Glennon Has No Trade Value III
September 3rd, 2016
Trade value nil.
Joe has been writing in recent weeks that the trade value of backup quarterback Mike Glennon has been plummeting.
Today brought proof.
This morning, it was announced that Minnesota, in need of a quarterback since Teddy Bridgewater blew up his knee earlier in the week, traded first- and a fourth-round picks to Philadelphia for questionable starter and injury-prone Sam Bradford.
That’s a hefty price to pay and underscores there is virtually no trade value for Glennon.
The North Carolina State product did himself no favors by having a terrible preseason. Glennon had one of the worst completion percentages of all quarterbacks this preseason, and that includes scrub camp meat rookies who will be assistant managers at a local Denny’s next week near you.
Jeff Driskel had a better completion percentage than Glennon — Jeff Driskel!
Joe is pretty sure an NFL general manager would have had a helluva job trying to convince an owner that he just traded for a quarterback who had a total of one negative-yard passing in his last start.
If the Vikings coveted Glennon at all, then he could have been had for a lot less than first-round and fourth-round picks.
Throw in the fact Glennon is a free agent in four months (Bradford is under contract through the 2017 season), Joe isn’t sure what general manager would trade for him at this point unless he had a complete and total panic attack.
September 3rd, 2016 at 1:06 pm
We need to put Ryan Griffin on the PS……and FYI TMAXCON…..he is eligible.
We wasted a roster spot all last year thinking we could trade Glennon…..we should take are chances with Griffin because it sure looks like Glennon isn’t going anywhere.
September 3rd, 2016 at 1:07 pm
Glennon is a goner after this season ,The Koetter crew got Griffin for a reason
September 3rd, 2016 at 1:09 pm
Any player with one or fewer accrued seasons is also eligible for the practice squad, and a player accrues a season in the NFL if they’re signed to either the 53-man roster, or on injured reserve, or on the reserve/physically unable to perform list, for six or more games in one season.
In addition, this year, four players per practice squad can have two accrued seasons
September 3rd, 2016 at 1:12 pm
I’ve been a huge supporter of Glennon, but its clear that he has not done nearly enough to prove he’s capable of starting for any team. It’s actually his attitude that’s been most disappointing. He seems to think he deserves a shot, and he’s obviously not happy playing with the 2s and it shows on the field. He’s a talented guy. An arm as good as any in the league IMO, but the business side of things has apparently taken a toll on Glennon’s psyche and i feel his days in this league are numbered.
September 3rd, 2016 at 1:14 pm
He’s is probably worth a 3rd round pick…the Bucs don’t want fair value.
September 3rd, 2016 at 1:15 pm
Practice Squad Eligibility
September 3rd, 2016 at 1:19 pm
Think he’d be gone if that was the case. If you are an NFL GM, honestly, why would you want Glennon over several other QBs including backups?
September 3rd, 2016 at 1:23 pm
The Mike Glennon mob is dead
September 3rd, 2016 at 1:29 pm
well said sir… glennon will be joining the esteemed Insurance Agency Bell, Murphy, Glennon and Associates – your newest edition to the farmers insurance family.
September 3rd, 2016 at 1:33 pm
Given the FACT that there is no clear difference from Glennon and Griffin…. Just cut the bum and let Griffin get a head start on the 2 job. That way when the bucs are making a super bowl run next year griffin has some time under his belt. Stop with the glennon has in game experience and the meaningless win over Pittsburgh crap that is old news and glennon’s recent piss poor play 2 preseasons in a row has clearly offset any positives that are ancient history
September 3rd, 2016 at 1:34 pm
Who in their right mind would trade for a young QB at the end of his rookie contract?
Especially a team with cap issues going in to 2017
September 3rd, 2016 at 1:41 pm
i stand corrected . thank you. i had read that he was NOT eligible somewhere. Putting griffin on PS makes no sense and exposes him to other teams. The right move is to dump glennon there is ZERO difference between the two they both suck right now. Get Griffin experience and let glennon move on. he has a lot of work ahead of him setting up Bell, Murphy and Glennon insurance agency. There will be business plans, makreting ideas so much to do.
