“I Get Way Too Much Credit”
January 19th, 2016
Photo courtesy of Tampa Bay Buccaneers
So who is responsible for the dramatic rise of America’s Quarterback, Jameis Winston?
Joe has given loads of credit to bounced head coach Lovie Smith. Lovie could have screwed up Jamies nine different ways, but Lovie played his hand perfectly. Trust Joe, loads of head coaches would have gotten less out of Jameis, or hurt his career.
New Bucs head coach Dirk Koetter has no interest in taking credit for Jameis. Young Jameis arrived NFL-ready, Koetter explained to Dave Wirth of WTSP-TV, Ch. 10.
“Let me just say this about Jameis: Jameis has been well coached, long before I ever met him, going back to when his dad used to coach him when he was a little kid, and Jimbo Fisher at Florida State,” Koetter said.
“I get way too much credit for coaching Jameis. Jameis was a heck of a football player. I was fortunate to be the one coaching him this year. And we got a lot of great help from our quarterbacks coach Mike Bajakian, which is going to continue. So don’t give coaching too much credit.”
It’s a humble call there by Koetter, but it’s a little silly.
Koetter did a great job with Jameis. In fact, Koetter spoke in preseason how he would use his experience in the Blaine Gabbert disaster he helped oversee in Jacksonville to guide Jameis.
So coaching does have a huge impact. It’s why Lovie was fired, and Koetter replaced him.
January 19th, 2016 at 12:38 pm
When I saw Ben McAdoo interviewed right after getting the Giant’s HC gig I was impressed by his demeanor. He seemed comfortable in his skin.
I get the same feeling with Koetter. He’s focused bigtime! It’s not about him.
As he told Big Dog when asked if finally getting one of those 32 NFL HC was the culmination of a life long dream…he answered so quickly he virtually cut off the Big Dog….”No he said, winning the Super Bowl would be the culmination of a lifelong dream!”
January 19th, 2016 at 12:40 pm
He is a great coach and a humble man…that’s an awesome combination!
January 19th, 2016 at 12:41 pm
Koetter has a long track record of coaching-up QBs…..I’m sure he didn’t stop with Ryan….and, that’s a very good thing for us and Jameis….the very least we will get from Koetter is a couple of more years with Jameis….and the most….sky is the limit!!!
January 19th, 2016 at 12:50 pm
Koetter may indeed be a great QB coach. Now he has to prove he can be a great head coach. All of this infatuation with him thinking he is this and that..we shall see. The clock is ticking Mr. Koetter. The honeymoon will soon be over. Perform or join your comrades Schiano and Lovie on the new upcoming Tampa Bay fishing show. I….shall have no mercy in my comments. And Just..tus..for all baby!
January 19th, 2016 at 1:00 pm
You sound like you’re hoping Koetter and the Bucs fail so you can say, “Look at me. I was right.”
January 19th, 2016 at 1:03 pm
Well it was pretty obvious that Jameis did need some coaching after the bad start vs. the Titans.
Hanging in there with him and getting the talent to come out a the pro level took good coaching.
I feel he was given that by both Lovie and Dirk. Nobody wants to give Lovie credit but Jameis has discussed the meetings they had and how Lovie helped.
Deserved to be fired, but to give the man zero credit for Jameis is silly IMO.
I feel every buc fan owes lovie a debt of gratitude regarding Jameis.
Kind of like the deserved appreciation for Wyche for Brooks, Sapp, etc.
January 19th, 2016 at 1:07 pm
I think the some of the media in Tampa really have hurt the Bucs over the years. Big Log used to cry and cry about how much he hated Gruden. He also loathed Schiano, but he loved Raheem and Lovie. (For the record he also despised Jim Leavitt).
This kind of childish, media-1st, look-at-me stufff has to stop.
So many ankle-biters it boggles the mind and sadly many of them hold bully pulpit positions. Howard says please back the **** off. You’re really really hurting the Bucs and enabling the revolving door of coaches. I understand that your livelihood revolves around controversy but your undermining the local teams that you’re supposed to be supporting.
January 19th, 2016 at 1:07 pm
I have a gut feeling this is the right man for Tampa…last year was a disaster.Gregor shiano was a better coach than ugly lovie dovie.
January 19th, 2016 at 1:11 pm
Watch out Koetter. Lots and lots of angkle-biters masquerading as fans that want you and the Bucs to fail.
