Should Bucs Stick With No-Huddle?

September 12th, 2016
Why not start a game with a no-huddle? (Photo by Davis Lauderdale/

Why not start a game with a no-huddle? 

In preseason — yes, preseason — America’s Quarterback Jameis Winston had his ups and downs.

But when Bucs coach Dirk Koetter played the Cleveland game in no-huddle, Jameis was fantastic.

Yesterday the Bucs did not start in a no-huddle. Jameis completed just one of his first five attempts. Later when Koetter flipped to a no-huddle, Jameis lit up.

See a pattern here?

Maybe Koetter should learn from experience here. If your franchise quarterback likes the no-huddle, is more comfortable in the no-huddle and puts up gaudy numbers in a no-huddle, maybe it might be wise to start a game in a no-huddle?

You know, fast starts? Hhhmmm?

Joe spoke with defensive tackle Akeem Spence after the game. He sure didn’t seem to mind if the offense went no-huddle more often.

“When I see those long bombs from Jameis, hey, I’m ready to see that all season.”

31 Responses to “Should Bucs Stick With No-Huddle?”

  1. blind melon Says:

    Harder to do on the road with noise – Koetter said this I’m pretty sure. I’d expect to see a lot more of it soon…

  2. Joe Says:

    Harder to do on the road with noise – Koetter said this I’m pretty sure.

    Koetter said he went no-huddle specifically because of the noise.

  3. The Buc Realist Says:

    I Think it needs to be set up. I like the varying of Tempo’s even mid drive!!! To me its more of a pitching philosophy to keep the defense off-balance!!! Does the hurry up look faster just because they saw a change up???? I think it is just one more thing for other teams to think about and guess and prepare for!!!!

    GO Bucs!!!!!!!!!!

  4. grafikdetail Says:

    was gonna say i thought he said the noise was part of the reason too but Joe’s the pro… even if no huddle isn’t the answer i wished they would just get into some easier high completion throws like screens just to get Jameis into a rhythm

  5. Lord Cornelius Says:

    Man so happy with this win. The team played great in most every facet. I really hope Jack Smith can come back because we still didn’t have a lot of pressure from our 4 man rush really. Noah Spence didn’t really do much but Atlanta’s O-line is much improved from prior years. He needs to get going and it will help a ton.

    I saw in some comments someone already looking at yardage & points scored stats to basically say the defense is the same product as last year. If you didn’t see a difference then you’re blind. This defense is more attacking, and may give up a few big plays that we didn’t last year; but we will not be beaten by 15 play drives featuring constant conversion on 3rd down with slant passes. This defense made many more plays than Lovie Smith’s in terms of tackles in the backfield and big time stops on 3rd down.

    Atlanta went 3 of 13 on 3rd down. 7 of their 24 points came off Winston’s turnover in our own territory. We had 3 sacks and a variety of pressure.

    The defense gave up 334 passing yards but the yardage looks bad because of a couple big plays:

    59 yards to Sanu wide open – blown coverage
    47 yard screen to Coleman – great play call by Atlanta for how we were set up
    25 yard pass to Julio Jones – blown coverage it seemed like

    Other than those 3 plays, Matt Ryan only had 200 passing yards on 36 attempts. I’d rather take some chances and give up a couple big plays than be slowly beaten to death on a bunch of short passes we give up because we’re too scared to give up a big play.

    GO BUCS!

  6. Stpetebucsfan Says:

    I’ve been screaming for this from the get go. It’s not even about catching the opposing D off balance as much as getting our star QB into a rhythm early.

    Arizona is not a game we are expected to win. I want to win but it is a game we’re going to have to take some chances if we expect to have a shot at winning.

    This is the perfect place to see if it works or not.

  7. JAB83 Says:

    I have an alternative idea. My observation is two fold.


    1) It appears true that JW is more comfortable in the no huddle.

    2) It also appears true JW is to fired up to start games.

    I believe the best way to settle him down and to assist in him having early success in games is to move him out of the pocket. His is deadly accurate on the move.

    If you do go no huddle your still gonna need to move him out of the pocket to get his throws lined up. In fact I think a no huddle without him being lined up could have a negative effect early in games.

    Go back and watch the tape. The Drive that went no huddle got started with a roll out to the right. If memory serves. Nearly every pass on that drive he was rolling out.

    From that point the no huddle took a back seat and JW still lit it up.

    SO I AM SAYING…. Start the game with some designed roll outs to take your shots….

    This would also help set up the play action run pass options and so on. But he has to settle down to start the games. THATS A FACT. What better way than to spend some of that extra juice and get him lined up then a few early roll out passes???

  8. SB with Jameis Says:

    I am about to re watch the game on Game Pass so I can look for the bad. In Real Time I only root for good!!

  9. Stpetebucsfan Says:


    Excellent analysis! I would also love to know our average starting field position or at minimum how many times we started inside of our own 20.

    We could nitpick all day…the defense would have looked better if the Offense hadn’t gone three and out a couple times right as Atlanta was gaining momentum. Our D was gassed yet they sucked it up and hung on.

    Bottom line is exactly what Coach K said after the game.
    It’s the NFL we do not have to apologize for any win!!!

  10. BuccoDav Says:

    Stpetebucsfan Says:
    “Arizona is not a game we are expected to win. I want to win but it is a game we’re going to have to take some chances if we expect to have a shot at winning.”

    But you want to know what’s fun about this year??? Even if we lose, we are still in first place in our division… It IS a new day in Tampa Bay!

  11. SB with Jameis Says:

    Man I forgot he overthrew 2 TDs in a Row! on that first drive. The Humphries catch woulda been harder but there was nobody within three steps of ME

  12. stanglassman Says:

    Rick Shroud St. Pete times

    But communication could be a problem Sunday at the Georgia Dome and coach Dirk Koetter warned that may limit the number of opportunities in the no huddle offense.

