Archive for 2015

Jameis And The Lightning

Thursday, May 21st, 2015
The magic of "America's Quarterback," Jameis Winston, rubbed off on the Lightning last night as Jameis was in attendance.

The magic of “America’s Quarterback,” Jameis Winston, rubbed off on the Lightning. Jameis was in attendance last night.

So as Joe settled in to watch David Letterman’s final show last night (Joe is feeling old. Eddie Van Halen is over 60 and Letterman is retired. Damn.), Joe’s Twitter feed blew up with photos of “America’s Quarterback,’ Bucs signal-caller Jameis Winston, in a luxury box at the thrilling Lightning overtime win. (more…)

“I Think That Quarterback, By The Way, Is Going To Make That Offensive Line A Lot Better”

Thursday, May 21st, 2015

Jameis Bajakian

It seems Tampa Bay Buccaneers beat writer Rick Stroud believes Jameis Winston has super powers. (more…)

Players Vote Mike Evans No. 75

Wednesday, May 20th, 2015

mike evans 1201NFL players have spoken. (more…)

Help Is Needed

Wednesday, May 20th, 2015

Bill Polian wags a finger at those who believe the Bucs are a complete team.

Yes, the Bucs added a franchise quarterback in the draft, “America’s Quarterback,” Jameis Winston. Yes, the Bucs added a pair of rookie offensive linemen projected to be starters.

Also, the Bucs bought quite few second-tier free agents that not just add depth, but know Lovie Smith’s defense. (more…)

Jameis’ Weapons

Wednesday, May 20th, 2015

jameis 0324When the Bucs decided to draft “America’s Quarterback,” Jameis Winston, back in 2013 earlier this year, it was reasoned that Jameis would have a chance to succeed due to his weapons. (more…)

“The Great Teams, They Know Each Other”

Wednesday, May 20th, 2015

SappGrudenA couple of 2015 Buccaneers own a Super Bowl ring, and when one of them talks, it’s always worth listening. (more…)

Is Jameis Winston Fourth-Down Material?

Wednesday, May 20th, 2015


Joe learned from a Tampa Bay Buccaneers coach that one way to spot a special teams stud is to look for players “jacking around” in the locker room. (more…)

Hypocritical, Idiotic NFL Rule Change

Wednesday, May 20th, 2015
Bucs kicker Patrick Murray's job just got more important.

Bucs kicker Patrick Murray’s job just got more important.

Joe’s dome is shaking at the rule change made yesterday that pushes an extra point back to the 15 yard line. (more…)

Rays At Braves Tonight

Wednesday, May 20th, 2015

Nothing quite like enjoying a Rays game at Hooters with a giant ice cold beer. Click below for your nearest location and more.


Right Guard Will Be Inexperienced

Wednesday, May 20th, 2015
If rookie Ali Marpet cannot hack NFL competition early on, the Bucs will turn to Kadeem Edwards at right guard.

The Bucs will turn to Kadeem Edwards at right guard, if rookie Ali Marpet cannot hack NFL competition early on.

Yes, the Bucs are putting a lot of pressure on “America’s Quarterback,” signal-caller Jameis Winston. Starting a rookie QB, no matter how talented he may be, is always a gamble.

Putting that same rookie behind a shaky offensive line could be the proverbial pulling the pin on a hand grenade. (more…)

Trade-Down Crowd Had Little Hope

Wednesday, May 20th, 2015

gil brandtThe godfather of modern scouting said this was a terrible year to trade away a quality draft pick. (more…)

Jameis Needs Stability

Wednesday, May 20th, 2015
jameis 0505

Davin Joseph talks about Lovie Smith’s job security

There are several ways to blow up a rookie quarterback’s career.

One is to have a sieve for an offensive line. (more…)

Bucs Fandom Gone Too Far

Wednesday, May 20th, 2015

mike evans fans

Yeah, some folks think Joe is too much into football, eating, sleeping and talking football virtually 24/7. Joe could think of worse things to be consumed by. (more…)

Tampa A Finalist For Two Super Bowls

Wednesday, May 20th, 2015


Are the Bucs trying to lure another Super Bowl to Tampa? Per a report late last night, that seems to be the case.

Adam H. Beasley of the Miami Herald claims Tampa Bay is among four finalists to host either Super Bowl 2019 or 2020. (more…)

Joe Talks Jameis Jabs, Coaching Changes, D-Line Jockeying & More

Tuesday, May 19th, 2015

joe_mug_shotIt’s Tuesday! So Joe was back in the cage of The Big Dog, Steve Duemig of WDAE-AM 620.

Plenty of subjects were on the table. (more…)

Defense A Strength?

Tuesday, May 19th, 2015
Is the defense of the Bucs, led by LB Lavonte David, truly a "strength?"

Is the defense of the Bucs, led by LB Lavonte David, truly a “strength?”

Yes, Joe knows the Bucs defense last year wasn’t always humming. Hell, what was? The team finished 2-14.

Whenever anyone talks Bucs — including Joe — keep whispering to yourself: 2-14. (more…)

$68,000 And A Dream

Tuesday, May 19th, 2015


The NFL is filled with so many long shot stories. And the more you scrutinize the Bucs roster, the more it seems seventh-round pick, bruising running back/fullback Joey Iosefa, looks like Mason Foster chasing a tight end. (more…)

“A Lot Of Ingredients”

Tuesday, May 19th, 2015

Chef Leslie Frazier has work to do

Your Tampa Bay Buccaneers have selected exactly one defensive player in the last two NFL drafts.

So Joe figured it might be a good idea to ask defensive coordinator Leslie Frazier about him yesterday. (more…)

George Two-Thirds Johnson

Tuesday, May 19th, 2015
New Bucs defensive end George Johnson

New Bucs defensive end George Johnson

Joe’s not sure why, but the day always seems brighter when Casey Phillips is delivering insider news from One Buc Palace. (more…)

Nickerson Improving As A Coach

Tuesday, May 19th, 2015
Bucs LB coach Hardy Nickerson said he is always looking for an edge to improve.

Bucs LB coach Hardy Nickerson said he is always looking for an edge to improve.

Coaching is often overlooked as a two-way street. Yeah, coaches bark orders and fans expect players to carry out those orders to win games.

That’s a simplistic approach. (more…)

“It Is Terrible In Tampa”

Tuesday, May 19th, 2015
Gregg Rosenthal of is no fan of Bucs RB Charles Sims. is no fan of running back Charles Sims.

The 2014 Bucs offense was gut-wrenching. Joe didn’t know what made him heave more last year, turnstile blocking, no running game, a turnover-prone quarterback who played like a scared eighth-grader, or the not-so-well-done cheeseburger Joe tried to wash down with a rank craft beer sporting some weirdo name. (more…)