Never Lost Faith
August 29th, 2016
Never gave up. (Photo courtesy of
When he missed his first-ever kick as a pro, an extra-point no less, when he missed two kicks in his second game, when he was heckled and jeered and booed — at a practice! — for upchucking all over himself, rookie kicker Roberto Aguayo didn’t freak out.
Why? Because he knew was one of the best kickers in college football history. And he knew he didn’t just forget how to kick.
“I’ve done this my whole life,” Aguayo said after he went six-for-six in kicks Friday night.
“I just sit back and think that my collegiate career didn’t happen on accident. I realized how I got here and just doing what I do on a regular basis – not try to overthink about it. When you overthink it too much, you put more pressure than I need on myself. Just go out there and do what I do.”
Hopefully, Aguayo is over his yips. Time will tell.
Thursday night’s final preseason game likely will be a wet field and possibly a rainy night, with an upcoming tropical storm from the Gulf expected to dump quite a bit of water.
If Aguayo can again be perfect on a bad weather night, then Joe hopes Bucs fans can go back to being bored with chip shot field goals.
August 29th, 2016 at 9:13 am
Hey Joe: leave it to the fair-weather “fan” whiners. They’ll come up with something to bellyache about!
August 29th, 2016 at 9:15 am
Aguayo couldn’t help how high he was drafted…..he didn’t pick himself…..most of the pressure he felt was likely because of that.
In an interview, he stated the real pressure is being undrafted and having to compete to make the roster……well said.
Roberto will miss some kicks…..but he will be fine.
August 29th, 2016 at 9:19 am
You know damn well he was nervous and said a little pray before that 48 yarder. lol
August 29th, 2016 at 9:19 am
I told everyone we were gonna look back on that stuff and laugh soon as he pulled it together. I never lost faith. That’s for sure. Ofcourse some of the haterz will tell u the same thing when they were part of the group that was booing him lol.
August 29th, 2016 at 9:33 am
Lovie up chucked on himself daily for two years and some will argue he still can couch which he can’t. Aguayo missed 3 meaningless kicks in a meaningless preseason and people panicked for no reason. When th3 lights come on for real Aguayo will be fine.
August 29th, 2016 at 9:47 am
OMG what was Jason thinking drafting this guy!?!? A 2nd rounder for a kicker! Are you nuts!?! And he shanks his first PAT and cant kick FG’s. Doesn’t anyone remember how last season started with Kyle? OMG we are going to lose games because of this.
What? He made of his kicks including a 40+ yarder?
I told you he would be fine, why are we panicking for?
August 29th, 2016 at 10:01 am
The potential tropical storm should make for a fine gameday. I think it will take a more northward track than what is being forecast. I’ve chased a few in my younger dumber days. These storms bring excitement.
August 29th, 2016 at 10:50 am
Never doubted. Roll FSU Roll
August 29th, 2016 at 11:29 am
Funny how everyone wants to chime in and say “I told you so” after A game.
Great! 6 for 6. I’m happy for the kid. It must’ve been a huge burden lifted. Do it consistently now, it’s your job.
August 29th, 2016 at 11:31 am
Now he has to show us he can kick with consistency during the regular season. Good luck sir!
August 29th, 2016 at 11:43 am
Odd, That sounds like he has been talking to a sports psychologist. I’m pretty sure Joe said that’s what he shouldn’t do.
August 29th, 2016 at 11:44 am
happy with his performance….GO BUCS!!!
August 29th, 2016 at 12:28 pm
the hardest part from the kid’s standpoint is not self-belief…it’s that 90% of the people writing and commenting on it do so as if it’s a given that he’s lost his mojo for good. consciously or unconsciously, most people without any stake in the outcome root for\predict the car crash, not the triumph.
Glad the kid knows who he is and believes in himself. It seems to be a locker room epidemic these days, long may it continue
August 29th, 2016 at 12:44 pm
The freak out factor regarding the Bucs 2nd round kicker not being perfect will be tested more than once this year.
What really matters though is how does he bounce back from those inevitable misses?
The Cleveland pre-season game is a good indicator that Aguayo is mentally strong and will not let missed kicks and bad games negatively effect future opportunities for points.
Just line up and with a focused intent that stays in the NOW – do what you do to the best of your ability young man. And things will turn out just fine.
I’m glad we drafted him despite the “price” – and I think he has a much better chance than the average NFL kicker in his career – of scoring points when it absolutely counts the most – in a Super Bowl game!
Kicking a game winning kick in the Super Bowl might just be the ONLY way that could force all the naysayers to admit that he probably WAS worth a 2nd round pick… I hope Roberto gets that opportunity… and I betcha he makes it.
August 29th, 2016 at 2:24 pm
he’s just mind screwing us….lol he wanted the practice in people hating him and wanted pressure kicks in the preseason 😉
August 29th, 2016 at 3:36 pm
Bored of this storyline…. There is an adjustment period! some can some cant. Different type of ball.. different angles because of the hash’s. Totally different kicks and he needs to re-train his muscle memory.
August 29th, 2016 at 3:54 pm
I’m bored of this story-line too. Just kick the damn ball!!!