September 3rd, 2016 at 1:43 pm
I agree with you. The same thing could be said about the bradford deal. who in their right might mind would give up a 1st and conditional 4th that could be a 2nd for Same Bradford and his lengthily injury history.
September 3rd, 2016 at 1:45 pm
This preseason sank what value he had. This is a “what have you done for me lately” league. Lately Glennon hasn’t looked great. Maybe a team gives him a shot to compete for a starting job next year, but that isn’t the Bucs problem. Koetter specifically targeted Griffin for a reason. Drop Glennon after the season and pick up a developmental QB you can stash on the PS.
September 3rd, 2016 at 1:47 pm
Have any of you glennon haters tried to throw a wet football? I’ve never seen a fan base overreacted to a pre season the way this one does. Do you actually care to check how many reps glennon got with Mike Evans, Vincent Jackson, or any starting Olinemen?
We’ve all seen Glennon preform well and get the job done in the regular season. He is easily a top 10 backup in the league.
September 3rd, 2016 at 1:57 pm
so you are glennon’s brother…. ok i understand. watch the tape 2 years in row your boy has STUNK!… The only top 10 list glennon is going to make is the top 10 QB you don’t want on your team.
September 3rd, 2016 at 1:57 pm
@Joe, Yes Jeff Driskel has a higher completion % this preseason than Mike Glennon. But do you also know that Sam Bradford led the league in accurate passes thrown last season? Is Sam Bradford actually the most accurate passer the NFL, absolutely not. It’s Chip Kelly’s QB friendly scheme that calls for short completions and screen passes. I would love to see Jeff Driskel play QB in a Dirk Koetter offense, he would fail miserably…. That is completely unfair criticism of Mike Glennon.
September 3rd, 2016 at 2:00 pm
Glennon’s poor play HURT the team. Simple as that. His poor play killed any chance the bucs would get a pick so every real fan should be disappointed he did not play better.
September 3rd, 2016 at 2:01 pm
Sure lets not mention how many balls were dropped by receivers when Glennon was throwing. I guess drops only matter when Winston is throwing the ball. Sure lets pretend that a team panicing and trading for a former #1 pick overall is an indication that nobody wants Glennon. LMAO. That is almost as stupid as Tmax pretending Glennon sucks and his whole career is defined by 1 play where he ran out of bounds. JBF for the win.
September 3rd, 2016 at 2:02 pm
Terrible trade. I don’t understand what the NFL sees in Bradford, has he ever been to the playoffs? I don’t even know
September 3rd, 2016 at 2:06 pm
Couch Fan
be fair couch…. It’s not just the cowardly run out of bounds play I don’t like about glennon. I don’t lik ANYTHING about his game. Don’t sell my hate short.
September 3rd, 2016 at 2:13 pm
The Falcons have cut QB Matt Simms and WR/RT J.D McKissic, I would like both of them on this roster.
September 3rd, 2016 at 2:13 pm
I apologize Tmax, you misunderstand my point. I know that your hate flows deep for Glennon, the point was your logic is flawed BECAUSE of your hate. As Kurt Angle repeatedly said, “It’s true. It’s damn true!” All good though, as Glennon will be gone soon and we wont be subjected to your annoying nonsensical rants about our back up QB. The future is bright!
September 3rd, 2016 at 2:15 pm
Yea!!! Cause pre season stats are strong indicator of future performance!!
September 3rd, 2016 at 2:21 pm
Who cares don’t want to trade him anyway either do the Bucs!
September 3rd, 2016 at 2:22 pm
One admittedly good drive against the Steelers when they fell asleep at the wheel in the last 2 minutes of the game…and a good half against the Seahawks until they woke the hell up and realized who they were losing to. I’m sure Glennon is a swell fella…and to his credit he completely out kicked his coverage in the lady dept. as many pro athletes and musicians do…but he is difficult to watch unless you’re an opposing defensive coordinator foaming at the mouth. He will be out of the league in 3 years…earlier if he’s forced into action and further exposed.
