Trade Inquiries For ASJ?
August 21st, 2016
Trade winds blowing?
Very interesting nugget dropped on the Bucs-Jags telecast by good guy Chris Myers seen (and heard) locally on Channel 38 last night.
It seems teams are kicking the tires on tweety Austin Seferian-Jenkins to gauge any interest in a trade.
Now Myers did not discuss what teams called Bucs AC/DC-loving general manager Jason Licht for his backup tight end, but Joe knows who Myers talks to and his confident Myers’ information is accurate.
This interests Joe a great deal. ASJ — if you go by who played when last night — is the No. 3 tight end. This should surprise Joe’s regular readers. Joe has heard similar stories all offseason that ASJ was a backup entering training camp and perhaps as low as third string, as he was during the final games of last season.
If Licht could get a decent conditional pick for ASJ, say, a third round pick that could be a second if ASJ finally figures it out, then Joe would pull the trigger on that trade right now.
Of course, it would have to be a conditional pick for Licht to CYA. Remember, this is ASJ’s third training camp and, outside of a few flashes, he hasn’t demonstrated anything that would suggest he should be the starting tight end.
If anything, ASJ had a stronger rookie camp than he has had with regular season games and two full years under his belt.
August 21st, 2016 at 7:12 am
Disagree. ASJ look way better than Brate last night. Pump the brakes a little on this noise. Honestly ASJ overall game is better than Brates. Can his mental sometimes be suspect yes, but who hasn’t had to go thru a maturation process. No stage fright when it comes to ASJ,Cam looked a lil shook lastnight.
August 21st, 2016 at 7:17 am
WR and TE for the 2017 draft!!!
Bucs need a #1 WR with speed!!!!
August 21st, 2016 at 7:25 am
I can’t front one burner would be nice.
August 21st, 2016 at 7:50 am
Idk…ASJ made a nice catch last night. He just needs to grow up. Why give up on a guy with soo much talent with maturity issues soo soon? It could be the whole bury him on depth chart to see how he responds move. But it seemed he and Mike G. have chemistry together.
August 21st, 2016 at 7:56 am
Nah I disagree. I really hated his tantrums and attitude but still too young to give up on with THAT much upside. For sure this is his make or break season though…better continue working his butt off and start working his way up that depth chart..he’s already making strides in the right direction
August 21st, 2016 at 8:00 am
Find a good quality kicker to trade him for…..just in case ROBERTO has the nervous jitters all season.
August 21st, 2016 at 8:01 am
Wouldn’t hurt my feelings at all.
August 21st, 2016 at 8:05 am
joe you would trade your mother
August 21st, 2016 at 8:14 am
Did any of you see Cameron Brate play TE in the first 2 preseason games forget how well he practice in shorts he Cant Block he is always on the ground on a run play check out the replay of the game and pay attention. Have anyone seen Cameron Brate catch a contested pass in a game because I damn sure haven’t Dirk pull the Tampon out your ass football at this level is about talent and as far as I’m concerned the Cameron Brate as the starting TE experiment is over!!
August 21st, 2016 at 8:15 am
Some Bucs media and fans seem to have very fanciful imaginations. Our 2nd round pick TE, in his 3rd year, isn’t living up to expectations so let’s dump him for a conditional 2nd or 3rd round pick? I doubt that ASJ is going anywhere. Coach Koetter doesn’t play games … ASJ screwed up (immaturity?), ended up in his doghouse, and now he seems to be working his tail off to climb out. Good for him and good for Coach. ASJ’s got a lot of talent; Bucs just need to stay the course and help him grow as a player and as a person. We’ve given up too early on far too many quality players over the course of Bucs history.
August 21st, 2016 at 8:28 am
I disagree entirely…..we should keep ASJ…..He plays well when he’s in and I’d give him more snaps.
With our WR depth issues….we need him to bolster our receiver corps.
August 21st, 2016 at 8:49 am
You know damn well no gm in his right mind is going to risk a 3rd round pick on an often injured, mental midget with work ethic concerns. Not going to happen. Hell bucs could not get a single 3rd rd pick if they packaged ASJ, Glennon and the legendary Louis Murphy together
August 21st, 2016 at 8:51 am
Smh…….@ Joebucfan!!!!!!
August 21st, 2016 at 8:53 am
A trade now would be so Bucs. Keep the guy the entire time he is hurt, has his head up his butt but once he starts to finally get it together trade him for peanuts.
I do think he cost us a TD last night by running the wrong route and tipping the ball just before DD was going to catch the TD.
