Jameis Driving The Bucs’ Bus
July 17th, 2016
Driving Bucs to playoffs?
Yes, as we inch towards training camp — 11 days away — predictions for the NFL season will start flowing in.
Actually, they already have. Frank Schwab of Yahoo! Sports’ Shutdown Corner is looking at a surprise team to make the playoffs this winter. And that team just happens to be your Tampa Bay Buccaneers.
For Schwab, the reason is simple: America’s Quarterback, Pro Bowler Jameis Winston, is going to will this team to greener pastures.
If you read Peter King’s story with Arizona Cardinals quarterback Carson Palmer last year on The MMQB detailing Palmer’s preparation, you know being an NFL quarterback is not a 9-to-5 job. The willingness to put in crazy hours of preparation is probably the most overlooked attribute for a quarterback. We don’t think about it because it happens behind the scenes, and if someone isn’t preparing hard enough we rarely hear about it.
Winston, even at a very young age, apparently gets it. The Buccaneers have to love that.
Oh, and he’s really talented too. Everything that made him a Heisman Trophy winner at Florida State was on display last season with the Buccaneers. Winston is the main reason the Bucs are a somewhat popular pick to break out in 2016.
Joe doubts playoffs are in the picture this year, but stranger things have happened. Joe does believe an 8-8 mark is a reasonable goal. And if it happens to be a really weird year, that could be enough for a playoff berth, though all the dominoes would have to fall just right.
Let’s just say Joe has trust in America.
July 17th, 2016 at 8:14 am
Is JW3 now driving the Buc’s Bus? Yes. And it is so refreshing to watch, after watching the incompetent one drive the short bus into a 10 car pile up repeatedly week after week, and never going anywhere!!!!!!!!!!
Go Bucs!!!!!
July 17th, 2016 at 8:18 am
U nailed it Joe, in order for the bucs to be in the tournament they would have to have all there chips fall just right Wich it seemed like every chip fell the wrong way last year, and if they would of fell the other way u could easily make a argument that this unit could of been a 9-10 win team. That’s how small the margin is in this league, it comes down to a couple of plays. And the bucs blew alot of games they had in there grasp. Wich makes u wanna puke thinkin of all them, (Washington, Houston, Indy, Chicago, Nola. We could of easily won all those games had the bucs not given those games away by beating them selves for the most part. Maybe this year the chips fall in our favor. Either way Jameis hasn’t even come close to scratching the surface so don’t be so impatient, this team is very young and will continue to grow as a unit wich is very important as a team. Letting sll these Talented young men grow together is a huge advantage and a very big step towards us getting back to the promise lands, As we watch our captain (#3) lead us there. Sit back and enjoy the ride Buc fans, this is gonna be fun.
July 17th, 2016 at 8:48 am
“It was . It is . and it will always be about the QB” Kobe Faker
“I wanted to be drafted by the Tampa bay Bucs and play in front of poster Kobe Faker” Sterling Shepard
July 17th, 2016 at 8:52 am
Here we go again, still humming………..on LOVIE’S BALLS!
July 17th, 2016 at 9:17 am
Enthusiastic coaches,enthusiastic players who will hopefully be held accountable,there is reason for optimism.The right amount of aggression will
win games in all three phases of game.Agree with DemBoyz,looking for front office,coaching staff,and players to come together and bring the excitement back to team.Go Bucs
July 17th, 2016 at 9:18 am
Since you like talking about balls in the mouth so much id like to applaud you for coming out of the closet that takes guts…. im sure you will be wearing your lovie smith shirt in the Pride parade… anyhow instead of name calling and or attempting to defend the indefensible by talking about balls why cant you simply bring facts to the table to defend lovie… should be easy he obviously is a legend in your mind…
Ill keep it easy and give you very simple yes or no questions
Was the secondary staff that lovie hired qualified?
Is 70% completion percentage against the nfl norm or truly horrendous?
Is a personal assistant qualified to coach NFL WR?
Lovie NEVER took responsibility for anything is that a trait of a man with good character?
