on an Evans catch and Tandy’s INT. Hmm.
December 11th, 2016 at 7:46 pm
Jameis WINSTON has the whole team playing at a high level.
That’s what Jameis did.
That’s what Jameis does.
Buc up and show him unconditional LOVE!
December 11th, 2016 at 7:46 pm
It’s clear the best team won. Take away ONE boneheaded play which led to five points and a dramatic change of momentum and we were on the verge of domination. Once the mighty mo changed it was tough.
At least we got to see once again what we’re made of. Earlier Bucs teams would have folded after that trifecta of bad plays to end the first half on a downer after ;playing so well.
December 11th, 2016 at 7:46 pm
You care that the offense was garbage because they were playing one of the worst defenses and scored ONE TD!!!!
That won’t get it done against Dallas, can’t count on the d shutting down Dallas and Brees again. Jameis needs to play like a franchise qb or things will get ugly
December 11th, 2016 at 7:46 pm
2 weeks from now I expect a gunshow! both teams are gonna go on a scoring frenzy!!
December 11th, 2016 at 7:47 pm
If Jameis keeps playing like he did today he’s not inspiring anyone to play well
December 11th, 2016 at 7:48 pm
This freaking game was a nailbiter. The Saints played above their heads defensively. The Bucs are fortunate to get the win.
December 11th, 2016 at 7:48 pm
Tandy must remain the starter. He is a ball hawk. In 2 games he has accounted for more turnovers than conte has in 2 years.
December 11th, 2016 at 7:49 pm
I meant koetter and smith together for a long time.
December 11th, 2016 at 7:49 pm
1.Tandy should replace Conte
2. I care about how bad the offense was (not good enough to get it done against good teams)
December 11th, 2016 at 7:53 pm
Tampa Tony…go away!
December 11th, 2016 at 7:53 pm
The bucs play to the score. For better or worse the offense can kick it up a notch when we are down. but when we are up, we coast. Jameis is better under pressure. Im not worried about the cowboys. I have faith in winston’s ability to get up for that big match up.
Just like the seahawks game, we got out to a nice lead, and then coasted to the finish line. If the defense had struggled and gave up the lead, im positive our Bucs Offense could rise to the occasion. Jameis knows when to take shots and when to play it safe. It’s why his INTs have gone down and why the bucs are winners of their last 5.
December 11th, 2016 at 7:54 pm
Thats right dont forget the punter in that defensive discussion. Guys been money lately. Whew huge mistake by josh huff, glad it didnt cost them the win. 5 in a row!!! Woooohooooo is right baby. The offense didnt play its best but the aints defense is much improved. Cmon bucs put in on them cowgirls!!!!
December 11th, 2016 at 7:54 pm
Tony…so if say Brady or Rodgers has a bad game they don’t inspire anybody??
In other words stfu you Winston HATER!!!!
Even when he plays a good game you’re like…meh.
So again stfu…thanks.
December 11th, 2016 at 7:56 pm
Tampa tony with the wisdom to blame Jameis, even though they won, and he was accurate, and Donovan Smith sucked, and we we were short on receivers…blame Jameis though. Good call.
December 11th, 2016 at 7:56 pm
3rd and 7 at the saint 35. They throw it??????? That was dumb. Didn’t try the 53 yard field goal. If you can’t trust your kicker to kick a 53 yarder. To put your team up 8. He shouldn’t be on the roster. Should have ran it for whatever 2-5 yards setting up a 46-48 yarder. A win is a win. I’m just saying giving Brees a shot to win the game on a late drive. Is risky, 2 point convert is a coin flip. Then they still have to win in OT. If the saints punched that in to win. It would have killed our momentum and the season for that matter.
December 11th, 2016 at 8:00 pm
Perhaps Glennon can be more of a team motivator for Tony.
Or perhaps we can get another McCown…
Go away!
December 11th, 2016 at 8:00 pm
I see we have some negative jimmys here. All I’ll say is, when one side of the ball has problems, the other side does their job and more! How many times has this offense bailed the defense out? Now the defense is paying it foward. This team is united no matter what and it’s a glorious thing to see. I would love to see our team playing in the superbowl and I’m absolutely enjoying the ride. Just love this resilient team fellow fans. The future just might be brighter than ever. And on a side note: we just held the freaking saints to 11!!!! Not 42 or 35 or 50. 11!!!!!!!!!!#
December 11th, 2016 at 8:01 pm
Whiners go play somewhere else. What did you think that this would have been an easy win?????
Jameis did what he was supposed to do. I don’t care if he doesnt throw for 300 yards every game. I want the wins and I am getting them so again STFU Nd enjoy the win. Go BuCS!!!!!
December 11th, 2016 at 8:02 pm
It was a fine call. And punting it was an even better call. You do not give up field position to one of the best QBs on this generation. Pin him back, make him 95 yards instead of 50 (in the event of a likely missed FG from deep) it was the right call, it got us the win, stop whining.