August 21st, 2016 at 8:53 am
Watching the game replay…….that interception from Jameis was only slightly high and hit Brate in both hands……
August 21st, 2016 at 9:03 am
Such nonsense. Brate is showing now why he was undrafted. Smart move by other GMs if they are calling. They see the talent there. He is finally starting to show potential and Joe would trade him so that we can have some undrafted scrub start at TE for us. ASJ will be starting soon assuming the coach and GM aren’t morons too.
August 21st, 2016 at 9:15 am
ASJ is just as likely to end up in the tub than he is the starting line up. All the potential, measurables and talent in the worlds means nothing when you have sh!t between the ears and can’t stay healthy. ASJ is unreliable simple as that….
August 21st, 2016 at 9:17 am
“Dirk pull the Tampon out your ass football at this level is about talent and as far as I’m concerned the Cameron Brate as the starting TE experiment is over”
I would bet Coach Kotter has been around more football teams and TE’s than you have, he has coached a few Very good TE’s in his years as a coach. Where and what experience do you have in coaching, decision making as it pertains to being a NFL / College / High school football coach? Please feel free to pull the bloody rat out of your mouth to explain to us your vast experience. Thanks.
The fact is that we have two good to better than good TE’s on our roster and a few more right there on the edge of that group. this is a good problem to have. Can they all do the same things the other can do? No but that is diversity, which is a good thing to have in any group of players who go out and compete. The tough decisions come as the regular season gets closer. I think that Mr. AJS and Mr. Brate along with Mr. Stocker and Mr Vitale should be a good TE group to go to battle with. We still have Mr Myers and Mr. Westbrook in our TE group. Mr. AJS does need to get it together and use his skills to his advantage and not blow his chance to be a great TE, will he I have my fingers crossed. If the demotion and third string designation do not motovate Mr. AJS I am not sure what will work. Good luck Mr. AJS. Bring it every practice as this is the NFL = Not For Long.
August 21st, 2016 at 9:27 am
ASJ is still our best TE…they can stack the depth chart anyway they want, but it doesn’t change reality. When the games count he will be on the field.
August 21st, 2016 at 9:35 am
I don’t want him traded. It’s more about his story now.
I’m curious as to how all the pressure and such is going to affect his game. Things like Jameis shouting at him and all that.
He may or may not be a bust, but he is certainly leaning in that direction. Still, I would rather get nothing for him and wait and see.
August 21st, 2016 at 9:44 am
Jenkins is our only only full fledge TE. He can block catch and has more talent than all the other ones combined. Yeah he’s still immature at 23. My son is 25 a father and still immature but most men do grow up. Some just need a slap in the face to get their attention and a boot in the backside to straighten them out. He can be our Tony Gonzalez as long as he stays the course that it is obvious he’s on.
August 21st, 2016 at 10:00 am
ASJ has been in BEASTMODE the past couple weeks since the official depth chart came out. He looks like an All-World TE right now. We have to keep the guy if he’s gonna be on a mission like he is right now.
August 21st, 2016 at 10:12 am
Some guys are practice guys and some just aren’t. Asj appears to be more of a gamer. Trading him now would be a poor idea. If healthy he is our best tight end recieving option, but this is one of the reasons I floated hunter Henry around for last year’s draft. It’s not a position of strength. I hope brate can step up but now that he is being accounted for, he looks a little different.
August 21st, 2016 at 10:17 am
Brate is lucky to be alive.
That hit was nasty.
It could have broken his neck.
Did Brate return to the game?
He was probably concussed.
August 21st, 2016 at 10:36 am
Keep ASJ.
August 21st, 2016 at 10:38 am
RustyRhinos Says:
August 21st, 2016 at 9:17 am
“Dirk pull the Tampon out your ass football at this level is about talent and as far as I’m concerned the Cameron Brate as the starting TE experiment is over”
I would bet Coach Kotter has been around more football teams and TE’s than you have, he has coached a few Very good TE’s in his years as a coach. Where and what experience do you have in coaching, decision making as it pertains to being a NFL / College / High school football coach? Please feel free to pull the bloody rat out of your mouth to explain to us your vast experience. Thanks.
This is obviously a motivation ploy to motivate ASJ, because you Dirk and any other person who has watched these 1st 2 preseason games can come away convinced that Brate is the best option at TE at this point is so please direct me to what the hell you an Dirk are looking at on the game film!1
Note what have you seen from Vitale that says good please feel free to explain!!
