“Staying In My Lane”

October 20th, 2016
Returned to floppy hat patrol.

Returned to floppy hat patrol.

[UPDATE. 3:04 p.m.: Dirk Koetter said Louis Murphy did practice today, just not during open session.]

Joe understands Bucs fans, irrational as they can be over Vincent Jackson’s latest knee injury, want Bucs players on the field no matter their physical condition, whether team doctors/trainers have cleared them to practice or not, whether the Bucs would indirectly set themselves up for an ugly lawsuit down the road or not.

For these fans, Joe passes on depressing news. Wide receiver and likely No. 3 man Louis Murphy was not participating in practice today during the opening viewing session, per various sources.

Murphy practiced Monday and Wednesday.

What that means is anyone’s guess, as the Bucs are still practicing as Joe is typing there here post. Could this mean Murphy had a setback from his quest to get back on the field following knee surgery?

Joe asked Murphy yesterday how he had to guard himself from doing too much in a rush to get back on the field and, in turn, pushing his comeback backwards, especially knowing the Bucs have a dire need for him to return.

“I am just staying in my lane,” Murphy said, [and] “consistently working out. I feel great, so we will see how it goes. I have been playing ball for eight years so there is nothing new in my mind. I know [coaches and trainers] want to see certain things but in my mind, I feel great.”

Without Jackson, Murphy said, others simply “have to make plays.” It sounds so simple but it’s really complex.

Of course, at least Murphy has shown an ability to make plays in the NFL, unlike a certain misplaced Calgary Stampeder.

11 Responses to ““Staying In My Lane””

  1. Pa Privateer Says:

    It is probably just precautionary and likely medical staff/trainers are checking to see the impact on the 2 days of practice he just had. No need to push another day of hard practice. Let the healing get some rest. We need him for the rest of the season, not just one half of a game. GO BUCS

  2. BucLife Says:

    Greg Little is still available!

  3. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    We need some new/old blood badly.

    I believe from this week forward, the Bucs have a chance to compete…but injuries to WRs and DLs are bad. We need to have better options. Murphy, when healthy, is a 5th stringer at best. Humphries is 3rd stringer quality.

    Shorts might be a 4th stringer, but he can’t stay healthy, like ever (he got injured even quicker than I predicted). Basically, we have one great WR (Evans) and one quality 3rd stringer (Humphries), and nothing else worth mentioning.

    If we are going to compete, we need new blood…quickly.

  4. evolvingBucfan Says:

    The Coaches and upper management (ACDC Lover) won’t risk putting our questionably healthy returning starters in a semi- meaningless game against a pretty bad team. Think about it would you start them if they are not 100% cleared and healthy in this game? Smart people would say no. Dont be surprised if its closer than you think but our back ups will show heart like the last game. Gonna be down and dirty and probably hard to watch but being a real fan i will watch and root for my team. no matter what.

  5. 813bucboi Says:

    I think its just rest…

    hopefully the jets or steelers go 0-2 these next couple of weeks…if that happens licht must be on the horn trying to trade glennon for coats or marshall….GO BUCS!!!

  6. unbelievable Says:

    NOBODY is trading for Glennon. Simple as that.

  7. GhostofTedford Says:

    Here’s an idea. Scan the NBA for the next Harold Carmichael, trade Glennon to that team. He can convert to the NBA like Tebow did for MLB. We get a Harold Carmichael type, alley oop to the end zone all day long.

  8. GhostofTedford Says:

    @ 813bucboi

    Steelers host the Patriots then get a bye. Jets on the other hand…….could possibly go 0-2.

    Just wish Licht would make a move, can you just imagine one of our few healthy receivers gets injured Sunday…………oh, pass the pepto-bismal………better yet hold the pepto and give me a glass of tequila…a big glass.

  9. SOEbuc Says:

    Joe, what was GMC doing in practice today? Still limited?

  10. grafikdetail Says:

    murphy seems pretty confident he’ll be on the field soon… he just got a pair of custom painted cleats made in honor of his mother…

  11. Brandon Says:


    They’re not 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc “stringers”. They are the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc receivers. There’s a big difference. A 3rd string WR will almost never see the field (Russell Shepard when everybody’s healthy)… a 5th string WR would be a guy that can’t beat out a 4th string WR (practice squad guy) and does’t have a job. There’s a big difference…. though I do know what you were saying.