“Possibly 10”
July 25th, 2016
Talks Bucs win total.
Some NFL pundits believe the Bucs can finish with eight wins this season, a .500 record.
Joe thinks that is reasonable but isn’t ready to select a number yet. That will happen next month.
However, the cast of NFL Network’s soon-to-be-canceled NFL HQ has other ideas. In a recent panel discussion, the group was asked if the Bucs would finish with more or less than eight wins. Groovin’ Jamie Dukes, the former Florida State star and 10-year NFL offensive lineman, decided to pick the over.
“I’m going with more. I think that number might go north of that. I’m thinking possibly nine or possibly 10,” Dukes said. “If you go back to last year and the numbers that you talk about, they just have to learn how to finish games out.”
Could the Bucs finish with nine or more wins? Sure. But for that to happen, Joe’s sure the defense would have to improve by leaps and bounds.
July 25th, 2016 at 8:05 am
This year is all about the unknown, the defense. We have a new DC, new scheme, and new unproven players. I think most of us have a pretty good idea about what our offense will contribute. If the defense plays well, the Bucs could win 8-10. If not, our frequent home in the cellar seems imminent. Keep your fingers crossed!!
July 25th, 2016 at 8:21 am
People are only going to get angry when these high expectations are not met!! And some around here want to be angry!!!! The “real” core of the team is extremely young!!! Talented but young, and that does not add up to consistent performances that lead to records of high wins. The Buc Realist would be very Happy to see a 10 win season, surprised, but very happy!!!
July 25th, 2016 at 8:23 am
I think 7 to 9 wins is the range. More likely 8-8.
And I am fine with that so long as they look good getting there.
Jameis yards will rise, I think…but I also think he’ll get more pics. That’s just the way shotgun QBs are. I predict 17 picks…but close to 5,000 yards.
Well, now…there is a multimillion dollar question. Will he get lazy again now that he has his money? Or will being the #2 rusher in the NFL last year inspire him to become #1 this year? I have no clue, but I hope it is the later.
Sacks. Gotta be higher. If for no other reason, then because GMC won’t be double teamed as much as the season goes on. I believe this is his year for double digits…BUT…I think the Dline will have a hard time finishing games until after the bye week.
July 25th, 2016 at 8:24 am
The Buc Realist
“People are only going to get angry when these high expectations are not met!! And some around here want to be angry!”
Just wow.
You ARE including yourself in that statement, right, Realist? Because year after year, you are one of hte first people to lose patience. 😉
July 25th, 2016 at 8:39 am
I only lose patience when gross incompetence holds this team down to the point they have no other chance than last place!!!! I lost patience with the pop-star ( and tell me how many of his very high draft picks are starters on this team coming in to the 3rd season!!!)
Then coach my scheme came in and smothered everything on this team!!! a total of 8 wins in 2 YEARS!!!!!! I and few others saw it coming and we warned you all!!!!!!!
Now I believe in the front office and coaching staff and I am ready for it to play out and build into a real football contender!!! That does not happen over night and BucBonzai ( all though has posted crazy statements) at least has always preached about giving it time to build and patience!!!!! I believe in that too when you have the right front office and coaches!!!! Now we will both root for and encourage this team to GROW!!!!!
To leave the basement, you first have to find the light!!!!!!!!
GO Bucs!!!!!!!
July 25th, 2016 at 9:00 am
10 wins and I might cry.
July 25th, 2016 at 9:12 am
Takes time to build eh?! Hmmm, sounds like a pretty fair argument against jettisoning coaches after 2 years to me!
I digress. The expectations should be higher this year for no other reason than the team getting better. Coaches aside, we improved at some of the weakest positions on the team from last year. Now, you have a QB in his 2nd year of the same offense and a new defensive scheme. That should add to the excitement.
I believe this team can win 10 games. Why not?!
July 25th, 2016 at 9:17 am
Get ready to cry 87. Every year there are several teams that surprise.
We will be one of them this year but JBF posters should not be surprised.
