Why Glennon Hasn’t Been Traded
April 7th, 2016
Not coveted, says a Super Bowl MVP.
So Denver, the defending Super Bowl champion, is still looking for a quarterback. The New York Jets are in a contract hassle with vagabond Ryan Fitzpatrick (if you can imagine such a thing). The Rams are beyond desperate for a QB.
So if Bucs backup Mike Glennon is as valuable as some believe, then why hasn’t he been traded? Simple, says former Super Bowl MVP quarterback and current CBS NFL analyst Phil Simms: There is not much of a market for him.
Appearing Wednesday on “Schein on Sports,” hosted by popular television and radio personality Adam Schein on Mad Dog Radio, heard exclusively on SiriusXM Radio, Simms explained Glennon simply doesn’t have a body of work that makes teams confident he can lead them to postseason valor.
Adam Schein: Let me give you one name and a player back in the day I know you liked: Can Mike Glennon be a quote-unquote starter in the NFL? Can he be the answer for one of these teams (Denver, New York Jets, Los Angeles)?
Phil Simms: This is great. You and I have talked about this many times. What is my No. 1 answer why he can’t? Because he is Mike Glennon. … I have said this many times about him: I thought when he came out he was very close to Matt Ryan. You heard [Glennon’s college coach who also recruited Ryan at Boston College] Dana Bible, who was his coordinator, said, no, he was ahead of where Matt Ryan is when [Glennon] came out of North Carolina State. When you watch him, he will make it as a starting quarterback in the NFL when the team he is on – say it is Tampa Bay – when the team is good enough to win enough games. You know, be a team that goes out there every week and you know they can win and score and do all that kind of stuff, or have the chance to – and the starter gets hurt and he comes in there and does really, really well. Then, someone says, “Oh, I will go out and get him” and he is ready to go and make him their quarterback. That has got to be a team that is ready to go. Not a start-up team like San Francisco or Cleveland.
Simms makes a decent point. Glennon doesn’t have much of an NFL resumé to wow teams. To be fair, he was thrown into an unfortunate situation his rookie year when leaky, sleepy Josh Freeman went mental. Then Coach My Scheme played head games with the young man, benching him twice for Stewart McClown, of all people.
Yes, you could argue Glennon is a better quarterback than Brock Osweiler, but John Elway knew what he had in Osweiler. While starting, Oseweiler didn’t Pearl Harbor the Broncos’ playoff chances.
This is a more sensible explanation for why Glennon is still with Tampa Bay, as opposed to Bucs AC/DC-loving general manager Jason Licht’s love for Glennon. Other NFL teams may have a hard time justifying a second- (first?) day draft pick based on Glennon’s resumé.
Glennon’s lone shining moments were leading the Bucs to a come-from-behind, last-minute win over the playoff-bound Steelers on the road in 2014, plus a three-game winning streak in 2013.
Glennon may have a higher ceiling than Osweiler, Fitzpatrick and Nick Foles, but as Simms suggests, teams aren’t willing to reach with a high draft pick to obtain Glennon’s services.
Simms later said Glennon “fits the Jets well.” Simms also believes Glennon would be a candidate to join the Rams but is not a good addition for the Broncos.
To hear the full conversation about Glennon, click the orange arrow below. Audio courtesy of SiriusXM Radio.
April 7th, 2016 at 7:03 am
I think he would fit the broncos well. Why not? He would be so rounded with weapons on a very good team along with a defense that is going to get u the ball back all game long. Whas not to like there?
I think he would fit the Jets well too. Only time will tell. All it takes is one injury to a QB and Lichts phone could start ringing.
April 7th, 2016 at 7:18 am
Teams – In the market for a Quarterback (by round)
1st Round
Cleveland Browns
San Francisco
Los Angeles Rams
Philadelphia Eagles
NY Jets
2nd Round
Arizona Cardinals
Kansas City Chiefs
Denver Broncos
April 7th, 2016 at 7:21 am
Be patient – Trade’m him for no less than a 2nd round pick.
If not – extend the kid on that infamous 2 yr deal.
April 7th, 2016 at 7:21 am
ah screw it…I had a long winded pro-Glennon post almost done, but instead I’ll just leave it as be thankful the Bucs have two NFL starter caliber QB’s on roster and both cheap. Careful what you wish for “trade him for a milk bone” crowd, you may end up being extremely thankful if Glennon finishes out his rookie contract with the Bucs.
April 7th, 2016 at 7:26 am
The market is the market……
April 7th, 2016 at 7:30 am
No! Mike Glennon has not been traded yet, but it is telling that the Bucs have spent the time and money to send FO personnel to work out late round QBs Brandon Allen/Arkansas and Kevin Hogan/Stanford. You decide!
