Lovie Mafia Alive And Well

November 3rd, 2016
Still deified by national media.

Still deified by national media.

Joe doesn’t think much of Lovie Smith as a football tactician or an evaluator of talent, but the man sure knows how to find an agent.

Lovie signed a four-year, $20 contract with the Bucs. So when Lovie cleaned out his office in the dark of the night, he also dry cleaned Team Glazer for $10 million of walking around money.

Then, weeks later, Lovie’s agent found a sadsack, desperate, moribund B1G program to drop $21 million in his lap over six years. And if Lovie repeats his malaise in Champaign as he did in Tampa — he’s already got a good head start — Lovie’s buyout could be as high as $19 million!

Joe has only one word for Lovie’s agent: Salutare!

It’s been a long, long time since Joe has seen a coach’s agent work (read: stroke) the national media quite like Lovie’s. This guy plays dudes like a fiddle, filling their heads/e-mail in-boxes with utter fiction, such as a palace coup at One Buc Palace last winter. Give Joe a friggin’ break.

In what sure smells like a plant, David Steele of The Sporting News comes out swinging at Team Glazer saying the Bucs fired the wrong coach and hired the wrong coach.

They’ve blown games they should have won and eked out wins they should feel lucky they got. Last week at home against Oakland was their season in a nutshell.

So with all that … why exactly did they have to fire Lovie Smith, particularly when and how they did? And when does the Dirk Koetter promotion pay off, since it hasn’t so far? …

The Bucs are essentially the same team as last year, just with different faces. The sudden urgency of shoving Smith overboard would have been justified had Koetter been the key to a big leap in the standings, especially in a vulnerable NFC South. The Bucs haven’t leaped anywhere so far.

To be fair, Steele noted Koetter could solidify his status as a competent NFL head coach with a win over the Dixie Chicks.

Joe sat next to Steele at the Capitol Collapse last year. So Steele saw with his own eyes why Lovie’s not here.

The Bucs defense got lit up by the Raiders on Sunday, but Koetter is not a defensive coach. No one has ever referred to him as a defensive guru, like the way Lovie was sold to the masses.

Not only were Lovie’s defenses horrid, he never had an answer, never adjusted. This was for all including Steele to see at the Capitol Collapse.

So let’s compare Koetter’s start to Lovie’s with the Bucs. Steele knocked Koetter for being wet behind the ears as an NFL head coach and that’s correct. But when Lovie came to Tampa Bay, he was a veteran head coach who guided a team to a Super Bowl. So Lovie can’t hide behind a tag of being a neophyte.

Lovie started out 1-6 in his first seven games, including a win over the Steelers on the road (behind Mike Glennon). He lost two close games. Koetter — the rookie NFL head coach — has started 3-4 with a win over the first-place Dixie Chicks, and he lost two close games.

With a bit of luck, the Bucs under Koetter could be 5-2. With a little luck, Lovie could have started 3-4.

Koetter is undefeated in the NFC South with two division wins. Lovie was 0-2 and went on to be winless in the division for the season.

Koetter, through seven games, already has more wins than Lovie had in his first 17 games with the Bucs.

So to suggest Koetter is doing just as bad as Lovie did, or perhaps worse, is overlooking and ignoring many facts.

Steele did get one observation correct: Koetter was hired solely based on his work developing America’s Quarterback, Pro Bowler Jameis Winston.

Jameis this season has struggled since whipping up on the Dixie Chicks to open the season. Koetter swears Jameis has not regressed. Well, you watched Jameis last year and you’ve watched Jameis this year. What do your eyes tell you?

(Probably the same as what Joe’s eyes see.)

Meanwhile, if you believe ESPN.com, Lovie is “miserable” in Champaign, though he publicly denied it.

(And for the inevitable “quit-writing-about-Lovie” catcalls, save your typing effort. Joe always writes about ex-Bucs coaches and always will. What exactly did Lovie do that was so special Joe should pretend he never existed? In fact, every chance Joe gets, he will remind Bucs fans how Lovie has the worst home winning percentage of any coach in franchise history, including a guy who started out 0-13 at home with the Bucs).

39 Responses to “Lovie Mafia Alive And Well”

  1. Phil Says:

    Even if we don’t win another game I will still be very happy Lovie is no longer here. He is a moron and a terrible coach.

  2. The Buc Realist Says:

    But, But, But he made the superbowl with grossman!!!!!!

    Its Funny to hear some cry about the loss last Sunday!!!!!! I very good Oakland game in here and the teams battled!!!! The Bucs were in it and had numerous chances to win!!! coach my scheme would have been blown out by the second quarter!!!

