Joe Got Conned

March 7th, 2016

Monitoring Twitter for Bucs news, Joe saw a fake Ian Rapoport account in the #Bucs timeline suggesting Doug Martin was about to agree to terms with another team. This information is patently false.

Apologies to all. This is yet more proof of rushing to be first sometimes means you are last. Live and learn.

Joe sincerely apologizes to all who were given strokes.

34 Responses to “Joe Got Conned”

  1. whartonlax Says:

    Well, guess I didn’t need to take those Xanax….

  2. DB55 Says:

    Lol, it’s all good. We’ll wait until it’s official tomorrow.

  3. LifeOfABucFan Says:

    Thank God..I thought I was seeing things and my worse nightmare had come true!

  4. Ed Says:

    That is ok Joe, things happen.

  5. The Real Drew Says:

    Glad you took it down quick and admitted the mistake. Some people have nothing better to do than con people (i.e. Donald Trump).

  6. Bucsfaninchina Says:

    Dont worry Joe, no one strokes me but my old lady

  7. salish_seamonster Says:

    Well, the first clue should’ve been that NO CONTRACT CAN BE SIGNED during the negotiating window.

  8. DallasBuc Says:

    I was just preparing a scathing commentary on the incompetence and pure ineptitude of Lovie Smith’s former lapdog GM Jason Licht.
    Guess it will have to wait.

  9. mac Says:

    Dammit Joe!!! Your allowed one. And that’s your one. So please no more passing on fake info from fake Twitter accounts… It’s that time of year so put your big boy pants on and buckle it up!!!

  10. Joe Says:


    Yes, have to be more careful. Thinking that’s the second time was conned by a fake account. It’s been awhile. Still, no excuse. Need to be more careful.

  11. LifeOfABucFan Says:

    LOL @ Xanax..I got me some legal ones last week..told the doctor I need them..he said “why”..I said FREE AGENCY coming up..

    He understood..

  12. LifeOfABucFan Says:

    DallasBuc Says:

    March 7th, 2016 at 4:10 pm

    I was just preparing a scathing commentary on the incompetence and pure ineptitude of Lovie Smith’s former lapdog GM Jason Licht.
    Guess it will have to wait.…but I did save it on my hard drive.

  13. mac Says:

    You are forgiven. I’m just glad it’s a fake story…

  14. The Real Drew Says:

    It was fun. Something to investigate.

  15. salish_seamonster Says:

    We’ve heard DallasBuc’s lamest hits regarding the alleged lapdog. Don’t need to hear it anymore. I don’t understand what the point is of being a Bucs fan (supposedly) if all you’re going to do is be reflexively negative. I mean unless you enjoy being miserable all the time…

  16. LUVMYBUCS Says:

    No worries Joe – Happens to the best of ’em

  17. LifeOfABucFan Says:

    Joe..I just got punked myself..

    Got a text from a supposedly friend in New York..who is crazy about football like I am..

    He said “Congrats girl! JPP is signing with the Bucs!” I yelled and then I was like…can’t news on that at all..he fessed up..

  18. biff barker Says:

    No matter Joe, practice run for Wednesday.

    Might as well quit shaving for the next couple of days. Makes the gin taste better.

  19. Nole on Sat.-Bucc on Sun. Says:

    D@$! I love and 100% back the decision making of my GM Jason Licht. I give-a-chit about what anyone on here thinks about him for real for real. Just keep something in mind when you write and save scathing comments. This dude wanted and brought ya @$$ Jamies WINSton.

  20. DallasBuc Says:

    Salish- so either Licht is responsible for the worst free agency record in NFL history as the Bucs GM in 2014 & 2015…
    Licht bears no responsibility for the worst free agency record in NFL history as the Bucs GM because it was really incompetent Lovie Smith deciding who was acquired/released and Licht was just his little lapdog fetching coffee and making photocopies.
    You cannot both ways though.
    Either way, any outcome other than Martin playing for the Bucs in 2016 is necessarily considered an abject failure by Jason Licht.