April 7th, 2016 at 7:46 am
Word is – NO ONE wants spend a 1st or 2nd round pick on the following Quarterbacks.
Paxton Lynch
Connor Cook
Christian Hackenberg
Using the National Media as Manipulation tool.
To devalue the stock of ‘bona-fide’ commodity; sounds vaguely familiar.
So there’s no reason for Licht – to over play his hand.
April 7th, 2016 at 7:48 am
what hurt Glennon in my opinion,is that he didn’t play well enough to unseat McCown when he got hurt.That was his window to become a starter.
April 7th, 2016 at 7:49 am
@Joe – feel free to remove this or direct me to a place on the site where it might be more appropriate
BUCS FANS IN DC, MD, and VA: I’m working on getting together a draft party that will hopefully evolve in to weekly Bucs watch parties, depending on turnout and level of interest. If anyone is interested hit me up at jipc126@yahoo.com
April 7th, 2016 at 7:49 am
Mike Glennon > Paxton Lynch | Connor Cook | Christian Hackenberg
April 7th, 2016 at 7:52 am
gary Kubiac seems to run a run heavy conservative offense.If Glennon
was gonna fit in anywhere he could be a bridge in Denver until they find their next quarterback.
April 7th, 2016 at 7:55 am
The Bucs should offer him a 2 year contract extension before the preseason games start and roll the dice that he shows the ability that most people believe he has. If he doesn’t sign the extension and looks terrible the Bucs still wins because he’s not going to garner much interest on the free agent market.
April 7th, 2016 at 7:56 am
Meybe, just meybe
Glennon is as bad as he looked. Despite the excuses throw around by the Delusional Mike Glennon mob members.
Will some desperate team, Whos star QB just got injured, trade a 3rd rounder for him?
But they would have to be really desperate, to put their eggs in that basket.
Resign him, and leave the kid alone. No shame in being a decent Backup.
And popular opinion says thats what he is.
If anyone though he was a potential Franchise QB- they would be camped outside Licht’s office.
And thats a fact
April 7th, 2016 at 8:24 am
Is it really necessary to always throw jabs?! Why does a team have to be “desperate”? Why do Tampa Bay fans always want to knock their own players?!
@Capt. Tim-Looking back now, would you rather have had Glennon or McCown as your starter? I think most fans would agree that, in retrospect, Glennon would’ve been a better option.
April 7th, 2016 at 8:33 am
So Phil, Glennon doesn’t fit a startup team but doesn’t fit Denver either. I stopped listening to what this rambling old man says a long time ago. Hope he stays on the CBS (AFC) airwaves.
April 7th, 2016 at 8:34 am
Simms explains in the audio.
April 7th, 2016 at 8:44 am
Buccfanman its a result of having not won in awhile. The jabs are nearing they’re end tho, soon we’ll all be like the college kids circled around the beach bon-fire. Here shortly one will look stupid for taking shots at the Buccs and Buccs players. “Just Wait On It”..
April 7th, 2016 at 8:49 am
Then Glennon’s greatest value is with the Buccaneers backing up Winston. Time for Licht to write up the 2 year extension. Glennon’s value has been accessed and the Bucs have a strengh at the QB position.
April 7th, 2016 at 8:52 am
Perhaps if there isn’t a market for Glennon that would convince him his chances of a big contract in FA aren’t good either, so he might sign an extension for a good guarantee.
April 7th, 2016 at 8:53 am
@Bob in Valrico
Actually he did, but Snuffy Smith had an agenda, which was, regardless of talent level, he would play HIS guys over and above those who were here previous.
April 7th, 2016 at 8:56 am
Been saying it since the start of the offseason. Mike Glennon is a top NFL QB, just as long as you don’t leave Hillsborough, Pasco, and Pinellas counties. Outside of the greater Tampa area there has been very little enthusiasm for him. Listen to BSPN, Fox, NFL.com, and PFT. I can count on less than one hand the number of articles I have read that mention him going to Denver, NYJ, SF, Cleveland eat. I am old and retired and have all day to study whats going on in the NFL. 4th round at best or better yet Tampa’s back-up in 2016.
April 7th, 2016 at 8:59 am
Nole- Boy I hope so. The rhetoric is tiresome.
I’ll get the beer on ice! Good beer, that is!
April 7th, 2016 at 9:03 am
So MG doesn’t have the body of work but Brock Osweilier does? MG=19 games 29tds 15ints and Brock 21 games, 10tds and 6ints. Please don’t let Simms talk about things he doesn’t know anything about.
