Mike Glennon No. 10
September 7th, 2016
Backup value sinking.
Have Bucs fans overrated backup quarterback Mike Glennon? A national NFL stenographer seems to believe so.
Glennon still on the roster of the Bucs is telling, given the fact teams have been in a panic mode for a variety of reasons for a backup quarterback.
Joe thinks Glennon is here for a combination of reasons; the biggest being he is a free agent after the season and teams are unwilling to throw away a valuable draft pick for a short-term rental.
Eric Single of SI.com seems to believe a big reason why Glennon is still with the Bucs is he isn’t that good. Ranking the backups of all NFL teams, he has Glennon as the No. 10 No. 2 quarterback in the league.
The constant floating of Mike Glennon’s name when the quarterback trade market heats up should tell you everything there is to know about the Bucs’ opinion of their standing contingency plan for an injury to Jameis Winston.
What does it tell us? That the Bucs can’t move Glennon?
Is that the reason Glennon’s name appears in so many trade rumors? Because is his agent is working media contacts? Or do the Bucs really value Glennon but, if you believe Bucs AC/DC-loving general manager Jason Licht, Glennon’s agent is trying to fleece Team Glazer for starter’s money?
Or could it be that Licht can’t get Jerry Jones another NFL general manager liquored up enough to cough up a second-day draft pick, or better?
September 7th, 2016 at 11:02 am
Queue the MGM:
“But that means that he’s better than half the backups in the NFL”
September 7th, 2016 at 11:11 am
Glennon will be selling insurance with Bell and Murphy or on a radio show with his brother. he will never win a meaningful nfl game simple as that.
September 7th, 2016 at 11:11 am
This article comes off the heels of a team dropping a first and a fourth for Sam frigging Bradford. Licht is playing into teams’ unrealistic desperation for even a mediocre talent at the position.
September 7th, 2016 at 11:12 am
Ryan Griffin has more potential to win us games than Glennon does, in my opinion. Glennon looks worse and worse the more we see him.
September 7th, 2016 at 11:15 am
tmax….can I have your Glennon jersey?
September 7th, 2016 at 11:15 am
That’s all I need to know about Eric Single’s opinion.
It really amazes me that those five starts in 2013 while playing for Chicago really extended his career.
September 7th, 2016 at 11:17 am
No.10 is high, I don’t believe he’s better than 22 teams backup QB. He should be in the bottom 10. If Glennon was any good, teams would have traded for him long, long ago. The Rams and Eagles traded the future to move up to draft unproven rookies. The Vikings traded a 1st and 4th for an often injured, overpaid Sam Bradford. And we can’t get anything for Glennon, there’s a reason for that. And that reason is, he’s not a NFL starting QB.
September 7th, 2016 at 11:20 am
Everyone rips on Bradford, but the guy happens to hold some all time nfl records. Top 10 for yards in a season, touchdowns in a season, yards in a game and touchdowns in a game. When you look at some of the other names on that list it’s a telling story.brees, Brady, manning, rothlisburger, Montana.
September 7th, 2016 at 11:21 am
Buc1987 Says:
September 7th, 2016 at 11:15 am
tmax….can I have your Glennon jersey?
I’ll trade you my Glennon for your Hillary! LOL
September 7th, 2016 at 11:26 am
tmax….I don’t have her prison jersey yet.
Sorry everyone, tmax made me go political.
September 7th, 2016 at 11:26 am
My question is at this point would the Bucs even want Glennon next year? If they are keeping Griffin, apparently they believe he can be a legit backup, and he would obviously be cheaper than Glennon. If Glennon were to go shopping for a starting opportunity but were to find nothing, would he be welcomed back here? I will probably be wrong on this, but I just don’t see any organization signing him as a starting quarterback.
September 7th, 2016 at 11:31 am
that was not polticial screw the cry babies anyway. It was accurate. You are about as likely to have Hillary gear as I am to have Glennon gear. That’s accurate not political. no views were exchanged and this message was approved by no one.
September 7th, 2016 at 11:32 am
lol I thought exchange was funny.
September 7th, 2016 at 11:34 am
Lol @ tmax and 87
Can I throw my EJ Biggers jersey into the mix?
September 7th, 2016 at 11:40 am
opinions are like a**********
only time will tell.
September 7th, 2016 at 11:40 am
Its funny, Almost all of the WR that were dropping MG8’s passes are no longer in the league!!!
