Best Draft Move
April 11th, 2016
Best pick.
Bring up memories of past drafts and the haters come out of the woodwork bearing weapons and wanting to club former Bucs rock star general manager Mark Dominik.
It is both sad and predictable.
But folks should remember recent drafts for one reason and one reason only: America’s Quarterback, Jameis Winston. BSPN looked at every NFL team and chose the best draft move per franchise. Mike DiRocco of the four-letter looks no farther than last year and Jameis.
The Bucs had to choose between Marcus Mariota and Jameis Winston in 2015, and GM Jason Licht went with the former Florida State standout. It was the correct choice. Winston became the third rookie quarterback in NFL history to throw for more than 4,000 yards. He had the Bucs at 6-6 and in the playoff race in early December before a four-game losing streak to close the season. Mariota didn’t have a bad rookie season, but the Bucs appear to have landed a franchise quarterback.
Yes, it was the correct choice. But everything Joe heard was that it was Jameis’ pick to lose.
In short, Jameis wowed the Bucs so much, just about the only thing that would have kept him from Tampa was the Bucs turning up something terribly untoward during their investigation of him. Otherwise, Jameis coming to the town was a fait accompli.
April 11th, 2016 at 8:20 am
I just wish he had time to make an appearance here in Orlando Saturday afternoon for FSU’s spring game at the citrus bowl. D@$! was I proud the turn out made you think you were Tally.
April 11th, 2016 at 8:30 am
Thank you Joe for admitting that the 1st overall pick was an obvious choice and not because some has been coach my scheme was pounding that tables and trying to persuade everyone in the hallway that JW3 was the pick!!!!!
As far as the pop-star is concerned,,, I would not use the word “hater” as much as I would call them “Truthers”!!!!! He was top 5 worst GM’s of all time!!! He would have worn the crown of worst gm if he just secured Albert Haynsworth in his first year with a huge contract!!! He interview and hired an Offensive and Defensive Coordinators that were fired before the season and the other made it 5 games!!!! Lets see how much of the pop-star legacy is left on this team opening day!!!!!
Go Bucs!!!!
April 11th, 2016 at 8:59 am
Dominik wanted to pick Mariota over Winston. Thank the lord that he is no longer our GM.
#Worst GM Ever
April 11th, 2016 at 9:03 am
Dom would have 100% chosen Mariota – Nuff said.
April 11th, 2016 at 9:14 am
@ The Buc Realist: No matter how you spin it, you just don’t want to give credit to LOVIE for Jameis, even though you say he had absolute control over player personal, so you keep spinning, truth is LOVIE picked Jameis because your magical GM wanted Marcus! But feel free to keep spinning!
April 11th, 2016 at 9:16 am
When the Bucs gave away that Week 17 New Orleans game and got the number 1 pick I jumped up and down and thanked the football gods that the Bucs would finally get a franchise QB we could be proud of for the next 15 years, couldn’t wait to buy my Marcus Mariotta Bucs jersey, and I’ve never been happier to be wrong Go Bucs
April 11th, 2016 at 9:25 am
BS Hog. Licht was all in for Winston from the beginning and that is pretty well documented.
April 11th, 2016 at 9:31 am
Correct!! I do not give credit to lovie!!! They could have (and should have) Fired coach my scheme after 2014 and hired any 10 head coaches and the Bucs would still have drafted JW3. It would be the same as giving credit to coach my scheme for the sun rising in the morning or the sprinklers turning on!!! It would have happened anyway!!!! And now even Joe is admitting it!!!!
April 11th, 2016 at 9:32 am
Yer buddy Dom would have traded our first and 2nd round pick for RG3!!
In a team with a long history of blatant stupidity, Mark Dominick was the single most incompetent employee to work for the Bucs
Dom Makes Leeman Bennett look like a Ring of Honor guy.
Currently, there is a movement to purge Dom’s name from Buc History- then Deny the Team was ever stupid enough to hire him.