    Despite the injuries this team is showing marked improvement in many area’s !!!!!! They do need to learn to win games, but first that had to be competitive in 4th quarters first!!!!! Instead of collecting garbage yards in blowouts like the last 2 years under the incompetent one!!!!!

    Go America!!!!!!

    And Go Bucs!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Tampa Tony Says:

    Lovie set this franchise back years with his mentality and awful player decisions. Anyone who can’t see that is either related to him or just doesn’t know anything about the sport

  4. Doolnutts Says:

    In my humble opinion, the Koetter move was NEVER about this immediate season… Sure everyone wants to win now but this to me was clearly a move to help promote the growth with our number one asset Jamies Winston… The immediate goal I would think is to let Winston and Koetter grow together and to build a team completely around our young QB from coaches to players. Regardless of how this season turns out I have been pretty excited so far, we have been in most games and as Koetter and Winston improve I would think they would be able to win on a more consistent bases.

  5. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    @ Realist

    You are a man of your word. You have restrained yourself when it comes to Lovie bashing……even when given the opportunity(this article) you were perfectly reasonable.

    See, I have noticed.

  6. ATrain Says:

    So the media after 7 games is already wanting more out of Dirk than they wanted to give Lovie to do in 3 years.

    1st of all if Lovie was such a great COACH then why is he in Corn Fields coaching? Why didn’t another team pick him up or even a real College?

    Dirk has to change the way the BUCS play. He has to over come an attitude that was set into this team starting with Raheem, “the lets go bowling coach” a players friend. Then LOVIE who got BLOWN out but teams DO you remember the Atlanta game..

    David Steele has either an agenda or is STUPID…

    Lovie sucks as a Coach if you do not see that please go watch the Dodge Ball Championships

  7. Kobe Faker Says:

    2016 do or die game of the year, and we are talking about lovie…smh

    Lovie sucks and i blame him for bringing in stinkin kicker pickin jason gump

    We should have cleaned house and threw out lovie and jason licht into the gulf with all the unsold beer

    And kept jon robinson

  8. ChanEpic Says:

    I think there can be a case made for the firing of Lovie AND that Koetter is not up to snuff as a head coach. Those two realities are NOT mutually exclusive. And Joe(s), sure Koetter is not a defensive guru but that’s why they brought in coach Smith so where Lovie had himself to blame for being a bad head coach, The Bucs have a 2 head coaches on the team with not much progress to show in the W/L column. That said, THEY HAVE TO BEAT THE FOWL CLOWNS tonight, and if they do I’ll be a happy buc fan.

  9. Miko Says:

    sick of Lovie talk…simple as that…

  10. Maze Says:

    Lovie makes me sick. What a fraud and a joke. Garbage motivator and talent evaluator. Can’t believe no one has hired his son yet lmao

  11. Joseph Mamma Says:

    Pretty sure Lovie’s agent is his son that went to law school. At least it was for a minute.

  12. Buc1987 Says:

    Dirk, Dick Vermeil or Mickey Mouse.

    Anybody but Lovie Smith.

  13. WyldKat Says:

    On the plus side, this year, Koetter’s Bucs have one more win than Lovie’s Illini.

  14. pick6 Says:

    it probably makes for unpleasant reading, but i bet the point differential under Lovie was brutal in the first half of the year. i think we lost multiple games by 4 TDs. Just no fight or poise in that team

  15. Joe Says:

    On the plus side, this year, Koetter’s Bucs have one more win than Lovie’s Illini.

    And no loss to Purdue… at home!

  16. LakeLandBuc Says:

    Chris Conte, Keith Tandy, Bradley McDougald, Jude, Alterraun Verner, GMC, LVD, Kwon, Akeem Spence, Will Gholdston were key players on a defense that stunk last season. And the weird thing is, they all are key players on a defense that stinks just as bad this season. That’s a direct reflection of the GM, not the coaching staff. Knute Rockne couldn’t win with the trash that we have on this defense. I don’t understand the logic, you fire the coach, but keep the trash players. I understand that it takes time to rebuild with new players, but how do you expect to win with these players?

