Can One Good Play Spark Turnaround?
August 12th, 2016
Johnthan Banks needs to follow last night’s game with a solid three weeks of practice.
Bucs cornerback Johnthan Banks has not yet had a good training camp.
But it is still early. Plenty of time to turn things around.
Did Banks begin that path last night?
The former second round draft pick from Mississippi State and the team leader in picks two years ago, Banks was all but ruined by Lovie Smith. Maybe for good.
Thus far, Banks has had a training camp to forget. Given the fact the Bucs have already bolstered their corners via free agency and the draft, and the current administration never drafted him, a bad camp is not a good sign for his job security.
Last night, Banks made a fine play, breaking up a pass late in the game.
Banks has time to rebound and acclimate himself to Mike Smith’s new defense. But that window is shrinking. He has, Joe assumes, until Labor Day weekend to prove his worth. That’s roughly three weeks.
It would help Banks a great deal if, on the heels of making a solid play last night, he practices strong next week against the Jags in Jacksonville.
Joe has always been a fan of Banks and is rooting for him.
August 12th, 2016 at 5:33 am
LOL Joe! If Banks was ruined by Lovie Smith then Josh Freeman and Da’Quon Bowers was ruined by Greg Schiano.
No one ever says that about those two because it’s simply not true. Those two have one thing in common. They are both out of the league and both were drafted by Dominik.
What’s really happening here is that you, the current coaching staff, and the fans are seeing for themselves what the previous coaching staff saw every day in practice and on film. Coaches don’t ruin players. If that was true then Alterraun Verner would be ruined as well. That’s silly fan-speak.
August 12th, 2016 at 6:17 am
At this point, it’s my humble opinion that banks is simply putting stuff on tape for other teams. His tenure as a Buc is all but done. I don’t think that should be a shock to anyone who’s been watching his development (or lack there of) for the last couple of seasons. While I don’t entirely agree with D-Rome’s sentiment that coaches don’t ruin players, the fact of the matter is that, as professionals, these guys are ALWAYS supposed to be ready to play.
I definitely can’t speak to what Banks and other guys that fell out of favor during Lovie Smith’s run were doing behind the scenes, but I don’t get the impression that Banks is committed to improving based on how he performed on game days. Coaching is a big part of the game, but coaches don’t blow coverages, drop picks, or miss tackles. I don’t know if the numbers will bear it out, but it feels like Banks is the DB who’s made those mistakes the most after showing so much promise the first 2 years.
August 12th, 2016 at 6:39 am
Still noticed recievers having 10 yards of green space in front of them before the snap. Was hoping to see some jamming at the line throwing recievers off theyre routes.
August 12th, 2016 at 6:49 am
Don,t agree . You get better by playing.Lovie held Banks back by not allowing him to play for the majority of the time he was here.Annointing Mike Jenkins the starter in 2014 despite missing most of training camp,was a bad personel move.Jenkins and Jennings were two of the worst corners in our history.
That said Banks has not had a good camp. But those long arms could be very
useful in goal line defenses.
August 12th, 2016 at 7:05 am
D Rome, you have obviously never been coached in a sport. A Coach can make or break a player, it’s as easy as that. Not pointing fingers but if you inherit a player that doesn’t suit the style of play you are used to running, you will sit them out. Good coaches find out what your strengths are and put you in a position to succeed.
I don’t know if you watched Freeman’s first game for the Vikings… I am sure Schiano wasn’t within 500 miles of him, but his ghost still lingered…
August 12th, 2016 at 7:19 am
Wombat, you don’t know anything about me or my past athletic accomplishments in a variety of sports, all of which were individual sports where the athlete/coach relationship is close. I can agree that Lovie Smith may have ruined Banks’ opportunity to shine last year but Lovie Smith’s tenure ended in January. It’s August now. Banks has had plenty of time to improve in the off season, get his mind right, and perform under a different coaching staff. Nothing has changed.
Like you said, good coaches put players in a position to succeed. Mike Smith is a good coach. Where are the results of Banks’ new opportunities? Lovie Smith is not ruining Banks’ chances of making this team. Jonathan Banks is doing that all by himself.
August 12th, 2016 at 7:51 am
I’m not sure why we continue to give the excuse of coaching. The coach isn’t on the field. At some point, it’s up to the player to make plays.
I’m rooting for the guy. We can never have enough DB depth.
