“Would Probably Be Some Backlash”
May 10th, 2016
Dishes on why he pulled the trigger on a kicker.
Joe remembers when the draft ended roughly 10 days ago. Bucs AC/DC-loving general manager Jason Licht took the podium and asked if he felt the firestorm of immediate fan outrage for trading back into the second round to draft kicker Roberto Aguayo.
Licht, who had a draft to run, chuckled and said, “No.” He was “in a bunker” fully involved with the remaining rounds.
That’s not to suggest Licht was surprised by criticism of his pick of Aguayo.
Last week on “Mad Dog Radio,” one of the family of sports channels exclusively broadcast on SiriusXM Radio, Licht spoke with “Schein on Sports” host Adam Schein and confessed he may have unnerved some fans.
“I think the bottom line with him is, he’s the best kicker to come out in over a decade,” Licht said. “It was just him, individually, that we liked. Now it is just an added bonus that we feel with the extra point rule and all of that, it comes into play, too. He is just an outstanding kicker.
“We moved up. We weren’t necessarily afraid of the teams in front of us. It was a combination of potentially one of those teams [picking ahead of the Bucs in the third round selecting Aguayo] but also the league right now seems to think with a great kicker, the perception is it is a little easier to take in the third than the second. And I just didn’t want to risk it. I wanted to get him as soon as I could. You want your guy? You go get him.
“I knew there would probably be some backlash because of the position, but we will feel great about it in the future.”
One guy who fully expected the heat was Bucs coach Dirk Koetter, who referenced the backlash both the night Aguayo was selected and the next day. Koetter went on the offensive in defending the pick. Licht did not.
Joe thinks Licht is correct here. If Aguayo becomes Mr. Dependable and turns out to be one of the better kickers — in all phases — in the NFL, and more importantly, if the Bucs are winning, there where Aguayo was drafted will be forgotten.
May 10th, 2016 at 9:04 am
Nice interview on NFL Network this morning I think a stars being born.
May 10th, 2016 at 9:19 am
As Simple As That….
….Its All About The Future!
Because This Guy knows “His Scheme”……Points are coming our way
May 10th, 2016 at 9:20 am
Two words, one name – Sebastian Janikowski.
May 10th, 2016 at 9:27 am
Where he was drafted has already been forgotten by some of us. It was a solid move by Licht and his crew. I’ve got no complaints.
May 10th, 2016 at 9:43 am
@bucsince76… seabass has the same fg% as the likes of neil rackers, ritchie cunniham, doug brien, ryan lindal, josh scobee and mrsa victim lawerence tynes. Kickers are a dime a dozen.
Jameis coulda used a wr badly!!!!!!
May 10th, 2016 at 9:50 am
Forget about it, go for two, throw the ball up to the Dunkaneers, I am pretty confident Jameis can get is 2 every time. I’m mostly kidding, I like that we may be automatic a once again though
May 10th, 2016 at 10:10 am
I think Licht will get a pass this year. If this kicker is 100% from 40 in, but only 50% over 40. You can’t win in the NFL. 90% inside 40 and 75% from 40-55. Is what i expect from a 2nd round kicker. 55-60 yards…..doesn’t matter because he can’t kick that far so we’d be punting.
May 10th, 2016 at 10:37 am
If you want him, you go get him. Simple as that. This, in my opinion was an outstanding draft, but as Joe always says, check back in 3-4 years. Then we’ll know.
May 10th, 2016 at 10:37 am
the pick never bothered me…I was excited that we have another player that can produce points…with that said, everything will be a lot different once the bullets start flying…GO BUCS!!!
May 10th, 2016 at 10:44 am
If Licht said it was his guy and that you just have to go out and get who you want then the Dude abides.
May 10th, 2016 at 11:14 am
The Dude abides. You win sir
May 10th, 2016 at 11:21 am
Aguayo has to be one of the top kickers in NFL history to merit that selection. It has been 11 years since a kicker was taken in the 2nd round and I don’t think the Jets are patting themselves on the back about the genius move to take current Bengals kicker Mike Nugent.
Given that Licht waited on both Hargreaves and Spence he likely felt a team was primed to take or trade up for Aguayo, then found out he was wrong afterwards since there is no talk at all about another team that was poised to get him. Aguayo himself stated that once the Bucs had made their selection of Spence he wasn’t planning on paying too much attention until ‘around pick 70’ (the Bucs picked 74), so even Aguayo was surprised. The Bucs outbid themselves on him.
