“Whatever The Team Needs”
September 7th, 2016
Ready to fire up Bucs.
We all saw the video of America’s Quarterback, Pro Bowler Jameis Winston, excoriating his former college team, Florida State, at halftime of the Seminoles’ nationally televised game Monday against Ole Miss.
In what he perceived as a lackluster effort from the team he once guided to a national title, Winston, invited by Jimbo Fisher at halftime to address the Seminoles, ripped into the players, specifically the offensive line, for shatting on the field and nearly getting blown out in the first half.
How did FSU respond to Jameis? They erased a 22-point deficit and beat the Rebels, the biggest come-from-behind win in FSU program history.
And if the Bucs need a similar fire and brimstone sermon this Sunday in Atlanta, Jameis said he will not hesitate to do the same.
“Whatever the team needs, I’m there,” Jameis said when asked if he will replicate Monday’s scolding Sunday.
As for the video that went viral, Jameis said it broke his heart to watch his old college team from the sidelines get manhandled the way it did in the first half, and he just couldn’t sit back and not try to do something.
“I just didn’t want those kids to be looking like that on national TV,” Jameis said. “I knew they had it in them. I just had to light some fire.”
As for Seminoles freshman quarterback Deondre Francois, who folks are already comparing to Jameis, the Bucs’ stud quarterback only said (with a large smile on his face), “He’s a baller.”
September 7th, 2016 at 3:02 pm
Francois is Francois.
Jameis is Jameis.
2 different styles if you ask me.
Go Bucs!
September 7th, 2016 at 3:32 pm
This will only add to Winston’s legacy. The dude is the real deal and he plays for us!
September 7th, 2016 at 3:42 pm
And some of y’all foresee a 7and 9 season. Bull!! That type of passion would rather jump off a bridge before settling with 7 and 9. FS1 show “The Herd” was talkin today about how the colledge game is not preparing these kids for the NFL game at the QB position. Wentz not ready,Goff won’t even dress week 1. But a gang of y’all still somewhat slow in your recognition of what you now have in the one we call”FAMOUS”. Lawd have mercy on this league.
September 7th, 2016 at 3:48 pm
Just be ready to play, no speeches needed. Start fast and play smart and the Bucs will win in Atlanta. Just do YOUR part JW – Go BUCS!
September 7th, 2016 at 3:49 pm
NosBos, “Lawd have mercy” – great line. You put a big smile on my face.
September 7th, 2016 at 3:57 pm
He needs to use that “We are no puppies, we’re dogs” line with the Bucs…..
Since he already used it…..maybe we’re no kitties, we’re lions”
September 7th, 2016 at 4:10 pm
Nole, I like him too , but he was the same fiery QB that led us to 6-10, so don’t say the realm of 7-9 is impossible. We’ll need some luck on our side, cause if ME or VJ go down, or both, we have very little behind them
September 7th, 2016 at 4:32 pm
Sorry Chris, he is not the same at all. Last year he was a rookie. He is older, more experienced, has a full season under his belt and is in the offense for a second year. I don’t know what the win loss results will be but your reaching to say he is the same as last year.
September 7th, 2016 at 4:50 pm
I hope so, last four games, 0-4, 5tds-4 nits, two games under 60 completion%, one at 61% but two picks, last game. I want the Jameis vs Browns, not the last four games of 2015 Jameis and definetly not the 0-6 Pre Season Jameis. He had that tendency his last year at FSU also.Play like garbage first half, ball of fire second. I know it’s sacreligious to speak ill of our annoited savior, I think it’s a focus issue with him that I hope he corrects this year . If not, another up and down year for us.
September 7th, 2016 at 4:53 pm
I know it’s sacreligious to speak ill of our annoited savior,
If you don’t know you better axe somebody.
September 7th, 2016 at 6:54 pm
The force is strong with this one.
September 7th, 2016 at 7:31 pm
@ chris
while its true they were not his best.He also had only one weapon during most of those games in the passing attack.now if Humphries gets open downfield that will open up other targets.jameis is in touch with his game and nobody works harder to improve .Can’t wait to see the new and improved Evans.He was crushing it at Cleveland.
September 7th, 2016 at 9:34 pm
Chris this team was 6 -10 last season becasue of Lovie, not Jameis.This team was not 4 and 12 because of Jameis. Worst defense and game management combination I have ever witnesses. This team has potential for playoff. Injuries happen and nothi g.can be done about that right this minute. The team will continue to draft well and build for the furure. Go Bucs!!
September 7th, 2016 at 10:03 pm
Jameis is what I have waited for my entire 35 years on earth, 32 of which I have been a Buc fan. It’s long over due fellow Buc fans and let’s enjoy the other side of football called winning and having pride in our players. We have paid our dues as a franchise and in the words of Jameis….”let’s turn up on these bit*hes!”.
September 7th, 2016 at 11:29 pm
Thank You Kevin…Exactly right!!
September 7th, 2016 at 11:34 pm
I think that Jameis’ problem early in games is that he gets too jacked up emotionally. He needs to channel his inner Mr. Spock and suppress his emotions. Use his intellect. He has a great football mind, but when he gets too excited sometimes he throws risky passes or neglects to position his feet correctly and loses accuracy. We’re talking about a QB with Peyton Manning’s football IQ amd work ethic, but with more arm strength and athleticism. I’m getting emotional myself just thinking about it. May Jameis live long and prosper,, because if he does, the Bucs do too.
September 8th, 2016 at 9:39 am
@Swaggy – well said brother