Lovie Got The Chucky Treatment
January 7th, 2016
“I feel your pain, Lovie.”
It is almost folklore around these parts how Chucky got fired by Team Glazer in January 2009.
After a Friday afternoon postseason meeting with Team Glazer, rumored to be a tense meeting, Chucky left One Buc Palace to take his wife to a local neighborhood eatery for pizza. While munching, Chucky got a phone call.
Chucky was no longer coaching the Bucs.
Per the fingers of the creator, curator and overall guru of Pro Football Talk, the great Mike Florio, Lovie got the boot the same way, though it is not clear if Lovie was out dining when he received theĀ dreaded phone call.
The reason the Bucs fired Smith over the phone may be that they were trying to act quickly in an effort to keep offensive coordinator Dirk Koetter. The Bucs reportedly want to retain Koetter and are now planning to promote him to head coach, and they were concerned the franchise could lose him entirely when the Dolphins reached out to ask for permission to interview Koetter for the head-coaching vacancy in Miami.
First off, those that are outraged by this need to get a life. People every day lose their jobs by phone call, by e-mail or by text even. That’s life. And these same people rarely will be paid a $5 million parachute for each for the next two years to watch football in their basement.
There is no good way to get fired, or to fire anyone. Getting paid lottery money not to work ought to soothe anyone’s bruised ego.
January 7th, 2016 at 10:18 am
I think there are enough anecdotes out there to establish that the Glazers aren’t exactly people persons.
January 7th, 2016 at 10:18 am
Pay me $5M to not work? Fire me by skywriter for all I care.
January 7th, 2016 at 10:22 am
I also read the 49ers were blowing up Lichts phone wanting a shot at Keotter. Glazers made the right choice, Dirk is our guy. I would also like Mike Smith or Jim Schwartz as our next defensive Coordinator, what Schwartz did with the bills defense 2 years ago was phenomenal. Only reason he was let go was Rex Ryan wanted to run a 3-4, the bills defense got worse with Ryan.
January 7th, 2016 at 10:29 am
Lovie’s house out here in the ‘burbs doesn’t have a basement….maybe he can join us at Glory Days on Sundays……
January 7th, 2016 at 10:38 am
Bucs have been in existence for 40 seasons now and we’ve won a total of 241 regular season games … an impressive average of 6 games won per year. Wow.
There’ve been 2 constants in those 40 years: Hugh Culverhouse owned the franchise for 20 years, and the Glazers have owned it for 20 years now. Together they burned through 10 HCs and Lord knows how many players.
Someday maybe writers and fans will figure out what’s wrong with this picture.
January 7th, 2016 at 11:46 am
8-24. Simple as that.
January 7th, 2016 at 11:53 am
You are correct Defense Rules. Other than before the head Elf’s death, we have been cursed with lousy ownership. Hugh Culverhouse (shudder, anybody remember Phil Krueger) lead some of the darkest, nonchalant, money grubbing, days of our beloved franchise.
The baby elfs were handed (willed) our beloved team and we will be stuck with them for the rest of our life times. Nobody would ever sell a guaranteed cash cow. That’s not what a smart business man does.
January 7th, 2016 at 12:25 pm
That’s the problem with MF’s on this site. Getting all hurt and $hit.
January 7th, 2016 at 12:52 pm
Reports coming in that the Glaser boys called Lovie last night setting up a meeting this morning – that Lovie said “no” to – and got canned on the spot.
January 7th, 2016 at 1:00 pm
January 7th, 2016 at 3:08 pm
“SUPERBOWEL” SMH… don’t even need to comment on the stupidity of this post.
January 7th, 2016 at 5:26 pm
Lovie didn’t get canned with Upchucky’s platinum parachute. I have said this cos it’s a fact: this team belongs to its fans. They raised the original $40M franchise fee back in 1975. The NFL ownership flipped–no way, were they going to allow another Green Bay Packer SOCIALIST ownership in their beloved F####up club. So, they scared up Culverhouse, a white collar crook under extreme heat down in So. Florida. He came up here gratefully, the cabal cut the franchise fee to $20M and gave a-hole Culverhouse the team. This is actual fact; not CT. Go look it up. We’re lucky to win a SB.
January 7th, 2016 at 6:13 pm
Carolina will rule our division for quite some time to come. I hope Lovie haters get their wish for Koetter as HC. So they can see, he too is no instant winner. It takes time to build a team people. As, you will see. I just feel sorry for real Buc Fans. Tampa is now the Cleveland Browns of the South. I also hope Lovie Smith gets another HC job and comes back to haunt Tampa. He was on track. But the Glazers say win now. And that’s not gonna happen regardless of who we bring in. Look for another 2 straight sub par, bellow 500 seasons fellow Buc fans. The upside though is, we will get some high draft picks.
January 7th, 2016 at 6:27 pm
Now that was an interesting take!!!
no way, were they going to allow another Green Bay Packer SOCIALIST ownership
Exactly!!! And why? Because the SOCIALIST team owned by the fans continually embarrasses the filthy rich greedy private owners!!!
When I was participating the battle around Stu Sternberg’s grab of St. Pete’s waterfront and doing research on stadiums…guess what…
Stu’s chosen boy Michael Kalt brought the Yankees stadium in at 30% over budget!!! The Packers totally redid Lambeau a few years back and among ALL the stadia construction or major redos the SOCIALIST Packers were the ONLY team to ever come in just under budget!
January 7th, 2016 at 10:44 pm
I agree the fans should own the Bucs.