September 7th, 2016 at 11:44 am
I find this hard to believe.
September 7th, 2016 at 11:53 am
Let’s see…Mike Glennon a 3rd round draft pick who was viewed as a “project”.
Hopes were if he couldn’t start he could play backup.
Sam Bradford a Heisman Trophy winner and TOP PICK OF HIS DRAFT!
Yeah that’s the ticket…let’s compare a 3rd round draft pick..a project to a Heisman trophy winner and the number one pick of the entire draft!!!
We all get that MG is not #3. Most of us believe he’s not a real franchise QB.
That doesn’t mean he can’t have a Trent Dilfer like career. IF he gets with the right team with a great D and a smart OC with some weapons he could survive.
September 7th, 2016 at 12:08 pm
Oh by the way!!!
I say we give “Tampabaybucfan” probation, with community service!!!!
Can we get a poll for what to do with Tampabaybucfan!!!!!!!
September 7th, 2016 at 12:11 pm
Shows how out of touch Bucs fans are if anyone truly think Glennon is worth more than a 5th rounder. If you can’t move the ball against 3rd team defenses playing base coverages you don’t belong in the league
September 7th, 2016 at 12:22 pm
@tmax- I don’t think it’s fair to lump MG8 and Kenny Bell in the same sentence. Bell has much better hair!
Oh, and he never even saw the field in regular season! OHHHH!
Too soon?! I can never tell.
September 7th, 2016 at 12:26 pm
Eric Single is right, and most of us have known it for a while now.
We still talk him up on other websites though, hoping to generate interest. Then he blows the image by playing.
Erik w/ Clean Athletics says
“Ryan Griffin has more potential to win us games than Glennon does, in my opinion. Glennon looks worse and worse the more we see him.”
I agree about Glennon. I do not agree about Ryan Griffin. He’s horrible. We need to draft a good backup, or look for one in free agency.
September 7th, 2016 at 12:26 pm
You realize Glennon had the SB champ Seattle Seahawks whipped in their own house until cement head Schiano (IMO just as bad as Lovie) snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.
Ditto in the SuperDome against the Saints!
He actually beat the Steelers in Pittsburgh!
He did all this with a crappy team with even worse coaching, He hasn’t played seriously for two years and yet everybody wants to wrap his career up on this years preseason. He clearly is rusty.
He has thrown for twice as many TD’s and int’s…for a coach who likes a cautious QB who tries to protect the ball that is appealing.
I’m not a member of the MGM. But hyperbole is a two way street. Calling his a franchise QB or savior of any franchise is over the top…but dissing him at the level that takes place here is just as silly.
Have you guys never seen mediocrity before? In “some” situations…like a backup..mediocrity can be serviceable if you surround it with enough talent,
September 7th, 2016 at 12:27 pm
I call him “Sideshow Bell” because of the hair 😉
September 7th, 2016 at 12:34 pm
Stpetebucsfan Says
“He (Glennon) did all this with a crappy team with even worse coaching, He hasn’t played seriously for two years and yet everybody wants to wrap his career up on this years preseason. He clearly is rusty.”
No amount of WD-40 will get rid of his rust.
Mike Glennon has fundamental flaws in his game and personality. Think about it.
He’s on his second year around Winston, who is all fire. You would think he’d at least get a ‘little’ energy on the field for the benefit of his teammates.
He’s on his second year with Koetter, a QB Guru, working with him. He may not have much game experience in that time, but even with just practice, he should be much further along.
He is a statue for the most part while in the pocket. Now that would not be so bad if he could throw like Payton Manning, but instead he gets his passes batted down much of the time.
He is horrible at reading defenses and changing up plays.
Every team has bad days, and in the games you mention above, those are just that. Mike Glennon has bad games almost every game, and that is not limited to only this year.
September 7th, 2016 at 12:35 pm
If the Bucs want to keep him next year, he might even resign. But I doubt they will even tender an offer.
September 7th, 2016 at 12:51 pm
@St Pete-that’s a lot of what ifs and close calls. I remember those games clearly just as I remember at a home game him stepping out of bounds 1 yard from the first down marker. Instead of keeping a drive alive he chose to save himself a hit, that tells me all I need to know about Glennon.
September 7th, 2016 at 12:54 pm
@Buccaneer Bonzai,
I remember reading that he’s looking for starters money next year.