January 19th, 2016 at 1:17 pm
Honestly, this is why Howard loves JBF so much. Joe(s) is very real and he’s a real fan who puts the team (not his own ego-centric opinions) first. People accuse Joe of trying to drive clicks. I disagree. Joe is a man of the people with a very down-to-Earth attitude towards his favorite team. You’ll never see Joe driving a politically correct agenda ahead of supporting his team. Maybe it’s because Joe isn’t associated with a huge media conglomerate. In Big Logs defense, I’m sure he has to stay in line with Clear Channel’s corporate agenda.
January 19th, 2016 at 1:18 pm
SAy Mr.Cosell…I’m not hoping Koetter fails. I just believe in grandma’s advice of, All that glitters is not gold. I’ve been a fan since I was 15 and attended games with my pops during those 1-15 seasons. We Bucs just seem to not want to build with one coach. We fire them like House of pancakes comin off the grill. All playoff teams have stuck with there coaches thru thick and thin.But us? we want that instant winner. Been around long enough to know that ain’t happening. And our new DC snith? We could have done much much better. Just take a look at his defenses in Atlanta. I//will continue to be critical of my Bucs until we win or Joe..censors me. Koetter gets 2 yrs just like the rest of’em After all. we have established that pattern
January 19th, 2016 at 1:27 pm
Hell yeah! Winston for HC / OC / QB 😉
Seriously though I think Koetter/Winston is a good combo. I loved his play calling outside of how we attacked the red zone at times. Gotta score more points with moving the ball that much and he seemed to admit that much in most his pressers. But he had a great feel for generating a big play when needed.
Joe I know you don’t typically like links but my band just put this video out recently and was hoping you’d let me share – it’s from our first studio album set to release this year.
January 19th, 2016 at 1:30 pm
” Just take a look at his defenses in Atlanta.”
The ones that were top 15 in points allowed on average over his 7 years there?
We haven’t come close to a performance like that in years. Mike Smith’s worst years of defense in Atlanta were still as good as Lovie this last year; and that was without players like McCoy/David/Kwon/etc on those Atlanta squads.
January 19th, 2016 at 1:34 pm
The honeymoon will soon be over. Perform or join your comrades Schiano and Lovie on the new upcoming Tampa Bay fishing show. I….shall have no mercy in my comments. And Just..tus..for all baby!
I really hope you are the exception and not the rule. We need winning attitudes/outlook from both fans and players. Your comment was neither. Oh brother…
January 19th, 2016 at 1:39 pm
Newbucfan…I’ve earned the right to say what I want about my Bucs. I’ve sat thru many losing seasons at Ray-Jay. Unless Joe tells me to stop and not be the..alter ego to you…Ohh what a nice coaching staff guys? I will continue to be critical of my Bucs…period. Winning attitudes aye? Tell that to the coaches who were trying to build and fired after 2yrs! I shall..have no mercy in my comment. And Just..tus..for all baby!
January 19th, 2016 at 1:40 pm
I actually don’t think its silly Joe. I think Koetter was handed the keys to a brand new high performance sports car, and all he had to do is release the clutch at the right time, and the car would do what it does… perform. Jameis was the man from day one. Lovie and Koetter deserve credit for not ruining Jameis, but Jameis was ready to play pro ball the day mini camp started.
January 19th, 2016 at 1:41 pm
Why? Why? It’s pretty clear the posters who liked Lovie are now giving a Koetter a short leash. Why are you holding a grudge? Why do you take it so personally?
Are you a Bucs fan? Let it go, and stop being so resentful.
ROOT for Koetter wholeheartedly. Just as much as you did Lovie. It’s not about you.
January 19th, 2016 at 1:43 pm
Ok. Can we outline the 9 different ways Lovie could have ruined Winston?
Here’s what they did do.
1) fed him tons and tons of information at once. Even failing to overload the young man.
2) started him from day 1
3) told Jameis not to be a leader, and concentrate on being himself and the best football player he can be.
I really don’t see Lovie doing much of anything else to guide him. And on the flip side of what was done…
1) could have moved him along slower… Not sure how that would make him worse in the long run, but ok. I’ll give you that feeding him day and night made him better.
2) could have started Glennon and let Winston ride the pine. Not sure how that would have ruined Winston’s career. But again, it was the right decision.
