Update On Sweezy Expected (Soon)
August 12th, 2016
Status forthcoming
Bucs coach Dirk Koetter didn’t seem all that chipper about his team’s performance last night when he did his weekly day-after stand-up at One Buc Palace.
Koetter offered that the Bucs failed in two of the three phases of a football game, but lauded the defense, in particular the defensive line (when is the last time you remember a Bucs coach raving about the defensive line “affecting” the quarterback?).
Eventually, Koetter was asked about the status of injured left guard J.R. Sweezy. Depending on who you believe, Sweezy’s camp is either milking the injury by flying across the country to see a specialist, or the Bucs believe all is well and Sweezy will soon return. Sweezy has yet dress for a practice since being a big-money free agent signing in March.
Koetter was vague and evasive when asked about Sweezy, saying only there should be an update on his Sweezy’s status in a few days. For a straight-shooter like Koetter, being evasive seemed, well, almost as if he’s hiding something.
“I think there will be something forthcoming on that within the next couple of days,” Koetter said. “It’s on the way.”
Koetter’s body language didn’t come across as if Sweezy is just hours away from suiting up for practice.
As Joe has stated, this supreme, Manhattan-Project-like secrecy sure screams bad news. If all was going to be well, then why not say it on record? After all, today, Koetter had no problem discussing Brandon Myers’ knee injury as something that should be short-term and minor.
But with Sweezy, Koetter sure clammed up in a hurry.
August 12th, 2016 at 6:08 pm
It could be that they expect to have him practicing in a few days, but they don’t want to announce it until they’re sure he’s going to be on the field the next day. Of course, that might be the overly optimistic interpretation. Given the lack of specific comments on it, it’s probably not good. Probably going to be on the shelf.
August 12th, 2016 at 6:11 pm
If I hire someone for a job and they spend the first couple of months on medical leave and flying across the country for tests ,I would fear I made a horrible mistake. But I’m not a sunny-side-up, delusional fan I guess.
August 12th, 2016 at 6:12 pm
It seems to me that if it was really bad news Koetter would give us a hint that was coming….
August 12th, 2016 at 6:13 pm
Tell ya what, those first team guys better play fast and smart against jacksonville, Bortles is becoming a solid qb and those recievers are among the best in the league, possibly the best duo. It will be a good guage of where each team stands against each other right now
August 12th, 2016 at 6:25 pm
Sounds like there might be future litigation. Probably an existing hidden injury.
August 12th, 2016 at 6:42 pm
He’s not on the field practicing, so I don’t expect him to play for us untill game 3 or 4 if at all!
August 12th, 2016 at 6:56 pm
starting to grow concerned… They have not been this tight lipped about anything else really.
C’mon Joe, surely Big Dog must have given you some insight when he referenced “the look on Jason Licht’s face” when he asked if Sweezy had the injury before getting signed?
Don’t hold out on us!
August 12th, 2016 at 7:00 pm
Here is the important question…….How is his big toe?
August 12th, 2016 at 7:03 pm
Lol his toe 😂
August 12th, 2016 at 7:04 pm
Damn well if not this year hopefully he will be all good by next year
August 12th, 2016 at 7:06 pm
We are not only left in the dark about the exact nature and severity of Sweezy’s injury, but about when he acquired it. They are not calling it a non-football injury, so this means he had this injury before we signed him, since he has not participated in any football activity this off season. This means that either our medical staff failed to diagnose correctly that this would be a lingering ailment, or worse, that we relied on Sweezy and his agent to be honest about it and didn’t submit him to a full physical exam before the signing. This sounds crazy to me.
August 12th, 2016 at 7:09 pm
Crazy negligent.
August 12th, 2016 at 7:14 pm
Right..Update on Sweezy? I’ll give you his update..He was seen running in and out of a Tampa Bay area bank cashing his check with a big ole ..it eating grin on his face! Back problems for linemen don’t go away folks. They just get worse with tough hard physical NFL play. Cam you spell..Bust?
August 12th, 2016 at 7:15 pm
Did they fall in love with a player’s tape so much that they didn’t dot all their “i”s and cross all their “t”s before signing the dotted line. Remember he was our first major FA of the season and there were some other teams interested. Maybe Licht let haste interfere with prudence and protocol,, and now we’re suffering from buyer’s remorse.
August 12th, 2016 at 8:10 pm
Could it be that Sweezy had these major injuries that would require surgery when we signed him to that huge contract and we dont want to face the embarrassment?
August 12th, 2016 at 11:05 pm
Here’s my take on it…and I know it’s not a psychological science..but it kinda is..
Okay..ALL FA’s talked about the Bucs on Twitter (yeah I know..I am now the Twitter Queen here), but to get back on track in my thought..He was the only one that kept his profile as a Seahawk..he was on his account AFTER he was signed up cause he had retweeted something, then took it down..
So what I believe happen is that he had an existing back issue and never really disclosed the extent..just like the Steeler that never disclosed his headache issues and now probably has a legal battle brewing up..
I for one don’t think he ever wanted to play here..I think that he just wanted a big check and hosed the Bucs..
Of course, I am making a disclaimer..this is all solely my opinion and I am stating this strictly as my opinion.
August 13th, 2016 at 3:52 am
Makes me wonder if Koetter was behind the secrecy around ASJ’s injury last year. Then again, Licht is being secretive as well. I wish there was more transparency about stuff like that. I don’t see the point of being so evasive. It’s going to be a black eye on Licht’s record, if it’s a lingering injury, whether they’re upfront about it or secretive. It looks worse if you try to cover it up, actually.
August 13th, 2016 at 10:44 am
Another one bites the dust potentially. Oh well, you win some, and then you don’t.