From Knife To Treadmill Running
February 18th, 2016
Progress made
So valuable reserve wide receiver Louis Murphy had his knee carved up by ACL surgery in November.
And this morning, Murphy shared this Instagram video of him running on a treadmill.
Pretty impressive stuff. Now Murphy is having a percentage of his weight supported, so it all doesn’t come crashing down on his knee joints, but this is still a big step in his recovery.
Joe is no doctor, and it’s still unrealistic to expect Murphy to be ready for opening day, but perhaps that hope is something more than hope.
February 18th, 2016 at 11:04 am
C’mon Murph!
It’d be nice to see this guy regain his form and contribute.
February 18th, 2016 at 11:21 am
Do they still have PUP?
February 18th, 2016 at 11:22 am
Good news is, if he isn’t near ready at the start of the season, he won’t count against the roster cap…and someone else will get a shot.
February 18th, 2016 at 11:47 am
they need to upgrade every wide receiver not named evans, jackson or humphries. bell is a wild card and I am pulling for him but he must earn it. no more free spots on the roster if the bucs want to be consistent winners. murphy is a great local feel good story but easily can be upgraded and should be… it’s about making the team better and upgrading a basement dweller not loading the roster with local feel good stories and nice guys. I wish murphy well, by all accounts he’s a great dude and helped jameis a lot. i thank him for that but this team needs upgraded talent it has enough leaders, nice guys and old guys with injury histories…. it’s business not a popularity contest or fan favorites. players come and go but the team is what matters.
February 18th, 2016 at 12:09 pm
I hope we can determine Murphy’s condition early enough to make the necessary decisions going forward…..I really like Murphy…..I think he is a solid #3,4 receiver…. you’ve got to have guys like this on the roster…..
I also think Jameis really likes throwing to him.
February 18th, 2016 at 12:29 pm
With all the miracles of modern sports medicine most any type of injury recovery is enhanced. That and willpower could bring Murphy back to competition.
February 18th, 2016 at 12:39 pm
Good luck L. Murphy… It would be great to see you return and contribute…
February 18th, 2016 at 1:09 pm
We need the fan favorite WR back on the field!!
February 18th, 2016 at 2:53 pm
i find it very entertaining that some fans are happier with nice guy fan favorite than a talented football player. nothing personal against murphy I am sure he is a wonderful guy that being said there is not 1 single poster on this site going to tell me that he is one of the top number 3 or 4 receivers in the league… so what’s the goal to win games or filed a team full of fan favorites. the same folks who are whining about losing are more attached to favorites than being objective and wanting the team to improve.
we can’t upgrade this guy he’s a leader,
we can’t cut this guy because we need his veteran leadership etc…
none of that wins games talent does. not even the biggest UF fan on this site can sell anyone that Murphy is a top receiver. he never finishing seasons and has started several seasons on the couch waiting for the phone to ring yet only the basement dweller buccaneers thought he could help them.
so what is it fan favorites or upgrades so we can win consistently.
February 18th, 2016 at 7:43 pm
I like Murphy, Id like to see him and kenny bell both tryout return duties
February 18th, 2016 at 7:50 pm
TMax. Pretty much my sentiments about players staying healthy.
Martin is a 2 year wonder and McCoy has been oft injured or hobbled for pretty much 3 seasons.
Durability matters.
BTW, if we keep drafting well I’m not opposed to keeping some vets if still they can help win games.
February 19th, 2016 at 12:06 am
I will be honest… He never stood out or meant a hill of beans to me… However he did show flashes of brilants and I for one am interested in seeing what this man wants to prove in his rehab… Is is nothing but good people from what I can gather and he knows better then anyone that Jamies is special… PERHAPS!!!! The Pride Of Tampa America’s QB Pro Bowler Famious Jamies WinSome Winston is motivating him to get back quick and raise his game even more!!! This is after all what Player like #3 DO…..
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO a follow up with Murphy and see if he and Jamies are talking and if so what is the conversation sounding like and how is that affecting the situation???
Please Joe Do It….
All your pro #3 work has me so intrigued… This sounds like a Jamies factor story waiting to be BROKENon “AMERICAS QUARTER”…….. IMHO…
Good news either way…. Would love to see this guy competing for a spot anytime… They gotta be pretty good to beat him out when healthy…..
February 19th, 2016 at 1:20 am
You should beg the Bucs to make those guys available. Joe would love to write a story about Jameis and Murphy. They have to get approval from the Bucs to speak.
February 19th, 2016 at 11:47 am
Oh… Well on such occasions I can make an exception for reading an OPINION article or TWO from JBF ;-P
Force their hand 🙂
Smoke them out of hiding… :-/
Or I could send a letter to Team Glazer or something (not gonna happen:-(… )
My money is on them reading JBF and them saying, “Dang them JBF boys really have their fingers on the pulse of the fans/CREW. LETS LET EL CAPIETONE speak on this topic/story!”
Nothing but good could come of it unless it’s a NON STORY which I tend to doubt…
(Hope about all the begging I got for Team Glazer)
February 19th, 2016 at 11:51 am
Hopefully they check their sources for PR. Thats about all the begging I got for Team Glazer.