The Joys Of Camp Meat
May 8th, 2016
Beware of teasing camp meat.
Tommy Streeter, Solomon Patton and Kenny Bell. What do these three players have in common?
When they played underwear football against camp meat, all three — two third-day draft picks and an undrafted free agent — looked like world beaters and sure bets to shine when the final 53-man roster was formed.
In order, Streeter never made it to the final-53, Patton did make the opening day roster — on the worst team in the NFL — and after 10 kick returns was shown the door following the seventh game. Bell, when he wasn’t practicing against drug store clerks, sure seemed on his way to being cut until an injury gave him a reprieve. He was placed on injured reserve for the entire 2015 regular season.
So pardon Joe for not paying a whole lot of attention to who “looks good” in underwear football in May, or even part of August for that matter. (Looking good in underwear has nothing to do with football in Joe’s mind, but that’s another story for another day). Joe has learned not to get teased.
Therefore, Joe must cut rookie safety Ryan Smith a little slack when he said yesterday his transition to the NFL is smoother than expected.
“It’s better than I thought it would be,” Smith said. “I’m handling it better than I thought I would, so it’s going pretty well.”
Well, Joe is glad Smith is gaining confidence, but let’s remember he is practicing against schlock right now; dudes that will be on an arena league roster near you sometime this summer, if they are fortunate. If they are really lucky, Canada will be their calling.
Smith facing a quarterback who will be teaching high school history in a couple of months is a different animal than facing America’s Quarterback, Pro Bowler Jameis Winston.
Joe wishes Smith the best of luck. Hopefully he has a long career with the Bucs. Just remember camp meat is not NFL level talent.
May 8th, 2016 at 7:48 am
I would like to see Tommy Streeter in Pads. Isn’t he the guy with a big Mike Evans frame and really good hands? I’d at least like to see what he could do with a shot. High hopes for Bell to but who knows.
May 8th, 2016 at 7:58 am
I once knew a guy who was “camp meat” for several NHL teams. He got called up one year for a few games but that was it. He was a really large man, poor skater, there to goon it up.
Nice guy. Kind of sad though. First he “almost” made it…back in the six team league, he would have played ten years later after expansion. Second..he was basically a goon, he was not a good skater or player. I think that embarrassed him as well.
These camp burgers will at least have some memories to share with their kids. I was “almost” an NFL player.
May 8th, 2016 at 7:59 am
Our SB winning QB was drafted in a round that doesn’t exist anymore. Bart Starr was another, and Johnny Unitas was traded from the Steelers to the Colts for a Pepsi and a bag of chips. I’m sure there have been HOF calibre players who missed the cut simply because they were in the wrong situation. Jerry Glanville traded Brett Favre away. That has to cause a lot of sleepless nights for him and any fowlgoon fan. The Packers cut a QB who later won a SB for the Rams. You never know where talent can be found. Some camp meat just might be filet mignon with the right seasoning, right chef, and the right stove.
May 8th, 2016 at 8:23 am
Yes, we had some camp meat named Wes Welker…could even make the Bucs team!
May 8th, 2016 at 8:24 am
sorry couldn’t
May 8th, 2016 at 8:37 am
After seeing all those rookies perform for us likes vets in the regular season last year I wouldnt write any of these guys off yet. This regime has showed the eye for young talent and the confidence to to play them at any time. Obviously you don’t wanna count on rookies every year but this team has the knack at finding “diamonds in the ruff” lately. My bet is that 3 or more of these guys end up making the roster or possibly a impact for us at some point in the regular season. I wouldn’t put it past Licht to do so.
May 8th, 2016 at 8:50 am
Granted….these players generally aren’t as skilled as drafted players…..but they deserve some respect for making the effort…and they all have big dreams. I hardly think these young men should be described as “schlock”.
May 8th, 2016 at 9:01 am
What do you call under-achieving web sites? Web meat?
May 8th, 2016 at 9:02 am
And I still think former Gator standout Solomon Patton could of made a impact in the slot for us if given the chance. I mean we gave garage @$$ Dye more than a opportunity. Patton was a real weapon in the slot for the gators his senior year when they had a terrible offense with no QB. He was there only weapon that season and teams knew it but still couldn’t stop him despite his size.
I also think they need to give the former “USF standout” Andre Davis a shot as well. I know he has the talent to succeed in this league. The only weakness he has is his speed. But he continuesly showed through college that he is a deep threat as well. Imo he is a well rounded receiver who reminds me of Mike Evans a little bit. I think he could take over the Louis Murphy role and be more successful than he is at this point. especially after that nasty knee injury. He wasn’t fast to begin with so imagine his speed now.
My roster would look like…
1) Mike Evans
2) Vincent Jackson
3) Kenny Bell at times and Andre Davis at times as well.