August 21st, 2016 at 10:49 am
I’d like to think that Coach Koetter’s master plan was to promote Brate to 1st string TE in order to light a fire under ASJ. If so, well played, sir! Brate took a nasty hit in the end zone but came back later. My diagnosis: James Whalen 2.0. In the immortal words of the old St Pete Times writing staff, he’s a “Whalen of a catch”!
August 21st, 2016 at 10:50 am
Cameron Brate is not a starting NFL TE, this franchise is a damn JOKE.
August 21st, 2016 at 10:58 am
Funny I missed it, by reading these comments you’d think the Bucs sucked up the game last night. I must have been watching something different.
August 21st, 2016 at 11:00 am
ASJ is going no where.
August 21st, 2016 at 11:09 am
As mauch as I have been disappointed with him this far, I do believe Jameis will help him get his head right. We had a scare with Brate last night and all of the sudden Brate is dropping passes. Asj needs to stay.
August 21st, 2016 at 11:11 am
Does IR / Tub count as nowhere….
August 21st, 2016 at 11:27 am
I don’t believe the Bucs are trading ASJ either. MG8 played better, he was one of the questionable keys going into the game #6. Crickets so far on his play. Nobody wants to open that box. I have to take something positive from the game, it might as well be the status of the backup QB for the Bucs. Side splitting laughter at the don’t go there. Leave the kicker alone.
August 21st, 2016 at 11:39 am
If the Bucs can get a quality lineman or a 3rd/4th rder for ASJ, I say drop him like a bad habit people! He could end up being a good player. But I do know his heart is not in Tampa. Sometimes players just need to..move on.
August 21st, 2016 at 11:44 am
Glennon did play better that beind said such a great backup and future starter that some suggest he is should lighting it up against the lesser talent he is going up against… Glennon by no means stood out against the lesser talent he merely did an adequate job. Nothing more nothing less
August 21st, 2016 at 11:49 am
You guys are outta your minds.
The kid is 2 preseason games into his 3rd season and y’all ready to give up on him. And btw since his practice and Twitter incidents, it appears he is more motivated and doing the right things. But hey lets dump him for a 5th round pick cuz we’re the Bucs and we do stupid sh!t all the time.
SMDH. Out of your minds if you think any GM is giving a 2nd or 3rdrounder for him right now.
August 21st, 2016 at 11:51 am
tmaxcon…. bwahahaha, stop man you’re cracking me up. “Hell bucs could not get a single 3rd round pick if they packaged ASJ, Glennon and the legendary Louis Murphy together”. LMAO!!!
August 21st, 2016 at 11:59 am
ASJ took a pretty good lick himself and held onto the ball.Can not agree with you on this one Tmax.ASJ is a work in progress but he has talent and a big target zone.Jameis ‘s game slipped when he lost Kelvin Benjamin at FSU to the Nfl.At this point in time Jameis’s passes are not always that accurate.He needs big ,tall receivers to pull in some of his passes that are often high.For 900,000 many people want to see Koetter can turn ASJ around.To be fair ASJ
has already accepted the challenge and seems to be getting his head on straight. As for his injury last year,you drop a 270 lb. man on his shoulder on the rock hard astro turf from 5 or 6 feet and might of put a lot of people on IR.Oh,wait we couldn’t put him on IR because Kenny bell had hamstring issue
and was lagging behind the rest of the team.
August 21st, 2016 at 12:06 pm
No Glennon stats against the crappy backups. Glennon no picks, TD pass, I called it before the game. rotflmfao.
August 21st, 2016 at 12:08 pm
Ummmm… No one mentioning the FACT that Brate dropped TWO passes that lead to a 14 point swing is amazing!!!
The Joes not mentioning that FACT is REALLY FREAKING SAD 🙁
No instead lets run with this out the side of his mouth TV announcers comment about would be trade rummors…
The FACT yhat Bratelet a sure 1rst down bounce off his hands for a pick that lead to 6 for the Jags means nothing… The FACT he dropped a sure TD (before getting his head taken off and having to leave the game ASJ style) that lead to miss field goal and 6 for the Jags mean spit…
No ASJ is the #3 TE who even though missing half his games do to INJURY…. STILL HAS BETTER #s than any of his comp…
JOES…. You guys suck suck so bad that your “Custodian” is gonna lose credibility and or gonna quit…
This kind of BS is why i stopped taking this site serious…. Clearly you want BSPN to pick you up as a reportes….