    “Definitely harder, I mean it’s definitely harder on the road,” Koetter said. “That’s always one of the things that comes into consideration when we’re playing on the road is how much no huddle will we do?” Koetter

    The title of this article “Koetter says crowd noise can limit no-huddle”

  13. SB with Jameis Says:

    So the 59 yard gain by Sanu was a blown coverage by VH3. However Sanu and Ryan did a Great job faking the run which made VH3 choose to attack the run. Good play by Atlanta. VH3 came back two plays later with a pass break up on Sanu.

  14. cmurda Says:

    No huddle is actually the best solution on the road and to combat the crowd noise. It also happens to be when Jameis is at his best. I think we can be functional in a traditional situation but we can be explosive with a hurry up.

  15. SB with Jameis Says:

    Nice tackle by Charles Sims on JW’s interception.

  16. Dusthty Rhothdes Says:

    I think they need to just keep the other defense on their heels and mix it up like a great pitcher, I mean the defense needs help and the best defense is a good run game and slow 12 play drive for a touchdown

  17. Kobe Faker Says:


    Never was a Mike Evans fan but…

    2016 version is slick and fast

    must have lost 12-15 pounds of fat

    seems to like the Monken type no nonsense approach. and of course the Jaboo effect

    1600 yards and 12 tds …minimum

    this is from a lazy fat ME hater

  18. Buccfan37 Says:

    Atlanta is not too shabby, nice job coming out of there with the win Bucs. Proof of a better Bucs team, the win was expected by Bucs fans and team personnel alike. Like night and day, the difference between last and this year already. I did think the Cardinals would beat the Pats. The Bucs will have to turn their games up a notch to make Arizona 0-2 at home to start the season.

  19. BucFan20 Says:

    And let’s not forget a lot of our drives were kept alive by flags against the Falcons. The win is good. But not as clean as people are trying to make it out to be. It could just have easily gone the other way.

  20. SB with Jameis Says:

    The 47 yard Ryan to Coleman pass was a complete play. They picked on the hole in our Defense because Nobody was assigned to the RB. LVD was sent on a Blitz and nobody was there to cover the RB.

  21. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    When eating, too much a good thing can lead to bad issues.

    I view the no huddle like that. Balance it, and it can be effective. Too much of it, and teams will learn to combat it…like they did to the Falcons years ago.

    We don’t want to become one dimensional.

  22. orlbucfan Says:

    I have always been a fan of no-huddle w/the Bucs. Why not? It works. The Famous J experts on here (which I am not) are saying it helps calm him down when he starts a game. There’s going to be PLENTY of crowd noize in the desert next Sunday. Worse than Hotlanta cos AZ is winning ball club right now. Bucs will need all the calm they can muster. GO MIGHTY BUCS IN THE DESERT!!

  23. SB with Jameis Says:

    I have to say that I had to watch that Charles Sims TD about Ten times again! MAN what a combination of unbelievable Jukes and sheer power and will!!!

  24. BigStinky Says:

    The way Winston misses completions early in games would mean the no-huddle would go 3 and out, that’s all. Short passes are what he needs to get into the game faster. Once he gets into a rhythm we could go no-huddle and be more effective. Starting out 1-5 or 0-6 should tell you he is too jacked up. He is going to have to take care of the football next week if we want a chance to beat Arizona at home to make them 0-2. It would be nice to start out 2-0 before our season opener at home. Confidence is key – Go BUCS!

  25. Love and Warrick Dunn Says:

    “BigStinky Says:
    September 12th, 2016 at 2:27 pm

    Short passes are what he needs to get into the game faster. ”

    A few swings and screens will do the trick.

  26. ColordoBuc Says:

    Save starting the game with the no huddle offense for the second home game against Denver – that might just give us the edge to upset them.

  27. cmurda Says:

    @Kobe Faker.

    Take a listen to the video link that Joe posted a few days ago about the Mike Evans interview. The dude is all business and wants to win. It will change your mind on M.E. The guy still produced huge stats last year and that was while having the dropsies. He is determined to get better and avoid drops. So far, so good. That catch was amazing yesterday and it would have been understandable if he didn’t hang on to it but he snatched it like a manchild. By the way, ASJ’s catch was a thing of beauty and both throws were pristine by JW. Definitely reason for hope in Tampaland.

  28. cmurda Says:


    In the NFL, coaches and teams are well prepared to defend whatever comes at them assuming whatever comes at them is consistent. So, yes, we can’t constantly be in the no huddle. It gives us less of an opportunity to slow the game down at times or try to fool the defense with sub packages. With that said, I would like to see this team in the no huddle more often than not. The last several years I have seen that offense to be the hardest to defend. I don’t mean the predictable Chip Kelly hurry up offense. Dirk has the mentality to make the no huddle a complete offense while taking advantage of mismatches. Ie: ASJ versus a Linebacker on a deep route.

    Speaking of Chip Kelly. How many of us are still depressed that he is not our Head Coach? Cricket, cricket

  29. Dave Says:

    Leave it alone just mix it in here and there. If they score 30+ every game I’ll be damn happy and they’ll probably be at 11 plus wins!

  30. Bob in Valrico Says:

    agree with Bonzai
    too much no huddle takes the surprise out of it.I want Winston to good
    at any offense or game plan Koetter comes up with,because every team has
    different tendencies and weaknesses.

  31. Owlykat Says:

    We need multiple packages like we used to have when we won our first SB, with the no huddle up tempo as just one of those multiple packages. Look at our defense with multiple packages and how well that went. We need to continue cutting down on mistakes and penalties and we will be in every game and win plenty to get in post season. This team will win back our past respect that we are due and develop in time into an elite team!!!