“Have To Get Better At Demanding The Yardage”
August 16th, 2016
Jameis explains
Legions of Bucs fans want to see America’s Quarterback, Jameis Winston, get in the faces of his receivers and demand precision and excellence.
Or, in the case of one receiver, they want to see Jameis demand he catch the damn ball.
Jameis dove very deep into this topic on SiriusXM NFL Radio on Saturday. Of course, Joe took notes.
Co-host Pat Kirwan talked to Jameis about how Tom Brady loudly and boldly will scream at receivers in practice to get their route-running perfect routes. Jameis was asked about his success in getting receivers to be where they’re supposed to be, and about his style of communication.
Jameis explained he’s very low key with most receivers and needs to be more successful leading them.
“I do have to get better at demanding the yardage, and that just comes with growth and my maturity, as well,” Jameis said. “But I just do it with trust, I use the trust factor all the time. You know, because I believe that this is the ultimate team game.
“I just come to that [receiver], ‘Man, I gotta trust you to be there at 22 yards [downfield] on the run back. You know, I know it’s a naked. I know we’ve got a deep comeback that’s at 18 yards, but on the runback I need you there at 22. So I gotta trust you to be there. Because what if I got a pressure in my face and I’ve got to make time and go back to anticipating you being in that spot. Because that’s the only way that we can get a completion right there.’
“So I just believe that having that chemistry, working with those guys. That’s critical.”
Kirwan, the ex-NFL coach and executive who travels to most NFL training camps every summer, told Jameis that his communication style is nearly identical to that of Eli Manning.
Jameis explained that some offensive players, though, need a very firm and basic approach from him. “‘You need to be here!'”Jameis barked. (Think Austin Seferian-Jenkins getting the boot during an OTA practice for not being lined up correctly.)
Very cool insight into Jameis. And after reading this, certainly look for Jameis to start yelling at receivers. That’s just not his style.
August 16th, 2016 at 12:39 pm
@Joe – You guys are crushing it lately with delivering some really compelling stuff. Good job guys.
August 16th, 2016 at 1:01 pm
I noticed there hasn’t been any article about the newest Buc addition.
Is this purposeful?
August 16th, 2016 at 1:13 pm
I love that phrase. It is exactly what needs to happen. Very cool to hear the styles between Winston and a guy like Brady too.
The way Jameis described his demeanor about this actually reminded me of Dungy. Dungy came off, at least from my lazyboy, as a very calm and level headed guy. Yet you heare a guy like Sapp( or whoevet) talking about Tony and they never wanted to come off the field after making a mistake. Tony had some great leadership qualities whereas his players never wanted to be anything but perfect for him. A true leader should never have to change his demeanor to get the most from his followers. More then one way to skin a hawg.
Very cool piece.
August 16th, 2016 at 2:25 pm
Agreed. Joe you have stepped up, wasn’t bad before, unlike bucs. Bucs are stepping up too! Great job! Thanks!
August 16th, 2016 at 3:12 pm
True, some really good articles lately. Still giving ME grief whenever you can though. Outside of one bad game I think his drops were about the same as most receivers. I remember all the great catches he made and the good stats he put up too. He makes Jameis look good more often than not. Jameis had one horrible game and a couple more that weren’t so great and you let that slide. I love both of these guys and think they are going to have great years. I guarantee you if you ask Jameis if he wants ME to be one of his primary targets he would say HELL YEAH!
August 16th, 2016 at 3:27 pm
Remember, Joe is about topics, not transactions. If Joe thought there was a compelling angle, you would have already read it.
August 16th, 2016 at 3:55 pm
Jamies had two truly horrid games.
August 16th, 2016 at 4:21 pm
I usually go here for my breaking bucs news. Apparently im missing out, since joe doesnt care to wite it up. I guess i’ll just google it.
August 16th, 2016 at 5:20 pm
I demanded the poon this afternoon amd it worked for me.
August 16th, 2016 at 5:20 pm
Agree with TampabayBuc
Both jameis and Evans have things to improve on.Believe Jameis had the lowest number of completions in over 40 yards in the league. I think it was only 6 or 8 if memory serves.There are times when he throws to sideline,when Evans is running to the open part of field.You will get no YAC yards that way
and quite possibly a no completion.And Evans can definitely improve on focus
and drops.The goal is for both of them to make each other better.