ASJ will play 16 games this year and the last 3 are gonna make you look like the complete fools you are on THIS TOPIC…
And I know you would love to be completely wrong and eat crow on ASJ… So Im just saying… Crow hunting season starts 9/11…
August 21st, 2016 at 12:09 pm
No way I make that trade, we’ll lose all athletism from that position. It weird to me that you keep righfully harping on receiver depth and lack of weapons but want to trade a 21 year old kid who is a freak. This guy will be fine, just needs to mature. And oh by the way, don’t necessarily think it’s a good idea to give licht more picks. He may trade up for another kicker
August 21st, 2016 at 12:12 pm
37, before you trash MG, remember All JW completions and TD came against backups. He was 0-6 with 2 drops.
August 21st, 2016 at 12:29 pm
I’m usually all over ASJ but I say we let him try to ball out here. His potential is higher than brate. Too many TE is a good thing
August 21st, 2016 at 12:39 pm
Bucnut2.. “before I trash MG”? I must be missing something. Call me up in dreamland.
August 21st, 2016 at 12:45 pm
ASJ may be number 3 on the depth charts,but he was clearly number one on the field.Thats the story, investigate it and report on it.Pewter Report has.
At least one of Joe’s finds negative stories on ASJ more interesting than
the work that ASJ has done to repair his career and reputation and that is sad.
Still think Koetter knows exactly what he is doing.and he would give Licht an earful if Licht wanted to trade ASJ.
August 21st, 2016 at 12:45 pm
Barte sucks he has a rashad Greene effect on jameis as well. The tv announcers were calling it before he happened. Koetter had freaking Myers and stocker in there over asj, blocking I get it but three tight ends on the field and the best pass catching fastest and best ability to breaks tackles isn’t out there dirk your message has been received this is a loviesque preseason performance except last year in preseason they make the field goals. Same thing different year. The defense isn’t as bad but they suck . If they trade asj I’m done. They look like clowns . 2nd round kicker. Sure asj is immature but so odb do they have him third string ? This is what asj meant by playing the bad guy . He’s finally healthy this season and we will never see his potential. Throw him out of practice cause he didn’t know what he was doing of course he wouldn’t what has he been able to play and practice for 12 games max since he’s been here. Cam brats had plenty of time to learn the plays running with practice squad for two years before finally making the team due to injury and got 10 games worth of first team reps. I am the biggest jameis fan but he need to sit down and stop all this propoganda lobbying for these ass players thinking he can make them good, to be honest he’s not looking to well himself . With the passes he’s making he needs more 6’2 plus receivers with Huge catch radius to even catch the crap passes he’s making. He needs to focus on himself and stop trying to play co-gm with clueless licht . Growing up as a kid I remember gramaticas face plastered on papers for all the game winners he’s missed and he was takin in the third round. I am not getting season tickets this year. I bought into the hype but this team sucks. Same team only thing that changed was the coach.
August 21st, 2016 at 12:49 pm
10-6 don’t forget we traded UP to get that second round kicker with tons of holes on the roster
August 21st, 2016 at 12:55 pm
Oh I know they got here heads so far up there ass we got more division 2 &3 talent than anyone else they think they are magicians, if they were they could turn the crap records into winning ones . Like I say I’m not supporting this . I’m a bucs fan but until they can get a fm and coach who can out the best players of there ability on the field and get them on our squad I don’t want anything to do with it. They kept advertising see the world largest video boards September 25th yeah cause no one sure as hell wants to see the dirt product they put on the field . Yeah these are practice games but from experience you practice how you play
August 21st, 2016 at 1:37 pm
Wah wah wah wah.. these Bucs are great, way better than last year, nothing has changed that, tick tock… getting closer.
August 21st, 2016 at 1:41 pm
You can see that he is trying hard and coming around. Relax, this is the year to prove he belongs in the NFL and he’ll do it. Don’t dare get rid of this guy.
August 21st, 2016 at 2:03 pm
A 3rd rounder for ajs…. Ha ha, that’s funny. You might be offered a 6
August 21st, 2016 at 2:08 pm
How come when this Clown makes a couple of good catches he is the second coming of the NFL greatest TE..
you need more than 5 catches in three games out of a TE..
Brate is twice the players ASJ for the simple fact He is on the field for more than two games
August 21st, 2016 at 2:14 pm
This is what happen when you have no competition for your placekicker. A rookie coach, who let underwear football decide,who will start,instead of waiting to the preseason is over before naming a starting TE. Close your doors and discuss these things in private with your team. The media will turn on you very quick.