Is it sad when a nfl coach with 9 years experience wins 2 games and the team regresses yet first year head coaches who took over equally bad teams where in the playoff discussion ?
I could go on for days… you clearly only see the color of lovies skin not the facts or his glaring failures… lovie had one lucky year and the person who should be most thankful is dungy. he never would have won a superbowl if he was not facing his incompetent protege…
Lovie was a disease and it takes some fans and players longer to heal and recover…lets just hope the lovie disease is not like herpes the gift that keeps on giving
July 17th, 2016 at 9:25 am
Year 2 of the new Franchise QB, cant wait to see it, and agree 8-8 seems like the right target, this year…
July 17th, 2016 at 9:35 am
The Buc Realist Says
“…after watching the incompetent one drive the short bus…”
Don’t be a bigot. What have short buses ever done to you?
July 17th, 2016 at 9:40 am
Lovie Smith was/is a great man, and I’m pretty much on record regarding my feelings on how his tenure here was handled by Licht and the Glazers.
But he is gone now. Koetter, who I wanted here before Mike Smith was fired, is king now.
He is a first time head coach…which means patience may be required. He won’t get it, of course. Fans will turn on him pretty quickly. At first it will be the trolls…and they will spout junk long enough to convince a couple others they are right. And then two lost games in a row is all it will take for you people to turn on Koetter.
OR…maybe even before Game 2, if the Bucs lose Game 1.
July 17th, 2016 at 9:49 am
One time one was driving slow in the I275 merge ramp and I had to tap my breaks on the on-ramp!!! I will never forgive or forget that day!!!
anyways, you are wrong as usual BucBonzai the incompetent one was EXPOSED for the classless piece of trash from start to finish!!! Interviewing for a coaches job in Oct!! The way he treated players!!! The classless way he left, and the petty rumors he spread when he was rightly terminated!!!! I lost what little respect I had for him as a man!!! He is a punk, and its no wonder so many players are trashing him!!!! Karma is a B!t@h isn’t coach my scheme!!!!!
lovie is like school on Sunday,,,,,No Class!!!!!
July 17th, 2016 at 9:54 am
Great men dint waste ownerships money on unqualified assistant coaches especially when nepotism plays a role that is closer to fraud thean what a great man would do…
Going to church on sunday and being the natiins top anti-cursing ambassador does not make one a great man…
Great men dont burn through 16 coordinators in 11 years… why dont you check with the families of those guys vwho were thrown under the bus by loser lovie so he could save his sorry arse…
Great men are good communicators and we heard numerous times thisv offseason that the supposed players coach could not communicate to his players and played favorites
Great men take responsibility not respond in condescending tones or talk in circles…
Lovie is not a great man… he is a religious hypocrite that never tajes responsibility for anything
July 17th, 2016 at 9:55 am
Koetter would have to show lameness above and beyond the previous HC to turn me against him. That ain’t going to happen. Most think Koetter will quadruple the wins of the departed one’s first year as HC.
July 17th, 2016 at 9:58 am
@big hog
not one of your more thought out posts.C’mon man don’t take it down to this level.
July 17th, 2016 at 10:07 am
bonzi and hog
stop crying about backstabbing all the time why don’t you do a little research on losers lovie power play in chicago where he obtained full control of the bears… talk about backstabbing… sounds more like karma to me. also licht’s job was to do what is best for ownership and keeping lovie smith was not what was best for anyone. Also once lovie obtained full control like he had in tampa the bears were a disaster. Lovie made equally horrendous personal moves with chicago some of which the bears were still paying for last year. Lovie has a long history of being a classless arse clown who throws others under the bus to save his own arse…
July 17th, 2016 at 10:10 am
1. The thought of Lovie’s balls are always on BigHog’s mind. Not much anyone can do or say to erase it.
2. This is Winston’s team. Not Koetters, not Licht’s, and no not the Glazers.
3. 8-8 is the mark for me.
4. Jameis Winston will take this team to the Super Bowl in 2017.
5. Wash, rinse and repeat tomorrow.
How many more days until training camp?
