“No Buttheads”
January 25th, 2016
Gerald McCoy and Jameis need help gang-tackling mediocrity
Late last season, America’s Quarterback, Jameis Winston, explained that he abruptly altered his leadership philosophy.
Joe couldn’t let that slide. Joe had to ask what prompted the change.
Jameis obliged and explained to Joe and assembled media that his uncle enlightened him. A great leader must create other leaders within the flock, Jameis said, and it was a new and applicable concept to him.
Enter the NFC champion Carolina Panthers.
Joe highly recommends this NFL.com piece by Albert Breer about the gang leadership within the Panthers’ locker room.
Here’s an excerpt:
“If somebody steps out of line, it’s not one person that stops them,” said [cornerback Josh] Norman. “Everybody stops them. It’s not just that one person, everyone gangs up on them — ‘Hey man, get your stuff together, because we’re trying do something big and we don’t need you to be out of line or none of that.’ This is a team, it’s more than one guy. It’s everyone together. And once everyone understood that, we haven’t had a problem. We don’t have any cancers, no buttheads around here. Everyone’s just having fun.”
Again, Joe recommends the entire piece.
It relates to the Bucs, given how Jameis needs more teammates with his mentality, approach and core desire. This isn’t just Joe pounding the keyboard. Dirk Koetter detailed this to Joe moments after he was hired.
January 25th, 2016 at 12:32 pm
LOL, and I’m sure Josh Norman was one of the LAST Panthers to subscribe to that mentality.
We’ll be in good shape as far as leaders go. Jameis and Kwon, for example, will see to that.
January 25th, 2016 at 12:36 pm
I love how the picture associated with this article is McCoy! Subtle?
January 25th, 2016 at 12:42 pm
it takes time to fill a locker room with guys who share a mindset, like you see with the better teams. however, when your head coach is also the Chief Butthead, the result will never be satisfactory
January 25th, 2016 at 12:43 pm
Get Norman in here to wear the C… We need a defensive voice as loud as jameis’ on the other side of the ball… I hope all bucs fans were watching the NFC playoffs and wondering who we had in key positions to be apart of the super bowl tournament in two years
January 25th, 2016 at 12:50 pm
Koetter needs to also hit them with fines for bonehead moves. Evans deserved a $100,000 fine for being thrown out of a game!!!
Hit their pocket book and watch the problem disappeared.
January 25th, 2016 at 12:52 pm
Reminds me of the “lost ASJ interview”
reporter:”How do you see your role with the Bucs?”
ASJ: “Aaa….hehheh…I’m gonna score on the field and then I’m gonna score with some hot chicks. Yeah…a hehheh…that’ll be cool. Then I’m gonna kick dudes a**es and stuff.”
Actually, all joking aside, this will be a test for the Koetter regime: Can they finally get ASJ to live up to his billing and stay on the field and not make childish penalties?
January 25th, 2016 at 12:59 pm
They need to remember they are getting paid to play this game.
Call me crazy but I wouldn’t mind replacing egotistical receivers or weak minded linebackers. Get more players like Jameis! He is earning his pay but that is not why he plays! Money should be a benefit of playing in the NFL not the reason to be an NFL player. Jameis deserves every penny he is getting paid and more.
January 25th, 2016 at 1:07 pm
^at least if a player plays for money hopefully he honors his integrity and earns his money.
January 25th, 2016 at 1:23 pm
I keep seeing people say that we need to bring in Josh Norman during free agency. Lets be honest people, the Panthers are going to bring him back and sign him to a contract, if not then will probably use Franchise tag on him.
I mean teams just don’t let go or get rid of the top players at their position…..
January 25th, 2016 at 1:40 pm
Josh Norman aint coming folks hes from Carolina as welll but another interesting name is Alshon Jeffrey. I think we can land him to go along side Mike Evans to take advantage of Winston’s deep ball strength and use Vjax for more in the middle of the field at this stage in his career.
January 25th, 2016 at 2:54 pm
Speaking of the Panthers, I’ve avoided all sports news since yesterday so I could watch the game today. I wanted them to win the game, simply because I would LOVE for the Panthers to get close to a ring and blow it in the Superbowl. Their fans deserve it. Only problem is, I don’t see how anyone can beat that team. I would love for Peyton to win one more ring, but dang…the Panthers are really good.
That said, I LOVE how Panthers players give TD footballs to kids in the stands. I think all NFL teams should do this. It creates a more family atmosphere, more fans will go to games, and those kids will likely be lifetime fans.
January 25th, 2016 at 2:55 pm
As to Jameis, he did great for his rookie year, but he still has a lot to prove.
January 25th, 2016 at 4:27 pm
Screw the carolina panties and all our rivals, this isn’t college ball where fans feel like they get a piece of the trophy if their conference wins. Ala all those SEC fans out there lol.
January 25th, 2016 at 5:27 pm
Remember when #3 arrived lots of folks…both on the team and in the media were saying he’s only a rookie so he needs to wait until he goes the “leadership” route. #3 paid his dues in a hurry and by the end of the season the wait was over.
Kwon…unlike #3..was a surprise starter…not even certain to make the team as a 4th round pick…nothing like the top pick in the draft who can bring some swag with him as the result of that pick.
My point is that Kwon actually did have to start as a lowly 4th round ROOKIE.
He had GMC and LVD already on the team. He HAD to wait before opening his mouth. This season I’m hopeful the restraints are pulled off and some of Kwon’s energy can be directed to firing up the rest of the guys.
January 25th, 2016 at 10:02 pm
I like McCoy and am typically quick to defend him on JBF. One thing does bother me though. A leader emerges and quickly captivates his audience of followers. He commands respect without demanding it. McCoy seems to have self-titled himself the leader of the defense. I don’t see the signs of a deep respect for his style on that side of the ball. It’s nothing against him but we really could use a leader like Winston on the defense. Winston leads by example and every trait of JW’s embodies leader. He didn’t self-proclaim himself leader, the rest of the team did. Big difference between he and McCoy for that reason. Perhaps Kwon is that guy on the defense. We shall see.
In summary, what you heard from Josh Norman in Joe’s story above is a guy that is part of a team that demands accountability. That’s what Championship teams are all about. Think about it. Do you think Sapp, Lynch and Barber were going to let one of their guys on defense half-step? I think not. We haven’t had team accountability on this team for far too long. It’s one thing for a coach to practice it and try to put players on this team in a position to execute it but it’s at a whole different level when everyone DEMANDS it.
January 26th, 2016 at 12:00 am
JW is a natural born leader.
January 26th, 2016 at 1:00 am
I feel like McCoy leads the mediocrity train.
January 26th, 2016 at 2:47 pm
In madden I snagged Aaron Gordon and Tavon Austin to to along w ME. Two superbowls so far…