Demar Dotson Making Statement
August 4th, 2016
High praise from head coach.
There is no player Joe enjoys talking to more than big ol’ Demar Dotson. Dude is as friendly as there is and is always up for a good chat and seems to perpetually wear a smile on his face.
Joe always wants good things to happen to good people. But Joe never though Dotson was all that. An average tackle? Perhaps. Nothing more.
So this spring, when Dirk Koetter started to sing the praises of Dotson, Joe scoffed. First, Gosder Cherilus started 13 games at right tackle. If Dotson was so good, why didn’t he start more (after he recovered from a knee injury at Minnesota to start the preseason)?
Joe also took a page out of Pat Kirwan’s Gospel: Don’t put any stock in grandiose spring claims. Kirwan says almost all the time, coachspeak in the spring is a vehicle for motivation and nothing more.
Well, whatever it is, Koetter’s words are working with Dotson. Yesterday, after practice, Koetter even deemed Dotson to be the best offensive lineman on the squad.
“The guy that’s really playing well right now is [right tackle] Demar Dotsonm,” Koetter said when discussing the front line. “He’s our best player on the offensive line right now.”
Whoa. That’s heady stuff there, especially on the heels of how Koetter gushed about Dotson on Monday. Better than Donovan Smith? Better than Ali Marpet? If Koetter isn’t just blowing smoke — Joe has never thought Koetter to be one to blow smoke or con someone — this is nothing but good news for the Bucs.
Last year, right tackle was not a “strength” no matter who was playing. If Dotson has really mushroomed into the best offensive lineman, this is simply gravy on top of the mashed potatoes.
August 4th, 2016 at 10:42 am
August 4th, 2016 at 10:44 am
Koetter is a straight shooter. I dont think he’s blowing smoke. Just think about the rest of the line. Marpet is coming off an injury and going up against #93. Smith is going into his 2nd season and seeing reps against Ayers and Spence. Pamphile is unknown and no one throws a lot of love on a center.
August 4th, 2016 at 10:56 am
i agree with joe. i never thought dotson was anything but average. maybe this is his year to shine. who gives a rat’s ass if he’s motivated by a contract year. we all get motivated by some sort of compensation whether BS’ing a hotty in a bar to see some skin or forcing yourself to get out of bed for work in the morning we all have our motivations.
August 4th, 2016 at 11:08 am
Dotson was once said to not have a ceiling higher than average at best. Now he IS our best above Marpet and Smith. Glad he is here!!!
August 4th, 2016 at 11:14 am
I hope it’s true. Dotson was very ordinary the last few years. Cherilus was no better. Maybe he decided to work harder to get back to starting. This is the value of competition. If it’s true or correct.
August 4th, 2016 at 11:18 am
Dot has done a pretty amazing job growing as a player since he first got to Tampa. It’s clear proof that who a player is very early in their careers isnt who they always end up being later. Growth CAN happen. May R. Sheppard can become something in the WR game..
August 4th, 2016 at 11:36 am
Should have been given more mony last year! Simple as that!
August 4th, 2016 at 11:48 am
He said he was the best OL right now, meaning talk to him next week and marpet could be the best OL right then. I guess he means he is having a good week.
August 4th, 2016 at 12:08 pm
If Dotson was so good, why didn’t he start more (after he recovered from a knee injury at Minnesota to start the preseason)?
Bc the incompetent one was in charge. Truth is Dot was the best on the oline in 14 and will be again in 16. Not sure what you guys see in a line that gave up the most qb hits last year and Cherilus was the main culprit.
August 4th, 2016 at 1:21 pm
Sometime we forget that Dot came to football late. He’s a basketball player who switched to football late at Southern Miss.
He may just be a late bloomer. OT requires some experience and strong technique, it’s not like RB where you can just come in and play.
August 4th, 2016 at 1:46 pm
Dotson has always been a fine RT, although underappreciated.
Seems to me that there was no reason to rush him back last year because Cherilus was playing decently on a line that was running the ball very well…
Besides, look who the HC was,,,
August 4th, 2016 at 11:51 pm
Pay Dotson a new contract now. We don’t want to lose him next year to a higher bidder, and don’t forget he can play LT too if Smith doesn’t develop into a good pass blocker to go along with his great run blocking. OL just reach their prime at 30.