July 17th, 2016 at 10:25 am
So refreshing that the Bucs now have JW3 and a whole new direction that they can go!!! In fact the whole league is just waiting on Dallas to put the final nail into the Tampa2 (prevent-lite) defense!!! Then they can put the old passive defense in a box and stick it box and put it into the ole attic and only to forget about it!!!! ( and for the sheep, Yes some teams still use it for a couple of plays). Man that Dungy coaching tree looks like Charlie Brown’s Christmas Tree!!!! If Payton Manning did not drag dungy to a superbowl to beat the incompetent one they would be no superbowls!!!! At least Coach Tomlin was smart enough to ditch the defense and run a real defense!!!!
July 17th, 2016 at 10:45 am
Winston should get them to 8&8 with help from Agyyo, but better defence should get them to 9 wins.
July 17th, 2016 at 10:46 am
Lovie’s balls and Big Hogs mouth.
A marriage made in heaven
……..simple as that.
July 17th, 2016 at 11:09 am
The Buc Realist
I agree with everything you posted with the exception of including Tomlin as a dungy guy… tomlin was with dungy 1 year that hardly makes him a dungy guy. Dungy being enshrined in the Hall of Fame is a horrendous tragedy which has hurt the credibility of the Hall of Fame. Jimmy Johnson, Dan Reeves and Tom Flores all should be in hall before dungy. Dungy did not turn the bucs around Malcom Glazer did. For as good as Kiffin’s / Dungy’s defense was his offense was equally as bad. Head coach is supposed to be a total package not just a defensive coach. If they want to put dungy in the hall for being a nice guy or being the first African american to win a superbowl fine create a wing for it but to put a mediocre head coach with a career losing playoff record in the hall of fame is asinine and diminishes the credibility of the hall. The hall is reserved for the best of the best not media darlings. Dungy failed in Tampa and he Failed in Indy by only winning 1 superbowl with arguably one of the greatest offenses of all time. So many of the bucs fans have this delusional love affair with do no wrong dungy. they only remember the nice guy and good defense not the pathetic stubborn offenses and the bad game day management. Hell Dungy is barely the third best coach in bucs history. What mckay did taking a team to nfc championship game with an expansion team was far greater accomplishment than anything dungy did. Dungy who inherited 4 pro bowlers and 2 hall of fame players was handed tons more talent than McKay. McKay won more division titles with an expansion team than dungy did in the free agency era. Dungy had 4 good years and cost the bucs at least 1 Superbowl appearance. Now onto Dungy’s pathetic coaching tree…. Marinelli 0-16 good dline coach horrible coordinator and head coach, herm edwards failed with 2 teams jets and kc, lovie one good year in 11. That one good year lovie had does not offset the long term damage he caused in both chicago and tampa.
I was fine with all this dungy is god bs some of the tampa fans have but once he was elected to the hall of fame it pissed me off to no end. hall of fame is for the best of the best not media favorites…. it’s going to be a sad day when they enshrine such and unqualified head coach.
July 17th, 2016 at 11:10 am
Once again. EVERYone knows we should have been at least 8 and 8 last yr. Less than 9 wins will be a disappointment to me.
July 17th, 2016 at 11:14 am
Wasn’t this article about JW3?? When the hell are you people going to turn every conversation into Lovie bashing!!? Where is Bill and Ted and the phone booth to get me 11 days into the future?
July 17th, 2016 at 11:16 am
*stop turning every conversation into Lovie bashing!!?
July 17th, 2016 at 12:23 pm
Winston is a lot more interesting thread than Lovie. It’s run its course, let it be! Please!
July 17th, 2016 at 12:30 pm
Lmao who talks about a former coaches balls while trying to defend him. Lols for days!!!
July 17th, 2016 at 12:49 pm
Camp is about to begin and you guys are still on your knees…there is a reason you can go on and on for days about your umm dislike for LOVIE and one of them is he got fired and he didn’t b*tch and moan about it, her you are now saying he spread rumors before he left, you should have left them rumors where up picked them up at. He gone, he got fired, the totality of his work here was failure in the eyes of all Bucs fans, but let the man live, no more can be done to him as far as the Bucs go, and there’s not a damn thing you can do but talk sh*t behind his back and I’m quite sure he can’t hear you from the corn fields!! And since that LOVIE BALLS hit your nerve, I won’t use it again. Make sure you say Thank You!
