Can You Watch The Games, Please?
March 25th, 2016
Folks who watch Bucs games know Vincent Jackson’s value.
Nothing gets Joe worked up quite like folks who are paid nice coin to cover a team for a major sports outlet yet prove they do little research or, more importantly, watch the damned games.
This brings Joe to, of course, the four-letter. In particular, Mike DiRocco, who now covers the Bucs (and the Jags) for BSPN. Joe’s met him several times and he’s a nice guy, but man, can’t he afford Game Pass?
DiRocco took over the Bucs beat late last season and commutes to Tampa when needed. (Joe understands it is rough covering two teams some four hours apart.) Since, DiRocco has pounded the drum that Tampa Bay would/should/could cut Vincent Jackson because of… numbers!
He cites Jackson’s salary (yes, it’s steep) and his declining stats (true) and his age (he’s an NFL senior citizen). All accurate.
But anyone who paid attention to the Bucs just a little bit knows how valuable Jackson is to the offense, in particular, America’s Quarterback, Pro Bowler Jameis Winston.
When Jackson was hurt last year, a guy walking around with a white cane could see the offense took a nosedive. It was as obvious as the Buccaneers flag on the helmet. In the video below, DiRocco exclaims it was a surprise that the Bucs did not cut Jackson. Really?
Head coach Dirk Koetter, throughout last year, detailed Jackson’s importance, his versatility especially, and flat out said he hoped Jackson would not retire and would play another year(s) for the Bucs.
Throw in the fact Jackson and Jameis bonded tightly, it’s as if Jackson is his big brother, just reinforces Jackson’s status.
If the Bucs would have cut Jackson, as DiRocco expected (there were zero hints on or off the record from Bucs types this was ever seriously considered), then the Bucs would have been left with misplaced Calgary Stampeder Donteea Dye as the likely No. 3 wide receiver.
Anyone viewing Bucs games knows considering Dye a reliable NFL receiver is a pipe dream and a sure-fire way to get folks fired.
Where exactly were the Bucs going to get a receiver to replace Jackson, both his on-field value and his locker room importance? Nowhere.
To be fair, DiRocco, in the same video, correctly notes the Bucs must upgrade their wide receiver corps. Joe has been bellyaching about this since the season ended. Louis Murphy, coming off November knee surgery, is no sure thing to return to form.
Last year should be evidence to the shot-callers at One Buc Palace that they cannot enter 2016 with such thin ranks at receiver and expect Jameis’ evolution to continue.
March 25th, 2016 at 12:07 pm
I sincerely think you should apply for his job. You have quite the resume and current credentials. I’d think they’d be fortunate to have you on their staff. The problem is though, I’d wonder if you’d run the risk of being assigned elsewhere or if you’d specifically be hired to cover the Bucs.
Just as long as no one hires you to drive from here to Jax. 4 hours?? Slowpoke.
March 25th, 2016 at 12:22 pm
“To be fair” lovie was the coach and it was hard and depressing for anyone to watch that “fiasco” ( as described by lovie’s own players) !!!!!!!!!!!
March 25th, 2016 at 12:32 pm
espn is a joke… why would you want that for Joe… ESPN is now more TMZ than they are a sports news organization. They promote more BS agendas than the ACLU… They would muzzle Joe and his colorful takes…
as for vjax. I am good with him on the team but the team must address WR with an experienced option for when vjax misses games so the offense does not go flat. vjax will miss games. rolling with humphries and bell is scary… counting on a bum like Murphy is ridiculous. before the uf faithful have a heart attack look at his career stats before putting your foot in the your mouths. Even an unused / washed up Roddy White had better numbers last year than any year from Murphy. Murphy can’t stay on the field and does not play special teams if he is any higher than 5 on your team you are screwed. Bucs need an experienced WR to help Evans. Evans can not carry the load he proved it last year. it’s too much mentally on him. I do expect Evans to rebound with a solid WR coach and not a personal assistant from the bears and yes that was last years wr coaches job for lovie in Chicago personal assistant…
March 25th, 2016 at 12:34 pm
Good points here Joe. And the same can be said for Some fans also. Having played the game at the college level, I can see some fans truly don’t realize what a good defense you need to compliment an offensive attack. Its mandatory to have a pass rush and some quick secondary guys as we have seen with our Bucs. You can change defensive schemes all you like. But you’d better have athletic players who can play hard nosed hard hitting defense in this league or you will lose those close games. I’ll give us credit..we are trying to address these concerns. Can’t wait for the draft.
March 25th, 2016 at 12:39 pm
What BS agendas does they ACLU promote? Civil and religious liberties? Please keep your ignorant politics off JBF commit section!
