“The Commish” Demands Action
June 10th, 2016
“The Commish” calls for Jason Licht to release ASJ.
Joe’s good friend Justin Pawlowski, also known as “The Commish,” has had enough.
He’s had enough of third-string tight end Austin Seferian-Jenkins’ character poses that result in costly flags. He’s tired of ASJ’s elementary school tirades that result in flags. He’s tired of ASJ rarely being available to play.
But yesterday, after ASJ was run from practice by Dirk Koetter for not knowing what he was doing — in underwear football of all things! — and fired off lewd comments if not physical threats to fans on Twitter afterwards, Pawlowski threw in the towel.
In an article on Scout.com, Pawlowski demands Bucs AC/DC-loving general manager Jason Licht cut ASJ for the good of the franchise.
Jason Licht always said that there’s a difference between bad people and people who do dumb things. If Seferian-Jenkins posts one of these tweets or two of these tweets in the heat of the moment, that’s one thing. To do it for 10 straight hours makes me believe Seferian-Jenkins is just simply a bad guy whose true colors were finally revealed.
Seferian-Jenkins has only been on the field for half the games that have been played since he’s been drafted. In those games, he just wasn’t very good. Now factor in that he doesn’t know the freaking playbook and attacks his own team’s fans on twitter, and you’ve got yourselves a wasted draft pick.
Pawlowski copied some of the offending Twitter posts from ASJ and embedded in the story linked above. He also claims ASJ made a commitment to appear at a local radio station’s fundraiser for children stricken with cancer, an appearance Pawlowski states ASJ blew off without any prior notice.
Licht is on record saying one of the biggest lessons he learned from Bill Belicheat is learning how cut mistakes/losses quickly. He did that with the expensive releases of Anthony Collins and Ghost Johnson a year ago.
One thing seems clear: ASJ is now in his third season and continues to make a name for himself with knot-headed antics, and not for anything on the field of play.
Joe isn’t sure that pattern will change soon.
June 10th, 2016 at 8:09 am
IDK if I’ve ever seen a guy that has done I mature crap like this before. It’s sad because he could be one hell of a weapon for JW but refuses to get his sh*t together and grow up. What NFL player o know of sits there and argues with idiotic fans on twitter?? Your bringing yourself down to there level when u do that and ASJ refuses to notice that. Me personally, I would keep him for the season and see how it plays out unless he continues to be stupid. First thing he needs to do tho is delete his twitter acount because he’s obviously to Imature to let sh*t go.
June 10th, 2016 at 8:16 am
Licht is in the phone now trying to trade a 6th round pick and ASJ for a 7th rounder! 😉
June 10th, 2016 at 8:38 am
Good thing Justin isn’t making the big decisions. I want to see how Koetter handles ASJ, as I feel he has a keen sense for BS. I still think ASJ can turn it around, and if he can, I think Koetter has the personally to do it… Hopefully
June 10th, 2016 at 8:48 am
Give him through preseason. If he can’t handle himself professionally and stay healthy, kick him to the curb. This guy hasn’t shown himself to be anything of value to the team.
June 10th, 2016 at 8:50 am
Of course ASJ can turn it around, the question is, will he? One of my fundamental philosophies in life that I have always told my kids, is that ‘everyone makes mistakes, it is how you react to them that counts’. ASJ’s reaction on twitter is not a sign he will ever get it.
June 10th, 2016 at 9:01 am
Let’s see…..we’ve got Stocker, Myers, Brate & the rookie Vitale. That’s a good lookin’ bunch of TEs. I’m good to go! DUMP ASJ!!!
June 10th, 2016 at 9:02 am
If ya troll a twitterer, is it wrong to troll back? Meh. Much ado about nothing.
June 10th, 2016 at 9:12 am
. This is far from ASJs first sign of a headache. He has made bonehead penalties. Celebrated while our team was getting crushed on the scoreboard. And he’s been twittering like a high schooler all summer. Sorry, but we have enough serviceable TEs to wash our hands of this punk. And I for one had very high hopes for him. His college tape was outstanding and his measureables are everything you look for. But it’s obvious he’s a ticking time bomb. Cut him.
June 10th, 2016 at 9:16 am
Licht doesn’t have to let ASJ go, odds are he will be injured by the end of preseason.
June 10th, 2016 at 9:23 am
So much trouble in the LBC (Snoop-Dog) Coach K has had hands on this guy for a year, coach him up ALL- WORLD CLASS STAFF, the guy has too much talent to trade or cut, it’s not like he got shot in the leg!
June 10th, 2016 at 9:40 am
Be the player you were projected to be and all this will go away ASJ. Temper your ego.
June 10th, 2016 at 9:48 am
Luv the commish but his rant was missed placed. I read his “article” yesterday and it read more like an editorial than any kind of true journalism.