July 17th, 2016 at 12:57 pm
BigHog…no is talking sh*t behind Lovie’s back. It’s the internet he can read it just fine from the cornfields or China if he likes. Although I’m purty sure he could care less about this site or any other Buc-related site.
I’m also pretty sure you’ll be here tomorrow to defend him though…that’s a guarantee. 🙂
July 17th, 2016 at 12:58 pm
The hall is reserved for the best of the best not media darlings.
So true! I strongly believe he only got in bc of his TV show and working with the media. Jimmy Johnson and Flores most definitely deserve to be in the Hall.
July 17th, 2016 at 1:04 pm
I feel the same way about schiano as you do about Lovie except schiano was actually a good coach.
July 17th, 2016 at 1:53 pm
Tmaxcon: I gonna keep this real for ya! Dungy belongs in the Hall of Fame! All the years blacks where not even given a chance to play in the league and for him to be the first to win a Super Bowl and he should be given a wing to himself, man you are a what you want LOVIE to be a classless jackass, you spit out your list of reasons why he shouldn’t be there, and it don’t even matter cause he in there…….maybe if the white folks hadn’t tried to keep the game, a damn game to yourself for so long…if we didn’t have to fight twice as hard just to be given the opportunity…….a wing to himself, that kind of talk, naw that kind of thinking has got to change… Does he deserve it..Damn right…you don’t like it ….So!
July 17th, 2016 at 1:58 pm
Your ignorance astounding the hall is full of deserving African Americans that being said dungy is not one of. Racist arse clowns lije yourself are the reason this country is so divided. I feel sorry for pathetic humans like yourself
July 17th, 2016 at 2:11 pm
If Dungy is the stand up man everyone says he is, His speech will start off thanking everyone and everything that made it possible. exp.
Thanks to Payton Manning that dragged me to the superbowl, Thanks to the Incompetent coach we beat at the superbowl, and Thanks to me being black (becuase bighogHeinous says its important). Even though I had that weird mustache back then that made me look more like a Hispanic!!! Adios Muchachos!!!!!
July 17th, 2016 at 2:31 pm
Buc realist you get dumber everyday. Ive been reading this website for about 4 mothes and you have had the same generic comment, dressed in different words, every single day. its all you talk about and it seem fair to assume you dont really understand the game that much. The funniest thing is that your wrong about the one thing you ever talk about.
Sorry bro but you are a very uneducated and sorry azz fan. Either that or just a troll. Either way you bring nothing to the table and are a basic waste of space.
July 17th, 2016 at 2:45 pm
Big Hog is right. Black men basically werent even allowed to coach in the league for decades. Dungy was the first black coach to win a superbowl and that was a feat that was going to be honored no matter who had been the first. Call it what you will but the feat was going to be honored wether you like it or not……And if someday another minority HC wins one it will also be honored…………And if you dont know why Dungy was honored there is a ton of literature about the matter in which you may further educate yourself.
July 17th, 2016 at 3:04 pm
So the Hall of Fame has lowered the entrance standards. Chucky might be eligible after a few more years as a yacking head.
July 17th, 2016 at 3:25 pm
Thats all fine and well then put him in as the first African American to win a superbowl not as a head caoch. His head coaching resume does not stack up. Based on your explanation on how you see it Art Shell belings in hall as a coach before dungy. Shell paved the way for dungy and others. Yes shell is in as a player i get that….
July 18th, 2016 at 4:04 am
Wing to himself…..and you call me a racist!
July 18th, 2016 at 4:29 am
Buc1987, dooshlarue, Maze,: yall calm down, I’ll deal with cheerleaders at a later time!
July 18th, 2016 at 8:54 am
I would hate it if I made it into the hall because of the color my skin.