3) they should have told him to himself from day 1. Everyone tried to oppress who Jameis is at his core. But as we all saw, you can’t keep a leader like Winston from being who he is. Lovie screwed up on this point.
If anyone has another point to add please let me know. Because i can’t figure out how Lovie could have ruined Winston.
January 19th, 2016 at 1:44 pm
How many times do people have to tell you that Mike Smith was the HC, not the DC in Atlanta?
Why don’t you look at the defenses he had with the Jags when he was actually the DC, or with the Ravens where he coached at several position on defense, and see how they ranked? Then you will stop looking like a fool.
January 19th, 2016 at 1:45 pm
I’m rooting for..Win By any means necessary. Tired of my Bucs dishing coaches every 2 yrs looking for that..special savior. There is none. You have to build a team. Mr. Koetter is now on his..2 yr leash. After all, its the BUC way.
January 19th, 2016 at 1:47 pm
Unbelievable..I’m just saying..These guys did not win a superbowl in Atlanta. What makes us think they can do it here with our Tampa Bay Falconeers?
January 19th, 2016 at 1:55 pm
Im really digging that tune lord Cornelius! Consider me a fan. Would definietly like to hear more of what you guys got.
January 19th, 2016 at 2:03 pm
I agree that a revolving door in any business is bad. I was OK with giving Lovie another year UNLESS it meant losing Koetter. I agree with some of the commenters that Lovie’s handling of the messiah is a bit over-glorified by the Joes. Winston is Winston. Trubucfan22 put it quite eloquently above.
I guess there’s validity in wanting results immediately and I think that’s what your point is. Just don’t do like S.A.S., and to a lesser degree Big Log, and root for Koetter and the Bucs to fail out of the gate. Then you’re not a fan, you’re just an ankle-biting d*ckhead.
January 19th, 2016 at 2:09 pm
Hey Mike Johnson, if your grandma and mine were from the same generation, I bet she had another saying: “If you do not have anything nice to say then do not say anything!” (Sorry man, couldn’t resist.)
January 19th, 2016 at 2:15 pm
“These guys did not win a superbowl in Atlanta. What makes us think they can do it here with our Tampa Bay Falconeers?”
Yea like how could New England hire Billicheat after the Browns? How could ST Louis hire Vermil? He couldn’t get it done in Philadelphia. Why did New York give Coughlin a hire after Jacksonville? Same there he couldn’t get it done. The list goes on.
January 19th, 2016 at 2:18 pm
If you don’t have anything nice to say then…….tweet that $h!t.
January 19th, 2016 at 2:21 pm
I will continue to be the..alter-ego to you..How great a group of new coaches we have put together guys. They have not done anything yet but stand before the camera and given us pretty smiles. Somebody has got to do it. Besides all of the perfume you guys are heaping onto this new crew is not justified…yet.
I’m tired of changing coaches every 2 yrs and I’m tired of losing..period.
January 19th, 2016 at 2:29 pm
“Mike Johnson Says:
January 19th, 2016 at 2:21 pm
I’m tired of changing coaches every 2 yrs and I’m tired of losing..period.”
“Mike Johnson Says:
September 14th, 2015 at 6:13 pm
If Love Can’t do any better than this, we are up for the @1 pick again next year. I say give Schiano 2 new fishing buddies.They can all sit on TB bridge and talk about..coudda, woulda, and Shoudda!!”
Change your mind?
January 19th, 2016 at 2:37 pm
Lol….busted troll is busted
January 19th, 2016 at 2:38 pm
You can’t blame Koetter for Blaine Gabbert. The kid just doesn’t have what it takes. No amount of coaching can help if the QB doesn’t have it between the ears.
January 19th, 2016 at 2:41 pm
Even with the “Real American” at QB Koetter STILL had a good offense.
January 19th, 2016 at 2:43 pm
“Im really digging that tune lord Cornelius! Consider me a fan. Would definietly like to hear more of what you guys got.”
Thanks man! Looks like Joe already took the link down (thought I’d be good for just 1 link in all my posting oh well)
If you want the song for free you can find it on our band camp profile and get it by signing up with our email list (just look for a band called Too Many Humans on facebook as our page will have links and stuff). We are launching a pledge music campaign in an attempt to stop going broke making this album by taking pre-orders. More material releases to follow! Go Bucs!
January 19th, 2016 at 2:56 pm
Mike Johnson…
So its safe to say:
You are a big lovie fan even though his team went 0-8 at home in 2014 and 0-4 to end the most current season.