August 12th, 2016 at 8:00 am
Banks was one of the guys that I was watching closely last night and I thought he had a decent game more so than Ryan Smith (if he played). He also had a nice strip/fumble on a play that was negated by the Akeem Spence penalty where he hit the QB on the helmet with his hand while going in for a sack. He still has some work to do but all and all I thought he looked promising.
August 12th, 2016 at 8:54 am
Self-confidence is often the difference between the best and the rest in professional sports. Athletic performance is not totally controlled below the neck. And, after 2 years of no confidence from your coach, it would be mighty tough for many a developing player to recover their self-confidence and return quickly to their prior performance.
August 12th, 2016 at 8:58 am
Add me to the list who is rooting for the still young n Talented J.Banks. let’s not forget that Grimes is more than likely gone after the season so that pushes everyone up a spot and I’m willing to bet that they will be in need of his services, the kid had 7 ints his first 2 seasons and had one bad one because of some wacking ass scheme and off the rocker coach who seemed to have it out for him, now we’re ready to write him off alrrady?? This guy was the 43rd pick for a reason. Not a very wise decision to let a guy like him walk because we have a little depth for once. His length and size ciuld be used on a team that doesn’t have one guy that is 6ft or taller.
August 12th, 2016 at 9:04 am
A coach can’t ruin a player, or make a player. But they can sure as hell put them over top or push them over the edge. Freeman was hanging off of a cliff and instead of pulling him up, Schiano stomped on his fingers. Bowers had already jumped off strumming his guitar all the way down. The two players we usually say were held back by Lovie (Verner and Banks) seem to have responded to the new coaching a little bit differently. Verner positively, Banks not so much.
August 12th, 2016 at 9:41 am
Why not see what he can do at FS?
August 12th, 2016 at 9:55 am
Everything Joe has heard is Freeman ruined Freeman. Had nothing to do with Schiano in any way. Besides, Schiano focused on the defense. Never understood how Schiano was at fault because Freeman couldn’t read a clock.
August 12th, 2016 at 10:28 am
I believe Banks will return to his best past form when the games count. Don’t know about his off the field suggested displeasure with playing for the Bucs.
August 12th, 2016 at 11:15 am
Actually d Rome, a lot of people around DO think Lovie ruined Banks, and they do think Schiano ruined Freeman.
Bowers always sucked.
I think Freeman ruined himself, personally. Doesn’t matter either way now cuz we got jaboo!
August 12th, 2016 at 12:27 pm
Banks is a bum. He flashed his 1st yr and then fizzled out. I say cut him. But then again, Our depth chart is very weak.
August 12th, 2016 at 12:35 pm
One good play will not spark a comeback if you’re down by 10 with less than a minute to play. How about just playing great the whole game and coasting the last 5 minutes with a 3 TD lead? Opps my bad, I must be talking the Denver Broncs or somebody else. Wake up Mike..Wake up!!
August 12th, 2016 at 1:38 pm
Freeman absolutely brought Freeman down. But a Phil Jackson type coach might have saved him. Freeman I think has “issues” Schiano didn’t have time for that. As a result, both are out of the NFL.
August 12th, 2016 at 4:00 pm
So why didn’t freeman succeed in Minnesota with a running game like that. Complete a 3rd down or 2 and let AP run down hill best place for any QB. The game got too fast for him. Freeman should of kept the weight on and kept running the ball. Simple
August 12th, 2016 at 4:23 pm
Banks has length and experience but lacks the speed to succeed as a CB. You might get by in an all zone defense but Banks is a liability as a CB in Smith’s Defense. However, by keeping Banks as a CB where he doesn’t fit we ended up with a speedy CB Ryan Smith having been put learning Safety instead. He didn’t shine last night did he? Solution–so swap Banks and Ryan Smith. We were told our DC would devise his defense to the strengths of the players he has, so it is a mystery to me why Smith, as smart as he really is, hasn’t figured out he could improve his defense with a Banks and Ryan Smith swap.
August 12th, 2016 at 4:30 pm
And as far as finding a great run back specialist and really improving our STs by next week, Koetter needs to look at Ryan Smith’s run backs for touchdowns in college and give him a shot at it against Jacksonville. Ryan Smith is a real talent and he deserves to be put in the positions he knows best that will get the most value out of him to improve the Bucs.