  17. Patrick in VA Says:

    I will never understand how people think that we’re supposed to just do a scorched earth approach to rebuilding a roster by just dumping all the players we currently have. Who exactly do you replace them with? We’re bringing in new people via the draft or FA to fill the holes we still have on the roster where we don’t even have NFL level starters. How are we going to get rid of pro bowlers and replace them when we have Conte and Tandy filling significant roles? We have to stop the bleeding before we can bolster positions that are at least ok. Yes, our pass rush is terrible. I would love to send tons of resources to fixing that. If we were at a point where we could do so, I’d say spend an entire draft on the D line. But we have more holes to fill. Our safeties are a dumpster fire. We need receivers in the worst way. RB depth is a huge issue. It all has to be addressed and then we have to have those players come in and show that they can deliver on their potential, which is what they’re brought in based on. It’ll never be as simple as just getting rid of the losers. Systematically weeding them out is one thing, a wholesale exodus is another.

  18. 813bucboi Says:

    funny how some people rather have a 6-10 season under dirk compared to a 6-10 season under lovie….

    @realist….had the raiders not committed the most penalties in NFL history they would’ve put 56 points….yet another blow out under dirk….

    funny how people praised dirk and smitty but have all the excuses in the world on why the defense and jameis has regressed….

    dirk has more talent and a so called better dc….so why do we have the same record as last year?…..nothing has changed but faces….same offensive system….still playing a 43 defense…the way we’re losing games this year is far worst than any time last year….dirk is incompetent….EXCUSES EXCUSES….GO BUCS!!!!

  19. LakeLandBuc Says:

    You keep firing coaches after 2 seasons, but you keep the trash players. It takes a Head Coach at least 4-5 seasons to rebuild a 5 seasons running ( bottom feeder). You’re not going to sign any top free agents, they don’t want to play for losers. You only get the trash free-agents, who is looking for a big payday ( they could less about winning). Once they signed that big contract, they feel like they have already won. And you won’t get anything out of them, just a waste of money. You have to build through the draft, make every draft pick count.

  20. Warrenfb12 Says:

    Lol omg man. Bucs are better than they were last year. Last year, Oakland would have blown them out. Lovie is having so much success in Illinois.

  21. 813bucboi Says:

    @warren….do you think we would’ve went to OT if the raiders didn’t set a record in penalties….he!! no….it would’ve been a blow…yet again under dirk….GO BUCS!!!

  22. The Buc Realist Says:

    Only two other teams have held the Raiders to less of a score during regulation time!!!! And the Raiders are a top 5 offense!!!!!!

    Its so refreshing to have the “right” coaches around here!!! now they just need to finalize the roster and off they go!!!!

    Go America!!!!

    And Go Bucs!!!!!

  23. Bucsfanman Says:

    @Realist- 813 has a point. What would the score have been like if the Raiders don’t set an NFL record in penalties?
    I did not think we’d be a contender overnight. However, without the blinders on, I did think that we would be improved in some areas. Right now I would say that we have a looooong way to go.
    Go Bucs!

  24. The Buc Realist Says:

    What IF the Raiders did not set a record for penalties

    What IF VJ83 was healthy

    What IF lovie was a good coach!!!

    all “what if” scenarios that did not happen!!!!!!

    Go Bucs!!!!!!!

  25. 813bucboi Says:

    @realist…your so delusional….

    “Only two other teams have held the Raiders to less of a score during regulation time!!!! And the Raiders are a top 5 offense!!!!!!”……if you didn’t notice we lost….KC held them to 10…Tenn held them to 17 and still lost….so what’s your point….

    only 1 team in the history of the nfl has committed over 20penalties for 200yards and STILL WON THE GAME….not to mention CARR THREW FOR 513YARDS on a defense that was “turning the corner”!!!!!

    Its so refreshing to have the “right” coaches around here!!! now they just need to finalize the roster and off they go!!!!


  26. 813bucboi Says:

    @realist….the fact is that we lost a game that we should’ve won….jameis has regressed…the defense has regressed…we’re still losing games the same way we have been losing the pass 3 years….the coaching staff isn’t getting the job done….

    this game will show if dirk still has control over the locker room….lose this one and the doubt will start to creep in among the players….dirk has already quit on this team a few times this season and isn’t helping them out with his calling, personnel and clock management decision…..his seat is starting to warm up….JIM TOMSULA anyone?…..GO BUCS!!!!

  27. Eric Says:

    Typical. As if Lovie never coached before he joined the bucs.

    Local media hack favoritism. Rock star was fabulous. Chucky sucked. Joe Maddon sucked.


  28. Bucsfanman Says:

    @Realist- Based on what you’ve seen so far, Lovie aside, you’re OK with it? Bad defense? Zero pass-rush? Horrible clock management? QB regression?
    We all know that Lovie was not the right, or good coach. We’re giving this regime a pass because it’s “not Lovie”?!!!
    It’s more than fair to question AND criticize this staff based on the results. We ALL expected improvement. Where have we improved? I’m just asking!

