Was Team Glazer Spooked?
February 9th, 2016
Did Dirk Koetter force Team Glazer’s hands? (Photo courtesy of Buccaneers.com.)
Yes, in San Francisco, Joe chatted Bucs with NFL Network uber insider Ian Rapoport. It was cool to talk to him, one, because Joe knows who he talks to (no, Rapoport did not tell Joe who, but others have). So when Rapoport talks Bucs, it’s not just hare-brained nonsense he dreamed up to fill air time.
Though Rapoport didn’t say this actually happened, he seemed to be connecting dots when he wondered aloud to Joe that the Bucs hired Dirk Koetter not so much because of Lovie Smith’s drawbacks, but because of how the offense, in particular America’s Quarterback, Pro Bowler Jameis Winston, may have regressed had Koetter left the team.
“I think it was a different kind of [coaching] search because everyone sort of knew where it was headed,” Rapoport said. “To me, it was the most important thing was that you get the guy for the further development of Jameis.
“[Dirk Koetter] was not the biggest name in the whole world. I am not entirely sure someone else would have hired him as a [head] coach but I know there was a chance, though I am not entirely sure of [Koetter being hired by another team]. I really like Lovie. I thought he was heading in the right direction. But it is just not worth the risk of your offensive coordinator leaving. You don’t know what Jameis is going to be like [with a new coach]. If Jameis takes a step back – it’s not worth the risk. I know [the Bucs] feel really positively about Dirk. So I think it is going to be a good move.”
If nothing else, this just reinforces what Joe has been writing all along. It’s all about Jameis. This is Jameis’ team.
And while many Bucs fans were won over by Jameis this past year, imagine what the inner circle of One Buc Palace must think about him if they are making coaches changes and decisions based on a rookie.
February 9th, 2016 at 5:25 am
Good call to keep dirk
February 9th, 2016 at 6:14 am
Its very obvious who the people are that dont actually watch every bucs game. Theyre the ones that say they thought lovie had the team going in the right direction.. Defense regressed with lovies handpicked players he brought in. It wasnt even below average it was the worst pass defense in the league, and probably bucs history.
Dirk is the man with the plan. Bucs are playoff bound
February 9th, 2016 at 6:18 am
It’s all above the future. As SiMpLe As ThAt!
February 9th, 2016 at 6:23 am
But now is below the past…lol
At least Joe doesn’t have to write about Manziel anymore. Can you imagine?
Its a new season in Tampa Bay!
Go Bucs!!!
February 9th, 2016 at 7:33 am
Kevin I disagree. I watched every Bucs game and I don’t think Lovie deserved to get fired. I also don’t have a problem with Lovie being fired. Lovie hired Dirk and Licht, drafted Jamies and had this team headed in the right direction. However, coaching is a cut throat business. Lovie firing was a result of bad timing with Jamies being a rookie and Dirk possibly leaving, not being a bad coach.
February 9th, 2016 at 7:39 am
Kevin Says
“Its very obvious who the people are that dont actually watch every bucs game. Theyre the ones that say they thought lovie had the team going in the right direction.. Defense regressed with lovies handpicked players he brought in.”
That makes zero sense to anyone with a brain.
Unlike Jon Gruden, Lovie Smith has ALWAYS preferred building through the draft. So think about it.
If Jason Licht called the draft picks, it clearly was not with Lovie’s blessing, right? After all, Lovie is a defensive guy and he knew the main reason he was brought in was for the defense.
And yet…he was not permitted to take picks in the draft?
IF he had all the power people like you claim, why couldn’t he get defense in the draft? Answer: Because he did not have the power at all. Jason Licht always did.
On top of that, was it Lovie Smith who negotiated with free agents or for trades? Was it Lovie who ran the salary cap? NO.
It was Jason Licht.
So to say that Lovie “hand picked” his defense is stupid. Lovie Smith had no control over who Licht signed. He was given players and did the best he could with what he got.
Yes, he was occasionally thrown a bone. Kwon was one such bone in the last draft. McCown was a bone (and a bad call). Lovie isn’t completely blameless, but people like you blame him for everything Jason Licht was responsible for too.
People forget…Licht came here as a rookie GM. Do you really think he made all the right calls starting out? Of course not.
February 9th, 2016 at 7:48 am
Connecting the dots…..in other words….speculating with circumstantial evidence…..
It does make sense…..I posted all along that the minute we heard that Licht was making the HC search & decision that the decision had already been made by the Glazers….certainly with Licht’s input….but the Glazers made the decision.