April 7th, 2016 at 9:19 am
Every QB needs a good team around him.. Case in point… Drew Brees, Philip Rivers, Matt Ryan etc etc… Glennon never had a chance. Don’t get me wrong glad we have JW. But you put MG on the Bronocos no one knows how good or bad he would be in the short term and in the long term. You think you know because you watched a Bucs game once. But you don’t know….
April 7th, 2016 at 9:30 am
The Broncos want a roll-out, boot-leg type of QB that is not MG8 who is a pure pocket passer!!! look at the type of QB that they are looking at!! Coach Kubiak has no interest in MG8!!!!
April 7th, 2016 at 9:40 am
🍻Here here then Buccfanman I’ll go so far as to say this time next season most of in the infighting will have ceased. Folks will be high on our future after 2016 bro. And martini I always do but I’ll be paying even more attention to you now that I know you’re retired and truly have the time to follow alot of this stuff. Salute to your service to this country of ours.
April 7th, 2016 at 9:46 am
“Why Glennon Hasn’t Been Traded”
Mainly to piss off the Joes I’m thinking….
April 7th, 2016 at 9:50 am
Phil Simms: “What is my No. 1 answer why he can’t? Because he is Mike Glennon.”
April 7th, 2016 at 9:59 am
If Glennon starts for a good team – he will be a capable NFL starter and win games.
A bad team will get exactly what Glennon has already put on tape in his 18 starts.
Glennon is a good game manager and a good back up QB. But he is a lower tier starter in the NFL and if so – just barely. Smart guy and he’s got some positive intangibles – but his QB talent is not that of a “difference maker”.
April 7th, 2016 at 10:07 am
martinii has nailed it…. Outside of the Mike Glennon fan boy club there is just not a lot of buz… Successful teams and gm’s judge a player on results and tape they do not factor in all the what if excuses that the fan boys like to bring up about he was treated unfair, he did not get this chance or had no one around him or whatever crap that gets thrown out. What does impress potential trade partners and gm’s is an aggressive guy he gets an opportunity and does not give the likes of Lovie smith or McCown the opportunity to pull him. Glennon did not impress enough to force Lovie’s hand it’s a simple of that. 29 and 15 is BS the only thing successful teams look at are 5-13 like it or not. Reality sucks glennon fans.
April 7th, 2016 at 10:40 am
This is about as easy as it gets. Right now Glennon is a good backup QB, he has proven nothing else. As a backup who can actually play, he is worth more than a 3rd to 4th round pick to only the Bucs. Think of it this way, how pissed would you be if the Bucs went out and gave up a 2nd round pick for Osweilier or Fitzpatrick? It makes no sense to do that (even though Osweilier mysteriously got big money), it also makes no sense for the Bucs to give up a proven player for less than a 2nd or early round 3rd. If its not a sellers market for us, then we keep our good player, and that might be what is playing out. Doing otherwise would be like me giving up my leased Lexus 8 months early because I am going to potentially lose it anyway. No thanks! I’ll enjoy the luxury for the remainder of the contract, unless a better deal comes my way.
April 7th, 2016 at 10:47 am
@tmax so u are also saying when a gm looks at Philip Rivers he sees 4-12. It’s a team sport, 21 other starters contribute. Qbs get too much credit for wins and too much blame for losses. Smart gms understand this.
April 7th, 2016 at 10:50 am
All I know is that in 2 years MG8 won 150% more games than McClown did in his last two years.
April 7th, 2016 at 10:58 am
your comparison is laughable. Philip Rivers is an established QB that has led his team to the playoffs and is a 5 time pro bowler. He happens to be on a rebuilding team with stadium and relocation issues. Glennon could not even beat out career journeyman in McCown.
April 7th, 2016 at 11:16 am
Just remember when you keep throwing out that 5-13. 6-10 Sucks. As of now using that as your guide line. Winston sucks. Oh but wait. The defense was bad last year, the kicker was bad and Winston lost key players. No excuse. Right?
April 7th, 2016 at 11:28 am
I’m not a Glennon hater or supporter but what I am is for giving a guy a fair shot. The same way @Joe says wants Winston with more weapons and the same offensive system the same should be for Glennon. A lot can be said we you don’t have the same continuity year after year,
April 7th, 2016 at 11:29 am
As a Buc fan, IF Glennon gets traded, I would want to get as much value as possible. While he may not have lived up to some people’s expectations as the next Peyton Manning, his game experience (notice I’m not throwing out stats!) does have value for both the Bucs and a team that might be interested in trading for him. How much value will depend on need.