July 25th, 2016 at 9:24 am
9 wins fragile overrated DTs coupled with an unproven group of WR will prevent 10 wins. Just miss the playoffs
July 25th, 2016 at 9:48 am
Seven wins for a new head coach and other coaching positions seemingly upgraded along with added talent and a tough schedule would have to be called a successful season.
July 25th, 2016 at 10:09 am
@BucRealist … “Happy to see a 10 win season, surprised, but very happy!!!”
OK, that settles it. Bucs have to win 10 games so we can all see what a ‘very happy’ Buc Realist looks like. Obviously, however, you don’t think they can (‘surprised’?) but stranger things have happened Realist.
July 25th, 2016 at 10:26 am
@defense rules
This is a ” very happy” Buc Realist this offseason!!!! Just ask others!!! If the incompetent one has been retained like the sheep wanted, you would have seen “very angry” Buc Realist!!!! Just like bighogHeinous dropping a deuce in the public pool, I would have shut it down!!!!!
July 25th, 2016 at 11:22 am
Nine (9) wins will show progress, we’ve drafted defense, we’ve brung in free agents for the defensive side of the ball, we have a New All World Regime (coaching staff) now we need 9 wins. No ifs no ands and no butts. REALIST have a nice day! But don’t keep poking the Bear!
July 25th, 2016 at 11:29 am
The reality check here is that Vegas puts the Bucs at 6 or 6 1/2 wins in 2016.
Vegas is rarely that far off.
July 25th, 2016 at 11:52 am
You better check your tone son!!!! There is a reckoning coming to all Buc Fans!!! This year we will see who is a “Real” Buc Fan and who was just a tampa2/lovie loyalist!!!! You better choose the right ship or get left behind!!!! Just remember that it would take your idol 3 years for that 9th win!!!! Lots to fix, Lot of “coaching the lovie out” of these players!!!
The rookie’s are reporting to camp today!!! The question is, where are the coach my scheme’s sheep reporting?????
Go Bucs!!!!!!!!!!!
July 25th, 2016 at 12:49 pm
@realist says”The “real” core of the team is extremely young!!! Talented but young, and that does not add up to consistent performances that lead to records of high wins. “…..
funny how you never took that into account last year….last year those same rookies were making rookie mistakes but you and others would blame the hc….that excuse wont work under dirk….those young core players that you speak of are now vets….nice try#1…
@realist says…” Lots to fix, Lot of “coaching the lovie out” of these players!!!….the players won 6 games being coached by the so called incompetent one….judging by how they played they never learned what lovie was teaching….nothing to fix, nothing to coach out….plus he was only there for 2 years with our core players only spending 1 year with him….its not like he was there for 6seasons….nice try #2….
keep throwing out excuses….the reality is this so called competent coaching staff better win at least 10 games….GO BUCS!!!!
July 25th, 2016 at 1:15 pm
A top rated Defensive End, two new Corner Backs, just what we needed last year, Offensive Game Plan will stay the same that should get at least one more win, no suspensions (Kown) + added new defensive talent equals 2 wins! Last year’s FOUNDATION didn’t get up and go to the corn fields…….just LOVIE, to hell with 9 wins, Playoffs I’m talking Playoffs, Jameis will grow by leaps and bounds, this team is primed to follow his leadership! Mini camp took care of coaching the LOVIE out of them, now let the winning begin or get on down the road!!
July 25th, 2016 at 2:09 pm
sad part is, ten wins might not be enough to get us in this year either with a tougher NFC…we will need 11 lol
July 25th, 2016 at 3:16 pm
The Bucs are definitely the sexy pick among the pundits to be the breakout team for 2016. I would be thrilled if it happened, but my expectations are much lower, more along the lines of Vegas’ expectations.
They’re most likely to get 6-8 wins if everything goes their way and Winston continues to develop. Think of 2016 as a replay of 1996, where the Bucs ride a strong finish into a 10 year window of being a legitimate contender.
In other words, don’t lose your minds if the Bucs get off to a rough start because the schedule is cruel. The Bucs drawing the Broncos and Seahawks, who have each played in 2 of the last 3 Super Bowls, winning 1 each, is beyond unfair. The NFL needs to tweak it’s scheduling algorithm.