
November 3rd, 2016
Does Jameis have enough weapons to win a shootout?

Does Jameis have enough weapons to win a shootout?

Just about every Bucs fan seems to be loading up on hooch today.

It’s not so much anticipation of a Bucs win tonight. They’re stocking up while bracing for a Bucs loss, hoping mass quantities of alcohol numbs the pain.

The Bucs, who looked bad in the second half of the Raiders loss, are beat up. And with such a short week to host the Dixie Chicks, have turned to guys who were applying for jobs as short-order cooks and FedEx baggage handlers a month ago to be key weapons.

Meanwhile, the first-place Dixie Chicks have had an excellent, 5-3 start since losing opening day to the Bucs.

Despite a convergence of two teams seemingly heading in opposite directions, KC Joyner of BSPN believes it is the Bucs who will prevail.

Tampa Bay over Atlanta. It’s a short week road game for a Falcons squad that ranks 29th in points allowed per game (28.9). Shootout games are 50-50 propositions, and the Buccaneers’ offense can turn this into that type of contest.

First, these are two different teams from the ones that squared off in Atlanta not quite two months ago. The Bucs, so banged up, are down to a guy who was panhandling for work just before the season started as their No. 2 receiver. Running back? The Bucs are down to their fourth, fifth and sixth stringers.

Even if the Bucs wanted to get into a shootout with Atlanta, Joe fears they don’t have the horses.

In the immortal words of Jimbo Fisher, this ain’t PlayStation. Just because a coach wants to run a certain offense, that doesn’t mean he can without the horses to do so.

25 Responses to “Upset!”

  1. The Buc Realist Says:

    Really looking for the Bucs to get the Running game established!! This could be the key to victory!!!! I do not want to see a passing shoot out and all the extra hits on JW3 will is one of the reasons why the inaccuracy is showing up in the second half!!!!!!

    Go Bucs!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Doolnutts Says:

    I am not about to sit here and say that I wouldn’t love another W/R on the other side of Evans BUT I want to point out how many deep balls Winston missed last week…. I am you can’t get anymore open than how open our guys were on AT LEAST three occasions. If Winston can come out hot tonight there is no reason why we can’t win a shoot out poor receivers or not…

  3. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    We need Koetter to call a very smart game……mix it up….play action on 1st down….lots of short passes and screens with an occasional downfield shot…..Shorts, Dye & Shepard can run after the catch so some slants to them may produce results.

    On defense….we must jam receivers and blitz with our LBs & Safeties…. we simply don’t have the pass rush otherwise.

  4. Waterboy Says:

    I’m not sure we’re all watching the same games. I went back and rewatched the 2nd half of last week’s game and Winston only had 4 over throws down the field, 2 of them came on the 1st drive after halftime when it was 2nd and 15 and 3rd and 15 and on both passes the guy was double covered but he had to take a shot based on the situation. The 3rd one was a slight overthrow to Evans on a deep pass down the right sideline and Winston barely missed him but it looked to me like Evans could’ve laid out for it and made the catch. The 4th over throw on a deep ball was to Shepherd who beat his guy on a double move but the guy grabbed him and took a penalty rather than getting beat for a TD.

  5. Waterboy Says:

    Koetter should dial up a heavy dose of runs and stick to play action passes. Mike Evans is the only WR that can get open when he’s in the empty back sets or doing straight drop backs where they aren’t freezing the DB’s for a second with the threat of a run.

  6. ChanEpic Says:

    I see a bunch of us hoping Koetter and Smith, who have coached many of the ATL players, have a game plan to win this game. That’s what we’ve gotten to. Usually ex-coaches scheme their way to wins against their former teams, the Bucs, we have to hope and pray. sheesh..

  7. Chucklehead Says:

    I dont see how we can win this one with all the injuries and depth issues. Im just hoping we dont look like a bunch of cowards and further embarrass our selves.
    Its getting hard to keep justifying my love for this team. Especially when everywhere you look there is a brand new Patiots fan and all of a sudden Im seeing a lot more Raiders fans out and about. Band wagon fans are the worst.

  8. Buc1987 Says:

    Take us back to 4-4 where we belong anyways at this point in the season.

