No Issue With Coaching Gap
February 16th, 2016
Joe has already confessed this hire by Dirk Koetter to turn the defense over to former Dixie Chicks head coach Mike Smith looks better by the day.
One reason for Joe’s reversal — Joe pined for Jim Schwartz, in part, because of the way he maximized the talents of soon-to-be free agent defensive end Mario Williams — is feedback Joe gets from NFL folks, some of whom believe the Smith hire may be the biggest steal of this year’s coaching carousel.
Another reason Joe wanted Schwartz over Smith was because he was just one year removed from working as a defensive coordinator. It’s been eight years since Smith was defensive coordinator for the Jags.
Joe asked Smith about this when Smith was trotted out to the local pen and mic club last month, and Smith noted he is still learning as a coach, and actually learned something that very day in defensive meetings with his new Bucs staff.
This is all Andy Benoit needed to hear. A strong Xs and Os guru for, Benoit told Joe in San Francisco that Smith’s long step away as a defensive coordinator should be of no concern.
“No, I think it would be an issue if he wasn’t still learning,” Benoit said. “When he was in Atlanta, sure he was the head coach, but he had his fingerprints on the coordinator role. Mike Smith will handle the defensive coordinator [task] very well. Keep in mind that Koetter has always worked for defensive coaches which means he has always had autonomy over his offense. My guess is, Koetter probably believes that, ‘OK, this camp coaches offense; this camp coaches defense.’
“It may not be the title, but my guess is Koetter believes Mike Smith is the head coach of the defense. He has an experienced guy there and he knows what he is working with and he has a similar scheme to Jim Schwartz.”
Well, if Koetter believes in autonomy, then that suggests he is basically handing Smith the keys to the Bucs’ defense, and saying in so many words, “It’s your stockcar. Get your team tinkering on it and just make sure it’s ready to race in September.”
This may also be why Smith is here. The guy knows he won’t have to answer to a strong-willed if not overbearing coach (Sean Payton springs to mind).
February 16th, 2016 at 11:34 am
Joe, I’d love to hear your take on Smith implementing the 4-3 under hybrid. I think we are very close to having the pieces, and David thrived in Schiano’s scheme where he was often asked to go hunt behind the LOS. He’d be a great Canidate for the Leo. Move Kwon to the Will, Carter at Mike, and draft the nations best coverage backer Myles Jack to play Sam and cover tight ends. Up front GMC as the 1 gap rusher from the weak side, Spence eating doubles in the middle, and Gholston stuffing the run from the strong side…..pass rush fixed by scheme….not by personnel.
February 16th, 2016 at 11:43 am
Captain Stagger. Spot on. I’ve been banging that drum for weeks now.
Crazy speed at LB. Use it!
The one thing about Lovie that drove me off the perch of sobriety was the BS that the D needed to score to win.
That’s just crap. Lovie was never aggressive enough to see outside of his scheme. A dullard. Predictable to every Pop Warner kid.
When a unit learns to trust each other and becomes self aware the takeaways will flow. Scat for brains was always more interested in his scheme. Zero creativity.
The new sheriff Smith neds to do better.
February 16th, 2016 at 11:54 am
Not much to update since Smith has not been made available to the pen and mic club since his press conference last month. From what Joe is hearing from Bucs types, Smith and his staff have a bunker mentality. Holed up in offices and meetings from dawn to dusk trying to find ways to get the most out of players’ talents.
Joe can tell you defensive players sure got geeked up after talking to Smith. And non-Bucs folks around the NFL believe the Bucs pulled off a heist in hiring Smith.
Only time, of course, will tell.
Perhaps next week at the combine Dirk Koetter will provide some further details.
Joe can tell you the Bucs are ecstatic over the play of Kwon and he’s not getting moved from middle linebacker outside of perhaps a special play or package.
February 16th, 2016 at 12:04 pm
Similar Scheme as Schwartz and is NOT Schwartz = AWESOME
February 16th, 2016 at 1:45 pm
Outstanding break down Cpt.Stagger. THAT would lead me to believe these guys are seeking dominant DT play more so than DE.
February 16th, 2016 at 2:19 pm
And if Koetter flames out, the Bucs have their next head coach on the roster already… I kind of like this strategy (whether intentional or not). It’s the FSU Replacement Coach Plan a la Jimbo Fisher.
February 16th, 2016 at 2:38 pm
fast forwarding one year, it seems likely we will be looking for a new defensive coordinator due to renewed interest in mike smith as a potential head coach. he may coach the defense for a second year, but after 2 full seasons it’s impossible for me to imagine him being here…either he will get a HC job because we are playing great defense or he will be fired because we are not playing great defense.
February 16th, 2016 at 4:11 pm
I can’t wait to se what Smith does with our Defense. After all, The Atlanta Falcons owner did give him his walking papers…….
I personally have this..wait and see approach with this guy. He’d better be working on some kind of a pass rush.
February 16th, 2016 at 4:35 pm
N you’d better believe koetter n licht have promised smith and the d guys lots of defensive draft picks and free agents. Dirk needs a burner n he’s gona work it.
February 16th, 2016 at 4:51 pm
I agree….this the happiest I have been to see how this team is setup since the Gruden Days.
February 16th, 2016 at 5:12 pm
Agree with your observation completely and I’m very OK with it.
I hope Smith does such a fantastic job that he gets snagged for another HC position sooner rather than later.
I think your observation is what lured Jay Hayes away from the Bengals. Everybody in the league knows Smith is a rent a coach for one…two years max.
February 16th, 2016 at 6:42 pm
Jason hires Kurt to be HEAD COACH, Kurt hires Smith to be D-Head Coach, Kurt hires Hayes as D-Line Coach now I hear SMITH will be hear for just a year maybe two, is there some Tom foolery going on hear nawwwww it’s just THE BACK STABBER CONSPIRACY AND ITS RUNNING DEEP!!!
February 16th, 2016 at 8:02 pm
Dare I say this is the anti-Lovie approach?
Lovie for many of his flaws was very proud of his “system” and was stubborn to a fault.
It’s safe to say his game management and defensive (or lack thereof) approach really soured the front office and ownership.
I’m perfectly comfortable with a coach/DC saying his philosophy is a ever -learning approach. I think everyone in their respective professions possess that mindset and that’s the key to success. See Belicheat and his antics, dirty and borderline but he always adapts his system to what’s new or what’s coming.
February 17th, 2016 at 8:28 am
I suggest everyone READ HIS BOOK! There are lovely gems like “Team beats talent when talent isn’t a team”. The guy admits his past faults and shows how he will overcome them.
February 17th, 2016 at 8:40 am
I believe that the philosophy that you needed defensive scores to win came from Dungy.Both Tony and Lovie ran a conservative run heavy offense.
So in a sense if you don’t have a good enough offense to take over a game, you need defensive scores to supplement your offense. See Denver,and I have watched Dungy and Lovie led teams that lost some games because they did not get those
defensive scores
So make the offense self sufficient and not dependent on the D.Sorry ,simple as that.