September 3rd, 2016 at 2:26 pm
Couch Fan
I have never seen anything in glenno’s game. He made some nice throws but he never made players around him better and I want a firey passionate qb which he clearly is not. nothing personal. Now obviously for several years my opinions have differed from you and a very small group which is awesome a good debate is enjoyable. This is were it became fun for me though, Every legit criticism I ever brought up about 8 was met with I’ll use your teerm “NONSENSICAL” responses filled with creative math (hat tip doc), excuses and of course my favorite “it’s unfair” barge of nonsensical rants about how great he is… I was about lovie and now I am right there was never any trade value and the rest of the league thinks he is just a backup. I enjoy being right. I am a real poor sport when I win too. So today is my day laugh. Good thing it’s a saturday and daytime drinking is not frowned upon but actually encouraged. The real reason college football is popular is the excuse to tailgate aka drink first thing in the morning and straight through the night. Unless of course you fall asleep in a museum or friends bathtub. Couch was that nonsensical enough. Go bucs we all want the same thing a meaningful game when it’s cold out.
September 3rd, 2016 at 2:27 pm
in other news, Vikings are reportedly waiving Bohringer… If I were a GM, I’d much rather test out that project over Justin Hunter.
September 3rd, 2016 at 2:28 pm
What would Winston do without Evans, VJax, and injured OL … Pretty sure last year he had to do just that. Two rookie starting OL, injuries to Mankins, Marpet, Dotson, VJax, Evans, Murphy, ASJ … Dye, Hump, Brate, Cherilus, Pamphile you think those were first tier guys last year? Good QB’s lead and elevate the play of those around them. You saw Winston progress and cut down on his int’s dramatically after the first Carolina game. Saw him help will his team to a win against Atlanta. Lead the Tampa offense to one of the best statistical finished in franchise history and make the Pro Bowl as an alternate. I don’t hate Glennon, but I don’t see him having a future with the Bucs now that Winston is there.
September 3rd, 2016 at 2:30 pm
The vikings wanted bradford because he is familiar with the vikings offensive scheme. The adjustment period will be much quicker for Bradford than it would be for Glennon.
Im under the impression that Glennon is a terrible NFL QB, but there are sometimes other reasons why players or teams don’t target the ones fans would like.
I do think a first round pick for a 1 yr rental is stupid. But the vikes have a lot riding on the line this year for their fans. New stadium, high expectations. Not as stupid as a business move but stupid as a football move.
September 3rd, 2016 at 2:36 pm
the vikes must think the injuries are very significant. they just did not get a 1 year rental. bardford just signed a large extension. I believe it’s like 2 or 3 more years and the vikes are eating like 22 to 27 million of it I read. maybe the vikes don’t feel like they will be getting their starter back anytime soon.
September 3rd, 2016 at 2:36 pm
Both QB’s were horrible in the preseason. Hard to evaluate your back-up receivers/te’s with that type of slop.
September 3rd, 2016 at 2:44 pm
i agree both backups sucked. koetter has said multiple times griffin is the future so no point in keeping another qb with equal or lesser value.
as far as the backup player argument the other 32 backup qbs are playing with and against the same level of competition so that argument carries no weight.
September 3rd, 2016 at 2:48 pm
Josh Sitton is being released by the Packers due to cap casualties. IF this happens then Licht BETTER be ready to pounce. Many Packers fans think he is the best player on the OL
September 3rd, 2016 at 3:10 pm
Short just got released.
September 3rd, 2016 at 3:11 pm
as far as the backup player argument the other 32 backup qbs are playing with and against the same level of competition so that argument carries no weight.
sure it does. on offense you’re only as good as your qb play.
September 3rd, 2016 at 3:11 pm
^^ Agree bring in Josh Sitton.
September 3rd, 2016 at 3:19 pm
Joe knows QBs. Just imagine how set the Bucs would be had they drafted John Manziel instead of Mike Evans.
