Koetter Needs To Wise Up
November 9th, 2016
Protect Jameis!
There is no more important player on the Bucs roster than America’s Quarterback, Pro Bowler Jameis Winston.
Sure, there is Gerald McCoy and Mike Evans and Brent Grimes. No player on a football team is more important than a quarterback.
No player is more important to a franchise’s future and stability than the quarterback.
So keeping your budding young star QB in a game in junk time to get pummeled, if not have his career ruined, is beyond short-sighted. In fact, it is downright dumb.
That is the message from Jenna Laine of ESPN. She wagged a finger at Dirk Koetter for letting Jameis hang around in a lost game Thursday, only to suffer a knee injury that – thankfully – turned out to be minor. But must have forced Team Glazer to spit up their Grey Goose at the sight of their massive investment maybe lost for good.
Every NFL quarterback is competitive. Quarterbacks are typically some of, if not the most competitive athletes on the field. And it’s up to an NFL head coach to protect them, many times from themselves. No one wants to come out of a game. Shanahan failed to do that with RG3. Koetter failed to do that with Winston, and it could have been much, much worse.
Quarterbacks have an obligation to their teams, but it’s not just to win games — it’s to be out there, able to practice and able to lead on a weekly basis.
Koetter likes to say “players play” (unless they are defensive linemen) but not all players are equal. Koetter is a smart guy. He has to know this team goes straight to the s(p)itter without Jameis. So, too, does his job with the Bucs.
Joe trusts Koetter, but if he really has this kind of tunnel vision, which is difficult to believe, then maybe Team Glazer needs a sitdown with Koetter Team Glazer can explain that while Jameis may want to play to the bitter end, he’s not the same as a Bucs running back pulled off the street.
The last thing this team, this franchise, this town, and especially Koetter needs is another Robert Griffin III episode, which is what happened to the Redskins when Mike Shanahan was so reckless with the franchise.
November 9th, 2016 at 9:11 am
excellent post
November 9th, 2016 at 9:21 am
a wise hc would have learned this lesson week2 vs. arz….a competent hc would’ve learned this lesson week4 vs Denver….anybody that knows anything about football would’ve figured it out vs the falcons….
he’s already admitted that he’s goofed on the clock…not sure if he knows the difference between accepting/declining a penalty on 3rd down and now he doesn’t know when his franchise qb has had enough….
everyone knows the only reason why he got this job is because of his so called work with jameis….dirk should know that his job is tied directly to jameis and his production….letting the opposing team tie off on him is not a smart move….but dirk has made very few smart decisions this year so I aint surprised….dirk is this years version of JIM TOMSULA…..GO BUCS!!!!
November 9th, 2016 at 9:22 am
Time to start a new movement:
November 9th, 2016 at 10:29 am
Its downright amazing when koetter tbe clown is asked about the health of jameis is…
I asked jameis and he said he was fine. WTF!
Jameis will always say that even if his leg tore off. Is this buffon nuts. Dont ask medical staff? Anybody
Where has this clown been with all the concussion and injuries popping daily in the nfl
We have a dumb and dumber situation with koetter and jason gump
These 2 buffoons are putting our franchise back 3 years
November 9th, 2016 at 10:47 am
I flat out reject this whole notion. How many times have you and commenters on here gotten on to Koetter for not having confidence or waving a white flag on a game? If you pull the QB out then isn’t that saying the same thing? Which way do you want to have it Joe? Do you want him to give up on the team or do you want him to be aggressive and try until the final whistle? You’ve been on both sides so far this year.
November 9th, 2016 at 10:51 am
accepting/declining a penalty, not going for it on 4th down are ways he quit on his team….leaving your franchise qb in the game during a blow out(again) is a totally different story….GO BUCS!!!
November 9th, 2016 at 10:52 am
What a load of crap. Jameis needs the reps. simply as that!
November 9th, 2016 at 10:53 am
If a game is lost, it’s lost. There is no logical reason in letting your quarterback get beaten to a pulp. So you would have argued when Jameis got hurt against Atlanta he should have been out there?
