“Brain Surgeon” Line Was Telling
May 31st, 2016
Dirk Koetter keeps proving to be the anti-Lovie
The way Dirk Koetter has been talking, not only did he disagree with some Lovie Smith tactics, he was diametrically opposed to them.
Simple as that, as Lovie liked to say.
Yes, Koetter was adamant that he did things his way on offense last year. The day Koetter was announced as head coach, he firmly stated there is no leash off him as a playcaller and Lovie let him run things his way.
But consider the following nuggets Joe believes adds up to one big anti-Lovie pie:
- This year, the Bucs will not have a traditional fullback and will roll with “superback” rookie Dan Vitale or a tight end (Luke Stocker) in the backfield. Last year, the Bucs had Jorvorskie Lane, a traditional fullback who played little on special teams.
- This year, the Bucs will have a total of four training camp practices against the Jaguars and Browns. Koetter says it’s incredibly valuable as a developmental tool. Lovie says joint practices are needless and dangerous.
- This year, Koetter hired a defensive coordinator who believes in defensive flexibility and disguise, and adjusting a system to fit his players’ strengths. Lovie believed in running his predictable system, whether he had the horses to do it successfully or not.
- Last week, Koetter said, “It didn’t take a brain surgeon” to figure out that morning training camp practices are the smart move to preserve players for the long haul and get more out of practice in the heat. Lovie believed you practice in the afternoon, because you play games in the afternoon.
- Last week, Koetter liked the profanity-infused tirade from wide receivers coach/offensive coordinator Todd Monken. Lovie was against those kinds of displays and would punish players for excessive bad language.
Joe could continue with this list. And it’s only May.
That “brain surgeon” line really stuck in Joe’s head. Joe was standing next to Koetter when it was delivered. Is Joe reading between the lines? Absolutely.
May 31st, 2016 at 10:43 am
I like it!
May 31st, 2016 at 10:44 am
Thank god the incompetent & ignorant Lovie Smith is in the corn fields far away from Bay area. At least Lovie can work on the cursing epidemic sweeping through the mid-west. It’s a match made in heaven, a completely irrelevant coach at a totally irrelevant program.
May 31st, 2016 at 11:02 am
Using profanity does not make any player better or make him more macho .Since a lot of kids idolize the nfl players I would like to see them show class on and off the field.
May 31st, 2016 at 11:54 am
You can likely add….”Nothing good can come out of those situations” to “we’re going to try to put as many points on the board as possible”.
May 31st, 2016 at 12:14 pm
I’ve never had a boss for whom I agreed with 100% of the time. In fact, most times I strongly disagreed with them on some points.
We all have preferences and unless the Bucs hired Lovie’s incompetent son to be HC there were going to be changes in philosophy and tenor largely because Koetter has a coaching history and background from many people other than Lovie Smith.
I’ve never heard the words ‘Lovie disciple’ to describe Dirk Koetter, and I shutter at the thought of it.
May 31st, 2016 at 12:16 pm
You forgot that Koetter acknowledge the importance of gametime management by dedicating this to a single person in game
May 31st, 2016 at 12:31 pm
@ben Using profanity does not affect playing ability but when the coach comes down on one of the guys that using profanity to get his teammates into a frenzy…that certainly affects players in a very negative way. The job of a coach is to coach and get out of the way. He’s not their mother or father.
May 31st, 2016 at 12:36 pm
Ben, I’ve been reading your comments of late and can’t help to notice your pro lovie sympathies. Was he your role model? Or are you genuinely infatuated with his church pastor like leadership qualities? Actually that’s not fair, Lovie actually puts many church pastors to shame with his nonsensical tight lip choir boy routine. Ben is a strong name, trust me I know, but you’ve shown nothing but poor judgment so far my friend. I pray you wisen up immediately and see the light. It literally hurt my stomach to watch Lovie coach on Sundays. I was so grateful that he got fired, that I jumped for joy when I heard the news. Although I had my fingers crossed for Urban Meyer or jimbo to take the HC job, Dirk is growing on me everyday. After this season, the name Lovie will be even more synonymous with ineptitude.
May 31st, 2016 at 1:01 pm
In the lighter side, at leat there was consistency of providing hight draft picks the past 2 years. Gotta luv’em. Onward we go. GO BUCS!