  9. Kobe Faker Says:

    We need no huddle. They will blanket me13 and wont allow to be beaten with evans

    The only way we can get brate, hump, wr2? And running back open…is no huddle uptemp short passing attack

    *our other recievers cant beat man coverage and needs to be in no huddle mode to create separation

    ***Kobes stock tip of the day…

    Buy bestbuy stock….alot of smashed tellys

  10. rayjay1122 Says:

    I don’t want to be negative or pessimistic, so that is where I am ending this comment. Good luck Bucs.

  11. Dick Butkiss Says:

    I’ll be there! Go Bucs!

  12. Defense Rules Says:

    See lots of great ideas in fans’ comments, but as Joe says “Just because a coach wants to run a certain offense, that doesn’t mean he can without the horses to do so.” I only see one way to beat the Falcons this time around with this roster: the Bucs have to control the clock and get at least 35 mins time-of-possession AND win the turnover battle while keeping penalties to a minimum. Bucs don’t have the weapons right now for a consistent passing game … short or long. Bucs best hope is that our OLine opens holes wide enough for a Mack truck to run through so that our 4th, 5th & 6th string RBs can gain some decent yardage, control the clock and allow us to put at least 28 pts on the board. ME13, Hump & Shep will get their share of passes, but I’m also hoping that our TEs get a LOT more involved than they have been. Hope that Barber gets an opportunity for some good carries early; would love to see if he’s really a keeper.

  13. Buc1987 Says:

    Message to Bucnut2 :

    Big girls don’t cry….

  14. Spacebuc Says:

    Good points, D-Rules.
    That’d limit turnovers,too.
    However, if it’s third and long, why not take a shot at the deep ball?
    I mean, we keep getting fed the fact that Dye, Shep, and Martino are speed guys.
    Time to take the reigns off.
    Also would like to see the Dbs roughing up Jones. He’s gonna burn em anyways.
    Got to, got to, got to put Ryan on the turf, too.
    Tonight may be a poop storm, but don’t make it easy for dem dirty birds

  15. tdtb2015 Says:

    If we don’t have a running game tonight, we might see another 56 points spanking from the Falcons…..

    Go Bucs!

  16. Warren Says:

    Shepard for the start over Shorts…not even sure why that dude is on the field. Shepard has heart and hustle…when he succeeds it fires up the whole team. My two cents anyway. Humphries, Brate/Stocker, Shepard, that speedy new RB (who I can’t remember) catching passes out of the backfield, and of course Mike Evans. We may not have much of a running game today, but once Jameis is firing on all cylinders (let’s hope), then we’re not in as horrible shape on offense as it would seem. Don’t waste time with Shorts though…Shepard shoes way more productivity so get him on the field! Let Shorts play special teams and give Shep a breather

  17. Warren Says:


  18. Buc1987 Says:

    Got it figured out.

    Perhaps Winston just needs glasses…

  19. LakeLandBuc Says:

    Why is Winston throwing the ball deep so much?. We don’t have deep threat receivers. Throw short to your receivers, and mix it up with screen passes to your backs. The reason why Winston get hit so much, he holds the ball waiting for his turtle receivers to get open 25 yards downfield. He’s completing less than 30% of his deep passes, why continue the trend? It don’t make sense, but what do make sense with the Bucs?

  20. Kobe Faker Says:

    Our guru koetter the clown playcalling

    Run the ball 9 straight times than next game throw 7 deep bombs

    I think he is going to turn jameis bipolar

  21. Joe Says:

    I think he is going to turn jameis bipolar


  22. Kevin Says:

    The one free agent signing I wanted to see more than any other this offseason was Sanu….and the falcons signed him…..go figure he and evans would have made it a lot harder on defenses. We are going to get slaughtered with smiyhs defense

  23. Wes Says:

    Never know what can happen. We were saying the same about Quizz before the Carolina game

  24. Tampa Tony Says:

    Week 1 Koetter was confident in Jameis now he’s not as he’d rather run run then risk him forcing bad inaccurate throws to Evans.

    Falcons win BIG

  25. Tampa Tony Says:

    Watch the underneath routes every time Jaboo overthrows a wide open wr down the field there is almost always a open receiver underneath

    Jameis is a drive killer with his inaccuracy