You like coaches with long tenure even though it doesnt exist in the NFL but rarely.
You dont like smiles or glittery gold b-c of grandma.
You like the song Dreamweaver and climbed aboard the DW train……..because you are living in fantasy most of the time.
January 19th, 2016 at 2:59 pm
I can understand why the Lovie supporters are still a bit prickly, regretfully I was in their shoes when Schiano got axed (what can I say, I genuinely liked him as a coach from his days at Rutgers as well as the Tampa stint). At some point though we come to grips with reality and move forward as Bucs fans supporting the new guy IF his performance warrants it. I was not a fan of the Winston pick, but by week 4 or 5 I came around and saw the light (licht?) because his performance on and off the field put my doubts to rest. I think we all need to give Koetter and his staff a fair shot to prove he is the right guy for the job without preconceived notions. Jameis showed me that (and I am a big fan of Glennon’s yet have no reservations about Winston being the guy I want starting at QB)
January 19th, 2016 at 3:17 pm
LWD…doing my job for me while I’ve been absent…
It’s fun isn’t it?
January 19th, 2016 at 3:18 pm
Perhaps fans we assume are bent up over Lovie Smith actually have a more important underling feeling of distain towards our owners and the mistake hire after mistake hire they have been making on two year intervals, for the past decade.
January 19th, 2016 at 3:26 pm
if you’re trying to figure out how much credit koetter should get for JW’s rookie performance, just try to imagine the poor kid being stuck with Marcus Arroyo as a coach & playcaller. there were a lot of ways this could have gone sideways, koetter’s presence had to have made a difference
January 19th, 2016 at 3:26 pm
“It’s a humble call there by Koetter, but it’s a little silly.”
No matter how many people tell Joe that Jameis was great before he became a Buc, Joe will still say he was “handled” properly. Instead of just admitting his opinion was wrong in the first place. Sorry Joe, but that’s just my opinion as well.
Jameis Winston didn’t NEED any handlers…what’s silly is some fans thought he did and still does. That’s what’s silly.
Jameis Winston is SO good that he’d make any OC look good. IMO
January 19th, 2016 at 3:31 pm
You might be wrong, And on another note. Peyton Manning would have been a nobody, but thanks to the expert nurturing and handling by Jim Mora, Peyton was allowed to become a great player!!!!!
January 19th, 2016 at 3:53 pm
Want to impress us old heads? Start winning and get to the playoffs. Until then..Golden Boy Koetter and his Falconeer staff are just fodder for the cameras. Show me. Show us tired, disgruntled, no faith..for ions, Fans.
WIN. I’m not on this Koetter express honeymoon trip. If you win, I’ll be the 1st to heap praises. Till then…you’re just a hired gun in the planning stages.
January 19th, 2016 at 3:56 pm
Jameis Winston is the greatest quarterback of all time
January 19th, 2016 at 4:07 pm
When Winston talks Chuck Norris listens.
January 19th, 2016 at 4:09 pm
Realist…what? Me wrong?
I’ll never admit it.
January 19th, 2016 at 4:17 pm
Sorry, but if we had the same OC last year as 2014, no way does Winston throw for 4000yds or make Arroyo look good.
January 19th, 2016 at 4:36 pm
@Lord C
First you can probably tell but you are one of my favorite posters. Very literate and with accurate facts and no hyperbole or simple takes.
So I’m sorry I missed your link. I don’t do Facebook anymore…too many people from the past…jilted ladies were contacting me…LMAO
So I went to youtube and typed in Too Many Humans. I found several songs there and went to the “official video” for Josephus.
If that’s you guys your music is as good as your posting! Really like that song!
But then I’m always a sucker for music where instruments come in individually and you get to see the artists “build” their song layer after layer.
Are you guys in Denver or around here. I’d come out to see you guys perform.
Perhaps you can negotiate with Joe and see if he’ll give you a deal on a banner to link to your stuff.
If that’s you rock on man…and this is from a 68 year old dude who was a rock and roll morning personality back in the 70’s before moving to sports.
January 19th, 2016 at 4:38 pm
OAR…sorry but Arroyo doesn’t count. He was never an OC in his life…that was until he met Lovely Smith.
January 19th, 2016 at 4:54 pm
@lord c
do you need a horn section?? Cause I remember OneLove saying that he played a mean trombone!! it must have been a while ago as he mentioned it was rusty!!
