Vincent Jackson Talks Koetter: “Probably The Best Thing For Jameis’ Career”
January 10th, 2016
Vincent Jackson talks Dirk Koetter
Joe already shared that injured wide receiver Vincent Jackson said he could have played this weekend, if the Bucs were in the playoffs.
Jackson was a guest on SiriusXM NFL Radio on Friday and, naturally, was asked whether he was surprised by Lovie Smith’s dismissal. He claimed the firing of Lovie and Greg Schiano both “were very shocking.” (Man, Joe coughed up his Hooters mahi salad on that one.)
“You know, you do kind of think it may be a longer term play there,” Jackson said of Lovie only getting two years to transform the Buccaneers. “But again, this is a win business. And so I understand Jason [Licht’s] side as far as, you know, there’s no reason that a guy can’t come in, you look at what Russell Wilson did and Andrew Luck did his rookie season, being able to come in and go deep into the playoffs as a young player. So I understand his notion. … We expect to win right now with the talent we have.”
On Dirk Koetter potentially being a hot candidate to become head coach, Jackson had plenty to say.
He called Koetter, “probably the best thing for Jameis’ career,” in terms of a Koetter being Jameis’ first NFL coordinator. Jackson raved about Koetter’s command and ability, as evidenced by the Bucs’ very balanced offense.
“Make you a better player each and every day. Teach you the game. And that’s what Dirk brings to our offense, man,” Koetter said. “It’s fun to play for him, man. He’s a fun guy. He’s a fun guy in the locker room. And he definitely has the respect of this team if that decision is made [to make Koetter head coach].”
Yes, there’s surely plenty of support for Koetter among the Bucs’ offensive players. Why wouldn’t there be?
Joe remains very intrigued by the words of benched tight end Brandon Myers. They supported Koetter and took a firm swipe at Lovie Smith.
January 10th, 2016 at 9:45 am
Not worried about Winston in the slightest. He’ll improve and become a true dominant factor, even if he’ll be forced to learn a new system, under a new OC.
January 10th, 2016 at 9:56 am
If they don’t pick Koetter, I sincerely hope it’s an offensive genius head coach like McCarthy or Payton. That way we don’t have a carousel of OCs for Winston. Anything less would be uncivilized.
January 10th, 2016 at 9:57 am
Sounds good and fair. I hope VJ finishes his contract as a buc (maybe cheaper though) since winning now is the goal.
January 10th, 2016 at 10:09 am
Really like Vjax….
January 10th, 2016 at 10:17 am
Noshing on Mahi at a fried yardbird joint and washing it down with a warm light beer?
Shocking and disgusting at once Joe!
Biff will stick to his chili dogs and Smiroff.
BTW, Koetter is the QB whisperer. The facts
January 10th, 2016 at 10:30 am
Koetter is a good OC…..maybe the best we’ve had….
He’s been good for Jameis….but Jameis doesn’t need Koetter or anyone else from this point….sure it helps…but like LVD, Jameis will be great no matter who the coach.
I’d certainly like Koetter to stay, either as OC or HC…..if we hire someone else over him, it would tell the NFL…..”the Bucs didn’t want him as OC, why should we”…..perhaps no one would offer him a HC position.
If the person we hire other than Koetter is a Defense oriented coach….I think Koetter would be content to ride it out as a Buc OC for a while.
January 10th, 2016 at 10:54 am
If the person we hire other than Koetter is a Defense oriented coach….I think Koetter would be content to ride it out as a Buc OC for a while.
That’s certainly a very solid thesis with the operative word of course being “IF”.
I think Rick Stroud’s article in this morning’s Times pretty much indicates the Glazers are all in with Licht. I feel very comfortable if this is true. Of all the people I’ve seen in the Bucs management since the Chucky era…Licht to me is head and shoulders above them. His resume is incredible..the people he has worked with are all WINNERS! He’s coming from a winning perspective not the losing culture he have to break up.
And so ownership…whatever you think of them good or bad is not going to change.
And so our hopes reside on two people right now…Todd Licht and #3.
I have confidence in both of them and so I’m a happy Buc fan this morning.
January 10th, 2016 at 11:55 am
I was watching the last 2 minutes of the Steelers/Bengals game last night and a Buccaneers game broke out.
