GMC Vs. America’s Quarterback
January 31st, 2016
Will GMC and America’s Quarterback still be smiling tonight? (Photo courtesy of Buccaneers Instagram account.)
Tonight at 7 p.m., Bucs fans may get to see a rare feat. Joe’s going to guess most reasonable Bucs fans will never want to see this happen again, either.
There is a chance Gerald McCoy blasts America’s Quarterback, Jameis Winston.
The Pro Bowl kicks off and Joe can’t remember the last time he watched the Pro Bowl, but Joe isn’t anti-Pro Bowl, either. People watch. A lot, hence why it exists (professional sports leagues and TV networks are not inclined to pay big money to broadcast test patterns, which is why PBS is bankrolled by the feds).
Joe will tune in (likely watching from a downtown San Francisco watering hole) largely because of the large Bucs’ contingent participating in Honolulu. But here is the rub: Since the Pro Bowl has morphed into a reality version of fantasy football, Bucs’ worlds collide. GMC and Jameis are on opposing teams, which means GMC could light up the franchise.
In this video from, GMC puts Bucs fans at ease with this frightening thought.
.@Geraldini93‘s message to Bucs fans for when @Jaboowins is @ QB!
Watch the full interview:
— Tampa Bay Buccaneers (@TBBuccaneers) January 30, 2016
January 31st, 2016 at 8:30 am
Although the odds are against a problem….I’m not sure I like players from the same team opposing each other…..I liked the old AFC-NFC matchup better.
January 31st, 2016 at 8:42 am
GMC know full well that if he hurts Jaboo, his time in Tampa will be done. Simple as that!!
He’ll be sharing a basement with dear old lovie.
On another note, excited to see 5 pro bowlers suit up for the Bucs. Whens the last time that happended? I don’t think I’ve watched a pro bowl since DB55 won MVP.
January 31st, 2016 at 8:46 am
No fear Fans….GMC sack a QB?….LMAO. I thought he only disrupts.
January 31st, 2016 at 8:50 am
Im working….but I’ll catch up.
January 31st, 2016 at 8:52 am
Here is the real question. If GMC knocks Jameis down, will he help him up?
January 31st, 2016 at 8:59 am
Who cares……’s the Toilet Bowl!!!!
……I’d rather watch paint dry
January 31st, 2016 at 9:30 am
Nobody “blasts” anybody in the pro bowl. The Oline and Dline players barely even engage each other. Its like a glorified touch football game among the NFL elite.
The newer format of picking teams and mixing the conferences is a joke. The pro bowl is a joke. Its why so many players who are “honored” by their fans and coaches to participate decline the invitation these days.
Can anyone reading this comment thread (including either Joe) honestly say they have watched the entirety of every pro bowl the last 5 years?? Just ONE of you?
Didn’t think so. By contrast – how many here have seen every play of the NFC Championship games the last 5 years? a good % I bet.
January 31st, 2016 at 10:38 am
All they have to do is double…and triple team McCoy like usual.
January 31st, 2016 at 10:42 am
There’s absolutely no chance GMC will blast Jaboo bc Jaboo won’t be playing the first 5 mins of the game. No worries!
January 31st, 2016 at 10:49 am
Why is everyone dogging the Pro Bowl? I think it is great!!! OK, I could not even type that with a straight face. Actually I am pained because for me the off season has already begun. Not sure if I will even bother watching the Super Bowl. I hate Manning and I especially hate the stinking Panthers and Cam Newton. Ow well.
January 31st, 2016 at 11:08 am
More than likely THE MESSIAH will play after the 1st quarter. And we all know what Aunt Geraldine does after the 1st quarter.
January 31st, 2016 at 11:19 am
Fake a@@ looking doug martin…Franchise that punk $!# and make him do something he’s never done.2 consecutive years,not 1 good 2 bad.
Knowing dougs piss poor attitude he will probably ask for a trade if we franchise him
January 31st, 2016 at 11:30 am
I’ve watched the game the past few years and it’s been more competitive so idk what you guys are talking about
January 31st, 2016 at 11:42 am
If you encourage political debate here I’m very cool with that as long as we can rebut with facts. Political takes and examples encourage others here to jump in and also post incorrect or skewed “facts”
which is why PBS is bankrolled by the feds).
This is not actually true. PBS the network…gets 12% of it’s budget from the Feds…if you include grants to local stations…WUSF(here in Tampa) that number rises to a whopping 19%. That’s hardly “bankrolling” their efforts.
If you ever watch PBS you will inevitable run into their REAL source of funding…constant begging during their fund raising campaigns…often done by celebrities.
No big deal…just correcting the record because there are people here who believe what you just posted.
Some will say that even 19% is too much. That’s a valid debate and so we don’t always need to exaggerate political claims.
January 31st, 2016 at 12:31 pm
GMC is waiting for his chance to “accidentally” take out Winston’s knee so he can have his “leadership” role back.
January 31st, 2016 at 12:49 pm
Well…we’ve got a “good” backup in place…
GMC is a good guy. The current BEST player on the team. Yes, even better than Winston…right now.
Give it another year, and Winston will surpass him though.
January 31st, 2016 at 12:52 pm
Pickgrin Says
“Can anyone reading this comment thread (including either Joe) honestly say they have watched the entirety of every pro bowl the last 5 years?? Just ONE of you? ”
I watched half of the first quarter the year the format changed. Before that, I watched every year. As of that day, I have not watched it at all after that half a quarter.