May 10th, 2016 at 12:08 pm
@mike & Tom- Aguayo doesn’t have to be better than Sebass nor does he have to be top kicker to justify the pick. As long as he is consistent and makes the important kicks AND, remains on the team for the next 10 years, the Bucs don’t have to worry about a revolving door at kicker. Ask the Raiders how they feel about Janikowski.
This is a good pick if we get some production and longevity out of Aguayo.
May 10th, 2016 at 12:50 pm
We the jets were patting themselves on the back before Mike was hurt.
May 10th, 2016 at 12:52 pm
Since he never missed from inside 40 I’m mostly interested in what will happen when he finally does. Will he get into one of those kicker’s ruts we’ve seen a lot of them have. You know, where they start missing makable kicks because they’re trying too hard to be perfect. I’m not crazy about drafting a kicker who never had to deal with internal mental adversity on the field. Crowd noise and location doesn’t bother him, but how’s going to respond when he shanks a couple?
May 10th, 2016 at 1:26 pm
You ignore that he will also be judged, rightly or wrongly, by the opportunity cost (the players we could have had but missed out on) of his selection as well. I don’t mind Aguayo the player, I was a student at FSU til ’14 and he was always one of my favorites. Great leg, remarkable consistency. It got to the point where I wouldn’t even watch him kick bc it was such a given that he’d make it. But if we missed out on a stud receiver, or another difference maker on defense, then Licht (rightfully) should get knocked for it. I’m not gonna hate the pick, because he’s a good player, but I’m not gonna cheerlead the move like it makes total sense either. There were other needs, WR being the biggest one. Maybe the Bucs didn’t like anyone else at that spot, but it sure looks to me like Licht tried to get too cute with this one. Only time will tell.
May 10th, 2016 at 1:29 pm
Oh the importance of this kicker is sooooooo overrated. Kickers can be had. You could have had a guy who can score touchdowns and move the chains. Like one of those excellent recievers out there like miller Boyd cooper. Draft a kicker in rd 5 or 6. Licht totally reached and over blew this guys significance. Imagine Winston having a a fast guy in the slot to throw the ball too and how defenses would have to game plan.
May 10th, 2016 at 1:39 pm
Licht choked on this draft. Bottom line. Aguayo coudlve been had in the 3rd wasted a pick to move up and he drafted a mouse with short arms and runs like molasses in the 1st rd. Should’ve fired him along with Lovie and made Jon Robinson the GM!
May 10th, 2016 at 2:49 pm
For Aguayo’s sake, I sure hope he has a few game-winners! The pitchforks are out!
May 10th, 2016 at 2:55 pm
Unless we change drastically, we will never be a team that overpowers anybody. But we are in quite a few close games decided by 3 to 4 points. Hopefully this kicker wins some games for us.
May 10th, 2016 at 4:32 pm
@Bucsfanman, if Aguayo isn’t a top kicker as you propose, and is merely an average kicker who makes a game winner here and there then you realize the Bucs traded a 3rd and a 4rd round pick for an average kicker when virtually all of the other average kickers go undrafted.
That’s like explaining the benefit of paying for bottled water every day because “it’s good water” when water is effectively free. Sure, it’s great water, you’re just an idiot.
May 12th, 2016 at 12:12 am
Poor Glennon Says – “I expect from a 2nd round kicker. 90% inside 40 and 75% from 40-55. 55-60 yards…..doesn’t matter because he can’t kick that far.”
For Robert Aguayo college career he is 100% from inside the 40 and he is 23 of 32 from 40+ (71.8%). One of his misses was a blocked kick at GT. If you take away the one blocked kick at Georgia Tech his accuracy from 40+ would be (74.1%). From 50+ Aguayo is 5-7 (71.4%)(minus the blocked kick). Saying Aguayo “can’t kick that far.” (55 to 60 yards) is a misinformed statement. Aguayo connected on a 60 yard FG in practice game a few years ago and won a kick-off contest in 2010 kicking the ball 74 yards. He has plenty of leg to make the long FG’s or kick out of the end zone. Aguayo’s FG percentage for his first two years in college were 92.75%. If the NFL decides to keep the new rule on kick-offs not returned go to the 25 yard line, this is were the Aguayo pick will pay dividends. He has been using the “mortar” kick-off technique already at FSU. He is able to kick the ball inside the 10 yard line and even pin the kick in the corner. With NFL speed on our special teams we should be able to tackle the returner before he gets much of a start. Why? Aguayo’s hang time. This is why Jason Licht used a 3rd and a 4th round pick him.