December 11th, 2016 at 8:06 pm
87- Why are you so mentally weak where you can’t have an adult discussion about a player or an open debate?
If Jameis is accurate they score at least one TD and Brees doesn’t have a chance to win the game. The pass that Moore broke up was behind the receiver if he leads the WR it’s a TD
I’m no hater I like Jameis I just expect a “Franchise QB” to play much better against a bad pass d. You can be critical of the team and a subpar offense and still be a fan.
December 11th, 2016 at 8:08 pm
December 11th, 2016 at 8:08 pm
87- I’ll always be here as I’m a fan, so learn to discuss the game like an adult and not a Winston/FSU homer. BTW I hate Glennon dude is a gutless giraffe
December 11th, 2016 at 8:09 pm
I seem to remember a few people saying they wish jameis was half as good as Brees and we would be a playoff team….well Drew threw 3 picks to Jameis’ 0. Maybe you’re right, he shouldve thrown more picks!
December 11th, 2016 at 8:11 pm
“Can I got out and play mom?”
“Of course Drew. But make sure you stay on this block and watch out for any strangers who offer you Tandy.”
“Ok mom, love you <3"
"I love you too my little Drewdles!!"
December 11th, 2016 at 8:13 pm
This is the changing of the guard. As the sun sets on Brees’ career, a new dawn is coming to the NFC south.
December 11th, 2016 at 8:14 pm
Bros: Tandy playing at a pro bowl level. Tackles for loss, tip balls, INTs and straight bringing the wood. It’s been a while since I seen this high level of play from Bucs since #47. Love it!
December 11th, 2016 at 8:16 pm
Tony I believe it’s because YOU make it impossible. Your stances and allegations CONSISTENTLY go unfounded and bias. The fact is, to your chagrin, Jameis IS our franchise QB. We are very much in playoff contention in his 2nd season. If you really don’t think Jameis had anything to do with the tremendous turnaround you’re just as drunk as Bucnut2.
December 11th, 2016 at 8:19 pm
Warthog……..that is the best Iv’e read.
December 11th, 2016 at 8:25 pm
Question? Will the win in Dallas next week make every Buc fan here change their attitude? I hope so. This team is doing something special and they need to know us fans are absolutely 100 percent behind them. In my 20 years of being a fan, this is the most exciting season I’ve ever witnessed. THANK YOU BUCS!!!!!
December 11th, 2016 at 8:28 pm
Bucs have won 5 in a row largely on the d improving. To me a Franchise QB isn’t held to one TD by a bad pass d. If you argue Winston needs weapons I’ll give you that. At the same time This was Jameis’s only third game all year without a turnover, franchise qbs give their team a chance to win every week constant turnovers don’t do that.
I like Jameis but he still has a long way to go to be considered a true franchise qb as all too often he turns the ball over and isn’t clutch when the team needs a score
December 11th, 2016 at 8:29 pm
Tampa Tony really this is all you got? After a big team win all you want to bitch about is the offense should have played better and Winston was bad unbelievable. I guess Brees is a terrible QB using your logic. Like Buc1987 said stfu!!!!
December 11th, 2016 at 8:37 pm
He definitely needs more weapons besides Mike and Cam. Based on Brees throwing 6 picks in the last 2 games, he also wouldn’t qualify as a franchise QB by your standards. You aware that Winston is on pace for most passing yards in first 2 seasons of any QB? Pretty impressive for a non franchise QB with one real receiving weapon
December 11th, 2016 at 8:40 pm
Tampa Tony…. Glennon is a gutless giraffe? You step out of one hole only to fall into another.
December 11th, 2016 at 8:41 pm
I think Tandy has Wally Pipped Conte. This is how our defense used to play in it’s heyday. Go Bucs!!!
December 11th, 2016 at 8:45 pm
You all keep forgetting the biggest thing about this game. It was a division rival!!! of course its going to be a tough as nails game. Tony, it doesn’t matter what the Saints record is or what their pass defense is rated. It’s the Saints. It’s the Falcons. It’s the Panthers. The hardest games of the regular season for us every year!
Yes Jameis didn’t have a perfect game, but he looked like the best player on our offense today. WRs couldn’t get open. We couldn’t run well and our O line wasn’t consistent at all.
But a win is a win! We won today. We have won 5 in a row. We control our own destiny. How bout we all enjoy and wait to nitpick until at least tomorrow!
December 11th, 2016 at 8:47 pm
TampaTony needs some cheese and crackers with that whine. It doesn’t matter how good the boys play he always finds a reason to cry. It’s one thing to be objective about your team but his nit picking is ridiculous. The two years I’ve been up here I can’t remember ever seeing him posting something positive. This was such a great win you and bucnuttin should be on time out until the day after.
December 11th, 2016 at 8:50 pm
My bad. Apparently Atlanta controls the Division destiny now with the win over the Rams. Confusing. Either way, if we win out, we are in.
