Noah Spence Sheds Impressive Light On Offseason Workouts With Gerald McCoy
July 28th, 2016
What does Noah Spence say about offseason training with Gerald McCoy? Joe has the answer.
Gerald McCoy spoke yesterday about training this summer with rookie defensive end Noah Spence. It was Spence who asked to train with McCoy, whose offseason regimen is well known and intense.
Today, Joe asked Spence about that time together.
Before Joe gives Spence’s reaction, here’s what McCoy said yesterday when Joe asked if Spence had trouble keeping up with him. McCoy was a little smug, as well as complimentary.
“A lot of people do [laugh], but he’s great,” McCoy said of Spence keeping up. “He pushed himself and he told me, he said, ‘I don’t know why people go to pay all these different guys to do all this training when you can come right here,’ and I was like, ‘That’s how I feel.’ It wasn’t anything special, it was just – I kind of go into a trance when I train. A lot of guys say like, ‘Man, what’s gotten into you?’ I have a lot of motivations to why I go so hard, and all those motivations hit me at once while I’m training. You see guys smiling and stuff and I got into a zone where I’m not really talking to anybody and I’m pushing people because my belief is people shouldn’t have to motivate you. You should learn to motivate yourself and push yourself. That’s honestly kind of a method behind the madness why I train by myself. I believe that it’s great to have people to push you but if you can’t push yourself, nobody’s inside your head in the fourth quarter when it’s really hot and the defending super bowl champions are driving to win the game. You’re inside your own head so nobody’s going to make you go, you have to make yourself go. And I truly believe that, and Noah brought that same thing when he came out there to train so that’s why I’m really excited to see what he can do.”
So Spence, did McCoy wear you down? Did you have trouble keeping up?
“No. No. I did the workout with Gerald workout and then I went and did another workout after that,” Spence said. “I would do two-a-days every day, so it wasn’t like Gerald was killing me. But I loved it. I just wanted to come out and get some great work and be challenged as much as I could. I lost some body fat and put on some muscle. So I wanted to get faster and stuff like that. I definitely feel the difference.”
Spence went on to say he loves the hunger on the Bucs’ roster. “You don’t really get that out of every team you’re on. I definitely get that from these guys,” he said.
Cool and confident, Spence said he had no trouble sleeping last night. “Practice is practice,” he said, “but for sure you could feel the extra energy today. Oh yeah, everybody was amped up.”
July 28th, 2016 at 12:44 pm
great to hear…..GO BUCS!!!
July 28th, 2016 at 12:52 pm
Pump it up Spence! This enthusiasm is highly contagious and I believe for real. The Bucs are getting ready to make some loud noise this season. The fans will be tripping over each other in the rush to chant the praises of Bucs ball.
July 28th, 2016 at 1:57 pm
My fear is this young man is about to totally take GMC’s shine on this team. Good problem to have I suppose. Kwon-Spawn-VH3 all the hail the “New Breeds”.
July 28th, 2016 at 3:15 pm
Keep up the good work guys. It’s “all hands on deck”.
July 28th, 2016 at 3:21 pm
Imagine that…. Here everyone was comparing GMC and LD to Buc Icons and a handful of years later the real McCoys show up….. LOL… See what I did there…
But you know what… This puzzle is incomplete… Are we having to wait on our next Lynch because he was white…. LMAO…. Im just playing America
Lets Make Tampa Great Again….
PS Hey Joe…. How about give us the DL on whatever that kids name is that we drafter to convert from CB to Safety…. How about getting us a story to make us go completely Bat Spit Crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!
July 29th, 2016 at 8:49 am
I love the passion that this kid is showing already, you’ve got to want to be great, and strive for it everyday, and he’s showing the will to do just that. I love that he’s already been hanging out with Ayers and GMC. That’s awesome. This kid is gonna be something special. I think he’s the guy that finally makes us forget about the drought weve had at DE and not make us kiss Mr. RICE so bad. I think we’re due for that game changing DE that only a haND full of teams have. It’s our turn to unleash our beast on the edge. “Go get em spawn.”