  29. 813bucboi Says:

    @bucsfanman….those are so great question that you’ve asked @realist and I cant wait for his response….

    but why give dirk a pass just because he’s not lovie?….he’s been in the league for years…why does he deserve a free pass?….lovie wasn’t given a free pass when he had the worst oline in the league, no franchise qb, no oc and very little to no talent….

    if you look at our remaining schedule I can make a case that we will lose every single one….if that were true, would he get a pass if we finished 3-13 just because he’s not lovie?….GO BUCS!!!

  30. Bucsfanman Says:

    @813- The firing of Lovie was expected to bring about change, and more specifically, improvement. If we were seeing “improvement” I would not be so critical. This is game #8 for the Bucs. By now, the “coaching the Lovie out” should be done and the new regime should be held accountable.
    We’ve got a whole half of a season to get it turned around.
    Go BUCS!

  31. grafikdetail Says:


  32. The Buc Realist Says:

    LOL!!! The sheep are so easy to count around here!!!!! The reason is that they come to you!!!!!!

    I could answer all those questions for you, but I have learned that you cannot talk sense to the senseless!!!! so here some jokes!!!

    what is lovie’s favorite dessert??? Pudding!!!! Because its soft, just like his scheme!!!!!

    If lovie worked in a restaurant what would his job be called??? dumb-waiter!!!!!

    Who is the next coordinator lovie will hire??? The next family member that asks!!!!!!!

  33. 813bucboi Says:

    @realist….be a man….answer the questions…please enlighten us….we’re dying to know why improvement has not been made….you do know lovie is not coaching this team right?….in fact things seem to have regressed….give us your take on why things have taken a step back….GO BUCS!!!!

  34. Bucsfanman Says:

    I get it. You can’t answer them because they are the SAME reasons we ran Lovie out of town! Therefore, you would be contradicting yourself. I understand!
    Anyway, call me a “sheep” if you want to. I’m just calling it like I see it.
    I’m hoping that we’ll start to see some improvement. Tonight would be a great place to start!

    By the way Realist, don’t give up your day job! The restaurant one is kind-of funny, but the rest……..ugh!

  35. Bucsfanman Says:

    You know what, this dialogue is becoming kind of dumb. I think we all want the Bucs to win, right?
    Who cares about who’s right or wrong? And, what ‘bleeping’ difference does our opinion make anyway?!
    We all have our opinions (emphasis on “opinions”!) and it is fun to have these discussions. For a minute there, I got all wound up though.
    I hope we’re all spilling beer and jumping for joy with another Buc victory tonight! I’m going to drink one for you too Realist!
    Go Bucs!

  36. Big HogHaynes Says:

    Well, well, we are what our record says we are, and LOVIE got ran out of time for not winning games, and if Coach K and his FANDANGO ALL/WORKD STAFF can’t win games, he can borrow that same agent that LOVIE got! LOVIE left some talent here and with the opportunity to add defensive talent thru the draft ALL/POWER BACK/STABBER blew it, so have your fun talking trash about someone not here, but reality will soon set in! GO BUCS GO COLIN STEP/UP AMERICA! 9 games to play with 6 games to win to show improvement over the last REGIME!)

  37. Pruritus Ani Says:

    I hated Mrs Howell as a kid… i hate the reincarnation even more as an adult.

  38. 813bucboi Says:

    funny how last year @realist was always the first or second person to comment and bash lovie after each game…..always asked for a confidence poll….his comment were always negative….now we barely hear from the realist….all of the comments are positive and full of optimism…now he wants to be patient….

    in the words of @bighog…..GO BUCS GO COLIN STEP/UP AMERICA! 9 games to play with 6 games to win to show improvement over the last REGIME!)….GO BUCS!!!!

  39. Stpetebucsfan Says:

    To be fair, Steele noted Koetter could solidify his status as a competent NFL head coach with a win over the Dixie Chicks.

    To be fair this statement just eliminates any credibility that moron has,

    He’s worse than a freaking fan. ONE game is going to determine ANY coaches’ competency.

    Give me a break! I want to win but if we do that doesn’t mean squat to DK’s overall rep. It’s ONE GAME!!!

    What if he won tonight then loses the rest of the games?
    What if he loses tonight and wins the rest of the games?

    That may be the most absurd statement I’ve read,