Back to football, I do think that JW3 could throw for 4000 with Arroyo!!! There would just have been more blowouts and garbage time!!!
January 19th, 2016 at 5:01 pm
The Buc Realist Says:
January 19th, 2016 at 4:54 pm
@lord c
do you need a horn section?? Cause I remember OneLove saying that he played a mean trombone!! it must have been a while ago as he mentioned it was rusty!!
January 19th, 2016 at 5:08 pm
I fully agree with Dirk on this one he does get way too much credit for JW it is refreshing to hear him to say that which by the way does not depart from his straight talking persona.
January 19th, 2016 at 5:10 pm
Winning and success begets winning and success!!! It’s not an absolute but when it happens over several moves you just gotta pay attention.
Let’s put Dirk Koetter’s record into some real perspective with some facts here.
Koetter was the OC for Oregon under coach Mike Bellotti. Does Oregon have a good reputation for Offense? Yes this was before Chip Kelly but Belotti was not chopped liver. And so Koetter worked for a coach who…Bellotti is the winningest coach in Oregon football history and is credited with building the program into a major football power. He was elected to the College Football Hall of Fame in 2014. My source is Wikipedia.
Fast forward to Boise State…Houston Nutt was brought in to coach Boise State in 1997. He was brought in to recruit and build the program because in ’97 BSU made the jump from 1AA to 1A and they thought Nutt was the guy.
He went 5-6 that first year in 1A…not bad..in fact good enough for Arkansas too hire him away.
Enter Dirk Koetter. He joined Boise State for their 2nd year in 1A.
He went 6-5 in his first year and then Koetter went 10-3 and 10-2 winning consecutive bowl games in just the 3rd and 4th year BSU was even in 1A.
To properly recognize the magnificence of Boise State football at Koetter’s departure, one must understand the state of the program upon his arrival. Two years removed from BSU’s induction into the Division-I ranks, one year after a Bronco Stadium renovation produced 7,400 additional seats and earned the right to host the annual Humanitarian Bowl, the Broncos were coming off their fourth losing season in six years and their second in a row.
ASU hired him away. He was the first coach in 20 years to win consecutive bowl game at ASU. He was fired after the 6th season…somewhat surprising but the reason given was that he couldn’t beat the Pac12 powerhouses. DUH when has ASU EVER consistently beaten the top ten powerhouses.
Some want to make a big deal that one of his players went wack and murdered another player. A terrible tragedy for sure but indicative of the entire program.
Here is what ASU posted about Koetter when the reupped his contract after 5yrs.
Koetter’s retention rate is 80-percent, which is above the Pacific-10 Conference (75-percent) and national (71-percent) rates. 98-percent of all of Koetter’s recruits have qualified academically (111 of 113) and in 2004 ASU and Stanford were the only two football programs in the Pac-10 and two of only a handful nationwide that had all returning players and all incoming recruited players eligible to enroll and compete. In fact, 72-percent of all ASU scholarship football student-athletes who have played for Koetter and staff have either graduated or are currently enrolled.
Koetter is a winner. He has incredible character and he has a solid record throughout his career…in fact at time spectacular at BSU and his work with QB’s at ASU.
Don’t worry about Koetter.
Now some of you guys can do this kind of leg work on Mike Smith. I would love to know how his defenses at JAX compared to Lovie’s D’s.
January 19th, 2016 at 5:11 pm
Haha thanks guys and yeah that’s us St Pete! We play in Denver but I am originally from Tampa. recruiting bass players right now to start gigging again. Our next single is more funk/pop but still has heavy guitar riffs. I actually may look into banner thing lol just don’t have much $$$ right now
January 19th, 2016 at 5:37 pm
@StPeteBucsFan … ‘Koetter is a winner. He has incredible character and he has a solid record throughout his career.’
Excellent write-up on Dirk Koetter StPete. Thanks. Everything I read about him makes me more and more enthusiastic about this upcoming season.
January 19th, 2016 at 5:38 pm
“I get way too much credit”
Haha – says the new HC AFTER he was hired. Bet he sang a different tune during the interview.
“Correct Mr. Glazers… it was ALL me.”
January 19th, 2016 at 5:47 pm
I just read Gurley is the rookie of the year? Hot M#5&%^ F*@*(!% garbage. Bucs robbed again. Feel horrible for Winston. I know this will only drive him to be that much better so in the long run we are going to think these fools for robbing us.