January 10th, 2016 at 11:58 am
How about the “Chuckie” approach? Hire a top-notch defensive guru like Monte Kiffin and give him the defense while the HC (Koetter) runs the offense and develops the QB. Maybe its a long shot, and maybe a no shot, but doesn’t that suggest bringing Gruden back for another try, along with a defensive guy, if Koetter bolts? I think Koetter will in fact bolt if not given the HC job, or I am reading this whole episode entirely wrong. Why would the Bucs fire their HC and not give the new HC free reign to pick his own staff? And why would a proven OC like Koetter wait around to find out?
January 10th, 2016 at 12:07 pm
Most of us know Koetter will be the H.C next season. My opinion is the Glazers have to do what they are doing in order not to stain their image. Think about it we’ve already had several big name H.Cs turn the bucs down over the pass few years and a lot of this stem from the way they have handle firing their H.Cs and a lot of other thing..just see Gruden and Dungy. The Glazers know what they have in Koetter. You go out after some hot coordinator or big name coach they surely gonna blow up the team and staff again and it doesn’t mean that’s gonna be successful see C. Kelly one of our prime candidates earlier. It a no brainer Koetter is going to be the H.C. another thing is unless the Glazers got a lot more millions than we think that’s a lot of millions they paid guys that they fired with 2 years of contract left. Koetter is our guy and I think he is just trying to find the right D.C at this time
January 10th, 2016 at 12:09 pm
I’m sure the Glazers have their fingers on the pulse of Tampa Bay Bucs fans. No more mediocre coach’s are acceptable or the pitchforks will appear.
January 10th, 2016 at 12:30 pm
I strongly recommend everyone watching Marvin Lewis’ presser (painful)… was very “Lovieish”…….”disappointed….stating the obvious….someone ran over my dog”…One difference….he said at least 3 times… there anything else?….and it was only a 3 minute presser.
January 10th, 2016 at 1:07 pm
Agree TBBF it was very “Lovieish”
In addition I don’t have a lot of crocodile tears to shed for Marvin. The Bungles have a history of off field horrors under Marvin’s tenure. He would be the coach here that all those screaming for Incognito and Hardy would love!
If they can play put them on the field. PacMan Jones? Are you kidding. Is ANYBODY here surprised that PacMan Jones cost the Bungles the game?
I was watching the last 2 minutes of the Steelers/Bengals game last night and a Buccaneers game broke out.
OUCH! Funny but that hurts me! I grew up on the Ohio River right across from Cincinnati. I lived closer to the stadium than man Cincinnatians.
I rooted for them since their creation under Paul Brown until I moved to Tampa Bay in the late 90’s. My cousins still are rabid fans, one a season ticket holder for a couple of decades now.
And so it crushed me to see that indeed the Bungles did their Bucs imatation in the final two minutes.
WHOEVER the new HC is I wish he would keep some tape from last night’s game. EVERY meeting should open with video of this, I’d add clips of Evans boneheaded penalties…and of course Spence. Then I’d have a team discussion to see if they are aware of the implications.
January 10th, 2016 at 1:12 pm
Yes, Jameis is talented enough and smart enough to learn a new system if necessary. But, don’t diminish the value of a great system and playcalling.
A great QB without a great system and playcalling produces mediocre results at best.
Why risk that when we have a proven commodity in Koetter. That would be totally illogical and even stupid.
January 10th, 2016 at 2:28 pm
It really bkows my mind how many fans I have seen on here that really believe that it makes zero difference who the oc is that works with winston. You really think any oc can come in and he will have the same success growth and show the same improvement??????That has to be the absolute dumbest thing I have ever heard. If its not koetter I like the idea of bringing in todd haley but if they bring in some dc from carolina I will puke all over my jerseys
January 10th, 2016 at 3:35 pm
.sure it helps
Didn’t say it makes no difference…..
January 10th, 2016 at 5:20 pm
I bet we know who our next coach is by Tuesday.
January 11th, 2016 at 12:38 am
It makes zero difference who the OC is that works with Winston, depending on who we get. It might just be what Winston needs. His mechanics should be addressed to improve his accuracy. If he is truly on his way to the next level and be an elite QB, it is all about his throwing motion. Of course the offense likes Koetter, there was a lack of discipline from both Lovie and Dirk. We need a Coach/OC mentor to fix Winston’s accuracy, Mike Evans immaturity with officials and dropped passes, Austin Sepherian-Jenkins how to act and play like Jordan Reed, how to find accountability with George Warhop, the OL and the entire Offense on how to eliminate penalties. What will Dirk Koetter implement as a HC that he already had the opportunity to do?