August 21st, 2016 at 2:16 pm
We’d be dumb to get rid of him…..yes, I know the guy has been injury and has his head up his ass, but the guy has the size and athleticism of a Gronk. Who is our other athletic TE’s on this team that can stretch the field??? Brate? Not hardly. Stocker? That’s a joke. Myers? He’s been largely absent since we signed him a free agent contract, Joe. Vitale? Hasn’t flashed anything yet,,,
He’s a great redzone target and can take pressure off Evans getting double teamed. Buccs need help in the red zone…and were hurt last season by his absence.
August 21st, 2016 at 3:15 pm
If Cameron Brate is our best TE we are already in trouble. Don’t get suckered, there is a reason he was undrafted. You can work as hard as you want, but talent will show up when going against the best in the league, not to say you don’t have to work hard, but you know your craft, rise up and shine.
August 21st, 2016 at 3:28 pm
ATrain you are a so right LOL Cameron Brate is a nice guy easy to like well spoken Havard Educated and a great 3 team TE.
August 21st, 2016 at 4:08 pm
Joe also was saying how VH III was struggling as well. Relax…ASJ is the physically most gifted TE on the roster. He needs to match his mental/maturity to his physical abilities. He also needs to be available.
Everybody needs to relax..They should not trade him, it would be Mark Barron all over again….trading a 1st Rd 7th overall pick for a 4th and 6th rd picks…(you can thank Love and the outdated scheme for that bonehead move).
August 21st, 2016 at 4:19 pm
It would be HIGHWAY ROBBERY for Licht to get a conditional 3rd round pick for ASJ. Third string TE’s aren’t worth a ham sandwich in the NFL. Might get lucky and swap 7th rounders or something like that.
August 21st, 2016 at 5:36 pm
Joe would pull the trigger?
If the executive at One Buc Place is taking advice from the media it is no wonder the Bucs have been in such a mess for so many years. Austin should be starting. Trading him is stupid. Jason Licht is not stupid.
August 21st, 2016 at 5:42 pm
I’m cautiously optimistic about ASJ. Of course I have no idea what’s going on behind the scenes, but he has stepped up his game quite a bit. However, I’m not sure he’s going to be able to do enough to get himself out of the dog house. I am just very nervous of us getting rid of talented players because it seems like every time we do that they end up being a really good player somewhere else. Unless I could swap him for a legit WR (player for player deals are pretty rare in the NFL), I wouldn’t move him.
August 21st, 2016 at 6:00 pm
Keep ASJ. Brate looked like crap last night.
August 21st, 2016 at 6:27 pm
newsflash :
read on Buc nation that Koetter said in his lastest presser that ASJ has earned first team reps.
August 21st, 2016 at 6:43 pm
Lol, of course he has Bob. Everyone knew this was just a motivational ploy by Koetter. Joe still trolling ASJ. Another site says this about ASJ: Leading Tampa Bay with three catches Saturday night was Seferian-Jenkins, and a couple of them were particularly impressive. The big-bodied tight end went up high for a pass from Mike Glennon, took a shot and held on for 18 yards. Ever since his mishap in OTAs, Seferian-Jenkins, the “villain” of the Bucs, has handled his demotion to No. 2 TE well and continued to compete and show his potential. Joe loses credibility when he starts in on players like this and never gives them credit for anything positive.
August 21st, 2016 at 6:44 pm
Koetter thinks ASJ has talent and is doing the right thing to get the most
out of his Tight End.
August 21st, 2016 at 7:01 pm
Yes being in Joe’s doghouse is far worse than being in Lovie’s doghouse.But in my opinion,they do share some of the same poor talent evaluation skills.And this negative arcticle shows that at least one of the Joe’s is not in touch with
the pulse of the team.
August 21st, 2016 at 7:50 pm
No way jose you give up on ASJ ….last night should’ve been a precursor of what’s to come this season with Brate … no separation and was slow out of his breaks….and then he dropped a couple. ..
August 21st, 2016 at 8:51 pm
“Yes being in Joe’s doghouse is far worse than being in Lovie’s doghouse.But in my opinion,they do share some of the same poor talent evaluation skills.And this negative arcticle shows that at least one of the Joe’s is not in touch with
the pulse of the team.”
First of all, I love how anonymous people criticize others for their talent evaluation, as if they are the second coming of Ted Thompson. Hilarious! Second, Joe is at every single practice, talks to the players, coaches, and front office. I would venture to say he gets a lot of “off the record” info. So when it comes to being in touch with the pulse of the team, I’m going to lean towards him knowing a little more than you (or any of us). But that’s just me.