Archive for 2015

Electing “Captain” Jameis

Tuesday, June 30th, 2015


In the world of Lovie Smith, and on most NFL teams, players elect team captains: two on offense, two on defense and one for special teams. (more…)

Jameis Winston Won’t Bail On Social Media

Tuesday, June 30th, 2015

lovie 1110bAmerica’s Quarterback, Jameis Winston, may be running and hiding from his Super Bowl plan, but he won’t hide from the trolls and haters on Twitter. (more…)

“Not A Lot Of Guys That Can Do That”

Tuesday, June 30th, 2015
Bucs rookie left tackle Donovan Smith

Bucs rookie left tackle Donovan Smith

Even former Bucs ironman and Pro Bowler Donald Penn was in the NFL a season and a half before he stepped in and owned the Tampa Bay left tackle position from 2007 through 2013.

Rookie second-round pick Donovan Smith will have no such luxury. (more…)

Jenkins Nonsense Dying Down

Tuesday, June 30th, 2015
Bank on Johnthan Banks, says ESPN.

Bank on Johnthan Banks, says ESPN.

Joe just wants to beat his head against the wall when he hears these rumors pop up — fueled by Lovie Smith — that journeyman Mike Jenkins is in the running to usurp Johnthan Banks as a starting cornerback.

Joe has replayed countless games in his mind (not advisable) and can’t think of why Lovie seems irked that Banks is a solid young corner and a darkhorse for the Pro Bowl the way he played the second half of last season. (more…)

Lofty Rookie Expectations

Tuesday, June 30th, 2015
Big rookie numbers expected. Photo courtesy of

Record-breaking numbers expected. Photo courtesy of

Generally — not absolutely, but generally — rookie quarterbacks struggle.

There’s a severe learning curve coming from college to the NFL. It can be transitioning from spread-option to pro-style; but it’s often because rookie quarterbacks find themselves on garbage teams. (more…)

Evans: Health Key To Stardom

Tuesday, June 30th, 2015
mike evans 1113

Admits to practicing too cautiously for fear of reinjuring himself.

Last year, Bucs Godzilla-like wide receiver Mike Evans missed a huge chunk of offseason workouts because of a bum hamstring. He was beat up early in the regular season, too. (more…)

Help Likely Coming

Monday, June 29th, 2015
Joe is pretty sure there will be additions to the offensive line roster before the regular season begins.

Expect additions to the offensive line before the regular season begins.

Rarely does a day go by that Joe isn’t asked about the offensive line. Understandable. It’s a big key to the development of “America’s Quarterback,” Bucs signal-caller Jameis Winston. (more…)

Report: Bucs Snubbed By Dan Connolly

Monday, June 29th, 2015

Fresh news on the Bucs and Dan Connolly

The man who seized barbecue duties for the Super Bowl champs after Logan Mankins arrived at One Buc Palace gave the Bucs a thumbs down. (more…)

More Tanking Allegations

Monday, June 29th, 2015

Jameisrookie4There are plenty of X-files in recent Buccaneers history.

Why did Michael Clayton get a fat new contract when fans knew he couldn’t catch the football? Why was career loser Josh McCown handpicked to lead the Bucs back to the Super Bowl? (more…)

Interview Prowess

Monday, June 29th, 2015

lovie 0322Those like Joe who have worked in the real business world (and Joe’s not talking about the twisted, ego-driven world of media) know there’s always “Interview Guy” running around the office. (more…)


Monday, June 29th, 2015
Spreadsheets already believe the Bucs have upgraded on offense from the likes of turnover-prone quarterback Josh McCown.

Spreadsheeters already believe the Bucs have upgraded on offense from the likes of turnover-prone quarterback Josh McCown.

How scarred are Bucs fans from the nutkick of a 2014 season? Well, it is common for a Bucs fan to be found in a neighborhood bar sitting alone in the corner incoherently mumbling the sordid three names of “Josh McCown… Anthony Collins… Oniel Cousins… ” over and over again. (more…)

Martin Key To Jameis Success?

Monday, June 29th, 2015
Key to development of "America's Quarterback?"

Key to development of “America’s Quarterback?”

Yes, right-thinking Bucs fans are all giddy about the pro debut of “America’s Quarterback,” Bucs signal-caller Jameis Winston. The only people not excited are out and out haters, or those living such miserable lives, they spend summer Sunday afternoons plotting ways to poison pet rabbits. (more…)

Scroll Down!

Monday, June 29th, 2015

joemugshotJoe worked hard the past few days and pounded out 18 posts. There’s no snooze on This isn’t one of those websites that sleeps on Bucs fans.

So take a deep breath, scroll all the way down and dive in. There’s plenty of meat on the bone.


Monday, June 29th, 2015
CBS Sports is not enamored with Bucs LG Logan Mankins.

CBS Sports is not enamored with Bucs guard Logan Mankins.

There’s all kinds of legitimate finger pointing for the Bucs being an eyerake of a 2-14 team last year: turnover-prone Josh McClown, Ghost Johnson, Anthony Collins, zero running game, a porous defense … the list goes on. (more…)

Losing Is Shaming GMC

Sunday, June 28th, 2015
Losing is starting to unnerve GMC.

Losing is starting to unnerve GMC.

Even though a player may be one of the best in the game, it’s hard to establish a legacy when your team is building a legacy of losing. (more…)

Doing It The “Wright Way”

Sunday, June 28th, 2015
Bucs tight end Tim Wright

Bucs tight end Tim Wright

A fourth string undrafted rookie tight end out of training camp in 2013, Tim Wright soon found the best NFL teams executing defensive game plans around him.


Gholston: “I Think I’m Gonna Be A Whole Different Player”

Sunday, June 28th, 2015
(Photo courtesy of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers)

(Photo courtesy of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers)

Jacquies Smith was snatched off the street by the Buccaneers last fall, later booted William Gholston from his starting left defensive end job and became the toast of Tampa Bay fans (those still watching) with 6.5 sacks in a half season of steady action. (more…)

Undaunted Kwon Alexander

Sunday, June 28th, 2015

The Bucs’ youngest rookie says the NFL “is nothing different.”

Back in March at the NFL Owners meetings, minutes before Joe had breakfast with Lovie Smith, Joe chatted with the head coach about rookies in at corridor at the swanky Phoenix resort.

Lovie made the point that rookies are different than they used to be. (more…)

Mike James’ Days Numbers?

Sunday, June 28th, 2015
This summer could be stressful for Bucs RB Mike James.

This summer could be stressful for Bucs RB Mike James.

Yes, Joe knows one could argue the Bucs have a deep stable of running backs. Cynics would suggest it’s deep all right, and not for the right reasons.

(Think: Landmines that dot a cow pasture.) (more…)

Wright No Threat To ASJ

Saturday, June 27th, 2015
Austin Seferian-Jenkins need not worry about Tim Wright.

Austin Seferian-Jenkins need not worry about Tim Wright being claimed off waivers.

One great Bucs problem is holes all across the lineup.

That’s why the team farted in the elevator last year and finished 2-14. A reason why the team stunk was virtually no depth to speak of. (more…)

Irvin Worried About Sapp

Saturday, June 27th, 2015

sapp and irvin

No matter how badly former Bucs great Warren Sapp may have treated fans, it bothers Joe to see Sapp’s life spiral out of control the way it has recently. (more…)