December 11th, 2016 at 8:52 pm
Go on w ur bad self TB!!!!!!!! Get that O going more and I couldn’t b happier!!!
Proud as F of this team!!! I applaud the team & fans!!! You’ve earned it, let’s gooooooo! You’ve become awesome again!!!!!!!!
December 11th, 2016 at 8:59 pm
@Chipbuc-Brees has won a Super Bowl and done it for years. He’s also on the downside of his career not a fair comparison. Stats are nice but when the Bucs need a score to put an opponent away when has Jameis consistently done that?
It’s not hate it’s unbiased criticism as I’m not a loser FSU homer who roots for the Bucs second over a college I never attended like most FSU fans.
Again for those of you with reading comprehension issues I like Jameis I’m just not on his sack until he consistently makes the throws he needs to make and keeps drives alive. To me his best game all year was week 1 and he’s been up and down ever since.
December 11th, 2016 at 9:04 pm
That was the single greatest downed punt at the 6 inch line, a ballet performed by 4-5 guys, I have ever witnessed in my life.
Additionally, that huff muff at the 6 inch line was possibly the most bizarre KO return I’ve ever witnessed in football.
And what are the odds that a punter as excellent as Brian Anger would shank a free kick out of bounds?
Three consecutive plays almost turned the game around: the KO muff, the safety and the free kick shank. Very weird series of events.
December 11th, 2016 at 9:06 pm
It was nice to see Charles Simms back. He adds a special dimension to the offense.
December 11th, 2016 at 9:10 pm
Do you all realize this defense kept the Brees out of the endzone? First time I can recall we ever did that. This is definitely no fluke. We ladies (and female posters) and gentlemen have what is now called an NFL defense! A defense we can now expect to keep us in games. The offense stunk it up and once again Fameis struggled but it did enough to put up enough points on the board. That’s how you play complimentary football.
Hey Joe, you wrote an article about don’t blame the oline. Did you watch the game today? Did you watch Dougies td run? Did you watch his run for a safety safety? Do you recall which # linemen was in the backfield as soon as he got the ball? Let me tell yo #90. I don’t know if you and all the other Martin detractors saw today how the Saint’s defense was being allowed in the backfield. How many games do you watch seeing the same thing game after game? Yet Barber and Rogers run average is a little better than Dougies and you guys say he’s not running well. I read someone said he sucks and another say he’s coasting. Some people shouldn’t post and sometimes you should get a second opinion from the other Joe if you should post any further articles.
December 11th, 2016 at 9:15 pm
Great job Bucs. Way to find a way to win!
December 11th, 2016 at 10:20 pm
Bucnut2, Mariota: 6-20, 88 yards! lol
December 11th, 2016 at 10:34 pm
I’m the reason we won today!
December 11th, 2016 at 10:43 pm
For the Jameis haters, I consider this a very mature game. I just rewatched every offensive play. He absolutely missed Sheppard in the end zone, but all QB’s have occasional misses. There were so many big third down throws in the second hals. He also had a ball that I believe Charles Simms comes up with if he hadn’t been out for a while and a ball that Mike Evans short armed, inside the 5, a ball he normally catches, had to be high as well to let Evans make a play. Before the Huff play, New Orleans was ready for the knock out. Koetter, really called a weird game. The 3rd and 1 call in the 2nd quarter was odd. Somebody messed up there. Meyers and Brate could’ve held hands there. That call nearly lost us the game. In the second half he wasn’t asked to do a ton. Smith had a bad penalty that killed a drive. The defense as well as it played didn’t get off the field quickly. New Orleans had some long sustained drives that ended up in 3. Winston, and the offense, played the game it had to play to win the game.
My biggest concern is how do we win with this receiving corps. Roddy White must be totally washed up. Simms must be used as a receiver for the rest of the year.
December 11th, 2016 at 10:51 pm
8-5, baby! Never thought it could happen!
December 12th, 2016 at 12:37 am
How many passing yards does #3 have in the last 3 games????? Answer who freakin cares. I’m not a 100% believer in Winston. But he is showing more promise lately. I don’t give two ships about passing yards. If you have a crappy defence your QB will have more passing yards. You have to match your opponent. In that situation Winston struggles and tends to turn it over or stop drives with risky inaccurate downfield throws. Nobody in KC cares that they have a game manager as their QB. They have won 19 of there last 22 games. The only way to get payed is to win. Unless your name is Brock.
December 12th, 2016 at 9:26 am
Tampa Tony According to you I’m surprised the bucs have won any games as bad as Winston has played. Seriously do you hear yourself. Winston is surpassing all expectations for a 2nd year QB in this league. He isn’t perfect no QB is. He has 23 TD passes this year, according to you none of them did anything to win games except in game one. By the way i’m not a fl st homer and i’m not on his sack because i like what he’s doing this year. I’m a 25 year season ticket holder who likes how Winston is leading my team, so how about you getting off Winston’s sack with negative comments. Ps how about celebrating a big win instead of nip picking Winston it seems like every week.