4) Adam Humphries
5) Bernard Reedy / KR
I would release murphy. Can’t stay healthy and don’t know how his knee will hold up especially when all defenders go low on u now for the tackle.
Dontaae Dye…SEE YA!! good luck in Canada or the arena league.
May 8th, 2016 at 9:24 am
I just do not see the need to denigrate these guys who are out here chasing their dream. If anything, Joe, you should be applauding them. There are better ways to make a point than taking cheap shots at guys who are doing things many of us, including you Joe, cannot and have not done.
“That’s all I have to say about that.”
May 8th, 2016 at 9:25 am
Joe is getting less like a journalist and more like self-righteous bar drunk every day. Disrespectful to people who have earned respect by making it as far as they had, and pretty much all of whom know Joes subject matter better than Joe himself
May 8th, 2016 at 10:10 am
I really enjoy watching draft night with the top prospects and their families waiting for the pick….what joy…..and then there’s the agony of not being drafted….pick after pick….they wait.
Then…..they wait for the call of UDFA…..and many get that call…..many don’t.
Some still work at getting a tryout….
Then, there’s those like Manziel….who throw away their God given talent. If there is anyone that need to be described as “schlock” it’s players like that.
May 8th, 2016 at 10:10 am
This is just my opinion because I am always in the same boat every off-season excruciatingly waiting for real football. It would be cool for NFL teams to have a minor league team affiliated like in baseball that plays during the NFL off-season. I personally would root for the Bucs affiliated team since some of those guys may earn their way up to the NFL. I just can’t get into arena football and wish there were a minor league system based in the same cities as the NFL clubs. I would watch because this time of year, there isn’t much else to pass the time until August. I know the NFL would never do such a thing but I would be good with it if they did.
May 8th, 2016 at 10:14 am
I’m with you….but I guess the $$$ model simply doesn’t work for the NFL….It would be great if some of these guys could play the game they love in an organized semi-pro league…..some attempts have been made at other leagues but all have eventually failed….too bad.
May 8th, 2016 at 11:19 am
Sometimes players don’t make it because they aren’t in the right place at the right time… Good players get cut all the time because a team keeps a player with “experience”.. Sometimes experience is over rated.
May 8th, 2016 at 11:39 am
Kenny Bell will get his 2nd chance to prove you wrong Joe. The later rounds and UDFAs are a crap shoot. Some players will make it to a 53 man roster and some won’t. There always is a couple of players that slip through the cracks. I don’t need to name names…we all know a few. I think Kenny Bell will rise above and be a key contributor this year. We may even find a tackle, linebacker, and another WR this year among the camp meat.
May 8th, 2016 at 12:09 pm
Joe was just journalist meat once upon a time…
Now, he’s sittin in a hot tub. With his soul mate
May 8th, 2016 at 12:20 pm
I don’t have a good feeling about Kenny Bell. Kid might not have the durability it takes to play in this tough league. Yes, he is talented. But in the NFL it takes tenacity. You gotta be able to take hits and deliver a few. Time will tell. But I don’t think he sticks. Hope I am wrong. The best ABILITY is..AVAILABILITY!
May 8th, 2016 at 12:50 pm
Someone saw enough from Bell to keep him on IR. The team needs a speed receiver, and is the fastest WR on the roster. I’m pulling for him to be an impact player for Jameis.
May 8th, 2016 at 1:44 pm
“Just remember Camp Meat is not real NFL talent’
All NFL talent was in camp at one time or another ? (Even your beloved Jameis)
May 8th, 2016 at 2:24 pm
Man sounds like the movie The Replacements. Next thing you know they’ll be kissing cheerleaders, smoking on the field or drinking on the sidelines. They’re against league rules but hey……………..what do they have to lose? In a few months they’ll be unemployed!
May 8th, 2016 at 3:44 pm
jameis winston throws int’s and aint even top 10 yet.
May 8th, 2016 at 3:46 pm
the joes are just jealous that they do not look good in underwear…
May 9th, 2016 at 8:38 am
There a reason they roomed Bell with “America’s QB” the rookie yrar. They knew what Bell is capable of and the deep threat he poses so they wanted the two to build a chemistry. Your a fool if u think Bell won’t be a big part of this football team this year. They didn’t keep him around all of last year just to be on the depth chart. They have plans for him. Watch. I’m not saying they will just hand him his spot on the roster, he will have to earn that ofcourse. Wich I’m confident he will. Look for him to get plenty of work in preseason and build chemistry with Jameis in the process.
May 9th, 2016 at 8:40 am
There’s a reason the bucs didn’t go out and acquire a deep threat this offseason. There counting on Bell to be that threat. The writings on the wall for those of you that can read.