September 3rd, 2016 at 3:29 pm
Maybe Licht and Koetter do not want to trade him. If they’ve tried to resign, they obviously still want him, no matter how much Fantasy GM Tmax thinks. As has happened with Bridgewater, maybe they are keeping Glennon for insurance in case anything major happens to Winston. He doesn’t slide, he takes on defenders, it’s easy to see that something like that could happen. I can hear Kotter and Licht saying, hey let’s cut a guy who has thrown the ball in regular season games and pick up ,,,,,,,,,,, who TMax? You’re an idiot, point blank, it’s like arguing with a 2 yr old.
September 3rd, 2016 at 3:32 pm
I don’t believe they operate on the….. well the seasons over if Jameis goes down theory of Joe. Because of the win now mentally of the league, GMs and coaches will not trade a proven backup, it’s idiotic.
September 3rd, 2016 at 3:32 pm
how is a draft that was 3 years ago relevant the fact that Glennon played like hot garbage the last 2 years. I do not see any connection. typical butt hurt glennon fan response though.
September 3rd, 2016 at 3:37 pm
Im pretty sure that Glennon didnt play at all last year and the year before that Imcompetent Lovie handed McClown the starting job and again Glennon didnt play much. So saying he played like “hot garbage the last 2 years” would be defined as a nonsensical comment. Keep em comin Tmax.
September 3rd, 2016 at 3:39 pm
Really Joe, Sam Bradford is worth a 1st plus and Glennon has no value? Although Glennon did hurt his trade value with a terrible preseason…
September 3rd, 2016 at 3:41 pm
RIP mike glennon mob I must admit I once was on board but I have walked the plank . He has regressed , he used to light up the preseason behind freeman and McCown. Keep him as a backup and let him go to Houston afte Texans realize they overpaid for osweiler
September 3rd, 2016 at 3:43 pm
first of all I am not a fantasy gm but I appreciate the title. Second, all the spin and bs you want to throw out still does not make up for the fact 8 has played like arse and stinks to high heaven. More importantly 99% of the football world agrees that you will NEVER win a championship with Glennon at the helm. Glennon needs to earn the right to be a backup and right now he has not done that with his on field play. Glennon’s legend has surpassed his abilities and play a long time ago.
September 3rd, 2016 at 3:47 pm
More importantly 99% of the football world agrees that you will NEVER win a championship with Glennon at the helm
More opinionated conjecture stated as fact. Nonsensical. Making this to easy.
September 3rd, 2016 at 3:47 pm
Couch Fan
yes 2 years…. preseasons are very important when you are a backup trying to impress teams and keep your job. glennon looked horrible 2 preseasons in a row playing against lesser talent. you are a complete fool if you don’t think every gm in the league has seen glennon’s poor play in both preseasons . you wiould be a bigger fool if you think for one minute nfl gms’ and sit around and factor in the excuses that glennon fans like to use. I can see it now Bill Parcells saying let’s give up a 3rd rounder for glennon he was treated unfairly in tampa.
September 3rd, 2016 at 3:49 pm
Oh yes. The preseason is the end all be all. You can tell all you need to about a player from their pre-season. I love Jameis but tell me again, how was his play during the pre-seaon last year or this year? I dont remember him lighening up the score boards… But of course your logic only applies to Glennon. I know I know. Nonsensical.
September 3rd, 2016 at 3:50 pm
please explain to me what 8 has done in your mind to be labeled a “Proven” backup. he has never entered a game in backup duty. mop up duty in a blowout hardly makes 8 a proven backup. He has a 5-13 record. The only thing glennon has proven is he can’t beat out mccown and he has stunk 2 years in a row.
September 3rd, 2016 at 3:59 pm
Imagine a line with
LT: Smith
LG: Sitton
C: Hawley
RG: Marpet
RT: Dotson
And, next year
LT: Smith
LG: Sitton
C: Marpet
RG: Sweezy
RT: Dotson
September 3rd, 2016 at 4:05 pm
I just saw that about sitton. I was coming on here to ask opinions on if we could get him.
September 3rd, 2016 at 4:06 pm
Again based on your logic, Winston’s 6-10 record isnt much better than 5-13 so basically you’re saying Winston isnt good enough to be a back up either….