He’s not getting that here, so if that’s what he’s wanting, he won’t be re-signing here.
September 7th, 2016 at 12:57 pm
You Glennon bashing arseholes are just pathetic. You don’t know your ass from a hole in the ground. Thank the football gods you are not in charge. Go ahead repeat the Glennon drivel for the millionth time. Blah blah upchuck.
September 7th, 2016 at 1:01 pm
Mike glen on runs a spread offense. dirk runs a verticals offense. Put glen on in the right scheme and he’s great, yea he sucked in this preseason, did you watch him last preseason ? He looked great. He also hasn’t thrown to Jackson, Evans, or Murphy since he beat Pittsburgh. That’s 2 years since he’s thrown to a starting wr. Imo it’s ridiculous to criticize glen on to the extent that some people have.
September 7th, 2016 at 1:02 pm
Glennon* damn auto correct.
September 7th, 2016 at 1:18 pm
Seattle, Pittsburgh, new dad, that is all. Good day Sir!
September 7th, 2016 at 1:50 pm
Some of you cant see anything with your heads stuck so far up your backside. It’s already been reported the Bucs tried to extend Glennon as a back up. He doesnt want to be a back up. If the Bucs truely felt he was as bad as you fools claim he would be expendable and we wouldnt be wasting a roster spot for a 3rd QB. Griffin is Glennon’s replacement next year.
As far as trading him goes, its pretty simple. Bucs want a lot for him because they view him as a valueable piece of this team and dont want to let him go unless they get something great. Problem is nobody is going to give up something great with such little tape.
The know it alls on JBF though will spew their stupidity regardless of the clear truths.
September 7th, 2016 at 2:26 pm
I sure hope that Jameis turns out to be as good as you ALL think he is. Him and Glennon’s numbers are similar but you want to run MG8 outta town for a bad preseason playing with SCRUBS. Glennon put up his numbers playing for 2 OC’s that were QB coaches the year before which means more to me. If MG8 would have played last year LS might still be our head coach because we would have won more games.
Why did Glennon get bashed for going 1-5 in the rain and JW started 0-6 against the Jags and it was no big deal. What makes you think that Jameis is SO great and MG8 so bad? That’s what gets me, must just be the fact that he was a Seminole. JW had BETTER beat the Falcons this week ’cause I am tired of getting my hopes up EVERY preseason, then we SUCK. I want to think we are a 10 win team but it ALL depends on how good Jameis does – Go BUCS!
September 7th, 2016 at 2:28 pm
You mind sharing that article? I don’t remember reading where the Bucs were wanting to extend him.
Not starting an argument or denying your claim. I just haven’t read that anywhere.
September 7th, 2016 at 2:43 pm
Can’t wait until the games start for REAL, I just hope I am not giving up after 6 weeks and we are 2-4 or worse. Tired of ALL the excuses and just want to watch some winning football, like the OLD DAYS. Don’t want to hear about some 2nd year slump our QB is in. Start fast and JUST WIN BABY!
September 7th, 2016 at 2:47 pm
You Glennon fanboys are completely delusional and in total denial what a hot garbage backup Glennon has proven to be with his horrible on field play. Please just let go of your mancrush and raise your standards it’s embarrassing
September 7th, 2016 at 3:39 pm
Mike Glennon hasn’t done anything recently to demonstrate he’s more than a very average backup. There’s lots of guys who throw a pretty pass. Dispense with any fantasy of unloading him for anything more than a 5th rounder. If Glennon were even a serviceable starter, I think the Vikes would’ve looked at him as a cheaper viable option than throwing away a 1st rounder to get Bradford.
Seems to me that the Bucs need to be drafting a developmental QB in round 3 or 4 next year, someone better than Glennon or Griffin. Look at what the Cowboys got in Prescott this year. That’s what we need to look for.
September 7th, 2016 at 5:29 pm
The Buc Realist Says:
September 7th, 2016 at 11:40 am
Its funny, Almost all of the WR that were dropping MG8’s passes are no longer in the league!!!
Cool realist. Im glad to see you have some sympathy for those young WRs. Beaten out of their dream of an NFL career, By Glennons ineptitude( that means hes bad)
Big Stinky
We think Winston is much better than Glennon- because we know what we are looking at.
Winston is a franchise WB
Glennon is, well, a big stinky!
September 7th, 2016 at 5:30 pm
Um, QB”. Not WB