  21. DallasBuc Says:

    Hey look it’s NosBos. Still waiting on it old buddy?

  22. K2 Says:

    Joe, the false alarm is no problem. However, I do disagree with your idea that the
    Buc’s should give Martin whatever he’s asking because they have cap space. That’s kind of like going into a car dealer and he wants to charge you double because you have the money and want the car. I want Martin back…but I believe that we just saw he best season. Also, he will likely not return in the same shape…because it’s not a contract year.

    Nobody knows for sure what Doug Martin is seeking. Therefore, Joe never wrote that the Bucs should give Martin whatever he wants. –Joe

  23. Nole on Sat.-Bucc on Sun. Says:

    No your not,actually you show up to use your favorite word”incompetent”when anything pertaining to this team doesn’t go how dallasbucc feels it should go. I’m starting to wonder did someone refer to you as incompetent as a child and it stuck??? You definitely take great delight in using the term bro.

  24. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    All this minute by minute obsessing over Doug Martin….give me a break….let it play out…..we will likely get a chance to match another team’s offer and Florida has no state income tax so we win that…..Martin has a home here and a coach & team he knows and likes…..he will stay if we match.
    If we don’t match…we simply didn’t want him back….
    I wont stoop to say “Simple as that” because that what Lovie says/said….
    TBBF says….IT IS WHAT IT IS!!!

  25. DallasBuc Says:

    NosBos- if by bringing us Jameis Winston you mean fielding the worst team by a mile in 2014 to earn the dubious right to pick first overall in the draft then yes, Licht is terrific. Terrific at signing terrible players and letting quality football players walk. With the #1 overall pick in 2015 it was the easiest decision to make for this team at that time and I highly doubt that the decision was his and not really the Glazers anyway.

  26. Nole on Sat.-Bucc on Sun. Says:

    Yada yada yada dallas,I got you. But let me ask y’all cats a question. Was Bill Polian incompetent when he allowed Marshall Faulk to walk and then drafted Eddgerin James??

  27. DallasBuc Says:

    NosBos- incompetent was appropriate for Lovie Smith and same goes for Jason Licht. You see using appropriate word choice is integral to clearly articulating a view point!
    I suppose I could repeat “just wait on it” over and over.
    You know what I’m waiting on NosBos??? I’m waiting on you to admit that DallasBuc was right the whole time (2 years) about incompetent Lovie Smith and NosBos was wrong and shamefully engaged in race pimping because defending Lovie Smith’s record became so untenable.
    So, I’m just gonna wait on it!

  28. DallasBuc Says:

    Marshall Faulk is a far superior back and Manning likely would have won more championships if he had Faulk to hand the ball to.
    That was a poor decision but doesn’t make Polian incompetent because his record was by and large terrific.

  29. Buc1987 Says:

    Ha ha ha ha Dallas.

  30. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    It’s coming. The window is to set the price. Bucs will resign him. Both parties just want a fair deal.

    I said yesterday that a deal between Martin and the Bucs was coming. While it’s possible some team could throw the bank at him and force the Bucs to decline, in all likelihood he will get a deal done with the Bucs over the next day…maybe two days.

  31. Dewey Selmon Says:

    This is the only site I can 3-4 Buccaneer stories a day during the offseason. Don’t be so hard on yourself Joe. That is what we are here for. Go Bucs!

  32. LifeOfABucFan Says:

    I have hope it will get done @ bonzai…just read earlier Lamar Miller might be talking to the bucs and he is seeking 8 M a year…Fins wont/can’t pay that..they are seeking restructuring and Miller not interested..

  33. salish_seamonster Says:

    Lamar Miller can go pound sand if he wants 8 million. What a friggin’ joke.

  34. Joe Says:

    Thanks for the kind words guys. First time in nearly eight years got conned by a fake Twitter account. Still, need to be more responsible.

    Being first isn’t always being right. Very bad and embarrassing mistake.