First, did either of you Joe or commish read the entire thread? The firefighter went above and beyond trolling. And should be held as responsible as ASJ for his comments. What the firefighter did was textbook cyber-bullying. He insulted him a little bit, he got a little out of order himself.
Second, based on ASJs responses I would think he deals with mental health concerns possibly depression or bi-polarism. At one point he said “it doesn’t matter”. The kid may just need some help and support. News flash he’s 21 and away from home.
Finally, the Bucs will NEVER build a contender when they want to fire everyone over everything. Never seen so many saints as there are here in the south. Everyone is the moral police. I’m just as flabbergasted over the communities response as I am over ASJs.
I’d say the best comment I read last night about this was from @iheartmiko who said “don’t tag me on this f*ckboi $hit”. She gets it.
June 10th, 2016 at 9:54 am
Biggest thing on ASJ is his lack of character which is shown in bright lights by blowing off drew garabo’s kids w cancer giveaway, what type of low life jerk just no shows for that… cut this POS… he will not be missed
June 10th, 2016 at 10:01 am
I remember a guy named Brandon Marshall who was a complete jerk until he got the help he needed and is now a completely different person. Maturity has a lot to do with it too remember we’re talking about a 21 yr old.
June 10th, 2016 at 10:49 am
Yeah, DB55, this reminds me of Vernon Davis’ sub-par production and immaturity until it finally clicked for him after Harbagh worked on him for a couple of years. Hopefully this is a first step to a similar outcome.
June 10th, 2016 at 10:56 am
Well, lets see. He had a bad day. He was sent off the field and reporters/fans made a lot of assumptions.
What the story doesn’t mention is that Bucs fans took to twitter and attacked him.
Maybe he should have ignored it, but hey…he’s human.
June 10th, 2016 at 10:57 am
should of posted where he told a fan last noght he was going to make him eat through a straw
June 10th, 2016 at 11:04 am
Perhaps I’ve missed it, but I don’t think I’ve ever heard Jameis sing the praise of ASJ. I’ve DEFINITELY heard him praise less-talented, harder-working guys like Brate, Humphries, Shephard, and others. Can anybody remember otherwise? I think this is telling.
June 10th, 2016 at 1:01 pm
Dirk Koetter has to establish that there is a “new sheriff in town” and doing so may just cost ASJ his career. But, that’s not a bad thing, if it can get everyone else on board with the new program, the new mentality and the winning mindset Koetter is trying to instill.
Now, you can’t call the same play for everyone. For example, to reignite the defense, he brought in Mike Smith, who is letting the defensive players do what they do best and making football fun again and veterans in the form of Robert Ayers, Daryl Smith and Brent Grimes to add stability to each position group.
The offense, however, has been stung in recent years by a lack of concentration, see dropped passes; not knowing what is going on, see false start penalties; and a lack of maturity, see unsportsmanlike conduct penalties. That’s going to take a different approach to correct, and ASJ, because of his antics and poor choices, may have put himself in the unenviable, but well deserved position, of becoming the sacrificial lamb in Koetter’s effort to “season and mature the offense,” in a hurry.
And, no, for all his leadership traits and skills, Jameis Winston can’t do it all by himself. I think Koetter should give ASJ a chance to redeem himself, but Koetter should put ASJ on a very short leash and give him a very short timeline to right his sinking ship.
June 10th, 2016 at 2:29 pm
Coach him up, right guys?
June 10th, 2016 at 3:40 pm
If your a mental midget and have to fight with Fans on Twitter, while not endearing, I don’t really care, but getting booted from OTAs for not knowing what he was doing? After the poor start to his career so far?. If that is indeed true and why he got sent home, that speaks volumes on what a loser this guy is. Cut him now. He is going to be working at a car lot in by 2018. Or maybe he can go play with Cam, they have about the same mental make up, except Cam has real, demonstrated talent.
June 10th, 2016 at 3:44 pm
ASJ is a Loser cut him please..
June 10th, 2016 at 5:27 pm
At this point I’d just keep him licht didn’t add any receivers during offseason and dude is finally healthy. I knew this was a stupid pick when licht drafted him. Read a couple draft reviews and this guy had maturity issues.
June 10th, 2016 at 6:37 pm
Here we go again, cut the guy so he could go win a super bowl. After he wins the super bowl, we will be talking about who we will be drafting at number three. We have a team of Saints that have finish last for the past couple of years. If you never played the game, it is easy to yell, cut him,what a joke.
June 10th, 2016 at 7:17 pm
@ Ed I agree. Give him a shot. I feel desperate at receiver. Everybody talks stocke? I’ve never seen him catch a touchdown pass? What’s he good for 1 5 yarded a game? Don’t tell me blocking. You don’t win with blocking tight ends who can’t make plays.
June 10th, 2016 at 8:13 pm
it’s football not the freakin’ boy scouts!! ASJ is a weapon and the Bucs can’t sacrifice good players because everybody so sensitive these days