John Lynch Gets Reflective

January 23rd, 2016
john lynch 5

Bucs icon John Lynch talks about relationships he built while playing for the Bucs.

To know allĀ about how much of a class act former Bucs great John Lynch is, you only need to watch a video of his interview yesterday afternoon with Paul Ryan of WFLA-TV Channel 8.

Lynch reflects on his Tampa Bay days and mostly talks about relationships with people and what the city of Tampa means to his family. Of course, when Ryan brings up winning the Super Bowl, Lynch nearly became emotional.

Like Bucs co-chairman Bryan Glazer said yesterday while making the announcement, this was an easy pick.

9 Responses to “John Lynch Gets Reflective”

  1. Buc1987 Says:

    I still get emotional over that Super Bowl. So I feel ya John.

  2. Buc1987 Says:

    Hey Joe I found the hit on Barry Sanders.

  3. Dave Pear Says:

    Great video. Ahh, the good old days when the refs didn’t throw a flag for a big hit.
    That Chicago Bear tight end that Lynch leveled in that one hit was his brother in law.
    If I remember correctly his wife didn’t talk to him for two weeks after that game.
    Damn I miss John Lynch.

  4. StPeteBucsFan Says:

    Yeah great video but I can’t help but wonder how we’re going to feel if in ten years John is like Jim McMahon. Scary stuff.

  5. LargoBuc Says:

    Im all for rules trying to stop players from using the crown of their helmet to hit ppl. But imho, the defensless receiver crap is just that. Back in the day, receivers had to have a certain toughness to go across the field, knowing safeties like Lynch werent going to give them an easy catch. Now its like any receiver with a decent .40 can shred a defense without repercussion. The game isnt all about offense. Receivers know what theyre signing up for, and as long as its not a helmet to hrlmet, I see no foul in laying out a receiver in centerfield. Everyother position gets rocked, why should receivers grt off the hook? I dont think its got so much to do with injury as it is appealing to a generation of fan with short attention spans that need instant gratification aka microwave fans that just want offense offense and more offense. It really irks me, as a child I grew up watching the Bucs of the mid 90’s early 00’s where defense was our pride and joy. Watching other good defenses of that era like Baltimore, Philly, Pitt, Carolina, Dynasty New England with guys like Richard Seymour, Ted Bruschi, Willie Mcginest, Ty Law Rodney Harrison. As much spotlight as Brady got, he dosent get those first three rings without those guys and that underrated defense. I like offense, but it shouldnt come at the expense of hard hitting defense. In the end it all comes down to one factor, $$$

  6. StPeteBucsFan Says:


    There should be a compromise somewhere…if the tackler targets the mid section and gets a really clean shot he can really put the receiver in some genuine misery. If you’ve ever had the wind knocked out of you, you know what I mean, you feel like you are dying. The good news is that you don’t die of course and the worst case scenario are some bad ribs…nothing season ending or career ending and nothing that shows up when you’re over 50 and have no functional brain.

    I remember Bill Bergey getting a great shot in on Terry Bradshaw at the old Riverfront stadium..shoulder right in the bread basket…Bradshaw immediately staggered to the sideline and bent over and puked….the partisan Bengal crowd roared in approval.

  7. Destinjohnny Says:

    Can u believe gruden/allen cut him??????
    Man games are won in the personnel dept
    This is why you need to have a stronger personal dept then coaching staff.

  8. Dave Says:


    It sucked. Wish lynch and Sapp stayed around 5 more years but remember the situation.
    Lynch just has his neck fused back together. He could not cover that great, was just a center fielder in a zone who hit and they were fairly sure he couldn’t hit anymore like he used to because of the neck.
    I didn’t like it, but it was time to move on. Hindsight shows it wasn’t.
    Sapp, on the other hand, was a mistake. He was in his prime still. Granted he got revitalized in Oaklsnd due to coaching ( he gives them credit) but he should not have been let go.
    Oh well, hindsight.
    It seemed like they were set to be SB contender for a few years, instead it all blew up. Damn that sucked.

  9. Buc1987 Says:

    Yes let’s wussify more sports. I don’t want to use that L word that some of you hate, but that’s WHAT it is.

    What’s next L-words? Baseball? Are the baseballs too hard when a player gets hit with one so they should switch to softballs?

    Dodgeball was banned in elementary schools…..yes from those L-words.