It’s Up To Jameis

October 8th, 2016
Bucs coach said cutting down picks all on Jameis.

Bucs coach said cutting down picks all on Jameis.

More blunt words for America’s Quarterback, Pro Bowler Jameis Winston, from the man whose job is directly tied to Jameis’ development.

That would be Bucs coach Dirk Koetter.

This week, while appearing on SiriusXM NFL Radio, Koetter pulled no punches saying the lone person responsible for cutting down on interceptions is none other than Jameis.

“We went through a similar thing last year and I really believe that the main part of [reducing turnovers] needs to come from Jameis himself,” Koetter said. “He learned this lesson last year the hard way. The main thing is that Jameis realizing it’s hard for our team to be successful – you are going to have turnovers but there are turnovers that are bad turnovers caused by our own offense, and there are turnovers made by a guy with a great play or the ball takes a crazy bounce off a tip.

“We don’t want Jameis to go totally conservative but at the same time protection of the ball is the most important thing. That’s a proven fact.

“I have a lot of confidence in Jameis. He did a nice job last season (after the first Carolina game.) He went on a really nice roll where he did a great job of taking care of the ball and doing a lot of big plays. Like anything else, once a player shows he can do something, you know he can do it again.”

Joe thought it was very interesting that Koetter said the blame for the interceptions is all on Jameis (with rare exceptions like a wide receiver running a wrong route, or the incidents Koetter described above). It’s almost as if Koetter is saying, ‘Hey, I coached him up better than this.’

20 Responses to “It’s Up To Jameis”

  1. Coulditreallybeworse? Says:

    Half the team hurt. Almost all the d line is hurt.

    Panthers gonna have fun on Monday night.

    The bucs even healthy are hot garbage.

    Every single year same ol same ol.

    Always if this if that.

    Blah blah blah.


  2. Youngbucs Says:

    It’s the truth he makes dumb throws

  3. Kobe Faker Says:

    I think kotter states 1 thing 1 day and the complete opposite the next day or something completely different to another reporter

    Have you seen the press conferences after the game compared to the pr the day after

    Koetter has some personality defects. His inferior complex is xownright scary answering questipns from the reporters

  4. Jim Says:

    Koetter wants to succeed as a head coach and he sees his “franchise quarter back” and “team leader” as a threat to his success. Not good. The only solution is for Winston to “learn to protect the ball”, but what if he doesn’t learn? And that’s what Koetter is saying, that we went through this last year and Winston obviously didn’t learn. Not good.

  5. Pat Says:


    You said: “The Bucs even healthy are hot garbage.

    They have played exactly one game this year with full health. That was the first game against Atlanta and they won. Incidentally they also lost the turnover battle in that game. And… Atlanta has not lost since then.

  6. Dan Says:

    So we drafted Winston first overall. We know what he is a competitive qb who throws a lot of dangersous throws. I think how ever he ends this season will be the best he will be under this coach. So as much as I hate to say it if we finish 3-13 we are going to have to decide if it’s Winston or Dirk. I don’t think a year 3 would look much better with the same guys. I know we hate to keep firing coaches but it’s a marriage beetween qb and coach. One of them isn’t a holding up their end so far.

  7. Conte Piscateli Says:

    Do you all really want to go back to the old Bucs ways? When our anemic offense couldn’t win if the other team score 14. I don’t! I like watching us move the ball down field. You know had lots of turnovers? The Kurt Warner rams. Mike Martz didn’t care about turnovers. It’s a risk reward proposition. We aren’t a good enough team to play safe. It’s the same reason some college teams rely on gimmick and trick plays. If both teams play safe vanilla, the better team wins. We are not man for man better than other teams. We don’t win 1 on 1 battles.

  8. Stpetebucsfan Says:

    I think #3 was the victim of some bad bounces in the first few games. He certainly threw some bad passes but that pass in AZ didn’t just bounce off Sims hands it bounced perfectly into the defenders hands…same for the fumble tip in the Rams games.

    #3 does need to protect the ball…no excuses in the Denver game…but his turnovers are magnified by the bad luck on a few of them.

    It’s JUST FOUR GAMES! Against three division leaders which have lost two games among them. Hot garbage? Bwaaahaaaahaaaa.