January 19th, 2016 at 5:47 pm
Koetter looks and sounds like a football coach, and now he’s already being a fantastic leader by rightfully spreading the credit for Winston’s success around to those who truly deserve to share in the glory. It sounds like the Bucs are getting the real deal and I’m excited to see what happens in 2016 and beyond.
January 19th, 2016 at 6:32 pm
St Pete…….All those fact tell a nice story and are commendable………. Just remember, none of this gives any evidence that he will succeed as a HC. Koetter will have to prove that. I’ll be rooting for him. GO BUCS!!!!!!
January 19th, 2016 at 6:34 pm
I meant to write NFL HC in the last comment.
January 19th, 2016 at 6:51 pm
Lord Cornelius,
I’m late to the party but I just took SPBF advice and went to You Tube.
Great video! Great song! And great drummer!
January 19th, 2016 at 7:33 pm
none of this gives any evidence that he will succeed as a HC. Koetter will have to prove that. I’ll be rooting for him. GO BUCS!!!!!!
Boy that is true Buccanneer. Don’t need to clean out the trophy case for another Lombardi trophy…yet.
But there is cause for optimism because it’s been said..and I agree….that the greatest predictor of success is past success. No guaranted but the best predictor we can have.
January 19th, 2016 at 8:53 pm
Oh, no way St Pete. I couldn’t disagree more. During the off season I clean my trophy case on a weekly basis. In fact, I’m currently installing a 15 watt light at the top of mine.
Sure its more of a hope with this franchise rather then confidence. Not make it any less fun though.
January 19th, 2016 at 9:40 pm
I posted this before but everyone hasn’t read it….so excuse me if you have.
My most favorite moment from last year was actually after an incompleted pass.
It was the pass in the Eagles game to Humphries which would have been a sixth touchdown pass by Jameis Rookie Record..(holding penalty…also)….but, I realized right then when I said to myself…..”My God….that is our Quarterback”!!!
Just think about that and “Find the Joy”
January 19th, 2016 at 9:58 pm
Mike Johnson Says:
January 19th, 2016 at 1:18 pm
SAy Mr.Cosell…I’m not hoping Koetter fails. I just believe in grandma’s advice of, All that glitters is not gold. I’ve been a fan since I was 15 and attended games with my pops during those 1-15 seasons.
Bucs have never gone 1-15
January 19th, 2016 at 10:17 pm
Im happy with everytjing that has happened. Koetter deserved a ton of credit. Glad lovie got fired glad koetter was hired. I kinda have the feeling the players are going to tune koetter out in the early stages becasue of theyre loyalty to lovie….but I think koetter will eventually win over both fans and players. Cant wait to watch this team play next season. Cant wait to see what de they draft.
January 19th, 2016 at 11:20 pm
Does anyone actually read anyone else’s posts on this site?
January 19th, 2016 at 11:31 pm
Is their any way we can fire Howard Cosell from commenting?!?! Every time you comment I just want to throw up
January 19th, 2016 at 11:40 pm
@ Trubucfan22
Where do you get your false information from a crackerjack box? It was GMC that was telling Jameis to not be a leader and just be a rookie. Lovie encouraged and nurtured his leadership ability. So much so that even when Jameis cursed when he said “we going 6-0 on these bitches” Lovie didn’t cut him off or complain about the foul language. Get your facts str8
January 20th, 2016 at 3:16 am
@Lord C….yeah, I did what StPete did and that is an awesome tune man. I search for new music all the time and love it when I find nice surprises like that. I play too, and the tele sound from your guitarist really rounds out the character (I love teles and strats in that style of music, own quite a few, then the les paul for those heavier bluesy days). All of it is great, the drummer too. While I was listening the first time, I was waiting for the singer to throw the power in his vocals and he finally delivered. You guys really have something here. Which one are you?
January 20th, 2016 at 3:22 am
Btw, back to the subject…..This is exactly why I was hoping Koetter would get the job. I like his style. Sitting another year with Lovie wouldnt have done anything but cause more frustration and another high draft pick. Why stay stagnant and stoic like Lovie was? Na man, this is already looking much better. If we can just fix that D and get the players to play more disciplined, we’ll be above .500 next season.
I see nothing but upside potential now….we wouldnt be getting that with Lovie still at the helm.