It’s too much of a joke. And really, there is nothing to be proud of by being named to it anymore. It’s a popularity contest, nothing more.
January 31st, 2016 at 1:01 pm
It’s a popularity contest, nothing more.
Isn’t that true of all star games in every league. The NHL and NBA games are also jokes…MLB is the only contest with a semblance of real competition because guys simply do not want to risk their careers in the contact sports.
BTW in addition to popularity I would add name recognition…lots easier to get selected after a couple of appearances.
January 31st, 2016 at 1:50 pm
PBS bankrolled by the Feds? What the heck does that got to do with football Joe Limbaugh???? You see this is what I’ve been talking about for a while. These guys with their political leanings to the right always will take their opportunities to throw their political rhetoric and dogma they all follow and spin it up here regardless of the fact it’s got nothing to do with football or doesn’t even belong in the conversation. I don’t see us who lean to the left or ‘Libs’ doing that just their kind doing it but let me or anyone for that fact bring up race in any conversation then suckers from both sides of the fence come out in force getting all upset and butthurt up here. Why can’t you guys leave your political crap out of the coversation??? Joe why do you allow you partner do that? You guys don’t want race up here then leave your political crap with the FOX network.
January 31st, 2016 at 2:46 pm
I can’t wait till my kids colleges get “bankrolled by the feds” 😜
January 31st, 2016 at 2:56 pm
Here’s a political statement for ya. PBS sucks and always has. I hated it when I was a kid and I hate it now. Who freaking cares. Go away with your political views. I come on here to escape that garbage. That’s what sports does. But you guys are trying to ruin it. Screw off or talk sports.
OK back to the Bucs………I love Jameis and my wife loves his butt. Not a problem fan but oh yeah I’ll be watching if my man is under senter.
January 31st, 2016 at 2:58 pm
*probowl* not problem
January 31st, 2016 at 4:01 pm
Hey DavidbigBucsfan…
So you acknowledge that PBS is at least partially , 20%, bankrolled by the government and it is (very) liberal leaning… at least you have your eyes open, that is a good start.
Just remember, if you don’t like what The Joes have to say, you have the right not to tune into their website, just like nobody tunes into PBS, which is why the government has to subsidize it… your choice.
January 31st, 2016 at 4:47 pm
The problem has always been a bad game to watch because of the way the game is played by the players. Not only is it meaningless but the players have no intensity.
So they tryed to spice it up. What pile of morons came up with an idea to let two random people just mix it all the teams willy nilly? Who came up wit this horrible idea and who approved it? At least before we were given a rooting interest, NFC or AFC.
Now the game still sucks and the rooting interest has been removed. Even if you are a hard core Jerry Rice fan do you really care if he selected a winning team? Not that there was much to ruin but the NFL did just that…….Let’s factor in the week the game is played too. The 4 best team that played last week aren’t even represented in the All-Star game? Now it isn’t even legitimate. They have taken a major percentage of the best players directly out of the game. The probowlers after the Super Bowl I liked better because at least we got one last glimpse of pro football after it was all over.
January 31st, 2016 at 5:06 pm
Thanks Roger Goodell ffor ruinin yet another part of the game. You got your wish last week when a super bowl contender was decided by a extra point and not by the real players? Can we at least get an explanation why this is a good idea?
We have also seen 3 separate Super Bowl teams aided by instant replay, one that cost Tampa. On each of these games instant replay result was more questionable then the ruling on the field. In fact without the replay nobody would have second guessed it.
You have let replay brin more games into question then evr before. I remember last year each and every game was scrutnized from your butchery of the replay system……..what has been the reaction from Goodell? More replays on more plays.
And thanks for your novel of a rulebook. You cost yourself a fan because I can’t even explain the game to my wife…. The second she stats to understand a flag gets thrown that I don’t even understand. That why their is a referee on the broadcast isn’t their? So he can explain the rules to fans who care. The game is becoming more and more unwatchable every year. Go back to Tampa/Washington and tell me its exciting…….the referees moved the ball more then the offenses.
And if your going to have rules to the extreme don’t insult my intelligence with them. If you have a rule for “hitting a defenseless receiver” then call it on most plays. Because it happens on most plays. Otherwise call it “hitting too hard” because that’s what gets a flag grown in reality…………. In other words take your fantasy land rulebook and cram it up your rear.
Roger Goodell you sir are the worst comminisher in American Sports history. I only wish a one man protest could make a difference……… reality a stadium sized protest doesn’t make a difference to you does it? Yeah LA deserved a team more then a sold out St Louis deserved to lose one didn’t they?
Not only are you a bumbling idiot when it comes to putting a decent product into NFL cities. You are a dirtbag of a human to pationate fans who actually love the sport.
January 31st, 2016 at 5:18 pm
And Mr Goodell I do not appreciate you not answering my hand written letter. So while you may swag around in a suit that would take me a year of payments to afford and while you may hob-knob in a “sealed to the public” restaurant eating food that like like art from your silver-plated spoon……….I sir…….know in my heart……you have none class.
January 31st, 2016 at 11:39 pm
BuccoDav why not? Many of the largest corporations in this country are subsidized by the Fed so why not something like that? I really don’t care about it but support our government helping it out. Many Americans benefit from it.
Hey Buccaneers, tell him how you really feel! I think you held back some! Lol that was funny!