Hargreaves Wants To Be Like Darrelle
April 29th, 2016
Vernon Hargreaves likes to eye Darrelle Revis as a player to mold himself after.
Yes, new Bucs corner Vernon Hargreaves has long professed his love for current Bucs corner Brent Grimes. Since the haters are quick to point out Hargreaves is not as tall as Julio Jones, Hargreaves likes to point to Grimes, 5-10, who has done quite well for himself in the NFL, right Miko?
Surely, Joe thought, Hargreaves looked to other corners after whom to pattern his play.
Joe got a chance to get a brief one-on-one with Hargreaves this afternoon and asked who else he likes besides Grimes? It was a name very familiar to Bucs fans: Darrelle Revis.
“Darrelle Revis is a guy I like to watch,” Hargreaves said. “He is a great guy to model my game after.”
Joe thinks it is cool Hargreaves looks to a future Hall of Famer to be the torch to strive for. That’s a smart young man, this Hargraves.
Of course, if Coach My Scheme would have known this and still coached the Bucs, Hargreaves would certainly have been drafted by another team. Can’t have excellence in Coach My Scheme’s secondary, no sir.
April 29th, 2016 at 5:03 pm
Well there you SPBF…he does need to be Revis. lol 🙂
April 29th, 2016 at 5:04 pm
Doggin Lovie! Funny. Confident young guy.
April 29th, 2016 at 5:06 pm
vhg has advanced ball skills, technique and footwork to be a 20year old rookie…with some coaching up he could be better than revis…GO BUCS!!!
April 29th, 2016 at 5:07 pm
I hope he means to play on the field like Revis and not Protesting for a new contract every year!!!!!
April 29th, 2016 at 5:15 pm
That would be awesome if he can reach HOF level quality. I’d settle for a young Brent Grimes at this point.
The draft is such a crap shoot I just don’t want to waste a pick.
Revis obviously is the best and maybe last true lockdown corners in the past few years. But Revis sometimes reminded me of Neon Deion when it came to hitting.
Of course I was watching him coming off knee surgery so I’ll give him a pass.
I’m hopeful VHG is going to bring a little more pop from the defensive backfield.
April 29th, 2016 at 5:20 pm
BTW guys if you go to Walter Football their grades on last night’s selections are interesting.
Whooooeee they ripped the Rams…gave the a C.
They gave the Giants a C- for taking Apple.
They gave the Bucs and A for taking Hargreaves…only player higher was Jalen with the Jags getting and A+ but we all knew that ahead of time. AT least they’re on board with VHG.
Who got really ripped…Jerry Jones…they hated an RB at 4 and gave Jones a freaking D. I don’t think they give F’s.
April 29th, 2016 at 6:47 pm
Neon deon hitting? Surely you have him confused with someone else. Deon was never known for his tackling skills. I hope you were being sarcastic.