September 3rd, 2016 at 4:08 pm
Evan smith played with Sitton in GB, but maybe he won’t want to convince him to come push him back on the depth chart. Lol
September 3rd, 2016 at 4:14 pm
When it comes to Glennon value, You must think the NFL is a fairy tale loaded with backup uarterbacks who are capable of playing the position. You couldn’t name 5 back ups qbs right now that are better than MG8. Your player evaluation hasn’t been spot on either, you were completely against the Bucs draftting VH3 in the draft process.
September 3rd, 2016 at 4:18 pm
Winston had the 5th highest QB rating in preseason this year among those that qualified … Not that I would read to much into that with how little true game planning goes on. Glennon completed less than half his passes for a grand total of 1 TD and 1 pick. Even the staunchest Glennon fan has to say he didn’t have a great preseason. Didn’t see any improvement in him. Didn’t see him command the offense or lead. He’s playing with and against 2nd string players and looked mediocre.
September 3rd, 2016 at 4:19 pm
Quality backup? Maybe not!
Kick tires on Shorts??
September 3rd, 2016 at 4:28 pm
I’d imagine Jax might grab sitton….he’d have to clear eight other teams first.
September 3rd, 2016 at 4:32 pm
F#CK, we could have got J. Gilburt for a 6th Rd pick
September 3rd, 2016 at 4:33 pm
What do u mean clear 8 other teams. He doesn’t have to clear any1. He signs wherever he wants.SMH
September 3rd, 2016 at 4:40 pm
What Jimbo said. He’s a vet and doesn’t have to clear waivers. Immediate free agent.
September 3rd, 2016 at 4:43 pm
To be fair MG has been playing with scrubs. Hard to look good.
That being said he never has been all that.
September 3rd, 2016 at 4:48 pm
@ Tmaxcon
I could be talked into cutting Glennon if there was no chance we will get a compensatory pick for him…..I simply don’t want 3 QBs on the active roster….I am not convinced that any team would be interested in Griffin either so I think it would be worth the risk.
We can pick up a backup in the draft or FA next year.
September 3rd, 2016 at 4:55 pm
Sitton is a Vet because he has more than 4 years…..any player with less than 4 would be waived instead of cut.
Players that have less than four years of experience are “waived” — meaning a player has to clear the NFL waiver wire before becoming a free agent.
September 3rd, 2016 at 4:59 pm
And, the argument about how good or how bad Glennon is is moot at this point…..the facts are that we either couldn’t or wouldn’t trade him and that he is our backup for this year and will move on.
His ability may or may not be determined if he ever gets the chance to start anywhere else.
He’s neither a bum or a champion….but he is also not a UPS Driver, Hooters Cook, Insurance Claims Adjuster, Mattress Mover or Sports Blog Writer…..yet.
September 3rd, 2016 at 5:03 pm
TMax is in a fantasy land of where all backups are franchise qbs.Look , I get it, a lot of you need your qbs to look handsome. The whole thing with his looks is hilarious. I do think it speaks to some underlying fantasys you have about Qbs. Maybe the group that hates Glennon had deep attractions to their high school or college QB, hense the Becker, red head , giraffe comments. There has to be some sort of psychological hang ups for the deep, deep hatred for the guy. It’s not simply running out of bounds short of a first down. It’s something more. There’s fans in other cities that would love to have Glennon, hense him winning a poll in Minnesota on who the Minnesota fans wanted to take over for Bridgewater.
September 3rd, 2016 at 5:06 pm
When i have mentioned his looks.i have done nothing but poibt out his piss poor play and fact that i dont see the potential you do. All you do is talk in circles.
September 3rd, 2016 at 5:08 pm
You have never once addressed his play. When you have to use a newspapper poll to justify your player versus his on field play something does not add up….
September 3rd, 2016 at 5:10 pm
And to be clear i dont care if our qb looks like that pig rosie O’donnell as long as he wins
September 3rd, 2016 at 5:16 pm
Did the Bucs ever say they were interested in offers for Glennon?