As for the right direction…..we’ll never know.
February 9th, 2016 at 7:55 am
Let me be clear here…I don’t hate Jason Licht. I actually think he is STARTING to turn into a decent GM. But he isn’t, nor has he ever been, perfect. I grade him like this:
If he did indeed control the draft as people claim, then he has pretty good instincts. A+
His contract negotiation skills are improving B-
He didn’t choose Lovie Smith or the staff when he came. Lovie DID make those choices…some good, some bad. The choices Jason Licht has made for staff seem to be good, or even great ones. A+
He seems to be controlling the cap situation pretty well. I say “seems” because thinking back, we all thought it was under control when McKay was here…and it turned out he was just good at pushing things forward until they built up, and then he bailed. B-
His trade negotiating skills are absolutely horrid, except during the draft. Traditionally, he overpays for trades, and he gets little in return. During the draft, he seems to do much better. Probably because those he negotiates with don’t have time to talk as much. D+
Free agent evaluation and negotiation (past) is just as horrid when seeking out starters. If seeking backups/depth, he seems to accidentally strike gold sometimes. I believe it is a veteran vs youth thing. Jason can spot talent in youth…the evaluation process is more indepth. But when it comes to established veterans, the process is less indepth and goes more by reputation. That’s why he seems to do well with UNFA and other young players. C-
Promotional tastes are really, really bad. As GM, he runs the franchise, so things like the slogan and even the uniforms are controlled by him. The head of Promotions and Marketing reports to him. “Seige the Day” is the worse slogan I have ever heard…and I come from a marketing background (owned a large firm for 15+ years). Relations with fans are bad (though, to be fair…they were before he came along too). And if I were GM and those uniforms were proposed? I would have sent them back to the drawing board. I understand the need to be unquely different…but that doesn’t mean be ugly. I haven’t bout a jersey since the new unis came out. Don’t plan to. F-
February 9th, 2016 at 7:59 am
Bucsblud Says
“Lovie hired Dirk…”
I’m not sure about that. Lovie hired Tedford, certainly. But I would be willing to guess that Koetter was a Jason Licht hire. It’s one of the things I give him props on.
I also don’t think Lovie chose Jason Licht…I think the Glazers did. I’m sure he had influence to a point, but I think Licht was all Glazers…which would make sense if he truly had control of the drafts. Lovie would not have just given that up.
February 9th, 2016 at 8:00 am
excuse the typos.
February 9th, 2016 at 8:04 am
On topic…of course the Glazers were spooked.
I don’t believe Koetter would have been offered a head coaching job by another team. He always interviews for HC jobs, every year. Did he want such a job?
I think it was a dream of his to be a head coach, looking back.
Really though…the Glazers couldn’t take a chance on losing him. Promoting him was the right call…or seems to be. It’s unfortunate that Lovie never got to use the draft to build his defense, but it seems to be working out now. We have replaced the staff that needed replacing.
We have a top DL guy, and hopefully plan to use the draft to give him the top DL in the NFL. We have a new secondary guy.
Right call? We won’t know for another year or so, but it sure seems like it was by the way pieces are falling into place.
February 9th, 2016 at 8:08 am
Lovie fell on the sword because of his defensive staff.
Screwing Frazier, replacing Banks and Verner with his hapless handpicked has beens, then letting them be coached by the family and friends program.
The Glazers want offense….
Koetter proved his worth. Rookie QB…. the resurgence of an OL with true youth, Dougie too. Case in point, I wanted Warhop gone last year. After last season, I’d renew his contract.
Lovie went through OC’s like cold craft beer on a hot summer day. Lovie fires Riverboat Ron. Meanwhile, Dirk recruits his old boss and some top talent as OC because he understands durable relationships.
It’s not just the wins and losses, it’s the body count.
February 9th, 2016 at 8:14 am
Warhop surprised me too.
I don’t really care how many staffers Lovie went through. Not like Tedford was his fault. And Frazier outright sucks. Has for years.
Pulling Verner and Banks was a big mistake…I agree with that. Especially Banks…cornerbacks sometimes take time to develop…giving them playing time is how you speed things up.
February 9th, 2016 at 8:27 am
Churning coordinators and staffers is no way to build a team. It’s just like churning players… maybe worse. You will never have any organizational stability when the HC has a proven record of canning coordinators.
Ex. Like Chucky or not… he checked his reputedly massive his and let Monte run his own show.