May 31st, 2016 at 1:40 pm
DB55 Says:
May 24th, 2016 at 1:07 pm
I like how koetter does everything opposite of Lovie but tries to be PC about it.
Hopefully this equates to a 10-6 record or better yet a 14-2 season.
May 31st, 2016 at 1:58 pm
What Luther said.
May 31st, 2016 at 2:04 pm
These are all good points Joe. Lets hope the play matches the rhetoric because it’ll be fun to watch.
May 31st, 2016 at 3:22 pm
Lovie lol …2 wasted years…turn the page though and the next chapter is gonna be exciting!..
May 31st, 2016 at 3:53 pm
Maybe Koetter will hire some refs for practice to clean up some penalties unlike Coach my scheme.
May 31st, 2016 at 5:47 pm
No Lovie’s Lovers on this entire thread.
You must have worn them out Joe.
May 31st, 2016 at 5:52 pm
“Last week, Koetter said, “It didn’t take a brain surgeon” to figure out that morning training camp practices are the smart move to preserve players for the long haul and get more out of practice in the heat. Lovie believed you practice in the afternoon, because you play games in the afternoon.”
Let’s be honest…the whole practicing in the heat thing started with Jon Gruden, and then continued on with Morris, Schiano and Smith.
It’s not like Lovie was the only one that felt that way. Koetter is the first coach we’ve had since Dungy that hasn’t felt that way.
May 31st, 2016 at 5:54 pm
I’m completely against cursing too…in my personal life and in those around me in business.
I see nothing wrong with a coach forbidding it. After all, the NFL IS a professional company.
I don’t hold it against Koetter for allowing it, but I don’t hold it against any coach for forbidding it either.
May 31st, 2016 at 6:27 pm
Good comment Bonzai. I agree.
May 31st, 2016 at 6:36 pm
LOVIE LOVIE LOVIE who you fans call when the losing starts thi year? It sure as hell won’t be LOVIE! I love the way he held strong to his way in the storm of jack-asses and back-Stabbers, never said a word and took his pink slip and moved on, some say he didn’t appreciate the opportunity here because he didn’t apologize to the masses, but what you really hate is that he didn’t go on a sore loser’s tirade, even though he’s thousands of miles away, some just can’t let go of LOVIE’S BALLS, so before camp starts why don’t you rent that party bus and get your TAST OF LOVIE party on!! To the corn fields with the HATERS! PS: the “some” that I refer to is includes but not limited to Buc1987!!
May 31st, 2016 at 6:40 pm
Oh there’s one now….tee hee.
May 31st, 2016 at 6:41 pm
Hog why not attack Joe. Ummm he DOES write the articles…
May 31st, 2016 at 7:02 pm
Bonzai…my wife uses the F word as much as she says the word the.
I’m always on her about it too. You wouldn’t be able to stay in a room with her 5 minutes without hearing it at least 3 times.
May 31st, 2016 at 7:58 pm
I still don’t know how or why Lovie survived as long as he did.
May 31st, 2016 at 8:16 pm
As far as I’m concerned if you got any room left after the BucRealest, Joe can catch a ride on that same bus!
May 31st, 2016 at 10:37 pm
Joe you get a lot of praise from ignorant people on your tirades against Lovie. When discussing the fullback position, you did not have available last year what is available this year. As far as training in the environment that you perform in, the military applies that psychological approach. As far as swearing goes, I am all down for freedom of speech, but do not take it the wrong way if you get a foot in your ass.
May 31st, 2016 at 11:22 pm
Joe likes cursing, and bashes lovie for not allowing his players or coaches to curse… but Joe won’t allow us to cursing on his website…..
Double standard much?
May 31st, 2016 at 11:51 pm
#F#ck Lovie
June 1st, 2016 at 2:33 am
In those empty-handed moments when we think we have nothing to hold on to, remind us that You are what we should always cling to.
June 1st, 2016 at 6:01 am
^^^^From the corn fields I heard a voice say “Yo Mama”
June 1st, 2016 at 9:23 am
I said it the day they hired Snuffy, I said he’s worse than Schiano and that they’d be firing him on Black Monday of 2016. Thank goodness we only had to suffer two seasons of his crappy “coaching”