March 25th, 2016 at 12:42 pm
Thanks guys for the kind words.
joe has no desire to work for the four-letter and has never (and won’t) apply for a job with them. They do have agendas, of which Joe wants zero part of.
Joe enjoys his freedom here to write what he pleases.
March 25th, 2016 at 12:43 pm
Def need to add quality receivers. Not for nothing but I’m pretty disappointed that Afro-Thunder isn’t in town working with Jaboowins. If I were 5-6th string I’d be so far up Jamie’s arse you’d have to pull my out by my pinky toes.
I for one would sign Boldin and White. I would have signed Harvin too but he got a bad hip, his attitude doesn’t concern me bc we got enough real on the team (like our HC) for him to relate to. Just saying The Messiah is no Russell Wilson with all due respect or whatever.
March 25th, 2016 at 12:55 pm
“Can You Watch The Games, Please?”
To some that’s equivalent to water boarding!
March 25th, 2016 at 1:41 pm
Cut Jackson and do what with the money? Find another receiver worse than VJ for the same money? We need more weapons for Winston not less…
March 25th, 2016 at 2:00 pm
Watching the Bucs is like water boarding? You gotta be kidding. Otherwise, you are some really frustrated, pissed off pseudo fan who gets his kicks out of other people’s misfortunes if that is what you do for relaxation.
…oh…you WERE kidding…
March 25th, 2016 at 2:01 pm
Cut him for what? Unless you were gonna steal Alshon Jeffrey away from Chicago, there was no receiver on the market worth paying what they got…Marvin Jones for $8 million a year? I’ll pass. We will draft another receiver this year and a combination of whoever we draft, Evans, Bell, and Humphries will be the future at the position.
March 25th, 2016 at 2:13 pm
I’d rather be waterboarded than watch those slant passes get completed time and time again. Stick a needle in my eye. Punched in the face repeatedly by Mike Tyson.
I always get a kick out of posters that come on here and say that they were watching games from last year. You poor bastards. Why do that to yourself?
March 25th, 2016 at 3:10 pm
This guy is terrible, why does he have a spiral notebook that he is waving around the entire video? ESPN needs to get somebody to replace this guy.
March 25th, 2016 at 3:22 pm
I don’t care about religion one bit, but you need to read up about the things the ACLU promotes.
Just saying….
March 25th, 2016 at 3:41 pm
To be fair Joe, we could’ve signed Marvin Jones, Rashard Matthews, or Travis Benjamin for less than we’re paying Jackson. And they’re all 25-26 years old and have deep speed. Yeah, that would have been terrible.
March 25th, 2016 at 3:56 pm
Let me guess. He is from New York?
March 25th, 2016 at 4:16 pm
Kenny Bell, Americas next Charles Sims 2nd year breakout player
March 25th, 2016 at 4:17 pm
I’m good with VJax and Evans. They seem to like Humphries n Bell. I don’t count on Murphy. They need a young speedster and they could get one in the first 3-4 rounds.
March 25th, 2016 at 5:09 pm
If we get a decent draft pick for Glennon, we could use it wisely in moving back into the bottom of the first for WR Josh Doctson. Assuming we drafted a DE first. Or Pharoh Cooper would be there in the 3rd, maybe even the 4th. Now they’re not 6’5, but they have great route skills and speed. ME will be our 6’5 guy.
March 25th, 2016 at 7:19 pm
Mad max
I agree. I could see them doing that for a wide receiver. They could get a good DB in round three assuming they get a DE in round one or vice versa.
Personally I’d rather them not trade away anything snd grab 4 players in rounds 1-3 that will all start or contribute significantly.
March 25th, 2016 at 8:53 pm
Both Humphries and Brate are the kind of players this team wants. We’ve got some promising young guys here on the roster today.
If you have balance and can spread the ball around, not everybody has to be a superstar. Just good enough to keep the chains moving.
March 25th, 2016 at 9:46 pm
Andre Jhonson is still available. Fools
March 25th, 2016 at 9:47 pm
Anquan Boldin Jameis needs route runners. Not a in game coach
March 26th, 2016 at 11:58 am
Boldin or Roddy White would be a nice stop gap should we not draft someone decent.
March 26th, 2016 at 8:33 pm
I WANT BOLDIN real bad, i’d buy tickets if we got him, he’s the toughest, best leader we could possibly get, he matches Jameis’ intensity. Nothing against VJax, keep him too if at all possible, but Boldin is my fave. he’s a Nole too, that can’t hurt.
March 26th, 2016 at 8:43 pm
You only have cap casualties when you have a low amount of cap room. We can affors to over pay jackson for his low production. If it came down to signing other FA wrs and needed space, then i could see Jackson getting the Ax. But we have a lot of cap space and no WR depth. We couldnt afford to not keep jackson.