Expect Koetter to do the same with Mike Smith.
February 9th, 2016 at 8:35 am
The truth came out when it was reported that the Glazers were about to run lovie out after the first year!!! It did not take much in the way of the decision to replace lovie?? Some think that lovie’s fate was sealed in the last 4 games, but that was incorrect!! he could have won one of those and still been replaced!!!!
February 9th, 2016 at 8:54 am
“BuccaneerBonzai Says:
February 9th, 2016 at 7:39 am
IF he had all the power people like you claim, why couldn’t he get defense in the draft? Answer: Because he did not have the power at all. Jason Licht always did.”
Dude, just let it go. You are the only person that believes your scenario.
Lovie Smith’s contract contains the clause that gives him final say over all personnel matters on the Buccaneers’ final 53-man roster.
10:45 AM – 5 Jan 2014”
February 9th, 2016 at 8:58 am
Agree with the Realist. one unit, with a new playbook, new OL and QB showed progress. Key injuries there too.
On defense… the last game was just as bad as he first game.
It wasn’t all about the last 4 games
February 9th, 2016 at 8:58 am
Arizona exec Jason Licht had a very impressive interview with Bucs HC Lovie Smith for their GM opening I’m told. Very much in that mix.
10:33 PM – 14 Jan 2014
What sane person thinks they are interviewed by someone they will have power over? It’s comical Bonzai keeps even trying to push this matter.
February 9th, 2016 at 9:15 am
Bonzai still crying Lovie did not make the calls. Now he is going to blame the Glazers.
February 9th, 2016 at 9:29 am
Let’s put it this way. We were a 6 and 6 team in the playoff hunt that Shat the bed. Finished 6 and 10 LOST the last 4 games. The defense looked like S!ht all year. That was the Head Coaches Specialty and HE paid the price. Quit trying to blame former lapdog Licht for Lovie and his Hand Picked Defense. Licht did not hold a gun to his head and bring the free agents in .
February 9th, 2016 at 9:38 am
The Bucs are 58-102 over the past ten years. No one commenting on JBF should believe the Glazers know what they’re doing.
February 9th, 2016 at 9:44 am
I agree with your pro/con list on licht. EXECPT that he was in charge of Free agency. Look at all of the players that were brought in that were ex bears. Every single one of our free agents previously ran a (tampa 2). I think those were Lovies guys not licht.
February 9th, 2016 at 9:47 am
The Bus have a Super Bowl Win . They must know something.
February 9th, 2016 at 9:52 am
Maybe not in the past 10 years but they are trying and will keep trying. That is the point. Culverhouse never got it.
February 9th, 2016 at 9:53 am
When you are wrong you are wrong. This is as wrong as it gets. Like saying Jameis Winston is left-handed.
Simply put, if Lovie didn’t want a guy, he wouldn’t be on the roster. Lovie had final say on the roster (hello, Darrelle Revis).
Have you fogotten about Lovie’s basement?
February 9th, 2016 at 10:05 am
Dude, cut your losses. I have been wrong about lots of stuff. It’s ok. You make it worse when you keep digging the hole.
February 9th, 2016 at 10:12 am
Lovie took a gamble and lost. He thought he could invest the draft picks in the offense and mold the defense of existing players and b-level free agents. When he struck out on finding pass rushers, his defensive scheme was exposed, and it was clear that the future of the team is on the offensive side of the ball.
This explains why Lovie, and perhaps even Tony Dungy, were so stubborn about hiring a talented offensive coordinator. Having your potential replacement on the staff is a scary proposition.
With that said, Dirk Koetter needs to be looking over his shoulder as well. If the offense struggles and the defense improves in 2016 or 2017, the Glazers may promote Mike Smith to head coach to avoid losing him to another team.
February 9th, 2016 at 10:20 am
LWD….I think he truly believes what he’s typing, because he goes into such detail.
I don’t think he’s trying to convince anyone seeing how he’s already convinced himself.
February 9th, 2016 at 10:38 am
If the Glazers were spooked by anything it was the repeated rank incompetence by one Lovie Smith.
February 9th, 2016 at 10:53 am
Bonzai just proved to everyone here that he is more a conspiracy theorist, than a sensible Buc fan.
Licht was given the draft BY LOVIE. Yes, jason drafted the guys he thought were best. But he did so with Lovie’s blessing. You even said it, licht was a rookie GM. Why the hell would he be assigned the keys to the entire team if he is a rookie? He wasn’t, this was lovie’s team. The holes in your theories are many. And most make no sense.