When they have that bonfire blazing-I hope they throw in the Photos Dom has held Joe Hostage with, all these many years!
There has to be something that Dom is Blackmailing Joe with.
April 11th, 2016 at 9:41 am
Great post Capt. Tim!!!!!
I only disagree with one thing!! I am against the movement to Purge the pop-star from history!!!! I think that we all must face the atrocities that he committed and how some blindly cheered for him!!!! We all need to realize the painful truth of the Dom regime so that we will always remember!!!
Never forget Bucs fans!! Never Forget!!!!!!!
April 11th, 2016 at 10:03 am
Hold up. I know Dom had his faults. But the guy spent around 20 years with the orginization before being named GM. He has seen alot working in the front office for so long. I got to give tbe guy his due respect. And truth be told, Dom would make a better GM than everyone on this blog….combined!
So I get Dom is not the best GM to ever grace one Buc. But I fully respect his tenure.
April 11th, 2016 at 10:06 am
If you are picking past Bucs blunders the pool is enourmous. The tide is already turning.
April 11th, 2016 at 10:09 am
Funny how the higher that Dom got in the organization the worst the Bucs became!!!!! I feel sorry for NFL GM Bruce Allen (who has been on 3 teams and made the playoffs at least twice with each team) He asks for the reports for scouting and drafts and he looks a crossed his office and mark dominik and dennis hickey are starting back at him!!!!
April 11th, 2016 at 10:11 am
Make that enormous, like really big.
April 11th, 2016 at 10:25 am
Thanks Realist. I suppose its like history. You dont forget the Hitler regime, So that its not tepeated
Bucs= harp seal pup.
Dom= Fur trader.
The Bastard!!! The miserable Bastard!!!!
Nuff said.
April 11th, 2016 at 10:26 am
Licht was all in on Jameis before the 2014 draft. Very well documented.
April 11th, 2016 at 10:45 am
I resent the fact that everyone who is critical of the Dominik regime is a “hater.”
I prefer to term those people as “football fans with two working eyes.”
April 11th, 2016 at 11:07 am
Who cares if Licth was in on it, according to Buc Realist, at the time of last years draft LOVIE was in charge of personal and Licth had no choice but to pretend Jameis was his pick also! Turn it all around!
April 11th, 2016 at 11:12 am
JW was certainly the best draft move. JL is on record saying, he wouldn’t trade JW for ANY other quarterback(that includes Brady etc) in the NFL. I concur! So if he wasn’t completely sure about the pick at first, he certainly is now. But in fact, I think JL was always sold but DK was not initially.
I’m thanking my football stars above that MM was given a bucs pass. It will be interesting to see how MM holds up physically in the NFL… hasn’t been a good start physically so far. I don’t wish him any ill will, but again so glad JW is a Buc!!
Is it football season yet? Go Bucs!!
April 11th, 2016 at 11:41 am
Tampa Bay drafted offensively for 2 straight years. And we’ve seen the results. Time to draft defensively now. IF..we want to win. Remember Lovie Bashers, you got about 4 more months of bashing left. Sooo get it in! You’ll have fresh meat to bash this season.
April 11th, 2016 at 12:22 pm
My nephew (kind of a new Bucs fan) an FSU alum was convinced the Bucs were going to screw it all up and not take Jameis.
His reasoning? “Because they always do.”
Can’t blame all of the past on the present. Especially with the Bucs as they change new regimes like underwear.
Lots of Buc fans like to do it. Talk about the past as it relates to today. I try to press. Not relate the Bo Jackson and such ordeals of the past to today’s regime or the next one for that matter.
It’s always a new day in Tampa Bay!
April 11th, 2016 at 12:23 pm
press on*
April 11th, 2016 at 9:03 pm
I think MM would have done just as well as Winston for the Bucs. JW is great, but Marcus is really good as well. He had great numbers in only 12 games. Tennessee’s line is to blame for his physical problems his rookie season.