Same with the Denver game and the Arizona game?
Jameis doesn’t need the reps. He’s been in the league 24 games now. If anyone needed the reps, it was Mike Glennon.
November 9th, 2016 at 10:54 am
Guys, DK’s been running this team for just 9 weeks!!! Plenty of injuries in VERY important positions….Come on, we have to get more patient here……I know there has been some issues, but let’s see the whole picture…….
November 9th, 2016 at 10:55 am
Guys, DK’s been running this team for just 9 weeks!!! Plenty of injuries in VERY important positions….Come on, we have to get more patient here……I know there has been some issues, but let’s see the whole picture…….
Go Bucs!!!
November 9th, 2016 at 11:04 am
@ZZBUCS….as you stated we have the same issues….nothing has changed….we’ll gotten worse….we already know what this picture looks like and it a top 5 pick in the 2017 draft….GO BUCS!!!!
November 9th, 2016 at 11:05 am
Reps? Reps?
These blowout situations are times when defensive players try to up their sack totals on definate pass downs
Better mechanics, timing , accuracy….when jameis is pummeled and standing on his head
Koetter the clown doesnt eben realise this creates happy feet and lack of pocket awarenesd and mechanics breakdown
This clown is no guru
*did i just agree with joe?
November 9th, 2016 at 11:56 am
Why do you say Koetter is a smart guy what has he done that was smar ? He makesmore dumb decisions in bunches! ! I think he’s in way over his head
November 9th, 2016 at 12:17 pm
@Joe – I think that you’re discounting the fact that we have no guarantee that we’ll have a new receiving core next year. It’s an area that has been largely ignored for some time now. I don’t think that he’s doing anyone a disservice by leaving Jameis in the game to get the game reps with the receivers we have now. They may very well be the receivers that we have next year too. If we’re not going to build up the talent base then I think there’s something to be said about bolstering the chemistry. Let them get the growing pains out of the way now so they can be better next year, hopefully.
I just think it’s a little silly to use hindsight as wisdom and say that he was wrong for leaving him in the game because he got hurt. If he hadn’t gotten hurt then nobody would have batted an eyelash.
November 9th, 2016 at 12:18 pm
Funny how no one had a problem last year!!!! And if they did stick to that rule!!! JW3 would have had half of his snaps and playtime from all of the “garbage” time in 2015!!!!!!
I am sure that the Glazers are not coming down to Head Coach Koetter’s office to talk about that!!!! Players play, Coaches coach, and owners own,,,, But own outside my office!!!!!!
November 9th, 2016 at 1:18 pm
@realist….jameis wasn’t getting killed like he is this year….and I can guarantee the glazer gang went into dirk’s office and said, “get your head out of your a$$…be smart with jameis you dumba$$”….GO BUCS!!!
November 9th, 2016 at 1:20 pm
@Uncledonnie…I agree…he is….GO BUCS!!!
November 9th, 2016 at 5:28 pm
I guess no one watch the Bucs vs Rams game of 2015!!!!
November 9th, 2016 at 7:14 pm
for the life of me ,I can’t figure out why Koetter has to explain himself to Jenna Lane.There is no comparison between RG3’s injury and Jameis ‘s injury.
Sure Jameis has been hit a lot,Some of it because of blocking but a lot is because he holds the ball too long,won’t throw it away,and he got clobbered last week because he wouldn’t slide.
That said if Jameis is not playing well and the game is out of reach,then I think letting him watch from the bench might give him an incentive to
increase his focus the next time out.
November 9th, 2016 at 8:52 pm
I mention this last season that Koetter loves to leave his QB in a game during a blowout, to pad the stats. To make himself look good, and Lovie was dumb enough last season to fall for it..And that’s why Koetter took the fool job.
November 9th, 2016 at 8:59 pm
Especially during the Eagles game ( 45-17), you’re beating a team by 28 points and your So-Called Franchise QB is still in the game with a few minutes to play. Only the Yucs.
November 10th, 2016 at 2:02 am
Jason Gump LMAO!!