February 9th, 2016 at 11:06 am
I was one who defended Lovie’s right to a third year up until that final four game disaster!!! Then I had to concede that Realist…Dallas..Couch and others were right and I was wrong.
And when I think back I realize just how incredibly wrong!!!
That first game…which happened to be MM’s first game in an NFL offense…we were beyond horrible. That was the worst I can recall seeing a professional team prepared to play.
Then the entire season of letting TE’s and others run wild through our D!!! I get that a better pass rush could have helped but our DB’s were frequently not even in the same zip code as the wide open receivers.
We are atrocious on the back end of our defense…and who were the coaches responsible for that? Lovie’s kids. What the hell were their qualifications besides their last names. I’m serious…I’ve tried to google and can’t find anything. Did the Smith boys pay any serious dues to earn their positions.
I do not give Lovie credit for #3 or Koetter. #3 probably goes to the Glazers…perhaps Licht. Koetter was probably Licht…and I’m sorry giving credit to somebody for producing a team so horrible you get the #1 draft pick is so absurd it’s not even worth discussing.
February 9th, 2016 at 11:15 am
Well Bonzai, not one player got signed or drafted without Lovie’s stamp of approval. Licht was responsible for the dirty, technical work that comes with signing players.
Lovie botched the secondary so bad, that was probably what did him in. Qb’s were able to dink and dunk on our secondary becsuse of how he played his corners off. Thank good the Falcons hired Kyle Shannahan as their oc, or we would be 4-12.
February 9th, 2016 at 11:23 am
St.Pete, to be fair Mykal Smith is like an assistant db coach or maybe he’s the nickel coach, but I know the main coach of the secondary was Gil Byrd, who is pretty well respected around the league. But other than Mykal, I think he had one other son who’s a quality control coach. Its nit like his sons are coordinators or even position coaches, they are more entry level coaches, Mykal for example, works for Gil Byrd, or “worked”. So I think the whole son thing is a lil over blown. But hey, your still tha man st pete 🙂
February 9th, 2016 at 11:45 am
Largo, regardless, we benched talent and brought in aged talent in favor of a system. Every coach and every player was hand picked run by Lovie too. The second year of his scheme was exhibiting the same fatal flaws as well.
Meanwhile, the offense and staff was new, on a youth movement and showed much promise before the injury bug.
Simple as that.
February 9th, 2016 at 12:21 pm
Lovie really did believe a Defense is Built thru the draft. And may have been promised after Lict drafted Offensively for 2 yrs in a row, he would be allowed to draft defensively this upcoming draft. Having said this, Lovie was fired because he would not fire some coaches on his defensive staff. Namely his son and DC Frazier. Had he presented the Glazers with a new Defensive plan, he would have had his..one more year. He did not and here we are. I am not sold on Koetter as a HC. There were better more experienced out there. Some coaches are meant to thrive where they are. I think Koetter was meant to be an Outstanding OC. Sure, I’ll give him a chance. But if he cannot turn us around in 2yrs? Drop him like a bad habit..Just like We’ve done everyone else!
Will not say Koetter was a good HC decision because we do not know this yet.
We hope and wish. But he’s done nothing as a HC yet. The staff he has in place did not win a superbowl in ATL. What makes you think they can do it here? YOU Mr Koetter..are on the clock. Better Deliver or go fishing with a long list of 2 yr premature firing failures on the docks of Tampa Bay.
February 9th, 2016 at 12:35 pm
“Promotional tastes are really, really bad. As GM, he runs the franchise, so things like the slogan and even the uniforms are controlled by him. The head of Promotions and Marketing reports to him. “Seige the Day” is the worse slogan I have ever heard…and I come from a marketing background (owned a large firm for 15+ years). Relations with fans are bad (though, to be fair…they were before he came along too). And if I were GM and those uniforms were proposed? I would have sent them back to the drawing board. I understand the need to be unquely different…but that doesn’t mean be ugly. I haven’t bout a jersey since the new unis came out. Don’t plan to. F-”
h/t BBonzai
I stay out of discussions about management, and drafts. I do feel strongly about the administrative merry-go-round that started when Gruden got canned. The veterans like GMC, LVD, Banks, DMartin, etc. who stuck it out deserve and get kudos. BBonzai is ABSOLUTELY RIGHT about the Buc fashions being hideous looking. The numbers on the jersey look like something slimy found under a rock. Making the skull bigger on the flag is dumb, too. I have a 20-year-old jacket I need to replace, but NOT until they fix the wardrobe problems. Anywho, Go Bucs!!