I don’t know about you guys, but if there’s no value in trading him, I am perfectly fine with him as Jameis’ back-up. Don’t you agree?
April 7th, 2016 at 11:31 am
my bad for the misspelled and missing words
April 7th, 2016 at 11:38 am
I really think the Rams or Jets might be the spot for Glennon. In a perfect world…do the Jets trade…Glennon for Wilkerson…then trade back in the Draft with the Rams…(they go up to 9 for a QB, and we drop back to 15 and get an extra 2nd round pick)…we’d have 3 of the top 45 picks in the Draft! Maybe go Rankins/Floyd/Billings at #15…then in the 2nd Eli Apple and Braxton Miller! Id be ecstatic if that happened!
April 7th, 2016 at 11:46 am
Since nobody wants Glennon from the thought of as lowly Bucs he may stick around. We have our backup QB should the need arise to play him. These national sports talking heads think they are experts on every player and their future potential. They must have crystal balls. MG could be traded in the draft, it would not surprise me.
April 7th, 2016 at 11:59 am
I think the problem isn’t a lack of film. It’s that there is plenty of film. No-one in their right mind thinks the checkdown throwing giraffe is a legitimate starter. Teams might trade for him as a backup, and we’ll only receive a late pick. For that, Licht might just prefer to keep him. What we need is a team desperate for a qb that is willing to make knowingly terrible decisions and some m settle for second less. Unfortunately, the Browns have a high pick and are unlikely to make a move for Glennon.
April 7th, 2016 at 12:43 pm
that’s totally fair. however, Winston is a much better long term option but you are correct you are what your record says you are!
April 7th, 2016 at 1:19 pm
This is exactly what I’ve been saying. Glennon’s value to us is far more than it is for other teams who dont want to give up draft picks for a guy who hasent had much playing time and instead its much smarter to wait and try to overpay him when he’s a free agent. Lovie is to blame for his stupidity of refusing to let Glennon play and handing McCown the starting job. We also probably wouldn’t have Jameis either.
April 7th, 2016 at 1:32 pm
Wait until draft day. Who knows, Jason Licht may have already negotiated a contingent deal for draft day depending on where things fall. There’s no reason to be impatient.
April 7th, 2016 at 1:53 pm
I read in a post on here that “Glennon didn’t play well enough to unseat McCown”
This is the funniest post ever … PLEAAASE JOW RE POST THIS>.
Did you watch McCown play…
April 7th, 2016 at 3:07 pm
Despite the reason(s), he didn’t. He was by far the better qb, but couldn’t “earn” a start. So the multiple people who made that point are correct. Did you even watch a couple years ago? Do you remember him unseating McCown?
April 7th, 2016 at 5:02 pm
I think IF he is traded, it will either be to the Broncos or Cowboys.
If its the Cowboys, it will during or after the draft.
Really, the best place for him though…is Denver. He would quickly excel there.
HOWEVER…I’m still not convinced he will want to leave. Lately, I’ve gotten the impression that he may want to stay in Tampa. I wouldn’t be surprised if he extends by two years.
April 7th, 2016 at 5:04 pm
Glennon was benched to secure the first pick of the draft. Not because Smith didn’t want to admit he was wrong. Glennon might have won 1-3 games…costing us the pick.
April 7th, 2016 at 5:06 pm
On the topic of Phil Sims…he loved Glennon…until Tampa drafted him. Phil Sims has a grudge against Tampa because of his son.
April 7th, 2016 at 6:32 pm
Glennon could never play for Denver. How could they win with a pocket passer?
Um- didnt they just win a super Bowl with Pocket passer Peyton Manning?
Manning was the protypical pocket passer!!
Simms is clueless. Denver is the bedt spot for Glennon! His game is very similar, Style wise only, To Peyton.
If Licht works out a trade- that would be great. Otherwise- he leaves next year as a free agent.
But let the buyer beware. What Glennon’s type reveals clearly- is that he is very contious of his stats. They are more important to him than winning.
He wont risk an interception, to make a big play. He wont risk his stats- to try and win.
Franchise QBs trust their teammates- and take chances to win
Franchise QBs are part Gunslinger. Glennon is moe accountant
And As I said- thats no problem for your Backup! You want him to avoid Turnovers. You want a game manager! You Have to count on others to win.
Thats the difference in a franchise QB, and a backup.
One is counted on to win the game. One is supposed to manage the game- do others can win it
And there is mothing wrong with that. I think its a great job, and would do it in a minute! Hand me a clip board! I stay clean. And cash million dollar checks!
Glennon has value to us. Hes a good backup, and wont lose the game
But he probably wont win it