September 3rd, 2016 at 5:18 pm
I’ve already pointed out his stats . QB ratings above 137 in. back to back games. The Pittsburgh game, Seattle game, 20 of 23. The only time he had significant playing time . This is without having a Mike Evans, on a garbage team. Lovie sabotaged his career. I’m happy with Winston, but 6-10 is 6-10, just like 5-13 is 5-13. Glennon has ugly plays, so does Winston, Titan game anyone? If Glennon plays like that in the Titan game you guys would have been burning him in effigy. There’s thing you forgive about Jameis that you don’t for Glennon, I get it, he’s FSU Glennons NC State. The homerism bias for the Florida teams predicates any objectivity on this site.
September 3rd, 2016 at 5:25 pm
Like I said….the argument is moot….a QB who has a small sample size to measure effectiveness is worth what his market value is and Glennon isn’t worth much….I totally disagree with Joe that he has “No” trade value…..surely someone would give us a 7th round pick in 2020 for him… he has some trade value.
I don’t buy the argument attributed to Licht that he has great value to us as a backup…..more than a 3rd round pick (what we got him for)…..
I don’t think Licht has been offered a 3rd round pick for him at least not lately….maybe last year…..but not lately.
September 3rd, 2016 at 5:28 pm
Your obviously not very bright, Winston has a limitless ceiling whereas MG8 has a low ceiling And a low floor. It’s not the Florida connection that makes us love him. He has IT. The nation sees it aswell. Obviously NOBODY WANTS GLENNON. THAT HAS TO SAY SOMETHING.
September 3rd, 2016 at 5:48 pm
And HIRE Jimbo has no bias on the matter, I already stated I like Jameis. But you won’t have three Jameis on your roster or two, or two Brady’s. It’s the whole fantasy football mindset of the idiots on this site.Logic…… Glennon has performed in the past, in meaningful games…. fact, not conjecture as Coach points out. Fact…. Licht and Koettet do not, repeat, do not want to trade him. Fact…. Ira Kauffman, with far more insight to the Bucs brass than you do states Glennon has tape, that Glennon will not be traded unless someon pulls something idiotic like the Vikings did for Bradford. They value him more than you….he will be here through his rookie contract, which is more than you can say about 75% of the Bucs drafted over the past ten years.
September 3rd, 2016 at 6:02 pm
I don’t see the point in wasting a roster spot keeping 3 QB’s just to be prepared for next season after Glennon is gone. Backup QB’s are a dime a dozen, either Glennon is the backup of the future or Ryan is the guy but it seems like that roster spot can be put to better use. Worse case if they carry 1 backup and Winston goes down then just go grab one of the many high draft pick busts like Sanchez, Freeman, or Ponder and have them backup the backup.
September 3rd, 2016 at 6:10 pm
And with Glennon on the roster they brought in Ryan Griffin and used a roster spot to keep him all last year. They were already planning ahead to eventually move on a year ago. They couldn’t or wouldn’t trade him and his most recent play has to have hurt his stock. He is solid as a back-up but clearly the organization isn’t too worried about letting him go.
September 3rd, 2016 at 6:27 pm
Buccaneers were never going to trade Glennon unless the asking price was in their favor. All you so called fans calling for him to be traded old be crying if they did and we only had Griffin as a back up. Joe and the trade him mob need to just stop already
September 3rd, 2016 at 6:30 pm
tmaxcon Says:
September 3rd, 2016 at 3:32 pm
how is a draft that was 3 years ago relevant the fact that Glennon played like hot garbage the last 2 years. I do not see any connection. typical butt hurt glennon fan response though.
Actually, the Manziel draft was just 2 years ago. Nonetheless, my only point is Joe(s) knows nothing about QBs, as indicated with their love affair of John Manziel. He (they) knows nothing more than the rest of us, including you, about Glennon’s trade value.