February 9th, 2016 at 12:35 pm
Agree with Mike Johnson ^^^ on Koetter. I expect to see us score points, play good defense and win meaningful football games.
February 9th, 2016 at 12:41 pm
Good points about the d backfield and just how much Lovie’s kids had to say.
Gil Byrd certainly deserves the lion’s share of the blame. Thx btw.
February 9th, 2016 at 12:55 pm
Bonzai 100% correct about the ugly and stupid uniforms. They need to go ! The Pewter and Red we had were great. I see more fans in town wearing them. Very very few in the new garbage.
February 9th, 2016 at 2:38 pm
Go back to pewter and red. But keep the new helmets and new flag design.
February 9th, 2016 at 2:43 pm
Biff, I know thats what I said 😉
February 9th, 2016 at 5:23 pm
i’ll start off by saying I didn’t believe lovie deserved to get fired and some of the reasons why he was fired are completely bs…the offense regressed just as much as the defense did…the last month of the season the whole entire team regressed…some will scream out that’s coaching but it really isnt…for example, bama played middle tenn state and in the first quarter it was 10-7 bama, but the final score was 37-10…why..not because of coaching..not because players quit…its because of the talent level..when you have 8 undrafted FA starting on defense your not going to be consistently good…the offense couldn’t move the ball and the defense couldn’t stop anyone…the last month of the season we couldn’t score more than 24points…some say because vjax went down…the same can be said about kwon…we only scored over 24points 4 times with one being a lost…we didn’t score more than 20 points in 7 games…lovie came in with a plan to build a solid offense by surrounding himself with quality coaches on the offensive side of the ball and did that by hiring licht, the first oc and then dirk…he knew the defense so all he had to do is surround himself with coaches that knew his system…obviously the first year was a disaster with the oc quitting due to health, sorry oline and injuries to sims and doug…he got his franchise qb, found a oc and fixed the oline…he did what winning teams do and that’s build thru the draft….the defense was sorry because he decided to use band aids instead of stiches…if lovie would’ve been around for the draft this year he would’ve fixed the defense…also I think people are giving way to much to dirk…IMO, jameis would’ve made marcus arroyo look good…jameis was the first overall pick for a reason and it wasn’t his 40 time…it was because of the things you cant teach(leadership,heart) and what’s between his ears…why wasn’t dirk considered for an hc job after atl let him? matty ice was pretty damn good while he was there…its because people know he’s and oc not an hc…in regards to the glazers wanting to fire him after we went 2-14, that’s total bs…first where’s the source? second, if that was true, why did it take licht advising the glazers to fire lovie? if they wanted to fire him after 2-14, why would they need advise from someone lovie hired? they would’ve gave him the ax after the second saints game….but it is what it is….like I said many on here many time 10wins and a playoff berth is whats to be excepted from here on out…dirk has a lot of pressure….GO BUCS!!!
February 9th, 2016 at 5:47 pm
So in reality this shows Lovie was not fired for being incompetent but fear from some owners thinking Jameis will take a step back. One thing I know about Jameis he will not take a step back maybe the rest of the offensive had but not Jameis.
February 9th, 2016 at 5:59 pm
Thanks you there 81bucboi….I’m not giving Koetter credit for anything but running a decent offense. jameis could make any halfway decent OC look goodout there.Those last 4 games of the season, our Offense made bigtime mistakes. The pressure is all on Mr. Koetter now. No more hiding behind a HC. He is the HC!! And until he delivers? I’ll not heap mega praises on him. This team..our Bucs have been nothing but a disaster the last few years. A total embarrassment. Head coaches are the scapegoats. You are suppose to have a good offense when you draft offensively 2 yrs in a row. So we shall see. Everybody is dumping on Lovie. These same fair weather fans are gonna dump on Koetter in 2 yrs if he does not succeed. I am in no way impresses yet. Get us to the playoffs next season..then I’ll be impressed.
February 9th, 2016 at 7:52 pm
I don’t think its fair to blame Licht for the free agents signing. ITs a sellers
market and the can always play one team against another.They usually get more thantey are worth
February 10th, 2016 at 7:38 am
I was in favor of anything that got Lovie out of here. Terrible coach.
February 10th, 2016 at 12:44 pm
yes, just look at matt ryan post-koetter