  9. Conte Piscateli Says:


    Makes a good point. There 4 teams we played have a combined 5 losses. Who would have guessed AZ would have 3 of them. It’s a real possibility 3 of those teams finish with 10 wins. We really don’t know who are the string teams this year. Look at Carolina. Judging by last year they should be 3-1 not 1-3. Are all the 1-3 teams hot garbage? Or just us?

  10. tickrdr Says:

    @ Conte Piscateli:

    I would like to respectfully point out that our “potent” offense scored 7 points vs. Arizona, and 7 points vs. Denver.


    PS: Our offense played four games against defenses ranked in the top 12 last year and scored a total of 56 points = 14 points per game. Even many of those points were in so-called “garbage time”.

  11. Chris Says:

    About to be 1-4 bwahahahaha. Than 1-5 if we sleepwalk into San Fransisco. Than we have Seattle and Dallas , bwahahahaha. I want to see your positive spin if we wind up 4-12 or 3-13. I swear , you must be a shill for the Glazers or Jason Licht.

  12. Chris Says:

    Hot Garbage.

  13. Chris Says:

    Conte, 1999 St Louis Rams, Kurt Warner, 41 tds-13 ints. Didn’t care about turnovers? Hell Jameis is more than halfway to Warners ints , in his fourth game

  14. Chucklehead Says:

    We have played some very good defenses so far this year. That was unfortunate for a young team. Arz beat them up, LA was all over Jameis, and Denver…. Denver didnt let Winston take a clean breath all day.

    Its difficult to get in a good rhythm when you come out and make mistakes early, and that has plagued us the last three games. The biggest weakness Ive seen so far besides the rash of injuries is all mental. Jameis is trying to do too much. Hes tryin to take over the game like he did in college. And the D, man, they just deflate as soon as it gets rough. There is no mental toughness. Thats going to be Mike Smiths biggest obstacle. Instilling mental toughness.

  15. SB with Jameis Says:

    Chicken Little, Chicken Little.

  16. Conte Piscateli Says:

    @ Chris

    Yes and in 2000he had 18 in 11 games and in 2001 he had 22 in 16 games. The difference is he still had a QB rating over 98 both years because they made lots of big plays. I will take the turnovers if it means we are trying to make plays. I don’t want to see old Dungy Buc ball again, at least not on offense.

  17. Chris Says:

    Sky’s been falling for 15 years SB, don’t know where you’ve been

  18. Kobe Faker Says:


    We , tampa bay better watch out Koetter the clown doesnt turn franchise Jameis to Jaboo Gabbert 2.0

  19. BigStinky Says:

    We are going to be lucky to be 6-10 this year unless Winston can look like he did in the Atlanta game again. We might not even beat the 49’ers or Bears the way we are going. I would hate to see us finish 4-12 or worse. I would also hate to see us lose Koetter because we put too much faith in Jameis. We finally have an OC that can put up points in a game but have a QB that is STILL trying to learn how to play in the NFL. We are going to continue to lose games unless JW can STOP turning the ball over. Our defense is NOT good enough to win games where Winston gives the other team 10 or more points. The ONLY way you can get away with turnovers is if you have a defense like the Bucs had in ’99. And that’s NOT going to happen. The ONLY way to win with the team we have is to eliminate the turnovers. Are we sure this is ever going to change? How many years do you give a guy before you have to say this is who he is? Didn’t he throw a lot of INT’s in college too?

    You guys complain about Glennon being Captain Checkdown but at least he knows how to take care of the football. And, he would have won more games if the defense was even as good as it is right now. He had a stretch of games where he should have won (had the lead) 5 out of 6 games but the defense gave up a score on the final drive to lose the games. I guess I just don’t see what everyone else sees in Winston. He is an inaccurate QB that tries to force the football quite often. It would be nice to see what MG8 could do with Dirk’s offense but I know we are stuck with JW. I just hope he can start to turn things around before he loses this season and our Head Coach.

  20. Bob in Valrico Says:

    Much has gone against us in the bad luck department with injuries and some of it affected Jameis.that said INT’s aren’t the only problem he has missed a lot of passes also.Some of it is because the pressure is affecting him,but at the end of the day he needs to go back to the fundamentals and work on foot work and throwing motion for better accuracy.