September 3rd, 2016 at 6:53 pm
Who cares about his trade value, his career is almost over in Tampa and you will ALL be happy next year when he’s gone. We need him NOW anyway with Griffin still needing more work. I don’t think any other teams covet Griffin like we do because 1 TD vs. 4 INT’s doesn’t look that good to me. You guys bash MG8 because he ONLY had 1 TD and 1 INT but he had 2 TD drives against the Jags and didn’t look bad. His stats are just as good as JW’s and he ONLY cost us a 3rd round pick to get him. Can’t wait until next year so I can hear you ALL complain about Griffin instead. Glennon will get a shot somewhere else, which is MORE than he EVER got here. I just hope Jameis gets better this year so we can start winning some games again. Tired of EXCUSES! Go BUCS
September 3rd, 2016 at 7:01 pm
What are the Vikings going to do when Bradford gets hurt…the man is alway hurt. They might offer a 2nd for Glennon.
September 3rd, 2016 at 7:51 pm
Also im sure it isn’t easy to play with the second teamers on this bucs team. The bucs have some terrible depth at WR any QB would do bad with that lot running routes.
September 3rd, 2016 at 10:47 pm
We will get out of Glennon EXACTLY what he is worth, no more no less.
September 3rd, 2016 at 11:07 pm
Glennon is who he we thought he was!!
A poor Back up, with a following of Clueless Zombies
Pittsburg and Seattle both expected to beat us. Terrible team with terrible Backup QB.
Pittsburg took the game off, and lost.
Seattle took off a half- then woke up and kicked our butt.
Glennon is who we saw this preseason. Giffin will supplant him as 2nd string Backup by Midseason
Glennon will only be offered a token contract
He may have to take it anyway
Resulting in the fall of the Mike Glennon mob( of Zombies)
September 4th, 2016 at 1:32 am
Hey Capt. Tim or should I say Tmax? You said the same thing a couple of seasons ago when some noodle armed undrafted rookie was on the team. You said he would beat out Glennon and he would get cut. Well Glennon is still here and I don’t what happened to that noodle armed QB. Just give it a rest. Glennon is a backup and will be a backup till he proves otherwise. Oh and Griffen hasn’t shown that he’s capable of unplanting Glennon at all. You must of missed what Coach K said about the matter a couple days ago
September 4th, 2016 at 3:04 am
I warned last season that Bell was a bust and from the first season when Glennon was playing I warned he would never be anything but a backup. He and Bell have one trait in common. They are not mentally tough enough to play successfully in the NFL. Cut the Albatross Glennon NOW. He can look good in practice when he can’t be touched just like Bell is the Star of Underwear Football but totally inept in a real game!!! Glennon can never save a Buc’s Season if Jameis goes down. If that happens we can just kiss the season Goodbye.
September 4th, 2016 at 12:22 pm
Any cut Glennon now talk is short sighted at best. The Bucs know they will get a compensatory draft pick for him in next years draft and they have the number crunchers that have a good idea what round it should be. You can’t jump up and down about needing draft picks and then scream to cut somebody who has that value attached to him.
September 4th, 2016 at 2:06 pm
Don’t confuse me with Capt Tim he just happens to be smart enough to see the results. Glennon is a joke… he always has been and always will be. He has zero heart and zero potential… Since you are keeping score I am right it has been proven Glennon has zero value and likely will be out of the league in 2 years or less.
September 4th, 2016 at 2:23 pm
The value of Glennon is that he had 18 games of actual regular season games. Behind a line that gave up 27 sacks and helped rack up over 6000 yards of offense, 2 very good rbs and 3 much better receivers than he played with, I think it’s a safe bet he would play better behind this offense. Keeping Glennon is a better insurance policy than Griffin.
September 4th, 2016 at 7:44 pm
I’ll take that bet! And I’m not even in the MGM. So in 2 years, please don’t change your screen name. I’m gonna call you out every chance I get. All I’m saying is that it gets old with same crap being spit out by you. How about this….. Let me ask you a question tmax. Would you consider Tom Brady gutless for running out of bounds before the 1st down marker? I only ask due to the fact that I’ve seen him due it
September 5th, 2016 at 8:38 am
So much negative crap here it makes me sick. Glennon is your back up and you’ll be cheering for him if Winston goes down. Glennon has shown he is a good back up and maybe even a starter in this league. Look around the league, there are very few good back ups around, in fact, name one!
Sure he wants another chance somewhere. He deserves one.